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The tension, the guilt, the hate — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris
I'm sorry. She is a brat. x.x

She lost herself in hatred, exiting the meeting before a clear winner could be placed. In the days following the pathetic meeting, she made herself scarce to the world, learning the name of their new alpha through whispers alone. Celandine would not kneel to the new queen, if she could even dare to call herself such. The woman had been content to wither away in a lesser rank until Phineas called. She hadn't really wanted for it, not the way Cella did. For if she had, she would have taken it. Making a solemn promise to dethrone the inferior ruler as soon as she was of age, the youngest Argyris made her way past the borders.

She had to get away from the scent of that woman, her very name leaving a bad taste in the youth's mouth. It wasn't personal, or maybe it was, but she would have felt the same regardless of the winner. These women had no business standing where her absentee mother once stood, nor ruling over a kingdom they hardly knew. Had this Aesire even said a word to her? Not that she could recall. So how could one call themselves a queen, without any subjects? No, this newcomer would be a stand in, until someone better could come along. Namely, her, but that wouldn't be for some time yet.

The plateau would be hers regardless of who stood beside her father. Until then, he could shower all the honors he wanted on lesser she-wolves. It wouldn't matter anyway.

Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
After splitting apart from his younger cousin, Aesire, he decided to do some exploring himself. He would promise to stay near and around the pack area and would return before night fall.

His paws had lead him around the borders at least two times just to get familiar with them. After that he splintered out and explore outside of the borders. Just in the general area that surrounded his new home. Although he didn't get very far until he saw one of those Whippersnappers that he could surely train up like he did with Aesire.

Barking out to the young pale coated child to alert her of his sudden presence, the Colette man was slow to approach her though. "You must be the princess, yes?" He smiled at her to expose his ivory teeth in a friendly manner. Hopefully she wouldn't mind his sudden company. "I am Heigen Colette," Bowing slightly to her he nodded his head also in respect. "Loyal guardian and tutor at your service miss." Rising back to his full height he stood rather tall.

"I hope you don't mind my company. If so just say the words and I'll be on my way." Shifting his weight he waited to see what the snowy coated princess may say. Although she didn't look like she would be the type to mind company he wouldn't make any guesses. He was never one to judge a wolf by their coat. Heigen, more or less, preferred to judge a wolf by their actions and words.
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

So immersed in her anger, Celandine took note of the stranger only as he spoke. Hackles raised, she turned to meet an unfamiliar frame. "You must be the princess, yes?" Pale limbs grew stiff in the wake of his question, her fight or flight instincts kicking in. This man did not know her, should not know her. Giving no indication whether his inquiry had been correct, the young Argyris waited. For what, she wasn't sure. Even his spoken name could not budge her. Then something happened, something she had always wanted, yet hadn't received. It was a gift in her mind, the one she deserved. He bowed, a tawny crown dipping toward the ground.

"Loyal guardian and tutor at your service miss." At her service? Inhaling, she was finally able to distinguish Aesire's perfume mingling with his. He must have been a recruit. One the lady Aesire had accepted. A mischievous smile etched it's way onto her lips, as she reviewed her options. It was clear though, that she had only one. Heigen would be her guardian, and her's alone. "Oh no Heigen, I don't mind." In truth, some company was always appreciated, and friendship was the first step to loyalty. "You were right, I am Celandine Argyris, Princess of Silent Moon Plateau, formerly of Magnolia Glen." It was quite a title, but she loved to recite it.

"What brought you to our borders?" Celandine had already decided that she liked this Heigen, and it couldn't hurt that he was useful too.

(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2014, 05:41 AM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
Heigen Colette

"Oh no Heigen, I don't mind."

He grinned widely and approached her more closely before taking a seat in front of the snowy colored female. He took in her growing size. She would make a certainly lovely future member and asset. Perhaps she could be a guardian of sorts, that was if she didn't stick to her called princess duties.

"Formerly...Magnolia Glen?" His voice held curiosity to it's tone. What did she mean formerly? Did the pack relocate itself and change its name? The Colette man wanted to know what just might have ripped apart the previous pack's, Magnolia Glen's, life.

Letting his tail curl around him he took in a deep breath. The older man took in the young Argyris' question. "I had just entered these lands. I was lost on the mountain wandering for what seem liked days. Every nook and corner had me lost even more than the last. I had nowhere left to go. That was until I found Silent Moon Plateau's borders and called for a leader. The pack's lead female alpha, Aesire, came to my call and accepted me into the pack." His story may have been a bit more long then the princess my have been looking for but at least he was being honest with each bit of it.

"If I may ask, what are you doing out here?" Heigen let his ears straighten up to hear the snowy princess' words. Hopefully she would answer him with ease. He wanted to make a good impression and build trust with Miss Argyris.

We made this river a wall
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

"Before the Plateau, there was the Glen." Pausing to take a breath, and gather her thoughts, Celandine tried to edge around the subject. She needed to choose the words carefully, diplomatically even. There needed to be very little room for questions, and even less for him to doubt their resilience. Magnolia Glen had been a curse. Loyalty seemed to lack in importance there, as they watched wolves come and go. Sure, they left the fragrant confines of their home, but they were searching for something better, not running away. At least that is what she had to tell herself. "Sometimes a change of scenery is good for a pack." Satisfied with her answer, Cella planned on swaying the conversation toward a more recent subject, for she did not want for his pity, or care to hear his opinion on the matter. What was in the past, needed to stay there, and she would be damned if someone without closer ties would bring it up.

As he settled in, she followed suit. Allowing her hindquarters to fall, and a plush white tail to sweep forward, the princess watched him. Bright eyes scanned the male for any tell tale sign that he might be lying. Much to her relief, she found his words to be truthful, at least as far as she could tell. Heigen continued on, speaking of his admittance via their new 'queen'. Maintaining a cool indifference as her name was spoken proved to be easier than she thought. A light smile crossing her lips, she nodded at the conclusion. "I hope you find everything here to your liking."

"Oh, me?" Come to think of it, she wasn't entirely sure where she was going. There had never been a destination in mind. She just felt the need to get away, and so her paws had carried her there. "I guess I was just looking for something to do." It wasn't a lie, she needed something to take her mind off of the tourney. "And yourself?"

(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2014, 11:43 PM by Celandine.)
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
Heigen Colette

"I agree, a change of scenery never hurt anyone." He let an ivory smile find way onto his face as he looked at the pale coated princess with soft brown eyes. She was an interesting one. Mature to a degree and he liked it like that. This would be an easy meeting if the princess kept this attitude the whole time.

She spoke again, her regal tone reaching his ears. "Very much so. Everything and everyone seems rather pleasant. Nice wolves, nice view, perfect." Looking around he paused and took in a deep breath. His smile faded quickly for a moment before returning in a more smirking manner.

"Me? Well I was looking for a bit of adventure," Rising high he stood tall and proud in his large form. "Does the Princess care to join her Guardian on an adventure?" The Colette man's tail wagged softly behind him as he waited for the princess to speak her mind. Heigen wasn't exactly sure where the two of them adventured to, but he was happy just being able to spend time with the youth of the pack. All he wished to do was leave a lasting impact on this generation as he had done with Aesire, if not a bigger impact. Maybe that was his sole mission in life. To be able to leave a lasting impact through the generations. If that was his mission then he was just fine with it. In fact, that seemed like a rather wonderful way to spend his life.

We made this river a wall