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Never let me go — Luna Hill 
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Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
Sighing heavily, Florence settled his head between his paws and looked out over the snow covered bushes. Though he was enjoying his new life at Black Thorn Downs, it was not the same without @Vera by his side. He had no idea where she was and though he wanted to call her, ask her to came back to him, he had no idea if she would even hear him. They hadn't seen each other since joining and briefly, Florence had entertained the thought that perhaps Vera had found someone better, more interesting within the pack then him and had not looked back. After all, Florence rarely talked and when he did, it was often about herbs or to answer a direct question. Vera liked talking and asking boundless questions. He preferred the quietness of his own mind and complementing things, where Vera liked diving straight into things without thinking first. Florence was slow to anger and patient where Vera could be brash and easy to anger. Maybe she found someone more like her and wanted nothing to do with Florence any more?

No, he was not going to go down without a fight and he wanted to talk to Vera. After all, he could just be jumping to conclusions. She could merely be busy with keeping the pack safe or on the hunt for food, which was desperately needed with the caches still so low. She hadn't abandoned him. After all, hadn't she waited for him for a month, when he vanished without a word?

Shaking his head and pushing all thoughts of Vera leaving him, of not wanting to be near or with him at away, Florence pushed himself to his feet and reaching full height, he tilted his head back and called for @Vera. I want to see you, he called with a hint of desperation to his voice. Wherever you are, come to me, please. Heart thumping in his chest, Florence waited underneath the large tree.

She is fine. She is safe. She is coming. The mantra repeated over and over in his mind as he waited.
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus

Vera hadn’t seen her larger companion for over a month, and was worried that something had happened to him. She wasn’t overly worried though, as she could still trace his scent on Black Thorn Downs territory, but since the day they joined she hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him. It wasn’t entirely his fault that they hadn’t seen each other, as she had busied herself with learning her new home’s territory and all the nooks and crannies available to her, as well as scouting out spots where herbs grew. This often meant she was out late and constantly on the move, never being in the same place for longer than a few minutes.

Her form froze when a beckoning howl from Florence echoed across the pack lands, filled with desperation and wanting to see her. Body quivering in anticipation, she shot off like a bullet from a gun and raced to the source of the howl. She was absently aware of heading in the direction of Luna Hill, but when her caramel brown eyes saw his large, dark form everything else emptied from her mind as she barreled into him, wrapping her body around his legs. "I missed you so much Florence!" She crowed excitedly, bounding around him like a young pup. "I’m so sorry I wasn’t around much, I was scouting out the territory and I guess it just distracted me from other things." Managing to stand still in front of him, she rubbed her cheek against his, glad to be with him once more.

257 Words

Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
It didn't take long for the small woman to hear his call and come towards it, barreling into him and bounded around his legs, causing him to laugh happily. All his worries faded away at the sight of her and he couldn't stop the big grin from making its way across his face. The light fae was looking well as she bounded around him, telling him why she hadn't been able to see him and apologizing for it. Florence shook his head, his laugh slowly dying in his throat. He was just happy to see her. It eased all the pain in his chest, for not seeing her.

"Vera!" Letting out a joyful bark at the sight of her, Florence bowed down and rubbed his cheek back against her, nuzzling her softly. "It's fine, I understand. I've been busy myself, gathering herbs and helping Fly and Kova gather food for the coming winter." Which reminded him of the meeting between himself and the strange woman from the creek and meeting his sister but he hesitated in telling her about the first meeting. She would get angry or jealous and he wanted their first meeting in over a month to stay happy. Hopefully, Vera wouldn't pick up on his slight uneasiness. "I also met my sister. She's a apart of the pack now too." Settling down on the ground beneath Luna Tree, Florence offered his side for Vera to curl up into, like they always used to. "She's just like my mother described her. Red coated with golden eyes and a hunter. She's nice enough, if a bit stand offish. I'd like you two to meet, if you want?" Florence hoped Vera would say yes, so that he could see how she and his family would get along.
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus

The Diminutive Ivory She-wolf grinned a slightly shameful grin surreptitiously to herself when Florence mentioned helping two other pack members gather food for the swift upcoming winter. It made her realize how so out of touch she was with the rest of the Black Thorn Down wolves, and she resolved to in the future meet with some of them and see how the rest of them were. She couldn't very well stay just with Florence her whole life, could she? Well... she could, but she knew she shouldn't. However, at the mention of his sister her ears pricked up curiously. Her larger companion didn't often talk about his siblings, and usually in the past she didn't listen with complete attention. To her, siblings were just as bad as an unknown wolf leaving you for dead, for all the use hers were to her. They didn't even care for her in any way, but instead used her like a chew toy.

Vera curled up beside Florence as he told her about his sister. Yes, she knew of her, but had never met the woman before. She hadn't met any of his siblings, actually, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad to meet one of them. "I suppose we could meet. I'm not sure she'd like me though, or if I'll like her." That was always the case with her; either she didn't like being around the other wolf or said wolf didn't like her for whatever reason. She would try to be likeable though, if they ever did meet, for Florence's sake.

261 Words

Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
Florence was a little worried that Vera and Senka would not get along but he hoped for both their sakes that they would. He wanted the woman he loved to be able to feel welcomed by at least one of his family, even if he had never met his older siblings before and had no idea what they were truly like.

"Well, I am sure everything will go fine." Florence reassured her, smiling down at her in a lovingly fond sort of way. He wanted to stay by Vera's side forever and didn't want to leave her ever again. This dredged up a bout of nervousness as he thought about it. To ask her to be his mate...It had been something he had been thinking of for a while. It was just...

He had no idea how to ask her or how Vera would react to the question at all. Would she say yes or stare at him as if he had grown a second head and say no?

His soul would shatter like thin ice of she said no. Hesitating slightly before licking his lips nervously before squeezing his eyes tightly and opening his mouth, his muscles twitching slightly.

"Verawouldyoubemymate?" Well, that could have gone better he thought at the words just tumbled out of his mouth, all joining together. Florence was normally good with words when he spoke but he was so very nervous and was afraid to be rejected by the one who had stolen his heart.
(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2014, 02:39 AM by Florence.)
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus
All of the feels right now <333 xD

Vera smiled up at her larger companion. "I sure hope so," she woofed softly, briefly burying her face in his chest before stepping back. She could feel waves of nervousness rolling off of his large frame in think waves, but had no idea why. Maybe it was because he was unsure if she really could get along with one of his siblings. She did, after all, have a hard time sharing him with a complete stranger, and a close family member that wants to be around him would be even worse. It didn't help that they were in a new pack with lots of other wolves around, which set her on edge. Just a bit, not enough to snap at anyone, but to be constantly on alert. No one would be able to get through her to Florence if she didn't want them to.

It was like her heart stopped and time froze for a minute when the words tumbled out of Florence's mouth. First she felt confusion as she tried to sort out the words, but as the meaning became clear to her, a nervous yet excited feeling ran through her veins. He wanted to be her mate, her to be his mate. He loved her, enough to want to be with her for the rest of his life. An explosion of random emotions flooded her as she stared silently at Florence. What would she say? Yes? No? Maybe? Everything was so confusing for her. But she was sure of one thing: she did love Florence. It had taken her a long time to realize that, and even then she had buried those feelings deep down, unsure if he returned them. But now that he knew that she knew, everything was different. Shakily opening her jaws, Vera whined softly, unsure of how to word her sentence. "Yes," she said softly, voice cracking slightly. "Yes," she repeated in a stronger voice, "I want to be your mate, Florence. I love you."

331 Words

Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
Florence waited so very nervously for Vera's decision, twitching slightly when she moved away after pressing her face to his chest.

All those negative feelings melted away the first moment Vera whispered "yes," before stating it in a stronger tone, that she wanted to be his mate and that she loved him. His throat tightened at the words yet his chest felt like it was expanding with affection and love for the woman before him. It felt like his heart was going to explode just from her saying yes.

"I love you too Vera." Florence finally managed to croak out, lifting his amber eyes to stare into Vera's caramel ones. "I've wanted to ask you that for a while now but I was too afraid to ask. But I've always loved you, ever since we met. I love you." His words were sincere and full of adoration for the other as he slowly stood up. Like always, he ended up towering over Vera but he wasn't threatening at all. No, his presence would be comforting and loving when it came to Vera. He would never harm her in any way or allow any harm to come to her, as far as he was by her side. "You are my Nix Delibo," He whispered softly to her, steeping towards her and nuzzling his nose to the top of her head. "My Semel ad curo meus ardere, the one who soothes my burning heart, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you'll me."
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus

A rush of warmth and love spread throughout Vera's entire body when Florence said the words 'I love you' to her. No one, not even her own parents or siblings had ever said anything like that to her before. It was always 'You're not good enough' or 'try harder next time, maybe you won't fail so hard', and eventually that was what drove her away. Never before had they ever expressed love or any sort of praise to her, except for a 'well done' here and there when she did something that somewhat pleased them. Even so, she did not hate her family for how they acted to her. She saw it as training her for the cruelness of the world, forcing her to erect a hard outer barrier around herself so the constant beatings of other wolves and life in general would not be able to break her down. Only Florence had managed to get past her armor, and he hadn't even been trying.

The Diminutive Ivory She-wolf craned her neck up to look at her larger companion as he stood up and towered over her. It wasn't threatening at all, no, it was comforting, and she melted into his embrace. "And you are my Fero," Vera murmured softly, her muzzle resting next to his ear as she spoke. "Meus militis in nitidus armatus, the one who saves me, my knight in shining armor whom comes to my rescue when I need it." A soft, crooning whine slowly seeped from her partially open jaws as she rubbed her cheek against his. "I shall love you forever, no matter what Florence, and I too, want to spend the rest of my life with you."

284 Words

Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
"You humble me, my Nix Delibo." He murmured as she told him that she too loved him and wanted to spend her life with him.

Falling in love with Vera had come as easily as taking a step for Florence. His love was for her beauty, for her feistiness. For everything about her. Continuing to love her was as easy as breathing to him and he thought that had she rejected him, then his very soul would would have shattered. But she hadn't. She had joyfully accepted and Florence felt as light as a feather. She wanted to live her life with him, as he wanted to with her.

A thought then occurred to Florence, as he lay there curled around Vera.

"We have to talk to Minka and Tokino about this." He rumbled softly to her but he did not move. He did not want to part from Vera in the slightest. He wanted to stay like this for a while, forever if it were possible. "They would want to know and I'd like their blessings, if they're willing to give them." Not that he or Vera would go behind their backs in any way but it was for the best, if they didn't want to get into any trouble.

But for now, Florence just wanted to bask in the affection and love he felt for Vera and what she felt for him. It had taken a long time for Florence to work up the courage to ask the smaller wolf to be his mate. Now the question was answered and they would be together for the rest of their lives.
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus

A soft giggle escaped from the Diminutive Ivory She-wolf's maw, one that could only be heard around Florence. He was the only one that could produce such feelings and emotions within her, and it was only when they were alone in each other's company that she felt safe enough, usually in a tranquil environment. The road to falling in love with her larger companion had been long and hard with many unforeseen bumps in the road, but it had also happened beneath the layers she erected around herself; unnoticed, hidden, until now. Now there was no way she could hide what she felt for him, not without isolating herself from his, and anyone else's company.

Vera sighed listlessly when Florence said that they needed to take up their current situation with Queen Minka and Kind Tokino. She would rather keep it to themselves, their own special little secret that no one else knew. However, a pack law was a pack law, and all of them needed to upheld without question. Following rules if they went against her own whims weren't something Vera liked to do, or ever did do, but she would do it for Florence if he asked her to. Not wanting to pull away from their embrace, she crooned softly into his neck fur where she had curled herself up into his body.

"I'm certain they'll allow it, Florence, as long as we come up straight and are completely truthful about it." Then there was also the case of trying for pups, but Vera wasn't ready for that. She knew her time would come soon, and until that day she would relish in her freedom to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted without having to care for another but Florence. Being free was much more important than having family, at least, in her mind, it certainly was. For the moment.

313 Words