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I'm In Love With A Criminal — Lost Lake 
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Played by Melorama who has 21 posts.
Oregano Flint
Here ya go @Flyn!
NOTE: Dated forward three days to 18th of December

The trek up the mountainside had been arduous and long, a challenge for the Psychopathic Flirt, but one that he could easily overcome any day. Going up a steep mountain? Easy. His six months straight of constantly travelling had kept him fit and in shape, strengthening his muscles from the never ending trail, unlike all these pack wolves who sat on their asses all day. But there was always a time when a wolf needed to join a pack, and that was winter. Now it was winter; the snow was falling, cold winds were blowing, food was becoming scarce. He knew he needed to join a pack to have the best chance of survival, and that was exactly what he was going to do. Once he found the right pack, of course. A smaller one was preferable, less wolves meant less contesting over the smallest of things and less sucking up to the wolves. in charge "Aren't ordinary wolves adorable," he murmured to himself, a smug smirk lifting up the corners of his lips.

Stopping at the edge of a steep yet small cliff, he stared down at the depths, brows raising slightly at the sight of the smooth surface of a lake. From this distance he couldn't be sure if it was frozen already, and he gazed down from the very edge of the cliff, looking for a way down, just to see if it was accessible. He doubted that he would go down there just to see if it was frozen. It wasn't as if it would be able to support his weight anyway. Goldenrod eyes picked out the slightly hidden form of a path that was well-trodden, like wolves lived nearby. Lifting his muzzle into the air the Psychopathic Flirt inhaled deeply, but found no scent of a pack. Well, there could be a pack close by, but the powdery snow covered almost all of the traces of scent markers, so he couldn't be sure. Letting out a gruff bark, he backed away from the edge of the cliff, shaking out his fur like he didn't have a care in the world, which was true. He had no reason to fear anything or anyone. "You could say that I'm King," he said to himself as he stood on the mountainside, looking out over the paleness of the wintery land.

392 Words

Played by Missy who has 8 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Flyn Faye

Flyn had woken up this morning and decided to patrol the borders. Mostly it was just to get away from that annoying Roma lady that kept glaring at him all the time. Seriously didn't she have anything better to do than to keep her icy eyes on him all the time? It was starting to piss him off. Flyn let his tail flick back and forth casually as he imagined sinking his pearly white ivories into her jugular. How the blood would spill, Flyn's thought with a sense of yearning. After his first murder, Flyn had become quite an addict. In the Southern pack he had killed several wolves, but now a week had gone by and his paws were clean. It would be wonderful to kill the large annoying woman.

As Flyn toyed with the idea, he realized that he had stopped actually patrolling the borders. He realized this because he came upon the sight of another wolf, standing at the edge of cliff that hovered above the lake and he was looking for a way down. Flyn watched as the golden colored wolf gazed down at the lake and smiled as the man talked to himself. Other wolves were adorable? He was King? Flyn liked this guy already. In his ever-so-charming demeanor he called out, "Well I wouldn't call myself ordinary, but I certainly am adorable." Fly's brown eyes were sparkling with delight as his black lips curled back in his trade-mark, devilishly handsome smile. "As for being King, well I commend you on that, but this lake already has a King. Sorry, for the inconvenience but you'll have to find your own lake." There was no menace in Flyn's voice as he said this, only cheeky sarcasm. Flyn was rarely angry. Life was too short to spend very much of it angry. Nope, it was all fun and games for the black and white male.

Played by Melorama who has 21 posts.
Oregano Flint

Aspen flicked an ear around when he heard a masculine voice call out to him, saying that though he wasn't ordinary, he was adorable. "Oh really?" The Psychopathic Flirt responded in a disbelieving and teasing tone, his voice an octave higher than it's usual timbre. Turning his golden head to look at the male that had spoken, his goldenrod eyes scanning over the others' body. The male had long, thick fur, a stark black covering his back whereas a creamy white shade coloured his underside and legs, with sparse grey hairs in between the two extremes. Though smaller and leaner than himself, the black and white male still had an air of intimidation and power around him, the sparkling delight in his brown eyes giving him an almost wild look to him. Deciding that he already thought this male of as anything but ordinary, yet not special enough to consider above all the rest, Aspen fully turned around to face the other, smaller male.

Chuckling at the male's cheeky sarcasm, Aspen responded with a smirk, his own goldenrod eyes filled with a devilish glint. This male had spunk and wit, he had to give him that. "You are gracious in your words. Do you compliment every wolf you come across?" His words were full of cheek, responding with the same amount of enthusiasm that the other male showed him. "Should I presume that a wolf such as you already holds the crown in your paws? Or are you just another underling doing the bidding of those above you?" Though he had been teasing before, his voice suddenly became dark and vicious, and he snapped his jaws together with a 'snap' when he finished speaking.

Looking away from the black and white male like he couldn't be bothered to look at him for any longer than necessary, the Psychopathic Flirt gazed at the snowy landscape the stretched on for miles far beneath the mountainside he was currently standing on. After a moment he glanced back at the other male, a smirk pulling the corners of his lips up. "Aspen Whitlock." It was an alias that he has used since he had become a year old because he hated his given name so much, Oregano Flint. He had been named after a flowery herb for god's sake! No, no one shall know his true name, only those who knew him before his decision, which wasn't many.

404 Words

Played by Missy who has 8 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Flyn Faye

With eyes the color of moist soil, Flyn watched the larger male size him up. When he finally chuckled and a devilish glint filled his golden gaze, Flyn's lips pulled back in a delighted smile. About time someone could appreciate his humor! Flyn's ears twitched in amusement at the male's response. Sure the guy was a tad bit arrogant, but it was the kind of overly-done, take yourself too serious arrogance that Flyn thought was funny. When the larger, tawny colored male took on a darker more ominous mood Flyn merely raised his dark eyebrows, thoroughly entertained by the unstable character of the man before him.

After taking a moment to gaze at the spectacular view of the lake, Mr. Crazy Pants turned back to introduce himself. "Well Aspen, that's quite a temper you have there. What did the underlings of the world every do to you?" Flyn paused a moment, but then remembered the question Aspen had asked and in a mock-offended tone he added, "Oh and just so you know...I don't like crowns. They bring way too much attention to you. Besides, look at me. Do I look like I need a crown to get wolves to do what I want?" Flyn flicked his tail and his ears confidently, turning to the side to show off his well-muscled figure. He couldn't help himself, he loved to be on display.

After that Flyn turned his back on Aspen and rolled onto his haunches so that he could also take in the view of the lake. Eyes scouring the land that was now home, he gave Aspen the same alias he had given his alphas. "The name's Bond, Ren Bond." Renegade Vagabond was the clever name he had come up with when he left home and he had shortened it to Ren Bond so that it would sound more believable. Though, he found that Renegade Vagabond seemed to be more popular among the ladies, he was sure that Aspen wouldn't mind just calling him Ren. That was okay because for Flyn, Aspen Whitlock would forever be Mr. Crazy Pants.

(This post was last modified: Dec 16, 2014, 03:39 AM by Flyn.)
Played by Melorama who has 21 posts.
Oregano Flint
I noticed that James Bond reference, @Flyn ;) And sorry for the length... my Aspen muse got carried away xD

Aspen's opinion of the black and white male, which had been fairly neutral, was now in the higher range of neutral. It seemed they both shared and appreciated the others' humour, which pleased him greatly. Finally he had a companion to truly be himself with, one that could understand the inner workings of his mind, unlike all the small-minded completely boring wolves he was always surrounded with, day and night. All his life he had been plagued with boredom, the only way to alleviate it was through distractions, but they were all so easy to beat it was no fun. However, with a wolf so like himself, it would be the greatest challenge of all. The wolf before him should already know he was dealing with a psychopath, one who messed around with the devil, but it was likely they both did. After all, didn't every wolf play with the devil at one time or another during their miserably short lives?

The Psychopathic Flirt grinned an insane grin, one that said he was unpredictable and could do anything at all without fearing the consequences. He was the most dangerous criminal mind the world has seen, and probably will ever see. "Oh, absolutely nothing at all. Being alive is more than enough for me to despise them and their small mindedness. They are so... ordinary it is almost painful to be around them." Lifting his goldenrod eyes filled with a cunning and sly devious glint to meet the black and white male's gaze, he chuckled darkly, a low rumble resonating from deep within his chest. He was unpredictable at the best of times, and no one, not even himself, knew what he'd do next. Golden ears pricking forward, a childish grin replaced the darkness that had plagued his expression before, going from one extreme to the next in a matter of a second, as the other likeminded fellow before him spoke again, confidently showing off his well-muscled figure.

"Nor do I. Being in the spotlight means bringing attention to you... and I prefer to lead behind the lines where no one can find me, sending out one whom I trust the most to do all that I tell them to do. But in the end, I am still the King, and everyone knows it." His voice was light when he spoke, a slight cant to his muzzle, the darting of his goldenrod eyes from himself to the other before him. It sounded like he was having fun, enjoying the conversation between him and the black and white male. He had a sarcastic and cynical, yet extremely childish sense of humour, but most others viewed it as sadistic. Quite a pity. It meant he found everything so fascinating, whereas others might be disgusted. Running his eyes along the other male's form, Aspen smirked. "No, I'm sure they all just fall at your feet, don't they?"

Aspen watched silently and curiously as the black and white male turned his back on him and sat on his haunches, looking out to the view of the lake. His brows raised when the other male gave out his name as Ren Bond. It was surely a name that had the females swooning and chasing after him, especially if it was short for something else. But he did not ask, no, he had a name for the fellow before him, and that was all he needed. Inhaling deeply, the Psychopathic Flirt caught the thick aroma of a pack on Ren's coat as the wind blew his way. He had already known a pack was nearby from the way Ren had spoken about the lake already having a King, but he hadn't really thought about it. Aspen needed to join a pack for the winter, it was the best chance of survival, and since he seemed to have hit it off fairly well with Ren, his pack was a viable option to choose. "Your pack, Ren... what is it like?"

662 Words

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Missy who has 8 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Flyn Faye
. Okay so i posted this from my phone so no table. Sorry, i know it makes it harder to distinguish dialogue from thoughts from regular RP but at least I have the post up now!:D haha

Flyn's ears twitched as he listened to Aspen's explanation. He couldn't help but snicker as he turned to look over his shoulder and look up at the golden male. The way the sunlight hit his fur made him almost seem...shiny. The whole scene was comical in Flyn's mind: the golden wolf who thinks he's a King. As for if Flyn was snickering at Aspen or with him it was hard to tell. Honestly, even Flyn didn't know. He thought the man was overly arrogant and that was kind of funny. But he agreed with at least part of Aspen's philosophy: it was painful to be around ordinary people. Flyn had always felt out of place in his strict, structured pack. He hated that feeling and he was determined to make everyone feel out of place. If no one had a place, then no one could be out of place. Unfortunately, most wolves, the ordinary ones at least, liked having a place.

And of course, the man had agreed with him about being King. If Flyn had a good side, agreeing with him was a good way to get on it. The golden males expression seemed to sway from one emotion to another without any rhyme or reason. Flyn rather liked watching his eyes and grin go from dark to childish from one moment to the next. It was a game to Flyn to try and guess what was going on in the mans mind. However Flyns expression stayed rather constant. He lived at emotional extremes and right now he was playful. Unless this Aspen character did something to piss him off, he would stay that way.

Flyn was surprised that Aspen asked about his pack. Turning to face the golden man, he called out "You do realize that joining a pack means taking orders from an alpha, right? You dont strike me as the type to be too keen on that." Then again, Flyn mused, I dont like taking orders from alphas too much either but here I am. "On the bright side. My pack is small." Flyn quickly added. "And it has lots of fun toys to play with. My personal favorite at the moment is Athena, the lead female. " Flyn smiled jubilantly as he shared that tid bit with his new friend. Then in mock seriousness he added, "And i dont share well so hands off her, got it?" He even added a cute pout at the end to send the point home.
Played by Melorama who has 21 posts.
Oregano Flint
A post is a post @Flyn <3 ^^

Aspen grinned when he heard a snicker come from the black and white male. So the fellow before him thought he was funny, that's not what wolves thought. They either told him to 'piss off', ran away in fear, or called him crazy and stayed well away from him. Those reactions were fine, it was the norm, as everyone beforetime called him a Psychopath. Hell, he even called himself a Psychopath! But a wolf finding his antics amusing was different, and he enjoyed it, as it meant something new for his to toy with, to break the constant grid of boredom that kept him locked in the cage of life. His life was dedicated to finding ways to not be bored, and if that meant playing unfairly with the wolves he met, so be it. He could tell, however, that Ren was different than the rest. Like him. They were similar in so many ways, yet completely different at the same time. It was his new and greatest challenge.

Ears folding back against the crest of his skull momentarily, his lips pulled back in a silent snarl. Yes, the black and white was quite correct, and he abhorred taking orders from another, but he would if it meant he lived through to the next day, no matter what he thought about it. But he would make sure the one giving out the orders knew just how against he was following them. His own needs to survival came first, and he would do absolutely anything to keep living and out of the way of the icy black tendrils that was death. But that didn't mean he didn't enjoy playing with death. "You're quite right about that Ren. Taking orders from another isn't in my best interest, but if it was the only way to survive I'd do it... unwillingly. Wouldn't you?" His voice and the expression on his face screamed out seriousness, and there was no trace of humour or playfulness at all. He meant what he said, and the wolf before him should already know that without having to ask, as his temper could easily explode when he was serious. It was another case of him having violent mood swings. But being unpredictable was fun.

Brows raising curiously as Ren spoke of the pack being small and having many fun play toys to enjoy themselves with, the Psychopathic Flirt's lips turned up into a smirk. Yes, the pack sounded perfect to his needs; it was small, which meant less wolves to get in his way and fill up his day with their ordinary chores, and he could have his way with the wolves. He chuckled when the black and white male said the lead female, Athena, was off limits in a mock serious tone, and finishing it up with a cute pout. Okay, he could leave that one female alone, for now. "I'm not much of a sharer myself," he said slowly, his goldenrod gaze fixing resolutely on the brown eyes before him. "But I'll agree to leave your Athena alone if you don't bother me when I'm toying around with the others." His brows raised in a 'do we have a deal?' manner, as he waited silently for Ren to either agree or disagree. Aspen knew for sure from this encounter that he would join this pack, and he was sure the male before him knew that too. Now it was time for the waiting game.

577 Words

Played by Missy who has 8 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Flyn Faye

Flyn considered what the wolf said about surviving. Hmm, that was a good question. Would Flyn follow orders, let himself be put in a place, in order to survive. A familiar childhood mantra that his religious zealot of an aunt had taught him to say when he was scared flooded his mind: We came from Nature and to Her we shall return. The Faye do not fear death, Flyn reminded himself. No, he would not allow someone to put him in a place, in order to survive. Survival was a game, and losing by death and by submission were practically the same to the psychopathic Faye. He only shrugged his furry black shoulders, not interested in correcting Aspen about such a minute detail. He understood where Mr. Crazy Pants was coming from, he just didn't necessarily apply the same philosophy to himself.

No matter. As Aspen agreed to keep his paws off Athena, Flyn was satisfied. Especially when Aspen called her his Athena. Oh yes, that was very satisfying and she would be his....sooner or later. Flyn listened to the rest of Aspen's terms and quickly ticked off the other pack members in his head. Nope, no one that he cared about. "Yeah, sure have at it buddy. I'll even give you a heads up: there's this large grey woman in the pack and she is loads of fun to mess with. She has a stick so far up her ass you can see it when she snaps those nasty jaws at you." Flyn winked, as if he had just offered Aspen a valuable piece of information. Of course, in his mind he had; he had told Aspen which wolf was the most fun to annoy.

"Alrighty then. That's that and we have a deal. Time to meet the Alphas." Flyn said as he flicked his tail, a signal for the golden King to make his way down from his make-shift throne. Flyn would walk him a little closer to the borders and then call for his alphas. "Better be on your best behavior, at least until after you get accepted. These two can be a little...domineering, so I find that its easy to fake submission from time to time." Flyn offered the advice, and he was very curious to see if his new friend would take it. He hoped so. It would be such a disappointment to have Vesper and Athena turn him away because he couldn't reign in his big personality for the few moments it took to get accepted.

(This post was last modified: Dec 18, 2014, 05:11 PM by Flyn.)
Played by Melorama who has 21 posts.
Oregano Flint
Terribly sorry about the wait @Flyn! :3 And do you want me to fade/end the thread in my next post? ^^

Aspen dipped his muzzle when the black and white male agreed to his more than compatible terms, it was barely seen, but the small notion of thanks was there... somewhere. He knew when to be thankful of others, but that didn't mean he would show it, or often even think about it. Thanks was almost nothing to him, it was just a way of boring, small-minded wolves to try and make themselves feel better about themselves and the things they do. Verbally thanking another was beneath him; he would never stoop that low, unless if he didn't really mean it. Actually, he would most likely never thank another living being no matter the cause, but nonverbally 'thanking' another could be done. Not to just anyone though, no, only to those he considered equals, or at least, almost equals. And so far Ren seemed like-minded... he could even be considered an ally. Possibly.

Chuckling at the figurative bone the black and white male threw to him, the Psychopathic Flirt grinned widely, an expression that should send anyone running if they knew what was good for them. But what was the fun in that? One should face everything head on, otherwise life became boring, dull, predictable. He was sure the fellow before him wouldn't give a second thought, maybe not even a first. They could be more alike than one would think. "I'll keep a lookout for her, then... I love it when they get feisty," he said in a teasing tone filled with dark humour. That was the best type of humour. However, at the mention of it being time to meet the alphas (I.e. having to bow down to another) an almost disgusted look crossed his devilishly handsome face for just a moment, before a blank expression with hints of smugness replaced it. Having to play the good little obedient wolf was a cross he'd always have to bear.

The Psychopathic Flirt listened absently as Ren offered helpful advice. It was nothing he hadn't done before, but he... appreciated it all the same. Not the actual advice, but that fact that the black and white was willing to share possible valuable information with a complete stranger. Well, technically they weren't strangers anymore. After meeting another wolf for two minutes he considered them know, five minutes was ample, and so far he considered them to be possible allies in the future, if the time ever came for that. Walking up to the fellow before him, Aspen stood next to him, looking sideways, meeting plain brown eyes with his own goldenrod eyes, an almost childishly teasing look on his face. "I don't doubt it," he said softly before inhaling sharply and turning to look away at the scenery around them. "Domineering I can handle, domineering is sometimes needed. But being overly assertive is another story, however." Glancing back at Ren, how gestured silently with his muzzle, as if to say 'lead the way'.

491 Words