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Friends in high places — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Missy who has 11 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Titania Faye
For @Ash Just make your presence known and she will happily share her snack:) By the way, she is just returning form her CRR spying trip so this is her first time into WC territory, since she met Narime in the Marsh:) Her CRR spying thread can only end one of two ways at this point: either she is taken back to camp or Kisla allows Lachesis to look at her and then tells her to leave. Should that happen I believe Naia plans on helping Tania anyways. So I will have to be vague, but she has definitely collected some information for WC:)

RE: Titania, you find a snack in a hard to reach place

Titania had collected a fair amount of information about the Cut Rock River wolves and planned on sharing it with Narime and Ash as soon as possible. But first she was going to find herself a nice little snack. Her wound had healed and her body had recovered from the poison, but she needed some peace and quiet. Her mind was tired. Dealing with the Cut Rock River wolves, with Iddi, and having to decide which pack she planned on staying with was absolutely draining. Some wolves might be relieved to finally have the decision made, but Titania was one wolf who liked to have things up in the air. Playing the game was fun, but win or lose she was always tired once it was over. And this game was most certainly over. She couldn't say for sure which pack would win if the two did go to war, but it hardly mattered anymore. Titania knew better than to think she could have the life she wanted in the ranks of Cut Rock River. Her best shot at the life she wanted, one where she had enough power and influence within the pack to keep herself safe, was with Whisper Caverns. Win or lose, she was now a Caverns wolf. The finality of that decision was far from reassuring.

With a deep sigh, Titania wondered if their was a third option here that she was missing. She had left home to get away from that awful zealot mother of hers and to find something new. She was looking for fun, something to take her mind off of....

Tania was grateful for the obnoxious call of the a magpie that reached her ears just in time to put a halt to the train of thought that would have brought her to a place she had no desire in revisiting. Quickly she focused all of her senses on the bird, nestled cozily in the crevice of a high branch meeting the trunk of a thick tree. Well, there are benefits to being small after all, Titania thought as a satisfied grin spanned across her light maw. As a pup, and even as a yearling, she had hunted these magpies relentlessly in the forest near their home. Their call was so loud and annoying that she couldn't bare to let them go on squeaking like that. Being of a smaller, leaner frame she had found that tree climbing came easier to her than it did to most wolves. Of course it still took practice and it wasn't like she was as good as a squirrel or anything, but she was usual able to catch prey as long as it wasn't too far up. This bird definitely wasn't. Carefully she circled the tree until she found her point of entrance. She was able to climb onto the lowest hanging branch and from there began her ascent. The tree was thick enough, and Tania was an experienced enough tree climber, that the bird did not notice her until it was too late. She had had to work her way up several branches, but the satisfaction she felt at seeing the look in her prey's eyes when it realized it was caught was worth all of the extra effort. With a quick and effortless movement Titania swatted at the bird. Normally, it might have flown away but this was a magpie and those shiny black birds didn't back down so easily. Instead it turned to peck at Tania's muzzle, just how Tania had planned it. The second the bird turned to fight, Tania snapped her powerful jaws and had its neck broken in seconds. Gracefully, the dappled princess made her way down from the tree, happy with her snack.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

It had been odd having to defend one of his subordinates without having been formally introduced to her first. He had not questioned his motivations though, only knowing that sooner or later this girl would be under his protection, and it would be under his best interests to keep her safety in his conscious when he encountered someone who claimed to be of relation to her. Of course, when she arrived, he would be sure to ask her about this man who had been quite rude to him and his partner and demanded answers of her whereabouts. No such thing should have occurred, especially so close to their lands and it having to do with one of their soon-to-be subordinates. Nari certainly wouldn't have appreciated it and it meant that Ash wouldn't have appreciated it either.

As he was making his borders, he was caught off guard by finding a scent he was not familiar with. Immediately, his pace slowed allowing him to identify the location of the individual, obviously marked with the scent of his partner. His paws moved quickly across the lands, his mossy green eyes taking in the area around him, trying to decide the position of this subordinate that he was set on finding. However, his tracking came to a stop near a tree, confusion creased in his eyebrows as he double checked to make sure that everything was correct. His information was correct and he sat down for a moment, knowing that it was impossible for someone to just vanish into thin air. Of course, Ash also, had never heard of a wolf climbing a fucking tree, so when a woman, whom he assumed was the subordinate he had readily defended climbed down the tree, all he could so was readily stare.

To jar himself out of his stunned silence, Ash bit his tongue lightly, drawing himself up to his full height before clearing his throat mark his arrival. He made it obvious that he wasn't as surprised as he had been before and continued to wait for her to turn, his mossy green eyes taking in her appearance carefully. She did not seem to be injured, which was a good sign, considering what she had been doing before his arrival. "I don't believe that was very safe, what you were doing, miss." His statement was blunt and his displeasure was clear. Despite her catch, if she had fallen, it could have been extremely bad for them. As far as Ash knew, there was no longer a healer within the ranks of Whisper Caverns and that definitely raised protection alarms for him when it came to precautions with his members. He needed to make sure they were all safe.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Missy who has 11 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Titania Faye
At the sound of a male voice, a rather displeased male voice, Titania dropped her magpie and turned her mottled grey and tan head. Bright golden eyes took in the sight of a large, very muscular male with thick, smooth dark brown fur and light green eyes. He was the Alpha. Titania knew that within seconds of seeing him. It was in the way he held himself high, not overly proud but certainly confident. She could also see it in the tension between his shoulders and in his eyes. His worry for his pack had aged him beyond his years. And thats why I could never be alpha, Titania thought somberly. The idea of being responsible for so many other wolves, the pressure that could put on someone. Well she could see it in the dark male before her and for a moment, just a single brief moment, she felt bad for him.

Enough of that, Titania thought remembering how dangerous it was to feel anything for anyone else. A quick sample of the air told her that he was not just an alpha but he was her alpha, Narime's partner. Adopting the good girl act she had used with Narime, she responded to the dark male's criticism. "Oh. Im sorry, sir. I was just uh...looking for prey." Titania bowed her head apologetically. "But if it makes you feel better...Ive been climbing trees like that since I was a pup. It was the only way to get away from my siblings when they decided to gang up on me." Titania said in her sweetest tones, ending the sentence with an innocent giggle.

"If my nose isn't mistaken, I believe you are Narime's partner?" Her pitch raised at the end, turning her statement into a question and seeking confirmation of what she had already figured out. "I should introduce myself. My name is Titania, but if you like you can call me Tania." Titania dipped her head and lowered her tail respectfully as she introduced herself to her new alpha. She nosed the magpie forward so that it was between the two of them. "Would you like to share? I've met Narime and she seems like a good Leader, but I would like to get to know you too if you have the time." Titania smiled sweetly, training her golden gaze just beyond the dark Alpha. Meeting him had just made her even more satisfied with her decision to join Narime's pack. Something about him seemed....interesting. He was certainly worth getting to know. Let the games begin, she thought eagerly. May the odds be ever in our favor.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

It didn't take long for the girl to whirl and pinpoint his location, probably shocked that he had been there in the first place. It was something that didn't surprise him, most didn't know he was there until he wanted his presence to be known. He remained stoic, never removing his penetrating gaze from the woman that he had encountered. It didn't take long for her to begin speaking and Ash found that he had an instant disliking to her. Her voice was so...high pitched. He remained neutral though, not allowing his thoughts to be displayed upon his face. Narimé had obviously accepted her into the pack for some reason and their amount of females within the pack was certainly low. As he listened to the girl talk, her question had the obvious answer and so he didn't bother answering her, his mossy green eyes narrowing into slits to make it clear that he didn't want to talk to her if all she was going to do was point out the obvious.

She did however, do something that any subordinate would do rightfully, but Ash declined politely, not having quite the appetite and preferring to ear with Rory when he had time to spend with her. He did, however, sit down to make himself comfortable, allowing this new subordinate some of his time. After all, he had protected her ass when someone who claimed to have a brother came into the lore. And so, the alpha allowed his interrogation to begin, "So..Miss Titania, do you have any other family in the lore that came with you?" He didn't specify any kind of relation, he just needed to know if she knew that her brother was in the lore or not. Hopefully, this conversation would clear things up.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Missy who has 11 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Titania Faye
Titania was surprised to see that the Alpha's face remained stoic as his mossy green gaze held her in place. His eyes narrowed as she carried on with her little act and she wondered if he saw right through it. When he declined her offer to share a meal she was almost certain that he knew she was putting on a charade and she half expected him to call her out right then and there. She wouldn't have minded if he did.

Instead, the large Alpha settled in next to her, refusing to share a meal but obviously willing to spare some of his precious time to get to know her. When he asked about her family, Titania couldn't hide the brief flicker of fear that passed across her dainty features. She was quite the actress, but she wasnt half as good at hiding her emotions as her ever-so-perfect older sister, Seraphina. A sister who had coincidentally left their home just before Titania had. Of course, Tania had no way of knowing whether or not her dearest elder sister had come here. For all she knew, Flyn could be here too. Taking a moment, Tania weighed the chances of her new Leader her asking her a random question about a sensitive subject and the chances of Flyn or Seraphina having run into him before.

"Well..." Titania started, voice retaining only a modicum of the honey-sweet tone she had used earlier as she became more consumed with fear that her family, and all of its drama, had followed her. "No one came with me." She paused, a moment of hesitation. How much to reveal? She wondered, unsure of how this stranger, her Leader, would react to the news. She couldn't risk lying to him, since he very well could be asking the question as a test. But if she was honest with him, if she told him that she had left her pack under the false pretense of finding her sister and cousin with absolutely no intentions of doing so, there was a good chance that he would chase her out at that very moment. She wouldn't blame him. No one would want a liar like her around.

A happy medium then: "My sister and my cousin left shortly before I did and very well may be in this land. I wouldn't know." Her eyes did not meet his, but eyes of liquid gold stayed trained on his maw, a genuine sadness apparent in them, but also apprehension as she awaited his reaction. Did he know something about her family, some knowledge that she wasn't privy to? She wondered how he would interpret her sadness. Would he assume that she missed her overbearing sister or her rebellious cousin? That would be the obvious thing to assume, but with Tania things were never as they seemed.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He saw it. Ash was an extremely observant man, a high reason he was as successful as he was and the brief flicker of fear that passed through the woman's eyes did not go unnoticed by him. He knew what he needed to know, but he did not move from his spot. He decided to remain with her and find out anything else about her that could be useful in the future. Especially perhaps, why she was scared. He remained silent as she began to answer his already existent question. It was obvious that this was an uncomfortable subject for her and it was all the more reason to see if he could eventually trust her or not. As he listened to what she said, his eyes narrowed once again. There was no mention of a brother and if sisters were mentioned and there very much was existent fear, then Ash might have more than he thought he would have to worry about. As an alpha and Guardian he took it upon himself to make sure his pack mates were safe, including the young woman before him.

Not missing a beat, he cleared his throat, getting away from the sisters and towards what he really needed to know. "Anyone else? A brother or nephew, perhaps?" Someone who was definitely looking for you. He felt he was trying to talk to a pup and finding out what mischief they had caused for the day. Out of the two alphas of Whisper Caverns, Narimé was more capable at interrogations than Ash was. The Hervok preferred to stick to the physical side of the investigation, to force information out of wolves. That obviously wouldn't work with a new pack mate though and Ash wanted to be able to become acquainted with at least a few of his subordinates. So as he waited for an answer, he also pondered how he would be able to get the information easier.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief