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A New Home — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by Evelynne who has 132 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cessair Lux

Cessair lay next to a barren blackberry bush and squinted in the glint of the snow, her eyes more closed than open. The warmth of a sunbeam on her back felt lovely. She wanted nothing more than to just relax and enjoy the quiet; it had been so long since she had the freedom to do so. But even though she was no longer starving and was safe from danger, worry still worked at the back of her mind. The long-time loner had finally gotten her wish -- a pack, a family -- but she was surrounded by strangers who didn't feel like family just yet and were probably as uncertain of her as she was of them.

That wasn't to say those packmates whom she had already met weren't kind to her. Quite the opposite! Minka Lagina, the leader of her new pack, was the first Black Thorn Downs wolf she had met, and the first thing the honorable woman had done was give Cessair food. She had been half-crazed and likely to drop dead any moment, more a liability than anything else, but Minka brought her into the pack territory to be healed. Now here she was, a member of Black Thorn Downs and getting stronger every day, but still no use to anyone. How would the rest of the pack react to her, a talentless stranger who has done nothing yet but consume their precious winter resources?

All she could do was hope for the best. Cessair was eager to meet her packmates and make new friends, but she was terrified of making a bad first impression. She began licking absently at her shoulder in an attempt to clean up her still-ragged fur. It was a hopeless endeavor, but she figured she might as well make the attempt. Cessair wanted to be her best -- to become her best -- for her new pack. She knew she had a lot to learn.

Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
After a brief lope around the border Luz had meandered back into the territory. Her limbs were nice and warm from the exercise and the sun that filtered down to her was welcome. With her tongue hanging out as she panted, a grin on her face, and eyes alight with joy she looked happy. The snow sparkled and danced as the light touched it and the pale girl let out a laugh. Today was one of those winter days that she loved, but then she loved all winter days. Good or bad they were fine for her. She liked to see the snow float gently down and then she also liked to see it come down like it would never stop.

Laughing to herself the pale girl glided among the various bushes their limbs twisting and carrying the sharp thorns blackberries seemed to always have. Luz paused as an unfamiliar scent reached her nose. A pack mate she hadn't met before? She didn't think that a loner would be stupid enough to try to sneak into pack territory but winter made wolves desperate especially when they were hungry. The scent that was teasing her nose held the scent of Minka so Luz knew that it was alright.

Walking forward ears pricked with interest she began to follow the scent. Obviously there was someone here the pale girl just needed to find them among the bushes. After a bit of walking she finally discovered the scent's owner, a fawn colored she-wolf who was licking at her shoulder. Smiling Luz called out. Hello there!
Played by Evelynne who has 132 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cessair Lux

Oh, how Cessair wished it were spring!  She shifted a little so she could lick the fur on her chest.  Cold temperatures had never been a great concern for her, since in full health her winter coat was thick and warm.  But starvation in autumn had prevented her winter coat from growing in properly this year, so even as she enjoyed the relative warmth of a ray of sunlight, she found herself wishing for the insulated warmth of the infirmary.  Cessair curled more tightly around herself and began tugging at the fur on her tail.

Spring also brought more food, which meant a healthier pack and a healthier Cessair.  Once she grows healthy enough, she could learn to hunt with her packmates and make some attempt to give back to the pack that has already given so much to her.  The process of learning worried her, though.  What would she do if she is not good at hunting?  Surely there are other roles for a pack wolf, but Cessair fretted that she lacked the skill to serve in any of them.  The only thing she was good at was traveling, and she doubted such a skill would be of any use to a pack.  She licked her rear paws.

A scent caught her attention.  A few moments passed before Cessair realized that it was an approaching packmate.  Her senses were still a little foggy even after several months of recovering from her starvation.  Would she ever heal completely?  The growing scent and approaching sounds were still bouncing through Cessair's mind as she tried to process them when a pair of golden eyes emerged from the nearest blackberry bush.  Cessiar hastily stood up, then remembered herself and allowed her posture to sag a little, tail low and wagging.  She was in a pack now and didn't dare to appear more authoritative than "lowest-of-the-low," despite the encouraging friendliness in her packmate's greeting.

"Hello!"  Her voice was soft and steady, but it faltered as she considered what she was supposed to say to make a good impression.  She wanted to explain herself -- who she was and why she carried the scent of a Black Thorn Downs wolf -- but in her hesitation she managed only to stammer out an introduction.  "My name is C-Cessair..."

(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2015, 10:11 PM by Cessair.)
Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
As she looked over the other female Luz became concerned. The others coat was noticeably thin and with it being winter it should have been thick. Winter was a harsh time and though the she loved it she knew that it could be deadly to those that weren't prepared for it. Thank goodness the sun was out at the moment so that the fawn wolf could at least get some warmth from its rays. Then the other female made the sudden motion of getting up, backing up a little to give the other some room she smiled. The thorns could be troublesome if you weren't aware of them it as she watched it appeared that the other didn't get tangled in them at all. 

Then the fawn girl introduced herself as Cessair. Luz dipped her head as she spoke. My name is Luz, and you don't need to worry about the submissive display I don't care. It was true she didn't care. She wasn't one who lead other wolves and more or less followed the lead of others even if they were younger than her. She did take control on occasion but those times were brief and she did what she needed to do before handing the reins over to someone else if possible. So how did you manage to come by Black Thorn Downs? she asked curiously tipping her head a little, being careful not to stare so that she didn't make Cessair feel like this was an exam of some sort.
Played by Evelynne who has 132 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cessair Lux

Cessair allowed herself to relax a little.  Luz claimed not to care about her submissive display, and while she worried that Luz's statement was a test, the cinnamon wolf's affable words and manner seemed too genuine to disguise any such intention.  Even though Cessair was a stranger, Luz took care not to give her any reason to feel uncomfortable.  In asking how she came to Black Thorn Downs, the younger woman also gave Cessair the chance to explain herself, which would hopefully satisfy her self-consciousness and allow her to relax more.

But where to begin?  She became a member of Black Thorn Downs because its leaders had allowed her to stay on their land and eat their food as she recovered from starvation.  She was starving because she had been too committed to finding her lost brother to join a pack sooner.  Her brother was lost because he fell in a partially-frozen river trying to save her from the same fate when they were pups.  Luz asked to know how Cessair came to join Black Thorn Downs, not her whole life history.  Boring her acquaintance was no way to make friends.  Besides, her past no longer mattered.  It was time to leave behind old ways and forge a new identity as a pack wolf.

“I came by Black Thorn Downs because of the kindness of Mrs. Lagina.  I was starving and very nearly dead when she found me a little ways outside the pack territory last fall.  Lugh cared for me in the infirmary over the last few months and during that time the leaders allowed me to join the pack.”

Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
Luz smiled even more as Cessair seemed to relax some. She didn't do all that dominant stuff unless she felt that she was forced to and even then she didn't like to unless she felt strongly about something. That was just the way she was. Plus it made things easier when she came across someone who wanted to be in charge all the time since she would just let them do what they wanted to do. Waiting patiently for the fawn girl to respond Luz sat as she watched for the other to begin her story however long or short it was. 

Silently Luz listened her ears pricked with interest and her gave looked over the other's frame again. She had been worse than this? It was a good thing that Minka had found her then and that they had a healer capable enough to take care of others in dire need. Cessair was very lucky to still be alive and able to tell her tales, if Minka hadn't found her or if Lugh hadn't been around the chances of her survival would have been slim. Her thoughts slid to the fact that she didn't know much of healing and if she had been the one to find the girl she wouldn't have been able to help much at all. Giving herself an internal shake she tried to shed the concern and worry she was feeling. The other was fine and in frint of her a little thin but ok. 

Well I am glad that you were helped out of a bad situation. Minka's a good leader she is the one that accepted me and I think that her and Tokino made the right choice when they let you stay. To be honest she didn't know which of the leaders had let the fawn girl stay but she hoped that they both were aware of her and her condition. Plus now that you are here I can have another friend around. She said a slight teasing tone in her voice.