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Size doesn't matter — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Missy who has 50 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Mordacai Ashrelle
For @Sorya

Mordacai had not found Sorya in the den, not to say that she wasn't there; the swarthy male had not yet met the official pack Guardian and could not identify her by sight or smell. He had simply looked for a Willow Ridge female that he had not met yet, who also looked like she could be a Guardian. None of the females in the den at that time had fit the bill. Now, he was making his way to the outskirts of their territory, hoping that the pack Guardian might be patrolling the borders at some point today.

The swarthy male was content to take a seat at the edges of the willow tree forest and wait for someone to pass. If he did not see her today, perhaps he could ask Enoki if she knew who Sorya was. He was loathe to talk to his sister, but he needed to begin training if he wanted to earn a role as Guardian in the pack. Cai just hoped that he ran into Sorya, whoever the hell she was, at some point today. He honestly hated the idea of having to ask his sister for help more than he hated the idea of having to train under someone despite his four years of experience. Of course, he had never been a Guardian before, but Cai was fairly certain he would be able to pick it up easy. It had always been his dream to be a Guardian. Cai's amber eyes scoured the forest as he sat, waiting patiently, hoping that the Sorya woman would pass this way today.

(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2014, 05:07 PM by Mordacai.)
[Image: 0e902ec3-b01e-40bd-8a59-555651ce82b7.png][Image: winteriscoming-wr.png]
Played by Namara who has 52 posts.
Inactive II. Guardian
Sorya Archer

Sorya Archer was not a wolf to be underestimated and that day, two foxes had learned that and paid their lives for their ignorance. Her well defined muscles carried her through the willow trees that she called home as she carried two foxes on her back. She had found the two creatures near the northern border and she wasn’t going to put up with it. She’d taken them out swiftly just as she had when she had taken down the two and their cubs when she proved her title to @Angier. She happened to pass by a wolf she had never met before and that rubbed her the wrong way. He carried the pack scent so he had to be somewhat useful but he was just sitting there, doing nothing. “Laziness in this pack is not tolerated. Do something useful.” Sorya had not gotten the memo that she was supposed to train the lazy ass.

She rolled her shoulders and shifted her neck, letting a cracking noise happen as she continued on with her work in order to return the foxes to the den where she might be tempted to skin them to line the pack den as she had done with the other foxes when she had, again, proved herself to Angier. She, alas, did not have time for such a feat. As a guardian and a second in command, she liked to make sure that wolves did their fair share of work considering they were parts of the pack. The winds of winter blew against her pelt to really set the scene. She had, at that point, paused and looked at the brute until he got to work. He wasn’t going to slack and she would make sure of it.

Played by Missy who has 50 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Mordacai Ashrelle
His voice ref is Castiel from Supernatural. I know you can appreciate that;)

Cali's ears and tail twitched when he caught the scent of another wolf couple with the pack scent. A pack mate at the border? Could it be the Guardian? Before Cai and a chance to get to his paws, a dark she wolf walked by him and paused. She leveled her steely gaze on him and in a firm, not to be trifled with, tone told him to "do something useful". At this point the Ashrelle prince knew that he should get to his paws, apologize and ask this woman if she knew who Sorya was, but he was so taken aback by the sight of her and the overwhelming attitude that seemed to permeate the air around her, that the swarthy male remained sitting for a moment longer, completely dumbfounded.

Then, the she wolf, who was not large but slightly larger than himself, rolled her shoulders so that they cracked and Cai could clearly see the muscles that were under her dark pelt. With her dark fur being blown by the wind, Cai could actually see that her entire form was quite muscular. She may be lean, but she is not dainty, Cai observed. His amber eyes travelled from her dark, muscular shoulders to the two foxes that were draped over her back. Had she killed them herself? If she had, wouldn't that make her...the Guardian? It was a Guardian's job to protect the pack and killing foxes that intruded would certainly fall under that category.

Finally collecting his senses, Mordacai rose to his paws and rolled his own shoulders back, more for posture's sake than anything else. He kept his tail low out of respect for her position, and let his amber eyes remain on the foxes as he spoke. "I am looking for the pack Guardian, Sorya. Queen Elettra has demanded that I train under her before I can become a Guardian myself." Cai paused to drag his eyes from the foxes and bring them to the wolf who had made the kill. He did not make eye contact with her, but knew it would be equally as rude not to look at her at all as he asked for her name. "My name is Mordacai Ashrelle, are you Sorya?" His voice was deep, but slightly raspy, a very attractive voice overall. It was his attitude that was often his most unbecoming feature.

(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2014, 05:31 PM by Mordacai.)
[Image: 0e902ec3-b01e-40bd-8a59-555651ce82b7.png][Image: winteriscoming-wr.png]
Played by Namara who has 52 posts.
Inactive II. Guardian
Sorya Archer

The lazy man asked about her and her head tilted to the side in curiosity. Why hadn’t her beloved sister told her that she was to train the lazy man? Why hadn’t Mordecai simply released a howl for her rather than waiting on the borders in the hope that she might be on patrol? He was very lucky that she had been or else she might have torn him to shreds for his incompetence later on. Sorya Archer was very harsh and strict. “I am Sorya Archer, yes, and you could have howled for me rather than cursing the pack with your lethargy while you rest in our den and eat our food.” Her scolding was a sharp and fierce tone. “You will be trained but you best break that attitude that you hold in the air before I break it for you.” The words were of warning as she picked up the two foxes again as she had set them on the ground to stretch. “Walk with me and once I deposit the foxes, we will begin your training.” Her tone cold with no room for argument as she walked off, expecting him to follow her.

Sor swiftly pushed herself towards her den (she kept a den near the borders in case of an emergency) and placed down the dead felines before moving out of her den, flexing her muscles with each step. Winter was coming and the first snow had fallen so she needed only the strongest wolves to call themselves guardians for she did not have time to train them. She arrived to a clearing and sat down, looking at all of the surroundings.

Played by Missy who has 50 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Mordacai Ashrelle

Sorya's words hit Mordacai like a physical blow and left the swarthy male slightly stunned. He was at once reminded of Elettra's surprise attack, her throwing her weight right at him, when he had asked her about being given an official role. What was it with the women in this pack? They were certainly different from the women he had lived with in the Calarosa mountains. Cai had to resist the very insistent instinct to defend himself, knowing full well that this woman was not the kind to entertain excuses. He should have howled for her; he knew he was in the wrong for that and nothing he had to say could excuse him for it. Still, he hardly thought that threatening to break his attitude was necessary. In fact, he wasn't quite sure what attitude the grey-eyed Guardian was referring to.

As Cai tried to think of how he might have insulted this woman, he subconsciously obeyed her commands and followed her as she went to deposit the foxes. Mordacai watched as she walked and her muscles flexed under her inky black pelt. She was strong, in body and mind, and though Cai's heart stung with the harshness of her words and his ego ached from the blows she had delivered to it, the soldier in Cai was honored to have such a worthy mentor and the thought of fighting alongside her was one that fueled a fire in him that had only just been sparked by his arrival in these lands. He had come here, knowingly or not, to test himself and to become a better man. This pack, its leader, this woman would all help him to achieve this. As she sat down in a clearing, Cai followed her but stayed at attention. He would not take the liberty of sitting down unless she offered it to him. With a steely resolve, Cai said, "I am sorry if I have started this training with your low regard, but I intend to raise it by the end. I am honored to have the opportunity to train as a Guardian for our pack and I will do my best not to waste your time or anyone else's." Cai lowered his head respectfully as he waited for her response. The Ashrelle prince had no idea what to expect. Would she accept his apology or was he going to have his ass chewed out again? The thought of another ass chewing from her made him internally cringe, and he hoped that he would not do anything else to provoke her.