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The weather outside is frightful! — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
For @Vera ! :) Feel free for the wolf tracks to belong to Vera or for Vera to find Fly and them try to figure out who the wolf tracks belong to together!:) Also, I am so sorry I wasn't there for spring the other night! Holiday season has me running around and decorating like 24/7. I thought I had the night off last night but turned out I had to help with more decorating:/
RE: You find a fresh set of wolf tracks in the snow and decide to investigate.

Firefly was in Ghastly Woods...again. She had tried to avoid spending a lot of the time in these woods after her run in with Danica, but sometimes when she was tracking prey it would lead her into the woods. Like this afternoon. She had been following the lone tracks of what seemed to be a young doe and it had led her deep into the woods. However, the young doe tracks had just recently turned into wolf tracks which had Fly puzzled. There was no blood so the wolf hadn't made the kill here. Perhaps, the wolf had begun following the deer and had laid its own tracks over the deers.

Fly sampled the air, but for some reason she could not pick up any distinct scents. She tried again and again but the air just seemed to be a unrefined mixture of Black Thorn Downs, the doe, and several herbs that Fly thought were familiar. There was another familiar scent, but she couldn't quite place that one. Fly shook her red and cream head, trying to concentrate on sorting out the smells.

Fly paused. There was a ticket in her nose. She twitched it, thinking it was probably just an inch. Then,"AHHH CHOO!" A loud sneezed that probably alerted whatever it was she was following now, be it deer or wolf. Great, the rusts huntress thought grimly, I have a cold. What a fabulous hunter I will be with a cold! It was no wonder she couldn't smell anything! Fly twitched her nose again as she tried to avoid another sneeze. Too late."AHH CHOO!"


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Pack Pride
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus
It's alright @Firefly! I was quite busy yesterday too. But for the next few days I don't think I'm doing anything ^^

On the search for prey and herbs Vera had - in her mind, luckily - come across the tracks of a deer. She had changed her course and followed it, even when it led her to the Ghastly Woods. The open land soon quickly changed to thick tree canopies that cast everything in a dark shadow, with long, wispy branches that stuck out and grasped at her fur, like it was trying to pull her in and stop her from leaving. But the instinct and desire to continue after the deer pushed her onwards, through the creepy forest. Maybe it would have been a good idea to bring Florence along, but she couldn't, and wouldn't, turn back now.

The Diminutive Ivory She-wolf hadn't ben in the Ghastly Woods for long before she heard a particularly loud sneeze from where she had come through. Pausing, her ears pricking, she turned her head around and looked over her shoulder for the cause of this sneeze. It meant there was a wolf nearby, possibly even following her, and that set her on edge. Fur bristling and deer stalking forgotten, Vera stalked forward towards the wolf. Soon she saw the fiery pelt of a wolf, one that was larger than her - obviously - and made herself known with a low woof. It was only when she moved closer that she realized it was Fly, her first friend, and the wolf that introduced her to Black Thorn Downs. "Fly?" Vera said curiously. "What are you doing here?" She was secretly very pleased to see her friend, as they hadn't seen much of each other since that first day. It was then that she had remembered the russet female had sneezed before, twice! It wasn't uncommon for wolves to get colds during winter, and she knew of a herb that could help relieve the symptoms of it. "I heard you sneezing before... are you alright?"

320 Words

Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats

With Fly's sense of smell way off, she didn't realize that another wolf was approaching until a familiar, feminine voice called out her name. Fly quickly looked up and smiled brightly as the small, ivory form of Vera approached. Fly and Florence had spent quite a bit of time together since Florence and Vera had joined the pack, but Fly hadn't seen much of Vera. At this point, it didn't really matter where she ran into the demure ivory she wolf, she would have been happy regardless!

"Well, I was out here tracking a deer but then the deer tracks were covered up by wolf tracks!" Fly exclaimed incredulously, as if the entire event were completely unbelievable. She let a soft giggled escape her maw, before narrowing her eyes playfully."I wouldn't suppose you hadn't anything to do with that, hmm?" The warm smile never left the yearlings lips as she joked with her friend."As for the sneezing, I'm fi--fi--fi---ACHOO!" Fly wasn't even able to get the word 'fine' out without another over dramatic sneeze. With a guilty look at Vera, she quickly amended her earlier statement,"Okay, by fine I mean that I think I have a cold." By now Fly's voice was even starting to change, affected by all of the gunk that was building up in her nose."So much for hunting that deer." Fly mumbled, barely able to conceal her disappointment."But at least we have a chance to catch up now!" And with that, Fly's mood quickly resorted back to its normal, happy-go-lucky state. Her brown eyes were bright with excitement and her fluffy russet tail was happily wagging behind her.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus
I'm so sorry @Firefly for the wait! Had no internet and then was busy with Christmas and New Years... plus Vera was being a douche >>

When the russet female saw Vera she smiled brightly, and in return the Diminutive Ivory She-wolf wagged her tail, a smile of her own gracing her face. There was just something about Fly that made her feel happy and at peace, like she didn't have to watch her back all the time. Was that what friendship felt like? Well, if it was, she was glad. She was sick of running. Sick of always having to be on alert or die. Friendship was good, friendship worked. A laugh of her own followed her friend's playful and teasing words, punctuated by a giggle here and there. Ears splaying apologetically, Vera grinned back, attempting a try at being playful in return. "I suppose I did have a paw in covering up the deer tracks... but what are you gonna do about it, take away my hunting privileges?" She laughed again, feeling completely at ease.

A concerned look crossed Vera's face when the russet female sneezed, quite dramatically, if she said so herself. She knew of a herb that helped to relieve cold symptoms when the bark as chewed, but the only place that it grew close enough in was the Secluded Springs, and that was too far away now. However, she had recently made a trip there and brought some of the Skunkbush bark for Florence for this very reason. "Yea, sorry about that, I didn't realize you were nearby or I would have asked you to join me earlier." Well, the Diminutive Ivory She-wolf could make it up to her by clearing up her cold. "I know of a herb that relieves the symptoms of a cold. Come, I'll take you to the den. We can chat on the way there." Smiling, she gestured with her muzzle in the direction of the den she and Florence shared - that's also where they kept their herb stock - and waited for Fly to move first.

322 Words

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity