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running on empty — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
RE: Black Thorn Downs, your food caches are running low.
Morning of November 20

Attention all BTD wolves! Our caches are running low and we need to fill them before the storm hits! Also, please keep in mind that for the RE to count I believe the majority of the thread must be themed around the RE (the low caches) so please be sure to talk about the low caches and not just about the hunt.

Firefly had noticed how sparse the caches had been lately. Hunting had been becoming much more difficult with winter on its way and the way Fly's guard hairs seemed to be standing on edge made her think a particularly bad snowstorm would usher in this year's winter. Hunting would only become more difficult from here on out until spring rolled in and all of the prey came out from their hiding places. Deciding that it would be best to fill the caches as much as possible now, Fly went in search of some of her pack mates. On their own they might have been having trouble finding prey, but as a team they might be able to take down a big enough animal to fill the caches for a while. Perhaps they could find an elk or mule deer.

Determined and fueled by a deep concern for her back with winter on it's way, the young huntress first set out in search of @Kova . She knew that the teen would be more than happy to go hunting with her. Perhaps his sister @Noble could join them as well; Fly hadn't gotten to spend much time with Kova's sister since she had joined Black Thorn Downs and she would appreciate the opportunity to get to know the princess better. After Kova, Fly assumed @Florence would also be eager to help her. He had been very helpful when Fly and Kova had found the bison carcass and had to share with other wolves. As she searched for her silver prince she also let out a quick howl to summon the gentle giant. The three of them might not be enough, though, and so as Fly searched for Kova and awaited Florence's arrival she considered who else might want to join in on their hunt and help fill the caches.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Pack Pride
Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
Frowning down at the cache in front of him, Florence heard the howl that asked for him, sounding out in Fly’s voice and it sounded like a summon for help. Though it did not sound urgent, Florence knew what it was about as his eyes glanced back at the cache at his feet. It was a food cache and it was alarmingly low. The large wolf understood why Fly would be calling for him, to most likely help her hunt for food to fill this cache and many others that were littered around the pack lands. Lifting his head and sending an answering call to her that he would be joining her soon and that he’d be more than happy to help her, the swathy male made sure the cache and its remaining (but low) amount of food was hidden before beginning to trot towards Fly’s location.

The russeted fae and he got along fairly well and Florence liked that he had a friend outside of Vera, as much as he loved her. It saddened his heart that he had not been able to see her, except when they were in the den about to go to sleep lately. He hoped she was fine and hadn’t wandered off somewhere without telling him. (Don’t let her be lost or hurt or killed. Please, please.) He knew that had to be rectified at some point and determinedly decided to call for her after helping Fly with filling the caches.

Letting out a small bark of greeting to Fly as he arrived to Fly’s location, his shoulders rolled back in relaxation, as was his overall posture, Florence settled on his haunches a few feet away from Fly. “I am guessing this is about the caches?” He questioned her, the words rolling off his tongue smoothly in his rich voice. “I was just checking one out,” He then added as a form of explanation. “and you have most likely thought of it already but a pack hunt would not go remiss at the moment.” His words were not meant to be mean but helpful and with an underlying tone of suggestion, Florence wasn’t trying to order Fly around or make her sound stupid at all. After all, she was the hunter out of the two already gathered, not him. He would deffer to her when it came to making decisions about hunting for and with the pack.
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Totally forgot to post to this - Counting Kova we have three wolves which should be enough to take a young deer? IDK

Kova bounded towards Firefly's call. He didn't know about the low caches, though the boy raided them most every day to eat. He only came to Fly's call because she had proven herself to be his new favorite sitter and teacher. She, unlike most of the other wolves, had not held him back when Kova tried something dangerous. If anything she pushed him further to test his limits so that he could grow and get stronger. Minka, Atlas, Beren, Bane, and Tokino had all tried to keep the pup away from danger and all things exciting (spare for the moose hunt where Tokino let him help) which had Kova bored half the time.

Not only had she gained his trust and respect, but Firefly had gained his admiration as well. Kova saw her all the time nowadays as the woman worked hard for her pack. Even if she was only a youth herself, Kova had more respect for her authority than the second Inali or any of the other yearlings who looked after him.

Her call had captured his attention, and expecting something fun from the ginger coated yearling, Kova had come running. His excitement bubbled over into his tail which wagged a mile a minute and his face as the youth grinned wickedly.

"What's going on?"

Kova asked as he slowed himself to a stop before the two adults. He bumped warmly into Florence's side then licked Firefly's chin happily in greeting. Then the Lagina boy glanced to both wolves in anticipation.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats

Firefly was happy to see Florence's large form approach and relieved when the rich sound of his voice reached her ears and he seemed to have read her mind. Yes, a hunt would certainly not go remiss at the moment. Fly was about to respond to her friend, when Kova's silvery form bounded up as well. He nudged Florence and licked her chin in an affectionate greeting. Fly returned the greeting by nudging her cheek against his before taking a step back to address both wolves.

"Well as you may, or may not..." Fly paused to look pointedly at Kova, knowing the young prince had no reason to observe the caches since his pack mates would always keep him well fed. "...have noticed, the caches are running very low. With the approaching storm I figured it would be a good idea to go on a hunt before it hits. Would you two like to join me?" Fly smiled as her brown eyes landed first on Florence and then on Kova. Then she brought her gaze back to Florence, but lowered her head respectfully as she said, "Of course, you would lead..." Fly let her voice trail off as she searched for a polite way to ask if she could lead the hunt. She had never had the opportunity to lead a group of wolves before, though she had gone on plenty of hunts on her own. If she was training to be a Hunter she would have to learn how to lead a group eventually, but of course she wouldn't take that liberty without her superior's, in this case Florence's, permission."...unless you happened to not mind me leading maybe?" Fly let her brown gaze raise to meet Florence's, giving him puppy dog eyes that would rival Kova's.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
When Kova appeared and warmly bumped into his side, Florence cast a smile to the young pup in greeting, waiting for Fly to explain as he asked what was going on. She was the one to have called them here after all and though he had guessed correctly, it was still Fly's position to tell them what was happening.

However, Florence blinked when Fly turned to him after explaining why she had called them, with eyes that would rival any pup when they wanted something, asking if she could lead the hunt instead of him. For a moment, Florence was confused as to why Fly was asking him if she could before he remembered. He was higher in rank then his friend in the pack and when it came to things like pack hunts, the higher ranking wolves were often looked to to lead the hunt, unless it was said otherwise. Honestly, having spent so much time in the other wolf's company and becoming fast friends with her, he had forgotten all about their respective ranks.

"Of course you may lead the hunt Fly." He told her with a smile. There was no way he was going to take this opportunity away from her. If she wanted to lead, then she could do so in his opinion. "Just tell me what you want me to do and where to go and I will follow." He wagged his tail slightly as he spoke, an understanding sparkle in his eyes as he bowed his head to her.
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Kova listened intently as Firefly spoke of the food caches being low. He turned his eyes downward to the ground and gave the pair of wolves a sheepish smile after realizing that he was probably one of the reasons the caches were low.

"I betcha some coyotes have been taking our food."

He grins wickedly while making the joke. Kova knew full well that no coyotes had been around the territory as of late. He only mentions them to take the attention off of he and Noble as they were the ones most often digging through the caches.

"Aw cool! You'll let me join?"

Kova's tail began wagging a mile a minute once more as his youthful energy bubbled over. The moose hunt had been a fluke, and many of the wolves hadn't wanted him to help. During the deer hunt before that He and Noble had stayed at the sidelines and watched with their injured father. So this was the very first time he was truly being asked to participate in such a thing.

When the matter of leading came up Kova glanced to Firefly and then to Florence as she looked pleadingly towards the male. His keen eyes noted how she was relatively submissive to him which meant that, like his father, this male was to be respected. Quickly Kova then averted his gaze and glanced to the landscape around them. He was still achingly excited, but the pup wondered who else might show up late to the hunt.

When leadership of the hunt was given to Firefly, Kova glanced to her then looked at the bushes just behind her.

"How can I help?"

Kova asked eagerly while forcing his tail to slow its fast paced wagging.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats

Firefly had to reign in her excitement when Florence had agreed to let her lead. As it was, her tail still continued to wag uncontrollably. When Kova had mentioned that the coyotes had probably been stealing form the caches Fly had wanted to laugh out loud, but since the pup was so eager to help fill them she didn't see any point in bringing the truth to light.

"Well if it's just me you and Florence I am going to need you to help out a lot Kova." Fly smiled, happy that she had fallen into the habit of calling him by name instead of calling him prince. Though he would always be her prince, until one day he was her king, she saw this as a sign of their friendship. She counted Kova as one of her best friends, actually, and certainly nicer than some of the other males she had met.

"First, we need to scout out the territory a bit and find a scent to track. I'm thinking that the three of us together could easily take out a nicely sized deer If we can find one that is." Fly mused and looked to Kova and Florence to make sure they agreed on their target. She had caught the scent of deer the other day and hoped that the herd that had been passing through was still in the territory. They would have to find it first, but if they could then they would have a nice meal to add to the caches.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
Luz had been poking around the cache sites and taking note of how low they were. The scent of Kova and his sister were stronger than any of the rest but the pale girl knew that any pup was going to eat more than they actually hunted. She wasn't paying much attention to the sounds around her but when she heard the tail end of Firefly's call her head jerked up. Her whole body twisted in the direction of it. The howl wasn't for her but maybe she could help out anyway. Legs pushing off the ground she took off racing towards her friend. She hoped she didn't interrupt anything but she was curious.

When she finally arrived she heard the last few sentences that Fly spoke. Letting out a bark to warn them of her presence she pushed forward into sight a smile on her face. Her eyes scanned the silvery prince and the dark male. She hadn't met either of them before but had heard of Kova at least but not the other. Yet she dipped her head with respect towards both of them before turning toward her friend. Need some help? If there was going to be a hunt she knew that her speed would help and the more wolves they had the higher the chance that they would be successful.

She glanced again towards the male and then Fly. Figuring that it most be the russet girl that was leading as he seemed to be differing to her. Her gold gaze went back to Fly as she waited hoping that she could stay.