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everlasting — Cut Rock River 
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
As the hunt began to get underway, Jynx kept a careful eye on her pack mates, noting their positions. Her bright yellow eyes also flicked briefly to the pups, to make sure they were a safe distance away, but also paying attention. Then she focused on the old roe deer again, who was their selected target. Knowing she didn't need to be told, she sprung from her hiding place behind the bushes, charging at the herd with a mighty growl. Just like she had known all along, the animals spooked, hooves thundering as they retreated from the danger. One wolf was not a serious threat, but a whole pack was not worth sticking around for. And thus, the old bull was left alone to his fate with the River wolves.

Now that he was successfully separated and completely abandoned by his herd, the russet female wheeled around, happy to see that Kisla, Karpos, Maksim, XIX were already engaging the mighty animal. She rushed forward on strong, sturdy legs, ears pinned, teeth snapping. Wide eyed with fear and panic, the aging deer reared up in an attempt to shake his attackers off, lethal front hooves flailing. If they weren't careful, one of the wolves could get tossed aside, or worse, trampled. But Jynx didn't back down, opting to dart around to it's right side, opposite of where Kisla had aimed. Letting a low snarl slip past her jaws, she targeted it's shoulder with a quick, forceful bite. Together, if they could bring the bull to it's knees, they could end his suffering swiftly.
Ophelia-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
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Orren Baranski

Their parents surrounded the three River pups, Maksim mumbling more teachings in a low, rumbling voice. The words resonated within the young prince's bones, every new piece of information added to the growing stock in his memory. Unlike with so many lessons before, Orren found himself enthralled by his father's explanation, deeply fascinated by the prospect of taking down the old bull. Only when the king's words shifted to be clearly focused on Karina, did Orren feel his attention drift, warm orange eyes once more studying the agouti scout, closing in on their prey. The rest of the pack had joined her now, taking up positions around the deer, readying for the chase.

The sharp voice of his mother, brought the rust-pelted lad back, and he cowered slightly, ears pressed back, knowing full well that the words were especially aimed at him; he made a small, compliant noise and then watched as his dam set off out into the herd. Their father soon followed, leaving his children with, yet another, reminder to stay where they were and observe. Orren felt a need to sneer, but suppressed it, though he did turn to his brother briefly, once more seeking to share a pained look. Then he turned, eyes soon widening as he watched the adults unfold their plan.

His heart raced, adrenalin coursing through his veins and he clenched his jaw, fighting against the wild urge to throw himself into the chase; he would do as his parents had told today. Eyes narrowed, the boy once more zeroed in on Naia, focusing on her as she closed in on the target, every shift of her weight noted, every movement of her muscles felt in his own body. Soon she was hot on the hoofs of the bull, and the rest of the pack with her. Orren's mouth opened in awed excitement as he saw his mother jump at the deer, a joyous yip escaping him as his father tore at its skin. The river wolves had surrounded the bull now, the animal attempting to ward them off in panic. Orren had risen from his crouched position, eyes peeled, breathing quick as he watched. The russet woman, Jynx? Lunged, and this time a full-fledged howl of encouragement lifted from the younger prince's maw, body rigid with excited energy; "Get 'im!" He cried, leaning forwards, tail standing straight up behind him; if they didn't make the kill soon, he wasn't gonna be able to stay put.

Word count: 413

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


As soon as Kisla made the call, Naia dove into the herd, snapping at legs and snarling at the deer they belonged to in an attempt to widen the gap between the target and the rest of the herd. Naia sensed the arrival of the rest of her family, but she did not break focus from her task at hand. The River Second trusted her packmates completely; they knew what to do to take care of old One-Horn. A little scrap of a wolf like Naia was far better suited to herding than she was to bringing down a mighty roe buck. That had always been Naia’s way; she left the glory for some other wolf to take while assuming for herself a no less important or difficult but often less conspicuous task. It was a behavior that had earned her the omega rank in her birthpack, as she often elected to spend time with the puppies teaching them to pounce on mice instead of bringing back large game herself. Maksim was the only alpha she had ever met who seemed to value all hard work equally.  

Naia darted back and forth like a laser, snapping at any hoof that stepped into the boundary she created. Her eyes, typically a warm honey color, appeared cold and metallic as she glared down the line of roe deer. Most heeded her glare with a sort of irritable acceptance, trotting away from her boundary after a snort or a stomp. Naia’s searching eyes sifted through the stour and were drawn to the more anxious deer—the younger ones who were overwhelmed by the scent of so many wolves at once, or those with fawns close at hand. These deer with the wide, rolling eyes and occasionally bucked or darted unpredictably, which could be dangerous for the rest of her family who were focused solely on the task of bringing down One Horn. Maksim himself had recently learned of this sort of danger the hard way. Naia would stand guard for the River wolves so they needn’t look over their shoulders for danger, and in turn they would share their kill with her after the hunt. That was how it worked in Cut Rock River. Everyone took on a task, all of equal importance, and everyone shared in the feast. 

(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2015, 04:21 PM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
So late, sorry guys!

Like her counterparts, she lingered for directions and waited for the opportunity to make her way toward their prey. They would attack as a group, a smart idea, and Bastet waited with patience for instructions to be over before she began her way toward their chosen prey, a deer with one horn, and felt the wind beneath her paws as she glided over the covered ground with the ease of a runner; she'd needed this chase. Her breath was heavy as she approached the target, watching as Kisla took to the heels of the deer and watched with a satisfied smirk on her maw as more wolves moved toward it to bait and tug it to the ground once exhaustion got the best of it. With hungry eyes she came to the opposite side of the deer, her paws having found a rhythm in the snow, and lunged with as much strength as her lithe body could muster to bring her jaws down upon flesh--she caught skin and felt disappointment bubble within her.

Recharged, the woman increased her speed and resembled a black blur as she sought for the rump of the deer where she would nip and tug at it until the leg would begin to buckle beneath the loss of blood, the weight of its attacker, and the sense of defeat as more wolves advanced toward it to tackle it down. It was unfortunate for the deer that it would have to die tonight but it was beneficial to the pack that they be successful tonight, there were pups watching and they would do well to see a well devised hunt go well so that their hunger to track and kill be fueled by this night. Picking up her speed once more, she found that her teeth had finally latched onto the rump of their prey and her body locked to bring it down with her weight, she knew that Maksim was near her, Kisla as well, and the others efforts could help to speed this hunt up. She craved meat, and wanted nothing more than to feast tonight.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Pack hunt winding down. Can be the last post for everyone -- the feast. :) I'll conclude a final post after.. I'm not going to set a time frame since we never meet them anyway. ;) But try to get your last post in so we can archive!

With the safety of her pups always at the back of her mind, Kisla was driven forward – Lachesis and Karpos flanked the beast, keeping it in time to their pack mates as both she and Maksim landed their own attacks to hinder the creature. It felt good to be hunting alongside her beloved one more, and to see the energy that thrummed from his very being – she and Lachesis had stood in his place while he had healed, but Maksim would always be the King to the River – and with a formidable clench of his jaws to the deer’s underbelly, it was no wonder why.


The roe deer rose, kicking out with its hoofs as Jynx maneuvered to the opposite side. Blood would spatter to the ground – indication that while slowly, the pack was surely bringing the creature to its knees. She could only hope her daughter would not see a brutality in the hunt, and instead would see the beauty of nature – its death would be quick and soon, and no longer would it suffer.. the herd would continue with its healthy members to breed once more, and thus the cycle of life would continue.


Naia was missing from her side – a quick scan about her as she ducked a hoof would indicate the scout had veered away, ensuring the pups were not trampled by a panicked flee. Gratitude flooded her, but with the task at hand, she loosed a growl, her jaws snapping once more as fangs sliced to flesh, tearing at the side of the deer’s nape as it slowed greatly. Bastet’s own dark form was upon it, and with a groaning buckle, their one-horned deer had fallen, the life form its eyes now diminished.


Panting, a tongue smoothed across her bloody lips. Blinking, she regarded her companions before giving them a nod of congratulations, a flick of her tail given before her muzzle canted back. Come, she beckoned, her creamy muzzle tipped in the direction of her trio. Join your pack mates. This is what it is to be a wolf. Her heart thrummed in her chest – and with the stance of dominance she had maintained, she took to the kill, her jaws beginning to work upon the flesh on the side of the deer, knowing Maksim would likely join her swiftly.


There was more than enough for all.

sparking up my heart

Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski

Karina fought the strong urge to roll her eyes as her parents instructed them to watch only. Of course, the girl had no intention of doing anything other than sitting here, but watching carefully? All the way over here? Everything would just be one big blur! As her family members took off for the herd, Maksim addressed the siblings before joining the hunt himself. The princess’s ears perked up as she sensed that his lesson was mostly for her benefit. The pup nodded  slowly, still unsure of whether she was bought in but unable to deny the truth her father was speaking. It did make sense… it was just... did it have to be so violent? Couldn’t they wait until one was so old or sick that it didn’t put up a fight—or better yet, couldn’t they just feed off the dead ones? Before she could ask these questions Maksim was gone, chasing the herd with the rest of the family. 

Though Kisla had cautioned them to keep sharp, Karina felt her attention waning as the little wolf-blurs in the distance weaved around. Every now and then there was an audible bark or snarl, drawing the girl's attention back to the present for a split second before her mind drifted off once more. She didn’t even realize the hunt was over until her mother called for her. The urge to answer Kisla was stronger than her aversion to the mangled deer, and Karina approached warily. Her mother bent down to feed, lighting a deep desire in the pit of Karina’s belly. The pup rushed forward to feast beside her mother, every now and then licking Kisla’s jaws for scraps. Her questions were answered. The reason wolves hunted their prey was because a fresh kill was delicious. The difference was like night and day—the muscles were still soft and the blood was warm. She couldn’t get enough. 

 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

Each wolf of Cut Rock River present threw themselves into the hunt--exhilarating, as it always was. The one horned buck's eyes were wide, the whites showing in panic as sharp teeth pierced skin and caught flesh. Maksim's own jaws found their target, the underbelly caught between his canines. Digging his charcoal claws into the dirt beneath his feet, he growled. It wouldn't be long now. Tugging and pulling with the others, he focused on his job and his alone.

That did not mean he was oblivious to the other wolves and their presence. With the combined weight of the pack, the roe deer buckled to its knees and, finally, to its side. Cut Rock River had claimed their victory in this hunt, a much needed lesson displayed for the pups, too. They were almost ready to join in and now they had seen just how formidable a pack could be when they combined their strengths. Releasing his hold on the deer, assured that it would not be rising back up, Maksim panted. Taking a step forward towards the kill, he drew up beside Kisla and growled softly. His verdant gaze shot to his children, watched as his daughter approached tentatively. It seemed she had overcome her aversion to the hunt, hungrily nipping and begging.

Lifting his head, he called for his sons with a gruff bark. Returning his attention to the kill, scanning over the wolves of Cut Rock River, he himself dove into prying the flesh from the belly of the beast. There truly was nothing better than the still-warm blood against his tongue.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Naia heard One-Horn crash to the ground behind her, braying to his heard until one of her family silenced him. The scout gave the herd one last snarl for good measure, but they were already moving on—some even going to graze once more. That was life as a hoof-beast. Once the danger was past it was business as usual, even if you were now minus one. What a simple life that would be; to be eternally in the present without regrets and without mourning. Once she was satisfied that the herd was no threat to the feasting River wolves, Naia turned to see the kill. It was a beautiful thing, watching the alpha pair and their children tearing into the carcass. Naia’s mouth watered, but she held her ground knowing it would be her turn soon enough. She turned her attention to her family members gathered around the kill.


The feast was without a doubt the most rewarding part of the hunt, but it was also arguably the most tense. Naia had not forgotten that the last time the River wolves had gathered to feast, a new alphess took command. Kisla had far and away proven her leadership capabilities beyond simply her ability to best Astra in a fight, but there was nonetheless a warning in that history. If someone could challenge the Alpha female over a meal, someone could certainly challenge the Second. Once the Lead pair indicated it was time for the rest of the pack to join them, Naia’s honey eyes searched out the green gaze of the male Second. It was time for her and Nineteen to feast, should no one attempt to challenge them. Naia moved toward the kill with confidence, licking the Baranski pair on their chins in reverence and congratulations before diving into the feast.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Apologies for the wait! Life has been a whirlwind lately.

And just like that, in a matter of several frenzied, yet calculating minutes, the hunt was over. The great Roe Deer fell to his side, his energy spent. His passing was swift, both of which the River wolves and their prey were grateful for. Pink tongue hanging off to the left of her parted jaws, Jynx panted heavily after pulling away from it's shoulder, where a clean but deep nick marred the animals side. Licking her lips, tail wagging triumphantly, she looked to the wolves surrounding her, pleased with how flawlessly they had all worked together. Attention shifting, her eyes landed on the trio of pups, who came rushing in at their mothers call. Jynx had noticed that earlier, the young female Karina, seemed appalled by what was taking place. But now, as she dove in, taking her first bite of warm flesh, a small smile spread across her own creamy muzzle.

Maksim's soft growl and his position, along with Kisla's at the kill was more than enough to remind the young subordinate where her place was. While her stomach ached for the comfort of warm meat, she was not here to test anyone's rightful place. She shuffled back several steps, allowing the older adults and higher ranking wolves plenty of space. As the lowest ranked female in the pack, (as well as the newest), Jynx was more than happy to wait her turn. As she settled down on her belly, head resting between her front limbs, she couldn't help but eye a skinny rear leg of the deer hungrily. But she would not push her luck. Instead she would take her turn, just like all the others. And if there were any leftovers, those she would cache for later.
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2015, 02:07 AM by Jynx.)
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
The dark woman could tell, as she ran alongside the strength of her pack, the hunt was going to be success and she switched her speed with anticipation of enjoying the meal laid out before her. She had grown smaller in weight since winter, having found less to eat than usual, but this did not quell her huge appetite and did little to defuse the fire that blazed in her mix-matched eyes--she would enjoy helping to take down this brute. With her powerful jaws as her tools, she latched onto a piece of the roe deer and allowed her weight to help pull the male down, tugging and pulling every so often to ensure that eventually the tired muscle would grow too weak to continue in pursuit. Within moments, it seemed her efforts had paid off.

She watched as the others attacked the prey with a fierceness of hunger and enjoyed partaking in the event; a hungry pack of wolves was quite the package. Within moments, when the deer no longer fought to stay alive, she let go of her portion of meat and panted heavily, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders as the pack's hierarchy took into effect. She watched with renewed patience as her leaders took their portion first, calling for the puppies to stand beside them as they were rightly the next to eat, and when they were in place, the second tiers took their place--she watched Naia and Lachesis in silence. She did not feel jealousy while they took their portion, instead her heart swelled with excitement over seeing her loved one utilize his position in the pack, he had earned this place in the pack and she knew, that with time, she would be rightly alongside him. No sooner did the pair get their pieces did a yearling approach and Bastet could not help but feel a bubble of irritation form at the base of her throat but it was not her position to discipline this wolf therefore she approached the side of Jynx slowly, calculated, before brushing past her with full weight--if she needed to, she would bump this wolf from the meal without hesitation. Finding a perfect spot she ate slowly, getting her fill as the taste of blood filled her jaws and chunks of meat slide slow down her throat; finally, she was content.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!