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The Stink Eye — Drooping Willows 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
@Nyna - I thought "might as well make this her thread" so that she could get the +40 instead of +30 for development cause its an RE instead of just meeting a new wolf

-Narime, you have found the remains of a deer - but it is rotten and inedible.
The silver woman was completely unsure of herself. Twice she had turned around deciding to go back to Whisper Caverns territory, and twice her paws turned her back around to head towards Willow Ridge. Nari didn't want to get Elettra involved in her pack's issues with Cut Rock River. She had planned on keeping the Willow Ridge wolves, and her son, out of the loop. However the she wolf was still too loyal to the willow matriarch. She couldn't just leave the blackened she wolf to watch a war start between an ally near her doorstep and the forest wolves. At least this way she would be able to warn El if trouble might come her way.

As she loped along the edges of the willow forest the scent of decay struck her nose. It was a harsh but sweet smell of death that often came from a long dead animal. Narime neither veered towards or away from the smell as she traveled at a comfortable speed over the stiff grasses. Her legs carried her to the source of the scent, the scattered remains of a deer, where Nari promptly ignored the carcass. A few ravens scattered about as she loped passed the remains and continued on her way. By smell alone Nari knew that she couldn't eat the bits of deer left behind her, but the birds certainly could. Besides she had too much on her mind to think about. Eating was not one of them.

faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Becca who has 14 posts.
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Nyna Lagina
I'm thinking worse case, she can't get the meat thrown back up and has a bad stomach ache ^^ @Narimé

She was lost, hungry, cold. It was horrible. She had come back over the mountain in search of a home. The other side of the mountains had been so empty. It was as if any life there had been scared away. She wasn't stupid either so she knew better than to linger somewhere where no packs (that she knew of) dared to stay. So off she had gone not sure where to go.

Trailing along a willow tree forest she made sure to steer clear of the borders she scented not too far. With so many scents she figured the pack was rather full and wouldn't want some strange, hungry, loner like herself trying to slip into their ranks. Her stomach growled in such a loud manner she thought it might have been one of those wolves who lived in the pack. Stopping for a moment she looked down at the ground. "I know, I'm hungry. I don't need your growling and grumbling to remind me." Huffing she continued to move along. When it seemed like nothing good would happen, the scent of dead deer tumbled into her nose. The Lagina yearling didn't even bother to take in the account of how old it smelled, or that another wolf's scent was on the wind.

Running forward she barked loudly to scare off the ravens pecking away at the dead old deer. Sticking her nose into the nasty smelling thing she only managed to get a good two large bites in before her stomach and throat started to fight back. Pulling away from the deer she then took a good look at it. Eating its leftover meat probably wasn't such a good idea. She would certainly be sick. Maybe if she could hack it back up...

Leaning her head down towards the ground she offered a few loud hacks in hope to get the meat back up. She should have known better.


Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
Narime hadn't gone too far from the bits of deer decaying upon the earth before she heard the sound of barking. There was a wolf near by? She stops herself and turns to look back to check if there was any danger. Nari hadn't scented the wolf because the wind had been heading in the other direction. Curious as to whether the stranger was following her or if it was just coincidence that they might cross paths, Nari turned around and slowly headed back towards the ravens and deer parts. She could now see a creme and gray form standing near the rotting remains all hunched over. Nari cautiously approaches, intent on asking the she wolf what she was doing, but then heard the hacking sounds. Nari stops dead in her tracks about fifteen feet away from the other wolf. Is this wolf sick? brief panic flooded her as Nari watched the woman with a concerned look on her face.

After a whole year of worrying about rabies when that disease decided to break out into lore, the silver queen wasn't too keen on approaching wolves who were visually showing signs of sickness. Though as she looked closer Nari noticed something. The whole carcass had been moved, as if something with enough bulk had moved it. Stretching forward to watch the stranger closely, the cavern wolf realized that the loner must have tried eating the inedible deer meat. She scrunched up her nose pitying the other woman before tentatively padding a few steps forward. She doesn't smell of sickness, I think its just the meat she ate... Her thoughts echoed quietly as Nari lowers her head and looks toward the she wolf intrigued with whether she would choke to death or puke up the rotten meat.

"You okay miss?"

Nari asked before raising her head up once more. Her eyes still held a bit of concern in them. She wanted to help out, but had no idea how to. If only Kassander were here... She thinks just before a pang of loss fills her heart.
faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Becca who has 14 posts.
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Nyna Lagina
Assuming that Nyna has her back to @Narimé

"You okay miss?"

Stopping her hacking she straightened herself out and turned around to face the other woman. They were almost alike except for the fact the other was older and almost drained from real colors. So caught up in staring at the other woman she forgot to answer the older woman's question.

"Oh, um, yeah. I accidentally ate this deer here." A bit embarrassed and nervous about the situation the Lagina yearling struggled for something more to say. "You see..I haven't had a good meal in quite some time so I wanted to take advantage of this deer. I guess I found out it was rotten a bit too late though." Offering a rather stiff laugh she backed up just a step still feeling nervous.

Flicking her tail cautiously it was quite obvious how nervous and anxious the yearling was. "My apologies miss, I don't think I properly introduced myself?" It was almost questioning as if she couldn't remember in her jumbled anxious mind if she brought up her name or not. "My name is Nyna, Nyna Lagina loner of these lands." She offered a respectful nod to the other female. She still had this uncanny feeling that they were alike in some way. Maybe it was the eyes, or the build. Whatever it was had Nyna pondering such things by long thought and examining the other woman."May I have the honor of knowing your name?" Perhaps she had met this woman before...Nyna didn't think so but many things were possible.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
Narime gives the woman a soft smile as she looks over the deer remains in disgust. She could see the nervousness of the youth and kept her tail carefully neutral to show her that she was no threat.

"Don't be sorry, you were a little busy just before. You have no need to apologize. "

Nari spoke kindly feeling a bit sorry for the woman. The last time she had been sick herself was when she was pregnant with Titan, Yuka, and Malia. Nari closed her eyes and tried to let the grim thoughts of the womans daughter pass her by. However as Nyna introduced herself Nari was struck with surprise which soon turned to suspicion.

"Nyna... Lagina?"

She said suspiciously while pinning the she wolf with her own pale blue eyes. She noted Nyna's paler blue orbs as well as the varying creams, reds, and grays in her fur. Truth be told the she wolf did have Nari's body shape. Or maybe I'm imagining these things and this is all a hoax uncle Kino thought up. Nari thought quietly while evaluating the situation and figuring out what she should say next.

"Your name is about as interesting as mine is... Narime Lagina at your service. "

Nari spoke cautiously while removing her gaze from Nyna and placing it on a raven that was beginning to hop its way towards them and the meat.

"Who're your parents? Why did you leave that mountain pack you came from? Were you following uncle Tokino?"

Nari let her questions splurge from her mouth. She didn't stop them because her curiosity was spilling over the edge. However Nari did back one step away still unsure if she should trust this new Lagina wolf.
faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Becca who has 14 posts.
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Nyna Lagina

"Nyna... Lagina?"

A quick nod was offered from the young female. That was her name and it always had been. Although it was a bit strange how the other woman, who still looked so much like herself, was almost questioning her name. Did she not believe her? Well Nyna wouldn't blame her, as the pair did just meet.

As the older wolf spoke her name to be Narimé Lagina, which meant that this female must have been family. A sigh of relief was rattled out of her lungs. Finally someone she could trust....but from the looks of it. The older Lagina woman didn't feel the same as Nyna.

"One at a time please," Nyna chuckled lightly. "I'll answer your questions though." With a bit of a smirk the yearling adjusted herself into a comfortable position on the ground, sitting posture. "You wanted to know of parents, yes? I was born to Tula Sky and Marcus Lagina of Mountain Rose." Pausing to allow the other female to pick up this information Nyna made sure her tone when speaking were light and respectful. "I left in search of somewhere else to live and be happy. After my father, Marcus, had been beaten in a leadership challenge for the pack by my older half brother, Raiguk, I left. Even though it wasn't a real challenge in my opinion. Sense my father had been old and ill..." Her face made a rather bold frown crossed her frown on these thoughts. Thought as promised Nyna had to answer Narimé's question. With one left she assumed it would be rather easy.

Yet the next question was not an easy topic for her. It was about Tokino. "Tokino, eh? I wouldn't go after him even if I was told to." Half a laugh and growl came out rumbling from the yearling. "He left before I did anyways so no way I'd ever cross his path again." Shifting her weight she assumed that was the end of her answering questions. Maybe they could have a more even conversation now.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Nari watches quietly as Nyna sits down obviously comfortable in her presence. She noted how the other Lagina she wolf had calmed down after she had introduced herself. It was as if knowing her name and their relation meant that Nyna could automatically trust her. Nari knew that she was seeing naivety. A certain naivety that she had once as a youngster flaunted to every wolf who would listen. Now the elder Lagina female knew better than to do that. She felt a little sorry that Nyna was like this though. Nari knew that somebody was going to teach Nyna how to not trust family the hard way at some point. She just hoped that it wasn't going to be herself.

Tula sky.. and Marcus.. Marcus Lagina.. That name is very familiar. She thinks while nodding at Nyna's words. Then the name clicks. Tokino had told her of a Marcus "Red" Lagina. A Lagina male who had a very rust, red, and ginger coat.

"Marcus is.. My grandfathers.. Yakova's brother right?"

Narime posed the quick question while biting her lip and trying to think back to what Tokino had tried teaching her. Her gaze flicks back to Nyna as she speaks about Tokino. Instantly Nari relaxes as she hears the annoyed tone Nyna speaks when mentioning Tokino. Obviously she didn't like him as well. Or at least he wasn't her favorite relative.

That thought made Nari happy.

Her tail began to wag as Nari visibly relaxed before her ... grand aunt? Or ... grand-something.

"So you just didn't like living in the same old place then?" She asks while letting her gaze wander back to the deer carcass where ravens were beginning to flock to it once more. Nari was half tempted to chase the birds off just for the hell of it, but her chat with Nyna kept the silver wolf in place.

faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief