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Tattooed knuckles — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Secret Woodlands, a wolverine has dug a den within your territory.

A few parched looking Solomon's Seal were growing in the spot where she knew the spring be. Their leaves drooped pitifully, missing the water and warmth that had sustained them all spring and into early summer. It was autumn now, and far too late in the year for the water to be flowing. With the nights beginning to frost, soon even the plant would wilt and blow away. A slight dip in the earth and a few smooth stones would be all that remain. It would be featureless, only a wolf that had seen it would remember. Iopah looked down into the depression, recalling the trickle of water and biting cold. She touched her nose to the plant, already missing the cold-water spring.

She exhaled softly and lifted her head to look farther into the thicket. So far this autumn was milder than last, but her winter coat was already coming in thick, giving her a sturdy appearance. Under the cream and gray pelt her muscles were long and full, all her wounds nothing but old scars. She was ready for what was coming. With a last look at the silent spring she headed west.

A thick carpet of fallen leaves muffled her slow jog. For a few minutes there was nothing but the soft swish of her limbs. By random chance her path led her by a freshly dug wolverine den. The dark gaping entrance was camouflaged by the leaves, but they did nothing to mask the scent. Her nose and tail went up instantly, pale feet planted in the vibrant leaf litter. Lips pulled back in a sneer, she could smell it. The pups were all old enough that a wolverine wouldn't drag them away, but they were still thieves. Her eyes were narrowed in anger and she was still searching for the den itself when she called out. It was a loud harsh sound, part bark and part growl. She was willing to pull the wolverine from it's den alone, but why should she have all the fun? Surely there was more than enough to share.

(This post was last modified: Oct 15, 2014, 04:19 PM by Iopah.)
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
and you can't see
nova zamora
the wind in the trees

Nova's ears swiveled as a sharp bark caught her attention. She paused, canting her head to peer through the trees as she wondered what that was all about. The voice was unfamiliar, but Nova assumed it must have belonged to one of her packmates. She had been here not much more than a day and hadn't yet formally introduced herself to any of them. Wondering if they might need help, Nova loped towards the bark.

The scent of a strange animal filled the air as she neared. Nova's snout wrinkled in distaste and the coarse fur of her hackles instinctively raised. The scent was hard to place, and not something she had encountered often. With a little more sniffing she realized the pungent smell was probably from something like a mink or wolverine. And the latter option was much more concerning than the former. She'd never had a run in with a wolverine, but she had heard they weren't anything to mess around with.

Nova was growing worried, but she was already on the way and didn't want to chicken out at the last minute. She had to make a good impression on the pack, and she couldn't have them seeing her run away at the first sign of trouble. She set her face in a confident mask so that her packmate wouldn't think she were merely some cowering whelp and pressed onward, finally seeing a wolf through the trees.

"What's the matter? Can I help?" Nova asked as she walked up to the beige coated female, her tail held nervously stiff and level with her spine as her big batty ears folded to the sides. Nova wasn't sure she would be of much assistance, although it never hurt to offer.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Nova @Camio is welcome to drop in! If we drag this out we can prob claim skill points...

The pale wolf was searching still. Dark nose casting back and forth over the leaves like a metal detector as her broad feet sloshed through them hastily. The stiff breeze kept the scent moving, making it impossible to track. A thick blanket only added to the deception, anything could be hidden from sight this time of year. She would only find it till she stumbled upon it. Wide figure-eights brought her increasingly closer to the wolverine den. Each random wolverine-filled gust that drifted to her made her chest vibrate in frustration. It was here and it would be sorry when Iopah found it.

She was making quite a bit of noise, low growls blending with the brisk crackle of fallen leaves. The others approach was masked by the commotion. It wasn't until Nova spoke that Iopah realized she was there. Her head swung to the side sharply, unwilling to relinquish her search despite the unfamiliar girl. Iopah must look a state right now. Gray hackles partway bristled and eyes vivid from the frenzied search.

Nova was respectful and bore Koda's claiming scent, so Iopah jumped right over an introduction. "The wolverine," she started eyes darting down as if the thing was slinking away as she spoke. "They steal our prey and kill young pups. It's den is here somewhere." She gestured the the ground with her black lips curling up. "We have to destroy the den, kill it if we find it." The plan was grimly set out, but her gold eyes flared in excitement. She wanted to find it and was looking forward to tearing it apart when her teeth got a hold of it. Her head dropped down, wordlessly expecting Nova to join the search. If not, the plan remained the same. One way or the other she was going to rid the thicket of wolverines.

Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Sounds good to me :D

and you can't see
the wind in the trees

Nova flinched as Iopah turned her frighteningly focused gaze on her. She settled a little once she realized that it wasn't a look meant for her, but rather the sneaky wolverine that had infiltrated the packlands. Nova gave one firm nod at Iopah's plan, adopting a look of focus mirroring her packmate as she turned to throw her all into the search. She wasn't much of a tracker and could barely call herself a hunter, but the need to impress was there and she didn't want to let her new pack down.

Nova tucked her nose into the underbrush, seeking for the source of the musky smell as she paced a short distance from Iopah's own route. Each dark hollow between the roots of a tree or tucked under a fallen log caught Nova's attention. Whenever she poked her snout around one of these shadowy little nooks, she worried that the wolverine might reach out from the depths and claw her nose off.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you looked at it, Nova still hadn't found the wolverine or it's den. Which meant her nose remained firmly intact, however she couldn't help the sinking feeling that she was disappointing the other woman in her inability to find the weasely intruder. She was starting to doubt that they were even in the right spot, though Nova wouldn't dare mention that to Iopah lest it come across as questioning her expertise. Nova glanced over to Iopah, trying to see if she was more successful.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

There were now two of them searching. Iopah could hear the wind in the trees, but she didn't look up, didn't even look over at her companion after the responding nod. The breeze whipped the scent of wolverine around the clearing. Iopah huffed in aggravation while the leaves shivered under the questing noses of the two she wolves. A slight dip in the covering of leaves caught her attention and she sprang forward with a soft growl. Her front legs windmilled through the maple and oak leavings. But it was just a hole, probably dug weeks ago by one of the boys. She pulled back and the leaves hurried to fill in the gap she'd created. The dark girl was watching now and Iopah could sense a query in their stance. Her gaze flicked away to study the areas beyond them.

There was nothing but a sea of spinning and dancing fallen leaves. "Where did the-" Whatever question or swearword that was planned cut off suddenly. In the shifting sea she'd seen a movement that didn't belong. A dark furtive shape shifting sideways. "There!" She plunged away, companion momentarily forgotten. A hound would have bayed upon catching sight of it's prey, Iopah only set her face into a determined grin. She raced up the target and was reward with the sight of a thick brown tail vanishing under the leaves. It was a deep hole that sheltered the wolverine. A few rapid scratches had pulled the leaves back to reveal the dark hole. Immediately she started to dig, sending a spray of dirt behind. The entrance needed to be wide enough for a wolf to expose the 'rine. She stopped and glanced at Nova, a smear of dirt on her muzzle. "It might have a back exit. If it runs don' let it get away."

Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
and you can't see
the wind in the trees

As Nova watched her companion for some sort of cue, she followed the fellow woman's gaze into the brush. Nova too noticed something shifting in the distance, but it was hard to tell whether it was just the wind shifting the leaves or something else. She was still squinting to see what it was when she heard Iopah shout and bolt towards it. Trusting her judgement, Nova sprinted after her, not as fast but not too far behind, either.

Iopah was already digging at the small burrow when Nova caught up with her, just in time to hear her next direction. "O-oh! Okay!" Nova stammered as she scrambled into place further out. Her broad muzzle swung to and fro as she tried to spot either another hole or an escaping wolverine. Was there even a back entrance? She thought it would be just as hard to find as the front. And if it did get out, Nova would have to stop it! Feeling a great deal of responsibility on her shoulders, she squared her stance and prepared to intercept a possibly escaping wolverine.

Nova's ears swiveled towards the sound of high pitched snorts and growls coming from the earth, much closer than she had expected. Before she even had time to react, the ground in front of her erupted in a spray of leaves, where a black ball of teeth and claws pounced out from the buried back entrance. Nova yipped, nearly getting knocked back as the wolverine bustled past her. "H-hey! GET BACK HERE!" She yelled, quickly catching her senses and dashing after it.

Nova's chase was quickly cut short when the wolverine rounded back on her. Nova skid to a stop, then started running the other way, towards Iopah, with the wolverine right on her heels. "AHHH IT's AFTER ME!" She screamed.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
wonders how many times we can botch this till Io just implodes...?

With her head now half-way in the wolverine den it was far from quiet. The sound of the wind-tossed faded into the background. She snorted roughly, sending clouds of short brown hairs and piles of dirt spinning in the stale air. Her head pulled to allow her long limbs room to stretch forward and continue digging. Formerly pale cream, her paws bite deep into the clay of the den. Each broad stroke swept a pile of dirt and small stones under and behind her to fall noisily onto the leaves. Above ground her hind-end jerked and swayed with her movements, back-legs set firmly as anchors. Every so often her whole figure would freeze. Underground, she was listening to the answering snarl of a defiant wolverine.

The snarls receded and Iopah pushed herself further in, hoping to grasp it by the end of it's thieving tail. It was certainly learning it's lesson now, but she intended to give it no second chance. Her snapping jaws met only tufts of dry bedding and she growl wildly into the emptiness. The sound reverberated and almost muffled Nova's shout.

With an almost audible 'pop' her head pulled out of the dark den and she blinked in the sudden glare of daylight. She would never have expected a wolverine to chase an adult wolf. They were savage, but shrewd. And yet, here it was happening. Nova's worried call made her tense, programmed to respond according to the pleas of a packmate. Already she'd begun to think of this nameless girl as family. She moved to intercept it, legs sliding fast over each other as she tried to predict it's path.

For a split second she waited, teeth bared in readiness. Nova flew by her and Iopah lunged, feet pounding through the leaves to meet her opponent. In turn, the 'rine stopped. His center of gravity was much lower. When he stopped, he stopped cold. Iopah was moving too fast, and was too tall, to stop so suddenly. She stumbled, snarling the whole way, over the wolverine. Her teeth flashed down, but he was running again.

Iopah followed on his heels till disappeared once again. They were back at the front entrance again. Iopah stared down at the entry-way she had abandoned only minutes ago. There was silence as she fumed. "Damn it!" She erupted, gaze snapping upon the back entrance. "You dig there." She requested gruffly, then started back into the hole she was standing over.

Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
and you can't see
the wind in the trees

Running like a madman, Nova dashed right past the older female as she tried to evade the toothy, grumbling mustelid. She turned around once she could no longer hear his clawed paws shuffling through the leaf litter right behind her, wincing as she saw Iopah just barely miss snatching the little nuisance. Dumbfounded, Nova watched the wolverine scurry back into his hole.

"Oh, okay!" Nova quickly nodded at Iopah's command. She ran to the back entrance, easy to find now that she knew where it was. The yearling nervously gulped, watching Iopah for a moment before she set her own dark paws to work, shoveling pawfulls of dirt out with a hurried frenzy. The deeper she got, the harder it was to see. She had to rely on her ears to tell her what was what. Iopah's own digging rumbled through the length of the burrow towards her, and Nova knew the wolverine was somewhere between them.

Nova had dug in deep enough she could feel her bony shoulders brush the top lip of the den. It absolutely reeked of the weasely beast, but Nova pushed through it. She wasn't sure what she'd do if the wolverine came her way, and really hoped it would try the front entrance this time.

"OUCH!" Nova squealed as something sharp clamped on her reaching paw. Quickly she recoiled back, starting to shuffle out of the mouth of the den before she realized the wolverine would escape again if she wasn't blocking the way. Trying to put on a show, both for the wolverine and her packmate, Nova clacked her teeth and growled as she lunged forward to block the way. She never saw him, but could hear him scurrying and rumbling down the other direction now. "Watch out!" She barked into the tunnel, hoping Iopah could hear her. She didn't want the woman to get her nose bitten by surprise.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

So, they were digging again. Shouolders and chest were now fully underground and her attention was focused on the few meters that stretched between Nova and Iopah. The sprawling thicket trees could have been toppling like dominoes above ground for all Iopah knew. Right now she was only concerned with the sounding of pelting wolf feet and the heavy pant of something that was definitely not wolf. She imagined she could feel the breeze from it's foul exhales, certainly she could smell it, and shoved herself forward to snap her teeth together hopefully into the darkness.

As the clink echoed away Iopah could hear a cry reverberate and then rapid scrambling. Pale ears flicked rapidly in the gloom, trying to pinpoint it's location before it reached her. She flinched at Nova's warning, she wanted to be bitten as much as her pack mate did. Her shoulders rolled forward to protect her neck just as the wolverine hit her.

There was instant pandemonium.

For a second she thought it had bitten her side and screamed in rage before realizing it was claws and not teeth pressing into tawny fur. It was trying to squeeze past her and escape. Snarls and grumbles still dropping haphazardly from dark lips, she flung her weight against the wall. For a brief moment it was pinned and the wolverine added it's hysterical yelps to the din. In the commotion the wolverine bit at the wolf and the pale wolf at the wolverine as it continued to scrape past her. Her teeth found purchase in it's abdomen, while she felt a sharp tug at the loose skin over her shoulders. Finally it popped by her to stumble into the light and Iopah awkwardly turned to follow it. As she cleared the mangled den dirt streaked in the smear of blood on her shoulder.

(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2014, 02:26 PM by Iopah.)
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
and you can't see
the wind in the trees

As the commotion echoed down towards her end, Nova pulled her head out into the blinding light. Iopah's creamy tail could be seen just over the tops of the foliage between them, quickly followed by the rest of the woman as she emerged, accompanied by the lumbering wolverine. He seemed to be moving slower now, the reason for which Nova quickly discovered. A gash ran down the creature's middle, blood streaking onto the ground as he tried to make a not-so-hasty retreat.

With a scowl set on her face directed at the tricky wolverine, Nova bounded over towards him, intent on not letting him escape. Even her long fuse was being worn down by the wolverine's antics. Slowed by his wounds, it was easy enough now for Nova to catch up with. Lunging out with her jaws spread open, she clasped her teeth around the first bit she could reach. Which ended up being his brushy stout tail. Nova growled around the tuft of fur in her mouth as she tugged backwards. She was tall enough that pulling on the little beasty's tail lifted his hind legs clear of the ground. He scrabbled half-heartedly with his front legs for escape, long claws searching for purchase, but Nova kept a tight hold so that he couldn't slip free.

Huffing as she panted out the sides of her mouth, Nova looked to Iopah. She couldn't speak lest she let go, but hoped the older woman could figure out what to do with the wolverine from here.