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I Want to Shelter You — Spectral Woods 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
I figured it was about time to get this started, especially in light of the latest update ;) Just PM me if there is anything. - This thread can move slowly, since the FTC one is still missing a good chunk.
@Silver first, then @Triell please :)
- Early evening, Freezing fog — 1° F/-18° C

The sky was darkening, not that it was very noticeable behind the heavy cloud cover, but the day was definitely nearing its end. As much as the dark Avalon had tried to draw it out, it was long past time for them to get back to Oak Tree Bend; and they were close by now. The day had been spend dawdling - not unlike the past few - and they had only made slow headway towards the pack borders, but, with a heavy sigh, the ebony man admitted to himself that they needed to get there tonight; he had been gone long enough, he had a duty to Triell to stand by him, and with the cold growing stronger every day, it was high time he got Silver home.

So he made for the border line, paws confidently following the familiar path through Spectral Woods, keeping close to his dark companion's side, their shoulders brushing with every step. Despite his reservations towards going back home, knowing what he would have to face once there; WHO I will have to face..! Well, he was happy to be in the woods he knew so intimately, leading the gorgeous woman by his side to the home they would now share; That is... If Triell agrees. He didn't have to many fears about that though, his young friend and leader was a reasonable, and kind, wolf, and new strength was always welcome in The Bend. Honestly Triell's acceptance was the least of his troubles.

When they finally made it to the border, light swiftly dwindling around them, Drestig gently stopped his partner with a light nudge of his nose against her shoulder; not that she needed the gesture, the scent line was strongly marked and easy enough to smell, especially with her keen senses, but he was eager to seize every opportunity to touch her, even just for a second. Then the fire eyed chap took a small step to the side and leaned back his head, issuing a powerful call filled with joy and excitement, asking for Triell to come to the border. As his voice died out, he looked back over at Silver, grinning broadly; "And now, we wait." He announced in a low, warm tone, slowly lowering his head and stepping back to her side, playfully sliding his muzzle through her scruff; I wouldn't mind if it took a while...

Word count: 399

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Her brain was certainly in a frenetic state, especially lately. The two dark companions, if that's where the two were still at relationship wise, made their way back to Oak Tree Bend. They both knew well enough that this trip could have been, should have been, shorter. The time they had taken was more than enough. Although she had to say that she appreciated any extra time she got to spend with him. Even if it was just a minute or two.

They walked side by side, shoulders brushing, paws matching, until the reached the clearly marked borders. A nudge was given to alert her to stop. Although the dark woman was well aware she needed to stop by the heavily laced borders. Drestig called out rather powerful and joyfully, to her amazement. Maybe she was just so anxious and nervous that the thought of joy was a bit too far fetched for her. Then again her joyful moments only came briefly and left as brief as they came!

"Darling," The soft word was whispered as Drestig ran his muzzle through her scruff. "do you think they'll take me in?" They being the alphas of course. She trusted that they trusted Drestig, since he was a second in ranks, and would take her in. Of course she also had a way with words that might also help strengthen her chance. She could hunt and scout, perhaps teach or caretaker if she found the patience within her. "I hope this all goes well, not sure what I would do without you now." Her muzzle was moved to the side so she could rest her head comfortably under his for a moment. Hopefully he would embrace her back.

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Managed one for you @Silver <3

Heat rushed through him at the affectionate nickname, cheeks flushing under the dark fur. His heart beat faster, it seemed it always did when she spoke to him, her deep, full voice resonating through his bones. Her question made him pull back slightly, looking at her with surprise; She's really... WORRIED?! Had he failed so badly, leaving her uncertain. A knot formed in his belly; he had never even thought about it, that she wouldn't be accepted, it went without saying in his book. She was strong and capable, loyal and kind; How couldn't she be accepted? Oak Tree Bend was always in need of new members, and Silver would be an asset to the pack!

Her last words made his gaze soften, the fire in his eyes deep and warm ass he smiled at her; a small, tender expression, devoid of his usual cheekiness. A breath caught in his throat as she pressed against him, her open affection leaving him speechless for a moment. His body spared no pause in reacting though, neck stretching to make room for her bode head beneath is jaw, muzzle pressing down against her ears. He closed his eyes, taking a slow, deep breath, relishing her scent filling his nostrils. Finally he parted his jowls, speaking lowly, but with clear confidence; "You'll never be without me Angel, I promise you that." Then he pulled a little away again, so that he could meet her beautiful, golden eyes; "But there's no need to worry, Triell is smart, he'll see you potential!" His trademark grin was back on his face now, a teasing hint in his voice as he said it.

Their bodies were still close together, chests pressing against each other as they rose and fell with each wolves breathing. Drestig took a moment to simply look at her, enjoying her strong, gorgeous features, sinking away into the gold pools of her eyes. Then he sighed a little and cleared his throat slightly; "Maybe we should, you know, move apart a bit," He glanced over the border into Bend territory, smiling sheepishly; "It might be better if we kept this, professional." Triell was no stickler for formalities, but it still felt appropriate to show proper respect; Ugh I sound like a stiff!

Word count: 377

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Although she was in love with the physcial contact she understood very well that she couldn't keep it up for too long. Drestig's soft but deep voice spoke and she nodded. "Oh yes, I suppose you are right." She leaned away from him a bit before moving herself a few inches over entirely.

How much longer? How much longer would she have to wait silent with Drestig? She understood that it probably had not really been that long but it truly felt like forever since her dark Darling had sounded out his call. Maybe she was just anxious. Yes, that was what it was. Just her silly anxious nerves getting to her. Things would be alright. She kept playing the Avalon male's words in her mind just to soothe any worries she had left over from his reassurance.

Flicking her tail it would lace her paws lightly. She wanted to see composed and professional yet at the same time she wanted to lean into Drestig and let out all her nerves. Why was she so nervous about this now? How many times had she joined packs? Two, three, maybe four times? Maybe she was just nervous because she was doing this with Drestig. Nervous because she was starting something knew with someone she lov-, no. She wouldn't let that word slip out. The two dark wolves clearly had feelings for each other but she wasn't willing to call it love. The golden eyed woman wouldn't say love for the pure fear of pushing the Avalon into something he might not want.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
Hope y'all don't mind me jumping in.

Ever since Drestig and Jessie had returned, the woman had been going her best to avoid her mate at all cost. He was definitely not pleased with the fact that Jessie had gone off on a mission without telling him. The woman wanted to avoid the verbal and possible physical beating she would receive from him when left alone. To avoid that, she easily kept herself busy around other wolves, something she didn't do often at all. It wouldn't have been obvious to anyone within the pack, except for Triell and perhaps Drestig, but she had been doing her best to avoid both of them. Triell, because she didn't want to see the devastation and hopelessness in his eyes over Ruiko and Nayeli, and Drestig, because she was his mentor and didn't find the need to be too social with anyone she was going to be working with often.

When his call sounded from the borders, her blackened ears swiveled in the direction of his call, curiosity burning within her. Scouts usually didn't call at the borders unless they were going somewhere or they had brought someone with them. And considering the two had just gotten back and the pack was not as stable as it could be, was a tall tale sign to Jessie that it was the latter. Hesitant to see her companion again but curious as to who they had brought to the borders, Jessie set out to where he was. She did not bother hurrying towards the borders because Drestig had only called for Triell, but she was Second, and didn't even know the female lead yet, so she took it upon herself to evaluate whoever was at their borders. Hopefully, the Tainn leader could appreciate her support. However, as she arrived, it was clear that the man had not arrived yet and so Jessie watched with narrowed eyes as the two wolves pulled away from one another. She lifted herself up accordingly, keeping a note of their interaction for a later date as she finally stepped forward.

Her emerald eyes first traveled over the dark form of the Scout, nodding her head in greeting to him. Before anything could pass between the two though, Jessie's hawk-like eyes pinned on the woman in front of her. It took her a moment to realize exactly who it was and when she did, her lips curled in distaste. When Drestig and Jessie had been on the other side of the mountain, she had watched him for some time. At the time, Jessie had not wanted to meddle in his personal affairs so when she had caught the scent of the woman and a brief glance at her, she had continued on her way. None the less, at the time the girl had definitely been a pack wolf, claimed by Whisper Caverns if Jessie had remembered correctly. Glancing over her shoulder to make sure Triell hadn't arrived, she hissed out quietly to Drestig, "I really hope you didn't make an enemy out of anyone taking her away from her pack, Drestig." Sure, as Scouts they could bring in whoever they could find, if they were worthy. But stealing members from another pack was unquestionable and could be quite dangerous for the alliances that could take place in the future. She waited for Drestig's answer silently, hoping he could get in a reply before Triell arrived.

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Well I don't, but Drestig might xD

Staying away from her, even just a few inches, was unbearable, especially when she was so visibly anxious. The dark man wanted to wrap himself back around her and continue to comfort her for as long as she needed, to give her the support she so obviously ached for in the same way he had that day on the mountain, at the borders of her old pack; just like she had given him that day in the Fen, and every day since! But at the same time, he knew she was strong, so strong, and that she could handle this herself; and he wanted her to. He wanted Triell to see what he saw, to understand that, though Silver had chosen to come with him so that they could hold up each other, she was plenty powerful on her own.

Still, he longed to slide back over to her, whisper in her ear and make her smile; oh if he could just make her smile! Just before he gave in though, the sound of paws on the snow made his head swivel back to the borders, a small grimace twisting his face as the grey scout approached; What's she doing here?! He had called specifically for Triell for a reason, he didn't want to make a spectacle, for Silver's sake; She's nervous enough as it is! But there was nothing for it now, and he rose to face Jessie, mirroring her posture as their eyes met, their status in the pack now basically level. Her nod was answered with a similar, stiff gesture and the dark male parted his jaws to speak to her, but she was faster.

Her hissed words made his hackles bristle, eyes glinting irately as he watched her study his companion with piercing, emerald eyes. The low tone meant nothing, every word was clearly audible to him and would be to Silver as well, and not only were they rude, but the accusatory attitude was dominant in a manner that made the Avalon's hairs stand on end; she might be his mentor when it came to scouting, but in anything else she was his equal, and she had no right to act this way. It took great effort for him to remain calm enough t answer her without snarling, and he had to take a deep breath before meeting her eyes squarely, speaking pointedly in a cool tone; "I did not take her from anywhere, Jessie! She has her own mind to decide what she wants to do." Then he leaned back, turning his eyes away from the grey woman, anger swiftly fading as his gaze focused on Silver. He smiled meekly at her, hoping the coarse scout had not added to much to the dark lass' nervousness.

The situation with Fallen Tree Cove, he kept silent for now; it was information Triell would also need to know, and he wasn't about to divulge to Jessie, only to have to retell it all when the leader showed up. Hopefully, that'll be soon! He thought, not particularly wanting to discuss with Jessie any further.

Word count: 517

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
sorry for the wait. I wasn't sure if I should bring him in  yet and was like I better. Feel free to nudge me if it happens again. :X

Breath pressed hard in his throat as he lifted his head from the white snow bank. There was a nervous twitch across the bridge of his nose. A loner had passed rather close to the Bend, and he gnashed his teeth. They were smart enough to have continued on, but it did not loosen his anger. It did not rid of all the what ifs in his head. Especially with the fading light of the sun. The Tainn went to further investigate, and fall further into a dark mood, he was taken back by a sudden call of his scout. It was not of need, but of happiness. No, more than that. The little part of him wondered if it was the news he had long been awaiting. A wayward soul home.As paws clambered over the cold white, he told himself to simply wait and see. Only than could he know, and not have false hope.

Sure enough, upon the seen it was not Fenru nor Nayeli. It was Drestig, Jessie, and a dark cloaked lady he had never met. Puzzled, his brows crinkled across his orange gaze. He really didn't understanding the picture before him, and the howl he had heard. Why would his friend call for him because of a loner? Unless... With an effort he softened his face, but the questions did not leave his eyes. He rather not be in a foul mood, but lately they were harder to shake off. Now, there was a newcomer here. Surely, Drestig knew her. A friend of his own?

Ears, tail erect, he halted from the group, looking from one to the other. Why he really wanted to blurt out, what he was missing he simply said nothing. He didn't want the wrong words coming out. After all he trusted Drestig, and if he had found some happiness why should Triell hate him for it? For now he stood, hoping to be enlightened.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Uhg this took forever, I'm sorry ;-; @Drestig @Triell @Jessie

A woman had appeared with a rather strong look to her. Small but certainly strong. The dark woman knew better than to try and challenge anyone, especially since these weren't her lands. Lowering her poisiton, ears flattened down and tail tucked, Silver was rather surprised when her darker companion snapped back at the woman. A soft "Drestig.." was whispered from her lips. She didn't want him to get in trouble for her mistakes. Silver understood that taking others from a pack was more than dangerous but they had been safe about it. Right?

Then someone else appeared. A male as dark as night except for one white patch on his chest. His posture speaking of strength and dominance. This must have been the Triell man that her Darling Drestig had spoke of. If possible her body dropped even lower. Her stomach brushing against the cold ground. How many times had she joined packs? Too many times to still be this nervous about it. Perhaps it was the unknown that laid ahead that got her every single time. While she had the present and future (hopefully) support of Drestig the nervousness still settled deep inside of her.

Her eyes quickly glanced over to Drestig before falling upon the paws of Triell. "He-hello. I'm Silver, a friend of Drestig's.." What was she suppose to say? Spill the beans of her purely being here to support Drestig and get his support? No, that would make her sound rude. "Drestig told me about Oak Tree Bend, and I'm looking to join. I can offer my skills of scouting and tracking to your pack." Oh gosh she probably sounded foolish. Hopefully Drestig would be able to clean up the mess she was surely making.

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

As soon as the accusation left her mouth, Drestig was quick to snap back at her. With the change of positions since they had last been there, Drestig had somehow become second. But that meant nothing to her, she had been with Triell for much longer than he had. His words were met with her own silencing growl, her emerald eyes glinting in fury. Silver seemed to have proved that she couldn't remain in one place for too long and it wouldn't surprise Jessie if she ended up leaving later. There was no use for her and the Tainn certainly didn't want to wretched girl in her family. However, before any more words could be exchanged their alpha arrived. Dipping her head politely at his arrival, his body remained tense, giving Triell her silent, dutiful affections before she turned her glare back on the loner.

Of course, part of her problem was that the girl was with her student and she wanted him concentrating on his scouting instead of some stupid girl. All they did was make things complicated and when she did end up leaving, Jessie didn't want to have to deal with the mess that was sure to ensure after. She did, however, remain quiet, a shadow by Triell's side. If he asked her opinion, she would be blunt and honest, but in the meanwhile she listened. Her grey ears flicked forward and eyes narrowed at the "scout" in front of her. A growl threatened to sound from her jaws but she clamped them shut. The Oak Tree Bend wolves were certainly not in need of another scout and Jessie didn't particularly enjoy another female's company. The Tainn had dealt with Nayeli and had found herself enjoying the woman's company, but now she was gone and the pepper and salt colored woman had no desire for the friendship of anyone else. She waited, wanting to know that Triell thought of all this.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]