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I'm Bringing Sexy Back — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Melorama who has 21 posts.
Oregano Flint
For @Heigen or @Muerda! Whichever one you choose! ^^
NOTE: Dated forward two days to 17th of December

Rabbit... coyote... mountain goat... deer... fox...

Lifting his creamy golden muzzle from the snowy ground after picking up all the crisscrossing scents of predator and prey he could, Aspen looked around curiously. The scents were very faint, courtesy of the powdery snow upon which he currently stood, but they were still there, which meant they could be nearby. The prey he dismissed, it wasn't worth the effort to go trailing after a long gone scent and end up lost in a place he had no idea how to traverse, but he kept the predators in mind. It wasn't that he was afraid of them, no, if anything, when they saw him they'd run away scared, as they should, but he kept a wary eye out for them anyway. Being prepared was what kept him alive, what gave him an edge against all the ordinary wolves of the world. He was the King, and no one could dethrone him, as he was always ten steps ahead.

Padding leisurely up to a boulder nearby, the Psychopathic Flirt ran his side back and forth roughly against the flat surface, easing an itch that had been annoying him for some time now. Once his itch had been eased, Aspen shook out his coat and glanced at the boulder. "Thank you for your help... may we never meet again," he said with a smirk before padding away, further up from the foothills of the mountain where he currently was and to the higher reaches of the mountain that he had set his sights onto. He wanted to see the world from all the way up there, at the very peak of the mountain, where a crowned king should be.

284 Words

Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire

Strange. It was the word that described this male well. For she had witnessed him scratch his back upon a bolder and had to stifle back a laugh.

Once the male had traveled a bit further she had decided to make herself known, and in a rather bold way. Barking out she strutted forward flaunting off herself like the queen she was, or thought she was. "My oh my, seems I'm lucky today." She paused to smirk and give a wolfish wink. "To stumble upon such a strong handsome man as yourself is a true pleasure".

Moving closer she stopped when she was a good five feet away from him. "What brings you out here? Adventure or wanderlust? Pleasure or business?" Her tail raised for a moment before dropping back down into neutral territory. Even though she wouldn't mind flirting with this mysterious man she wanted to make it clear that the mountains were her's and her's only, even though they weren't really her's. The last thing the ginger hued woman wanted was some man lesser than her strutting around like this place was his.

Taking in his looks again she would start to narrow things down a bit more. His legs were long, thick, and powerful. They led up to sturdy and muscular shoulders. His coat was mainly a rich dark golden but held some peppering of black along his back. This male was turning out to be much more handsome than the Lospire woman had expected him to be.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Melorama who has 21 posts.
Oregano Flint

Aspen came to a slow stop when he heard the bold bark of another wolf behind him, accompanied by a flirtatious female voice. Ears twisting back to catch her words more clearly, he slowly turned his head around to look at her, his goldenrod gaze evenly scanning over her body. His movements were very careful and precise, like he didn't have a care in the world, which was completely true. He didn't fear anyone, or feel really anything about another beyond first impressions, unless if they did make a lasting impression on him. That rarely happened, however, as all the wolves he met were consistently boring and he deleted the interaction from his mind. Everyone always filled their mind with useless information that made it hard to get to what was needed, so instead of storing that which he didn't need, he simply threw it out like rubbish into the bin.

The female was covered in rust, ginger and grey hues, complete with a pair of striking emerald green eyes. She gave off a proud but calm vibe, holding up her head as if keeping up a regal air, not that she needed to. Just being around her was more than enough, but then again, most wolves needed to have everything spelled out to them before they saw anything. 'Morons'. "I'm not the only lucky one here," Aspen said softly, a smirk tugging up the corners of his lips. "It is not often one meets a woman such as you, but then again, you already know that, don't you?" He chuckled softly, eyes narrowing seductively as he twisted his body around to face her completely.

When she asked what brought him to where he was currently standing, the Psychopathic Flirt smiled widely, showing more than just the tips of his sharp fangs. It was the type of smile that warned the one it was directed at to run away before something bad happened, but he could tell that wasn't going to happen. "A bit of everything, actually. I've been searching for everything, yet nothing at all, simply to pass the time and stop myself from getting bored. But right now I am searching for a pack to stay in for the winter." He had already made up his mind about which pack he'd choose; his dear sister had helped him in making his decision. Well, helped.

396 Words

(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2015, 04:40 AM by Aspen.)