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Bulls On Parade — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
@Silver @Andromache @Athena (in case you happen to be able to join in) @Flyn
Random Event: Fallen Tree Cove, a large herd of elk migrates through your territory.
Setting: Mist — -5° F/-21° C ; early morning
So as Missy has pointed out, this would be a great opportunity for the first official pack hunt now that FTC is alive and kicking so this thread is for pack members only! The target as listed by the random event is Elk meaning we have just enough wolves to bring one down and will start at the den, tracking the herd before the actual hunt will begin (Still getting use to the whole leadership role so apologies for any shaky ground)

Dawn's first light was beginning to break the surface of the horizon as the ruling male stood guard at the den entrance while his fellow pack mates continued to sleep on, their minds fogged with whatever dreams they conjured up. He would have enjoyed catching more shut eye among them, enjoying the warmth of Athena's body pressed against his side but today he had plans to bring the pack closer together. It had been many moons since their official claim to the lake as a pack and in recent days he had the pleasure of accepting the first outsider into his ranks yet it still didn't feel truly real to him just yet. Yes, he had the kingdom he always wanted beneath his mighty paws now and followers to fulfill his every whim, but he couldn't shake the feeling that they were not united as one in their infant stage. This alpha role was so new and foreign to Vespertio unlike his partner in crime who had a notch in her belt already with the title of alpha female and in the back of his mind he couldn't ignore his subconscious voice that taunted the Vuesain man in his brothers voice. You will never find happiness. Everything you end up holding dear will be stolen from you like a thief in the night. The worlds swam in his mind, reminding the man of his brothers verbal wanion.

A snort disrupted his thought infused purgatory while his golden gaze settled on the lake's surface before him that shimmered with the brilliant oranges and pinks of the approaching sunrise. 'Athena would enjoy this.' He thought to himself and had the two not already discussed plans that she would stay behind to watch the territory and only catch up if things seemed completely secure, he would have turned to sneak silently back into the warmth of the cavern they called home and awake his slumbering queen to come watch the brightening of the sky. No, instead he let his ivory woman continue to rest and let his mind wander from the negative thoughts of his past to the more bright ones of the present. Today he would rally the pack together and organize a hunt for a couple reasons. While strengthening the boarder during patrols Vespertio had come across on multiple occasions the musky scent of elk and the hoof like marking left in the soil which were too big to belong to a deer. The best part was that there was not a single solitary set of tracks. No, the tracks he had found belonged to a herd of elk that were in progress of their annual migration making their numbers astronomically high.

If there was any time to call a hunt together it was now while prey was in abundance around them and they had an element of surprise using the mist steadily drizzled from the sky to conceal their scents making it harder for the elk to determine their exact location. There was a double blessing in disguise with the migration of the beast. The formation of this hunt would help unite the pack and on the side help to fill the caches before winter released its fury and blanketed the world in its white, miserable blanket of frost and death, forcing everything in its path to bunker down for months on end. This was a now or never moment and with his plans processed in his mind the dashing man turned to poke his head through the limp array of tree branches that made up the blind protecting the cave entrance. A rough woof broke the lining of his lips to stir his slumbering members from their pleasant dreams before returning to his position outside, awaiting them to stumble on sleep filled legs to hear what he had to say.

Played by Missy who has 8 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Flyn Faye

Flyn had enjoyed a comfortable night's sleep in his new den. The pack was small, but this did not bother the renegade Faye. In fact, he hated larger packs. The hierarchy became too complicated and Flyn had no love for the rank challenges and constant shows of submission and dominance. The whole thing seemed pompous and egotistical and not worth his attention. Instead, he enjoyed to get to know a wolf beyond the label of rank that was attached to them. Other wolves were like play things to the young Faye. He enjoyed toying with them, seeing how much they could take before they broke, and every so often, he enjoyed putting them back together. This was the immediate urge he had felt when his brown gaze landed on the serenely beautiful scared muzzle of Athena, his Alpha. She was broken, he could tell, and he wanted to fix her. In Flyn's mind, a wolf's natural state was one of freedom and happiness. She was the Queen so she was free, but she was far from happy. Flyn intended to get her there.

All of his musings were interrupted by a call from his other Alpha. Vesper was a likable fellow so far, but Flyn hadn't felt drawn to him the way he felt drawn towards Athena. Then again, if he had felt that way it would have been weird. With a shrug, Flyn got to his paws and shook out his long, thick fur. With a few quick licks he tried to straighten out his pelt, but his fur was always messy. But messy in a sexy sort of way, Flyn thought to himself smugly as he sauntered out of the den. He came to a stop before Vesper and rolled back on his haunches to sit. "What's up Vesper? Not that I need it, but you're disturbing my beauty sleep." Flyn let his black lips curl up in a devilish smirk, but kept his eyes averted from Vesper's. Flyn wasn't the most respectful wolf, but he wasn't needlessly rude. Most of the time.

(This post was last modified: Dec 05, 2014, 08:15 PM by Flyn.)
Played by Missy who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Andromache Moon

Andromache twitched in her sleep as Vesper's familiar howl echoed through her dreams and woke her. As she instinctively rose to her paws, shaking out her ruffled fur, the Moon woman wondered what she had been dreaming about. As soon as her eyes fluttered open, the dreamscape had disappeared and though she remembered that it had been a pleasant dream she could not recall who she was with or what she had been doing. With a weary sigh, Roma shook her head to clear it of useless wonderings. She lazily maneuvered her way out of the den and into the clearing where she saw Vesper and some new recruit who she had not yet met. He was handsome, with thick, luxurious fur and wide brown eyes. But the second the newcomer spoke up, Roma immediately developed feelings of disdain and suspicion for him.

He was arrogant and cocky and something about the way he smirked sent her fur on edge. Sure, she had to admit that his overall appearance was alluring and there was a danger about him that other female wolves might find attractive, but her instincts were telling her that he was bad news. Knowing that she could not voice these groundless opinions now, Roma tried to stifle the alarms going off in her head and focus on whatever task Vesper had summoned them for. Dipping her head respectfully in acknowledgement of her Leader, she said "Good morning Vesper, if you don't mind me asking, what is this early summons all about?" Her tone had been respectful and polite, though she didn't hold her male Alpha in the highest regard. She usually showed Vesper respect out of respect for her sister. But today she felt inclined to be more respectful towards him than usual in order to compensate for the newcomer's disrespect.

Played by Namara who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kassander Mikhailovich

The rather insecure healer had remained on the scarce side when it came to meeting and socializing with his new packmates. Would they see him as off or weird or something terrible? Would they judge him for having been a former Caverns wolf or would they respect him for it? Perhaps they would see nothing off it and turn the other way. Perhaps they would hate him. Kassander was very insecure and while the language barrier between him and the wolves within the Lore was almost lifted he still knew he was at a disadvantage. He took a deep breathe when he heard the call for a hunt and his ears perked up. It was time to face his packmates and learn who they were through a hunt.

He would answer the call as swiftly as possible with his large frame and heavy weight making him slower than the medium sized wolves who were present when he finally did arrive. He dipped his head at all of them as he realized he did not recognize a single wolf. Part of him wished he was still in Whisper Caverns where, at the very least, he had Narime's smile. She had been quite clear about what she had thought of him. He really needed to stop thinking about her. He did not speak for fear that they could not translate his words through his thick Russian accent. It was only at this time that Kassander tried to make his large frame appear as small as an ant. Oh how shy the boy was.

Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
@Flyn @Andromache @Kassander @Athena (jump in whenever you can)

One by one the Cove wolves began to emerge from the den as they received his call. The first to arrive was a newer male to the ranks by the name of Flyn and this man was a wolf that rubbed the alpha the wrong way. Since day one of his arrival Vespertio had an eerie feeling in his gut about that guy and had made a mental note to keep a wary eye on him. Who knew what plans he had scheming beneath his calm and collected exterior and that alone was enough for him to administer any form of dominance when reasonably given to make sure he knew his place. Just like now. The swarthy pelted man now stood before him before rolling back onto his haunches as he spoke. "What's up Vesper? Not that I need it, but you're disturbing my beauty sleep." were the words that fell from his lips and words that held a tone of disrespect Vespertio did not like even if his lack of eye contact was approving. A warning growl was issued from deep within the barrel of his chest while his ebony lips pulled back to reveal the whites of his teeth in another sign of displeasure before answering his rude remark. "I am your alpha and you will answer my call whether you are sleeping or not as well as respect my decisions. Make good to remember that." The Vuesain was not going to let his rudeness go uncorrected, but neither was he in the mood to start the day with confrontation reminding members where they stood. Today was planned to be a good day bringing the pack together as one unit, not working out kinks.

Soon after the Faye man had arrived the next member soon found their place among the meeting area. It was Andromache Moon, sister to Athena and a founding member that graced the scene with a respectful dip of her head and polite words asking what this was all about. There was no hiding the lack of honest respect the silver woman had towards him and he knew it since the day their paths crossed back at Clandestine Brook. Now she only showed him respect due to that fact that her sister stood beside him as alpha female, not out of willingness. Unbeknownst to the Moon woman this fact dampened his spirits many of days when he would patrol the boarders alone and left to his own devices. One day though he would prove to be a leader worthy of her respect and that of the rest of his members. But before he could answer their questions his attention was then captured as a third body, Kassander, crept up silently from the sidelines to join the already arrived members, giving each one a nod in turn. This large wolf was the newest to join the pack and had been someone from Athena's previous one, why he left a mystery to the Vuesain. The pungent odor of the Cavern wolves was still faint upon his pelt, but the newly acquired Cove scent was easily masking the smell much to Vesper's pleasure. He didn't care much for the earthy perfume.

Taking a moment to allow the wolves to settle he then began to fill them in with his plans for the day and why there were called. Clearing his throat before speaking his words came out in a booming voice to make sure all could hear him perfectly. "I've come to a conclusion that it is time for the pack to begin acting like one and come together as a single unite." Pausing he allowed his golden gazed to sweep over the faces of his pack mates, holding their gazes for the slightest of seconds. "I have noticed the migration route of a large herd of Elk through our lands and with the coming winter it is important that we stock our caches whenever possible for times of hardship when mother natures refuses to allow a hunting party to search for prey. Thus I have called you all here to inform you that today we will be hunting as a way of filling our caches and bringing us closer together." He let his words register with the wolves while his gaze once more swept over them studying their reaction to his proclamation. Would they be willing to hunt together or was the Vuesain asking too much too soon? Silently he waited for their opinions to follow suit.

Played by Missy who has 8 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Flyn Faye

Flyn's eyebrows raised in surprise as Vesper corrected him. He wasn't even trying to be annoying that time! I must be getting better at pissing people off, Flyn thought proudly. Still, as fun as it was to watch others lose control, that wasn't his sole reason in coming here. He wanted to have fun and to do that he needed to make friends. It was okay if some people hated him, but he didn't want everyone to hate him. With the way the large storm colored woman had glared at him upon her arrival, Flyn was relatively sure she could be listed under the 'Hates Flyn' category. The other male seemed indifferent....but also boring, so his opinion didn't count anyway. Athena wasn't coming with them today, so it looked like he wouldn't have anyone to play with if he didn't make things better with Vesper.

Bowing his head and dropping his tail respectfully, Flyn acknowledged his mistake,"No offense meant, sir. I was just being...cheeky." Flyn had to resist the urge to smile. Cheeky was a funny way to describe himself. Maybe sexy, sarcastic, bad-boy dare-devil was better. But, Flyn doubted that would earn him any points with Vesper so he settled for cheeky. "Apologies, won't happen again." Vesper curled his lips over his teeth, knowing he would have to find a way to glue his mouth shut to avoid being flippant. It would be hard, but Flyn would try his best. Looking up, he smiled his most sincere smile, and offered his willing support and compliance,"Sounds like a great plan. Especially the closer together part." Flyn pointedly looked at the storm colored wolf. Here that? You have to like me, he thought to himself barely containing a childish grin. Still, he didn't much care about her opinion either, mostly because he didn't think he had a shot in hell at changing it. But Vesper was another story. Flyn rather liked Vesper, whether the Lead wolf knew it or not. Hopefully he could get good ol' Vespy to see the brighter side of his personality. He might be rude, but he was loads of fun. Sure Vespy would like some fun!


(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2014, 01:58 AM by Flyn.)
Played by Namara who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kassander Mikhailovich

Kassander was the only wolf who did not complain because his sleep schedule had been all over the place for quite a few months. He was, in fact, wide awake and ready to do and this showed behind his shy body. When Vesper spoke of a pack hunt, Kass nodded in response and spoke for the first time in front of the three strangers. His thick Russian accent held as he spoke the words in English. "What is the plan?" The man asked as he was terrible with contractions in themselves. Another spoke and said something about liking them to get closer together and it started to make Kassander a bit uncomfortable. Why did it sound so... wrong? The young healer shook it out of his head as a small smile crept on his face.

Hints of herbs traced the young man's pelt as he remained still while sitting down as he waited for them to start moving towards the objective. Kassander's mind wandered within his Russian filled head to pick apart each wolf's strengths and suggestive weaknesses. Flyn was too loud and upbeat but he was optimistic. Andromache had never spoken with him within hearing so he could not dissect what her personality might be like. Vespertio sounded and acted like a leader but there was something else that Kass couldn't put his paw on. There was something off, but not in a bad way. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind as he focused once more on the physical strengths. It would appear as if Kass would be placed on the take down again.

Played by Missy who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Andromache Moon

Andromache watched as another new recruit appeared on the scene. This one was larger than the other one and almost the same size as her. His fur was very different from hers, filled with tawny colors that blended well and his light amber eyes seemed serious but also reserved. She could already tell that she would like him much better than the black and white male.

She didn't hide a pleased smile when Vesper corrected the smaller, yet significantly louder wolf. Good for him. Leadership suited Vesper and she was glad that he wasn't going to allow the new recruit to get away with such rude behavior. She was even pleased to see that the new recruit was willing to apologize and called Vesper sir. That was better. Of course, then he ruined it by giving her a look as he gave his approval for the closer together part of the plan. She merely rolled her icy blue eyes and ignored him.

Finally, the other male, the larger tawny one, spoke up. Roma noticed that he smelled like herbs and wondered if he was a healer. She wanted to ask and to see if he needed any help collecting herbs. She had already filled up a small stock in the pack den, but her knowledge of herbs was only basic at best. Perhaps she would have a chance to ask after the hunt. Hopefully, she would be able to work more closely with him and not with the other one. Not that it mattered. These were Vesper's orders and she would do as she was told. Patiently, she looked up to Vesper to hear the answer to the tawny male's question.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Sorry, forgot that Flyn's alias is Ren and they don't know him by his real name! I edited my post accordingly(:

The warm body that she slept next to all night quickly disappeared and her peaceful dreams soon parted into restlessness. The cold crept in around her and she longed for the warmth of Vesper to come back to her so they could sleep just a little longer. She was mentally exhausted with thoughts whirling around her head every second of the day. However, her body was quickly adjusting back to the mountain life that she was so used to. Her muscles that she had lost while living in the meadows, quickly came back and she was her old self again. However, this time her age was starting to affect her. She wasn't as nimble as she used to be when she was two years old. Athena had more fumbles on the rocks that she used to, but the White Queen was still as graceful as any mountain wolf should be.

As her peaceful dreams drifted away and the morning light filtered through her eyelids, she could hear the voices coming outside of the den. Slowly rising and stretching her tired limbs, she sat behind the cover of the curtain of branches, listening to her Vesper take control of their followers. She watched as he quickly and effectively took dominance over the new male, Ren. A gentle smirk crossed her ebony lips at his display. He was certainly settling into his new role quite nicely. After a few more inquiries from Roma and Kassander, she gracefully made her way over to Vespertio's side, a lick upon his cheek in greeting as she settled herself close to his side.

Gently whispering in his ear for only him to hear, “Please do tell, my love.” A smile gracing her maw before she let er eyes wander to the rest of the group, passing a smile to each of them. Turning back to the regal man besides her, she listened as he told them his plan on the herd of elk that was passing through. He seemed to have everything under control, so she sat back and let him take the wheel for once. But, she was right besides him if he needed her.

(This post was last modified: Dec 18, 2014, 11:35 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
So sorry for this lagging, deff gonna try to get this thread moving along!
@Athena @Andromache @Flyn @Kassander

Not long after he had corrected the out of place man and stated why he had called them forward he felt the familiar change of air whenever his queen took her place beside him. Athena graced his side now with a lick to his cheek before whispering into his ear that would have sent a chill down his spine had the two been alone, but that was not the case that day. A faint smirk did appear on his black lips for the slightest of seconds though before he returned to his business at hand when the herb riddled man spoke up in his accent laced words wanting to know the plans the alpha had in mind. In his mind he had it all set up like a well oiled machine, though he knew it may not run that smoothly in the real world.

Andromache was the largest wolf in the pack size wise and would make an excellent candidate for the take down as did Ren who was only of a medium build, but he could see the muscles rippling beneath his pelt. Those two would be paired together for the last stage of the hunt. That left Kassander, Athena and himself to fill in the stamina and speed portions of the hunt. He didn't know how well Kass was in those area's but he did know that for himself he was built for long distance running. Casting his golden gaze over his gathered members he took in their appearances and suggested strengths and weaknesses one more time before letting his eyes settle on that of Kassander, the man who spoke to answer his question directly. "I have paired you guys up given your possible strengths I believe you to have. Roma and Ren, I would like you two to work together in bringing down the Elk of choice after the rest of us wear it down."

Vespertio let his words fall quiet to give them time to come to terms with his plan before speaking once more, his gaze now drifting between each member as the words fell. "Kassander, you seem like a man build for speed over strength. I'd like you to start the hunt for us and begin wearing down the target once we have one picked. Athena I'd like you to jump in on the chase once Kass begins to tire and then once you tire I will leap in to guide the elk towards where Roma and Ren will be positioned to flank its sides and bring it down. Does anyone have any objections?" He asked, scanning over their faces for any signs of displeasure with his plan of attack. Un-admittedly he had a fear this plan would not work. He had no experience in orchestrating a hunt with so many wolves and back home it had been his parents that laid down the blue prints. Hopefully this would all go according to plan and the pack would be settling down to enjoy a hard earned meal.