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three-card monte — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
All right, ya youngsters - @Deacon, @Castiel, @Greer - Dad's got ya somethin'. <333 'Mom' Elettra might show, so now's the time to impress.

October 18th; Early morning, cold, slight fog; Patchy light snow; 33° F/1° C

According to Angier, the Lyall princes were, at 5 months old, surprisingly pleasant. It was as if nothing had truly changed. While he knew, this time around, the cubs he was rearing were his own, it seemed no different than when Asriel went scouting about the borders, Sköll went creeping about the shadows, and Morganna kept well within Willow Ridge borders, typically inside the den or somewhere not far from it. Unlike their older step-siblings though, Angier liked to think that his sons were... an improvement. As such, he supposed a treat, as per tradition in the Lyall family, was in order. With a small touch of his tongue to @Elettra's temple and slowly removing himself from her side, he tiptoed over the slumbering souls who had crashed in the den and Infirmary for the night.

While the morning had been chilly, bringing on what was Relic Lore's first early snowfall (surely it would be gone by the following day), finding and hunting down something suitable for the cubs was easy. In the frost the rabbits starkly stood out in their summer and autumn pelt coloring between the trees. The sun had begun to rise by the time he returned to the pack den, but the gray skies overhead made it clear that it would not shine through the cloud cover until well in the afternoon. The rabbit in his jowls wriggled and squirmed; it did little to muffle the bark he issued to his brood.

He waited for one of them to emerge before setting the leporid on the ground. Instinctively, it fled, but with its injured left leg, it didn't go anywhere too fast. In terms of how far, he supposed he would have to supervise them. The Leader and father wasn't too concerned though; on his terms, he had made this little challenge a bit too easy just by injuring one of the hare's hind limbs. His father, Merritt, had given Borden, Angier, and their three siblings to squabble over a live, perfectly healthy mountain hare, which not only escalated the rivalry between the brothers but the only one who had a full stomach was Dove, the only girl and smallest of the bunch. The Lyall boys, on the other hand, all received their father's scorn until each of them had brought the pack something to cache away.

After shooting the hare a rather intimidating glare - at present, it stood no more than 15 feet from the den with its body angled in such a way as to predict that it might dart behind the veil-like branches of the nearest willow - he issued a more demanding summons. They had been eating bits of regurgitated meat since they had first cut their eye teeth, now was time for them to learn how to put their hunter and tracker's legs to use.

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Melorama who has 46 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Castiel Archer Lyall

Castiel awoke to a bark, a summons of sort to come outside, well, more like a command. Opening his pale gold eyes, the Ridge Prince yawned, his pink tongue curling upwards as he stood and stretched. Quickly glancing at his two brothers, he noticed that they were not yet awake. But before he could nose their flanks to bring them out from the world of dreams a sharper, more commanding bark was issued forth from his father outside the den. With one last glance at Deacon and Greer, he hurried to exit the den, not wanting to displease Angier by taking too long, and letting his brothers wake up in their own time. It would teach them to be less tardy anyways.

He emerged to an early morning, a slight fog covering the landscape of his home, and a bitter cold feeling seeping into his thick, agouti fur. After he blinked a couple of times and his eyes grew accustomed to the daylight, Castiel could see patches of white stuff on the ground. His eyes widened. It must be what snow looked like. Hesitantly reaching forward a forepaw to touch it, he placed his paw into the cold, mushy snow, leaving behind a hole in the shape of his paws. It was nothing like he imagined it to feel like, but he was curious nonetheless.

It was then that the Ridge Prince noticed his father standing close by, and he grinned a wide wolf grin. "Dad!" he crowed excitedly, before his attention was caught by a hare no less than fifteen feet away from him. His tawny ears perked up and he glanced at Angier for a moment, as if asking permission, before dropping down into a crouch and stalking forwards with the intent of catching the rabbit and making a meal out of it.

305 Words
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

I'm An Archer By Looks
Deacon Archer Lyall
But a Lyall By Acts

He had heard his father but was slow to react. It took him a few moments to exit his groggy state and trail after Cass. When he arrived at the scene it didn't take long to figure out what was going on. His father, Angier, had brought the three boys a surprise. A great one too. A hare for the three of them to chase and get. But in the end only one of the Archer Lyall princes would be able to get it.

Nodding to his dad Deacon didn't speak even a word. Instead the dark boy crawled up towards @Castiel with a rather deep growl. "Let me go after it first. Then you can come next. Teamwork Cass, teamwork." Deacon was starting to take pride in his way of words. Of course he understood sometimes he was using his words for the wrong advantage but this time he was trying to be easy about it. Perhaps if his brother fell for his word trap Deacon would be able to have a chance at snagging it first.

Without even making sure his lighter colored brother followed his words Deacon was already stalking forward. His eyes locked on the beady eyes of the hare. He knew it could see him. All he needed was this hare to stay in that position long enough for him to close in enough distance between the two of them.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
"Dad!" a youthful voice came. Angier came to acknowledge his look-alike son first, smiling widely enough so that it reached his eyes. The rabbit not far from them gave a jolt and stumbled into the shelter of the umbrella-like tree it was closest to. "Shhhh-shh-shhhhh..." he hushed the youngster. "Look." He pointed with his nose to where the whip-like branches had fluttered from the leporid's fearful dash for cover. "I've brought ya a s'prise," he then explained.

Deacon's dark-furred head emerged next and before long his two sons were alert to the task at hand. The faint trace of blood and rabbit fur in the air and on the ground surely kicked their instincts into gear and Angier watched and listened as his first-born crept up to his brother with a demand that he go after it first before they could work as a team. The Leader's eyes idly went into the opening of the den, failing to pick up the pair of silvery eyes that belonged to his last-born, Greer, within the shadows. Reminded of his other brothers and deciding not to push his dark-coated child into participating, Angier returned his attention to the two who had answered his summons.

In the sort of manner that mimicked his father's air and tone, Angier slightly craned his head downward close to Castiel's temple to give the base of his ear a nudge. Then, to Deacon, he gave the boy a soft nip to the tip of the ear. "Don't let it sit too long," he softly growled. "Might be a mile away by now... Go on. You boys don't need to share it... and I've only brought you one."
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Just gonna go ahead and post to keep this going :x @Angier @Greer @Castiel

Archer By Looks
Deacon Archer Lyall
Lyall By Acts

Go on. You boys don't need to share it... and I've only brought you one."


Deacon's voice was a hasty reply to his father's order. As if in a warning Deacon clicked he teeth at Cass and offered a grimace to his father Angier. Sprinting right after the rabbit Deacon knew he could keep in the lead out of the two of the Archer-Lyalls present. His brother may have been able to run longer but Deacon knew he just needed to be quick and get this over.

Of course it wouldn't be an easy task. The hare was rather keen on getting away from death. It weaved through tight spots in between willow trees that Deacon would find himself passing by. The hare would dive under parts of fallen timber and the young Archer-Lyall found his legs making him awkwardly jumping over them. Only stumbling a few times in his many leaps and bounds. As much as the Willow Ridge Prince wanted to look back he didn't dare to look back for fear of seeing his brother's tawny form catching up to him. So the dark prince kept his eyes locked on the hare. It was all about him. This was his shot. His first real big chance to not only prove himself of having capable skills but also proving himself to be the better out of Elettra and Angier's litter.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
I don't know how I missed this! :(

If there was one thing that Greer didn’t like as much as crowds, it was being disturbed/woken up. Although it was the bark of his father that had awoken the willowy prince Greer was reluctant to stir from his slumber. As he drew his long legs closer into the warmth of his body, his silver eyes were drawn into slits as he observed Castiel sluggishly pull from his position. Eager beaver, he thought hastily as he watched his brother scramble outside the den to greet their father. Deacon followed shortly after, his large paws moving frantically to catch up. He remained where he was for a few moments, enjoying the solitude that came with the absence of his brothers, before he finally pushed himself to a stand. While he would have preferred to sleep longer and remain alone he wanted to participate in activities with his siblings and father, or else they were going to forget about him.

He hovered by the entrance of the den briefly, listening to his father announce that he had brought them a surprise – a hare. A hunt?! Excitement surged through his body, but he remained where he was, waiting patiently as he listened to his family whisper back and forth. He could hear both Castiel and Deacon take off – Deacon mumbling something about teamwork. Rolling his silver eyes the raven-coloured pup finally emerged from the den, giving his dad a quick nod before he silently stalked forward. His cold gaze swept his surroundings, pinpointing both the hare and his brothers as his deer-like legs moved his thin body quickly. Out of the three, he knew he was the fastest – his body was built for speed. He was the shadows, moving silently and swiftly through the brush, his willowy body making no sound as he closed the distance between himself and the hare.

While he had been the last join the hunt, he had caught up to Deacon quickly. Greer was the other brother, and while he enjoyed his solitude, he wanted to be recognized for his skills. He knew he was good at stalking and he had been sort of successful when it came to hunting the mice he stumbled upon. Adrenaline pulsed through him as he disappeared into the bush, his silver eyes shooting his brother a side-glance before focusing once more on the hare. His breath slowed, shoulders hunched as he crept forward as he prepared himself for the attack.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Melorama who has 46 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Castiel Archer Lyall
I am SO sorry for the wait guys. It won't happen again, I swear! Dx

Castiel nodded at Dee's words of teamwork, though he wasn't sure about the waiting behind part. They needed to work together as one to catch the hare, and so when his older brother shot off after the furry creature, the Ridge Prince quickly bounded after him. His legs lengthened their strides as he struggled to catch up to Dee while also dodging around the brush and aiming to not fall over. That would be far too embarrassing, and plus, it meant the hare and his brother would get further away and he'd have no chance at all to be a part of the action.

The Ridge Prince soon caught sight of his brother's form, but the third brother, Greer, swept easily past him and quickly up to Deacon's side. Pushing himself further and harder than ever, Castiel slowly gained ground on his two brothers as he ran in their tracks which spread the brush apart for him. This was the chance for one of them to get the praise for catching the hare, and he wanted it to be him, of course. But as much as he wanted it, Castiel wouldn't resort to any dirty tricks or foul play. He was honest in what he did, and that could get him or his brothers into trouble.

After coming up to his older brother's other side, the Ridge Prince focused his attention on the hare in front of them. It was very keen on escaping him and his siblings, but one way or another it would get caught today by one of them. Castiel evened out his ragged breathing as he prepared himself for the attack, desperately hoping that he wouldn't miss when his chance came.

285 Words