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The War Is On — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
@Aesire :D

Tiny crystalline flakes of icy snow were drifting down from the snowy clouds far above in the sky, creating a slight mist in the air. It was beautiful. Like tiny fireflies flying through the air, but instead of creatures, they were all unique pieces of snow, no two being the same. Each different in its own right, and proud of it. He was reminded of his own siblings, how they would fight with each other over who was the most loved and special one, upon which mother would say they were all uniquely different and special. It would calm everyone down for a bit, before they would argue over who was most unique one of the lot. He missed his family so much, but now he had a new family, and among them was Aesire, his newest friend.

"Let me show you just how much fun snow jumping can be, Aesire!" Ace woofed, gently nudging her shoulder before darting forwards where there was a gap in the tree line. Snow covered the rocky mountainside in a thick, powdery white blanket. This was the snow that he loved the best, where he could mold it into any shape he liked. It was also the softest to jump on, with him sinking into it and getting absolutely covered in white. Using his front paws, the Silver Male began to dig a shallow hole, letting a pile of snow build up behind him. He then bounced around it, using his paws and muzzle to push the white powdery flakes together and create a mound of snow. Panting softly, he turned to Aesire, flakes of snow lining his eyes and muzzle as he grinned widely at her, tail wagging ferociously behind him. "Ladies first," he said, a childish lilt to his voice.

298 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

The border patrol had finished so Aesire had more than eagerly followed after the beta male to see if he was truly as much fun as he said he was. She laughed when he jumped into the snow, rolling around in it before standing up to form a true pile for the two of them to jump in. She thought about helping but before she could he had already finished. It had been somewhat shocking that he had finished as fast as he had started but she just grinned and prepared to make her own pile. Ace motioned to the pile he had made. Ladies first. He offered and she laughed. She ran at the pile before jumping on it, sending it out flying in either direction of her torso as she rolled around in it. It was fun! This had to be some sort of official friendship activity - and more importantly it had to happen again.

She rolled herself back to where her paws would hit the ground before she pushed herself up, laughing the entire time as she looked at Ace. "This is fun! I believe you now." Her teasing voice slipped through the chilly mountain air as she looked off from the heights towards the sight below. Oh what a sight it was! It was beautiful. She thought that she saw an open field below. She looked back at her friend as she started to nudge the destroyed pile back together. It was his turn to show her what he had. Once she formed a big enough pile, she looked at him expectantly. "After you." Her coo went out to her new friend.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

His new friend laughed before running at the pile of snow he had made and jumping on it, sending a wave of snow flying out in either direction, and some of it onto him too. He laughed openly as she rolled around in the pile of snow before getting back onto her paws. The Silver Male shook off the layers of snow he had accumulated from the spray of flakes, feeling a sense of excitement after a long time of having nothing to smile or laugh about. When she said she finally believed him in a teasing tone he smirked at her as if to say 'obviously'. "I told you snow jumping was fun," Ace chuckled as he helped her to nudge the destroyed pile back together.

It didn't take long for them to finish recreating the snow pile, and once they stood back Aesire looked at him expectantly. Grinning, The Silver Male backed up so there was distance between him and the teetering pile of snow. He ran at the pile full speed, jumping into it, and sending the snow up in an explosion into the air. Laughing, he rolled in the side, wiggling this way and that way until the snow settled. He looked like a pup, lying on his back, paws in the air, a wide grin on his face with a light sprinkle of pristine white snow on his head and underside. Laughing, Ace swiped at the snow on his face with a single paw, looking innocently up at Aesire from his position in the practically flattened pile of snow.

264 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

She couldn't fight back the uncontrollably laughter anymore as he jumped in the recreated pile and sent snow flying straight at her before it had covered her front and her face. She had started to forget about all of the sadness that had been brought up earlier as her incisors showed as she pulled off a full grin which she had not shown in quite a bit of time. There was a small snort and that was when she froze, almost embarrassed for it before it made her chuckle a bit more. Oh Gods, was she laughing too much? She didn't want to scare her new friend away after they had just jumped through snow piles together - that would be a terrible thing if it did happen.

She fell to the snow as he whacked at his face. She was suddenly level with him as she laid in the snow and spoke. "It's official by the great laws of the snow pile - we've been initiated as friends." She joked as she took a light and playful whack at the snow on his face. If more wolves in the pack were like Ace then she would have no issues fitting into Silent Moon Plateau. Her one concern was more of them were like Seraphina whom Aesire had started to declare as her arch nemesis even though it was an overreaction. She gave him an innocent stare back as she used her paws to whack a bit more snow at him. One, two, three, four. I declare a snow war. Her mind taunted the brute.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Ace was set off as his new friend giggled at his ridiculous looking form in the snow, his chest rumbling with his own laughter. He watched as she laid down next to him in the fluffy pile of flattened snow and decreed that the now pile had spoken: they would now be friend. His face split into a happy smile. Friends. That made him happy. He had found a friend at last, after months of being lonely and searching for someone, anyone, who wouldn't break his heart or leave him behind like so many others had done so before. "The snow pile speaks the truth; we are friends from this moment on." He grinned a cheeky grin.

The earthy hued female lightly and playfully swiped a paw at the remainders of the snow on his face, causing him to break out in laughter and shake off what she hadn't already whacked off with her paw. Using one of his large paws, the Silver Male playfully flicked a paw full of snow at her just as she did the same to him, getting him right in the face. Laughing at the completely innocent expression on her face, Ace blew gently at the few flakes of snow that had balanced themselves precariously on his muzzle, leaving the rest of them sprinkled on his brows. Sticking his tongue out at Aesire, he suddenly jumped to his feet and pranced around her in a circle, letting the snow gradually blow out of his thickening winter pelt. "Well, friend, what do you think of my snow jumping idea? If we showed this to the pups, do you think they'd enjoy it?" he woofed in a teasing tone, but also seriously meaning what he said.

289 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
Oh Gawd - Karp/Adsi memories - Catching Stars in our Paws

They continued to speak of the all knowing snow pile and their new found friendship while whacking snow at each other when the man suddenly jumped up all dramatically and asked her a very interesting questions. "Well, friend, what do you think of my snow jumping idea? If we showed this to the pups, do you think they'd enjoy it?" She didn't even have to think about that answer as she flashed him a mischievous grin. "They'll love it! If they don't then we could always pick 'em up and throw 'em in as a punishment!" The idea in itself was dark if there hadn't been that teasing tone behind it to turn it into a playful suggestion. She had barely gotten the idea out without letting out a low chuckle. She was going to get hiccups if she kept it up like that!

She had been trapped in the vortex of doom as he circled her, sending snow flying off his pelt until it gracefully well and landed on her. She stuck out her paw, hoping to make him trip in all of his glory so she could return the favor before she jumped up. They had a lot of fun still left to do. Hide and go seek was a game for children but why not? "Find me if you can." She challenged as she darted off in a random direction to hide from Ace with a devious grin on her face. She found the perfect spot behind a rock when it hit her. The side effects of her laughing earlier. Hiccup. Hiccup.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Ace continued circling his new friend, his paws flicking up the powdery snow as he pranced around her playfully. He laughed loudly when she spoke of throwing the pups in the snow piles as punishment if they didn't like the idea of it. Just imagining the looks of their faces if that did happen was priceless, and it distracted him from watching out from any secret attacks by Aesire. So when she stuck out a foreleg the Silver Male completely missed it, tripped over her limb, and comically face planted into the snow with a huff of surprise. Rolling onto his back he grinned up at his friend who had jumped up the moment he fell to the snowy ground.

It seemed she had a game of hide and seek on her mind as she challenged him to see if he could find her as she darted off in a random direction to hide. Chuckling to himself Ace slowly clambered to his feet and shook off the remnants to the fluffy snow that clung desperately to his pelt, giving her time to hide before he began his search. After ten seconds he started padding in the direction she had gone, calling out to her. "You can't hide from me!" The snow also masked her scent, most of it, at least, which was a bonus for her, not so much for him.

He padded slowly, following the paw prints she left behind until the slowly thickening mist of snow flakes covered her tracks and he had to resort to using mostly his eyes and nose. Raising his muzzle into the air as he reached a large boulder, Ace pricked his ears and strained his eyes. Luck was in his favour when he heard a hiccup, two hiccups, no, there was many of them. He grinned. Too much laughter from Aesire had given her the side effect of having hiccups. Pretending he hadn't noticed her, the Silver Male turned his head away from where she was hiding as he spoke in a singsong voice, dragging out a few of the syllables. "Aesire... where aaaaare youuuuu?"

353 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

She couldn't hide her laughter as he pretended not to see her. Oh how so kind of him to fake her disappearance. She let out another hiccup or two or perhaps three as she jumped out from behind the rock with a grin on her face. It was a nice try but there was no way he hadn't heard her. "I'm right here, Ace." She answered like sultry from her ebony lips as she contemplated what to do next while forgetting all of the worries she had clung s close to for the past year if not a year and a half. The earthy hues femme gave him a grin. "Ya could have just found me." She teased before hiccuping again and laughing in return.

She looked at him as she remembered her promise to him to practice some sparring. She felt rather short minded at the moment. "Wanna work on those sparring techniques like I promised?" She asked the man out of curiosity as she thought about it. There was a slight grin, thinking that she could beat the regal beta of the pack. He wasn't all that regal in behavior but he seemed like he could be if he wanted to. She took a few paces back from Ace as she awaited his response. Offering for him to take the first move, she positioned herself to be in a defensive posture. She needed a bit of warming up before she got to those rank challenges with at the very least Seraphina if not more.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Ace heard laughter coming from behind him and turned his head to see the earthy hued female jumping out from her hiding place on the other side of the boulder, answering his singsong call of where she was in a sultry tone. He chuckled, a deep resonance coming from within his chest. "I could have," he admitted, grinning widely, "But I didn't." It had been a long time since he had felt so carefree with another wolf, one that he could truly call a friend, and it felt good. He felt happy again for the longest time since he could remember, and he liked the feeling.

The Silver Male looked at Aesire when she asked if he wanted to do some sparring practice with her and nodded. "I'll teach you everything I know." Grinning back at the earthy hued female, he also backed up, leaving a bit of room between them as he scanned her body for any telltale weaknesses. Her size matched his, and he guessed they were fairly even in terms of weight, so knocking her over would not be easy. Maybe if he went for a side shot near her rump, he could get her to bend her body in an attempt to attack him, and then overbalance her as her weight would not be distributed evenly. Lowering his head and chin to protect his throat and folding his ears back against the crest of his skull, Ace would leap forward at her left side, hoping that Aesire would be too slow to react quickly enough and dodge out of the way.

265 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

Aesire couldn't hide the grin she had slapped on her face as he continued on about how he didn't find her for a reason. When he took up her offer she let out an amused snort. "You won't be the one teaching, mister." She sassed at the man in front of her as they both prepared for a slight spar or a fight depending on how things went. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the form of the large man - he was the only wolf other than her cousin Heigen who towered over her in such ways. She was a pretty large wolf to begin with which had just gone along with how they worked together and how large he actually was compared to normal sized wolves.

His lunge at her was not taken off guardedly - she was always on edge and paying attention. His rush was meant with sidesteps to avoid it but she was not quite fast enough. He slammed into her right shoulder and she clenched her jaw. He was strong and powerful - most definitely stronger than herself. She took her move with narrowed eyes as she rushed back at him. She was taking a risk by aiming a bite in at his shoulder by the base of his neck where it would not hurt him. If she were to hit, she would insure that her bite was not too hard to break the skin - just enough to give him a pinch of pain before drawing back. Anticipation filled the air as the friends sparred for training purposes alone.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]