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We aren't made of greed — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
The weather was slowly taking a turn for the worst, the winds picking up and snow becoming more of hinderance then something fun to play in. And more dangerous to go out in. He worried still for Vera, even with her promise to stay close and not to get into any trouble. He trusted her of course and knew she could handle herself yet the worry still managed to worm it's way into his chest as he stared out of the enter mace to their den.

She was so small and flashes of memory of hungry coyotes bearing down in her due to the cold winter. Another image of her with her white coat slowly becoming covered in snow, and no one able to find her until spring's thaw...

His jaws tightened slightly as he shook the image from his head. Vera was smart and could take care of herself. There was no need to worry so much. She would stay in pack borders or he would stay near the pack borders, not venturing far due to the bad weather.

But something had him crawling out of the den to go look for her. He wouldn't find peace, just waiting in their shared den. He had gone there because the winds were picking up to such a degree, Florence no longer felt safe in the open any longer. Yet his long legs were good in the snow, as they allowed him to move easily in the snow as he went to look for Vera. He figured he'd check the borders first.
(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2015, 05:45 AM by Florence.)
Played by Melorama who has 87 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Vera Corvonic Fortibus

The day has started out so calmly, with barely a cloud in the sky and a slightly warmer breeze. But just as soon as the nice day appeared it turned into a fierce snowy storm, rough and forceful winds blowing across the lands, whipping the snow around and sending it into her face and all over her already white pelt. She blended in almost perfectly with her surroundings, and being out all alone in the blackberry fields like that was not a good idea. What if she got lost? It had happened before, and it was not fun. But it did mean she got to be saved by Florence. Sneezing, she shook out her head, ridding all of her sensitive orifices of the harsh snow being blown into them, but it was no use. The wind just kept coming and coming, never ending. What a great day.

Skittering to the side after a pretty large force of wind that practically knocked her to her knees, the Diminutive Ivory She-wolf huffed exasperatedly as she clambered to her feet once more. It was one thing to have snow blown at her, but another to be pushed over into the snow. Ridiculous! Embarrassing! Exhaling deeply, she continued to pad forward, hoping that she was going in the correct direction. The den must be that way... unless if she got turned around by her near fall. Grumbling under her breath, Vera lowered her head, tucking her chin into her chest and flattening her ears as she crouched down low to the ground, trying to make herself as small as possible to make walking easier. If anyone could see her in this weather, she'd look absolutely hilarious.

282 Words