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Lucky Odds — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
OOC: Mist — 23° F/-5° C @Renier @Firefly @Kova

The pale girl was exploring so when she came upon a rocky mountain side she didn't hesitate to climb it. The rocks were rough against her paws while the snow made them a little slippery as well. She was enjoying it though. It was a test to see how she did in this rough terrain and she felt a thrill when she finally looked down the way she had come. The sight was a little dizzying and she had to blink a few times to stop it. Spotting movement below she squinted.

Had she been followed? Was that a white wolf down there? She tipped her head this way and that before her eyes widened in surprise. That wasn't a wolf down there that was a male mountain goat. It would be a good addition to the caches but she knew as she watched it that she wouldn't be able to bring it down herself. She would need some back up to help her.

Throwing her head up she let out a loud calling howl to those in the area. Looking back down she let out a threatening growl. The goat had meandered closer to her and now she needed to keep it away from the rougher terrain above her. If it got past her the hunt would end before it had a chance to begin. Seeing as the goat was more agile on the rocks than any wolf that Luz knew of. Scrambling down she danced along the rocks snarling before the biffed beast. It seemed baffled by her and then in irritation it lowered its head and tried to ram her.
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Permission from TABs to pp @Kova

Firefly was on her way to the Secluded Springs, Kova in tow. She had promised the pup a fishing trip to the springs very long ago and they had never actually made it over there. The one time they tried, Kova ended up getting lost and making a new friend. A small smile took to Fly's lips at the thought of the young Cut Rock River pup, Karina Baranksi. She reminded Fly of herself, when she was a little younger of course.

Today, Fly was determined to actually make it to the springs and continue Kova's fishing and swimming lessons."We're almost there!" She called to the silvery prince as they continued at their even pace. Before long though, Fly came to a sliding stop. A familiar, but unexpected scent caught her nose: Luz. Luz! Tail wagging, Fly eagerly dappled the air again to pinpoint the location of her friend.

"Smell that Kova? That is the scent of one of our newest pack mates and a good friend of mine! Her name is Luz and you're going to meet her today! Maybe she would like to swim and fish with us!" Fly rambled excitedly, turning her head in every direction as she tried to find the ivory she wolf. The scent was obviously coming from the springs and with that, Fly darted in that direction, sparing a quick glance to make sure Kova followed. Once they reached the spring, Fly not only saw Luz scaling the rocky mountain side on the other side of the springs, but she heard the wolf let out a loud howl, calling to her pack mates. What did she need? Fly started in that direction to find out but paused when she caught sight of something else: a mountain goat. And it was heading right for Luz!


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
From the willows the russet highlighted rogue had wandered from for the first time in days. He was not where he might be expected. He was walking along the slopes of the mountain, trying to track any prey in the snow. So far he hadn't found any new trails to further investigate. The further north he prowled.

His luck did not change swiftly. Thinking of taking another direction the light toned howl of a wolf brought his ears up in interest. Whoever, she was had to be close by, and she was calling out for others, but he didn't understand why. Nothing to lose by checking, he scrambled to the direction of her voice, his gold gaze skimming the pale scenery for a wolf. There was a spring beneath him, and many trees. He stood a top the rocks, looking slower when a growl sounded. There was both a white wolf, and a white goat standing each other off. The rogue held back, not yet sure if his help would be welcome. He didn't have his own hunting team to take the horned beast. Could two wolves take it on? It would be easier than a bison....

When the goat claimed the white girl for his target, Ren was bounding down the rocky slopes, making his own charge. A vicious bark tearing from his throat, he made a snap at its furry flank, hoping it to be enough to stop the brute.
Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
OOC: Kova has said that we should skip him.

There seemed to be motion all around the pale girl. First Fly coming out of the trees and now a stranger seeming to appear out of nowhere was going after the goat as well. The goat distracted by the males attack twisted to assess this new threat but its force kept it going forward. Moving as fast as she could on the rocky terrain Luz moved out the way as the young ram hit the rock with its shoulder. It let out a bleat of pain before focusing its attention back on the two wolves before it not knowing of the wolves in the woods.

Without taking her eyes off the assessing goat she muttered a Thanks. Her ears flicked behind her as she called out. Firefly you coming? Luz hadn't seen the silvery prince and wasn't aware that he was with the russet huntress. A low growl rolled up her throat as the young ram lowered its horns at them and pawed the ground. It was stubborn but with this many wolves they would be able to take it down. At least the pale girl hoped the could. It was young after all and hadn't been hunted by wolves seeing as it had lived high among the rocky slopes. Luz wondered briefly why it had come down now but it really didn't matter at the moment. It was here and it would soon fall to help feed them in the winter. It was survival and this was just another one of the many ways it played out.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats

Relief flooded through Fly as an unfamiliar male came out of nowhere and helped to distract the ram so that Luz could escape its attack. The ram went straight into a rock instead and let out a loud bleat of pain. Everything seemed to be under control now and at the sound of Luz inviting her in on the hunt Fly called back a confident, "You betcha!" before started towards the rocky terrain. She gave her tail a quick flick to indicate that Kova should follow her. By now she didn't even need to look back to make sure he was listening. Her and Kova were close friends and she trusted him with her own life. Of course he would follow her, just like sh would follow him if he ever asked her to.

With the tawny male and Luz above the goat and Kova and Fly coming from behind, it seemed like it would be an easy take down. They had the beast surrounded and now they just needed one wolf to act as a distraction, one wolf to grab ahold of the ram and weigh it down, and the other two could go for the killing blows. "What's the plan Luz?" Fly called out to her friend as she carefully maneuvered her way up the rocks and closer to the goat. She paused once she felt like she was close enough , not wanting to get too close and pressure the beast into doing something stupid that could wind up hurting one of the other wolves. For now she would wait, stationed and ready to attack, for Luz's command. After all, she had found the goat and she was a higher ranking pack mate. Hopefully, the tawny male would offer Luz the same respect. Fly couldn't spare him a glance, not wanting to take her eyes off of the target, but she recognized his scent. He belonged to Willow Ridge, just like Titan and Rowan. At the thought of the dusty male with the goldenrod eyes, Fly's skin began to heat up. She could barely stop her thoughts from drifting, wondering if this man knew Rowan. Stop! Focus! she scolded herself.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Luckily, his action worked enough to distract the beast, and the goat collided with rock instead of the pale wolf. Quickly Renier drew back, wary of what its next intention would be, so neither did his eyes leave its long fury hide. But, his ears twitched upon her faint voice, and he nodded his head in turn finding nothing great about what he had done. It appeared there was another wolf, a friend of hers who had been watching. Briefly, golden eyes looked upon the red toned yearling hoping she had some experience to add. Maybe, she was older than he was guessing. Since she eagerly volunteering, and upon the other side of the goat what could go wrong?

Plans of attack formed in his mind, it was clear it was up to the cream coated Luz, as the red lady had called her. Why he rather simply act, he was working on his manners. If they were pack mates, he was the odd man out. The rogue tried to catch her eye, while also keeping the goat in the corner of his sight."I can get his attention, go at him first" he offered, thinking it would be their best bet. If she had other ideas, he waited to be enlightened. For either way hopefully they would share something if he took the most risk, or just for helping.
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2015, 07:03 PM by Renier.)
Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
Luz felt a rush of nervous adrenaline fill her as Fly asked what the plan was. Plan? What plan? The pale girl's mind felt stilted as she took a second to realize that she was the one taking the lead on this. That she was the one that would be able to direct this hunt and that whether they succeeded or failed could all depend on what she thought was the best plan of action. As the goat shook it's horns at them in a threatening manner Luz felt her nervousness drain away as her determination to succed at chased it away.

At the males offer to go after the goat first Luz instantly shook her head. No. Out of the three of us I think i'm the fastest. She told him as the scent of a strange pack filled her nose. She pushed the surprise aside it wasn't the right time to do a met and greet. I'll distract him and then you can try and get a hold on him while Firefly goes for the throat. It was a simple plan and she hoped it worked. She didn't wait to see if they agreed with her plan or not seeing as the goat was starting to get more anxious and seemed to be looking for a way to escape the predators that were watching it.

Slipping forward Luz snapped her jaws at its face before quickly moving away getting its attention instantly. The goat swung its horns to follow her as she moved around it dancing this way and that as she went from rock to rock snapping her fangs at it. Now Luz could only hope that the others would do there part.