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On the border — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Anna who has 6 posts.
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Reigh Melain Silver
Reigh had taken more than a week for her recuperation; the fur on her right flank was singed and noticeably shorter than on her left side, but it was still thick enough to protect her from the biting cold and harsh wind. Her paw pads had also begun to heal, the blisters beginning to fade into thick, scarred ridges, and the pain in her steps had receded to a dull ache, allowing her to snag a fat hare on her third day of healing.
As the prey began to learn that there was a keen wolf in the area, food quickly became scarce, and Reigh is forced to search further and further for a meal, despite her aching and sore paws. The challenge invigorated her though, and Reigh begin to embrace the pain that came from the hunt; it reminded her that she was alive, even if she had no idea where she was.
Near the end of the second week, Reigh found herself at the edge of a pack territory. Knowing she would be far outmatched in both strength and speed, Reigh opts to stay at the edge of the territory and wait for a scout or hunting party, and hopefully she could get some answers to where she was. She stayed near a stream so she would have water, but until someone found her, Reigh would wait.
@Spieden @Triell
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2015, 02:56 AM by Reigh.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
The leader's trot was steady, and with purpose as he followed the outline of his borders. He had come to terms that contiuning on was all he could do for now. Comfort was found, knowing at least he was here for Zera, Darrah, Serach, and Sceral despite their losses. With that momentum he found something to hold, and to drive himself forward.

When the world gave to white, and the winter's cold breath he was diligent in checking caches, and making sure they were undisturbed. Live prey was the next priority. Anything he could catch he did, and brought back for his pack or made new cache if it was lucky enough to be larger than a mouse. The dark man also checked for signs of deer, and elk, trying to keep tabs on when they may have passed by. Today he was thoroughly searching for the scent of loners in their woods. Thieves and trespassers would be severely punished. When he came upon old trail that seemed to veer away from the wolves of the Bend a rough smirk broke across his face, and he continued, satisfied for the time being.

That was until, a lone female's scent suddenly wafted in his nostrils. It meant she was still here, and near the stretches of their home. It seemed she had been for a little longer than he liked. A hefty sigh, he deliberately followed it, leading him to the stream. Sharply, orange-yellow eyes shot around the pale landscape, looking for her figure.
(This post was last modified: Jan 13, 2015, 11:05 PM by Triell.)
Played by Anna who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reigh Melain Silver
Reigh's ears pricked; someone was coming, though they had a little ways to go yet. The day was crisp but overcast, affording her enough of a chance of blending in with the snow to not be immediately spotted. Reigh huffed, shifting nervously from side to side, wincing slightly as her paws ached lightly in protest; she was getting nervous, and she never liked to be anything but assured in her situation. Reigh tried to shake herself out of that mental set- No, she was the stranger here, she would be a gracious guest. The breeze died down, and Reigh settled down to wait for whoever had claimed this territory as their own to come; she knew her scent had been noticeable enough to draw someone's attention. Her flank against a dark stone by the stream and the rest of her surrounded by snow, she was aided by her coloring; she blended in well.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Further down stream he prowled, for now holding back any growls of annoyance. Once irritated, he easily moved onto agitated. Marking a loner's hide didn't sound like a bad idea, he rather not make an unnecessarily enemy.

Dark nostrils twitched at every step, pulling in the aromas around him. She had to be somewhere, unless... The Tainn stopped, brows sweeping together as he tried to see a wolf on the run. The only movement was the stream beside him, and the red hills would have been a more trickier escape route. Forehead creased by his uneasiness. The idea of a stranger hiding near their source of water was not something to pass by. The brute's muscles tensed beneath his skin, and long hairs upon his shoulders, and nape began to rise in wild rows.

"I know you're here," calmly, yet coldly the ink toned wolf proclaimed. "Loners don't hang around a pack borders for nothing." Again he halted, looking for what didn't belong. It was the odd pattern upon a rock that caught his eye. It was with a twisted half smile far from friendly, he stalked closer. "Do they," he rumbled. Eyes firmly stared into her pools of dark blue, daring her to disagree, and give him a reason to use his teeth for something more.
(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2015, 09:51 PM by Triell.)
Played by Anna who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reigh Melain Silver
Reigh stared back up at the topaz eyes that held her down with a commanding force. She knew her worries about staying to find a pack weren't unfounded; if she didn't act right now, this wolf would likely leave her deep scars, and she would likely be unable to find a place among another pack. The she-wolf rose slowly to a crouch, and then to her full height, although she kept her head low.
"My name is Reigh. I don't know where I am; I don't even know what this place is. But I know I can't survive without a pack. Please!" Reigh took a step forward and looked imploringly at the dark wolf in front of her. "Can you help me?"
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Triell doesn't plan on hurting her, and he is being a grumpy boy. If she can come off useful, or make some kind of offer it could change his mind.

The loner's eyes met his, and the leader's muzzle crinkled in warning, revealing rows of pointed teeth. If she didn't show submission his next move would be for her face. There was little chance for her then to have a reasonable conversation with the Bend leader. It didn't seem she was necessarily afraid, as she came to a stand, yet wisely kept her head down. A short growl churned in his chest, and he did not hide his teeth. Neither did Triell advance any further when she spoke. She would have her chance, even if it seemed less adequate than what others had been giving. It was just bad time of year, and he was already in a foul mood too care.

The words of the girl did not please him. His temper on edge, she seemed to be pushing her luck. Of course she wouldn't do well without a pack, but why should that be his concern? Furred ears flattened to his crown to show his displeasure. "No shit. It's winter and the lot of you think you can beg and get a home to temporarily satisfy your needs. Why the hell should I help you? You have come quite far without much thought. I don't need air heads to steal food from my family, and leave us like cowardly coyotes in the night. Other packs will think no different if that's how you try to join. If your life truly depends on it, better do a lot better convincing you are something more."
(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2015, 10:12 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Anna who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reigh Melain Silver
Her fur bristled, but Reigh wisely held her tongue. How dare he question her loyalty? It was a defining trait of hers! She needed to keep her calm, so she tried again. "I understand your hesitation in taking in another pack member this late into bare-leaf. But I'm not without my merits. I was a hunter before I lost my previous pack; I can feed myself, and others."
Reigh shuffled her feet and looked at the forest floor, pensive for a moment. "I don't know if you'll keep me through new-leaf, or if I'll make it back to my original pack,but I guarantee you that I'll serve this pack to the very best of my abilites."
Reigh bowed her head, and waited for a response.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Satisfaction formed in his chest, at last a reaction from the silver girl. Would she do more? He was a little eager to put her in her place, having  to quell his emotions day to day as of late. It was words she would choose to use, trying to say something worth his time. Hadn't he heard it all before?

"What if there is no food to hunt? What use will you be then?" Another grumbling stomach that will move on to the next pack, he silently thought. There would be no use to have her eating their resources. He usually wasn't this heartless last winter prey had been extremely scarce. They were only lucky when they came upon a prey, frozen dead by the cold. There had been too many casualties. Shouldn't she have known better than to find a new home in this season?

The Tainn boldly snorted at her retort. "What a promise. Why did you leave your pack to begin with if you just plan to return to them?" Honesty,should have been a great quality, it made her appear to flaky for him to consider even a temporary trial.  He was more convinced she was just trying to make it through the winter before moving on. He did not expect her to answer, he was waiting for her to turn tail and run. Tell her woes to someone else.
(This post was last modified: Jan 22, 2015, 05:03 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Anna who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reigh Melain Silver
Reigh stiffened, looking perplexed at his near downright refusal. She understood that he had a pack to protect and care for, and that trust was not something that should be freely given away, especially to a stranger, and definitely not during bare leaf, but she had given her word, her bond of loyalty. Was that not how things worked in this land?

"I...I don't think I understand," Reigh started troubledly, backing away from the onyx wolf in front of her, "I've given you my word; a wolf is as only as good as her word. I've done nothing to insinuate that I would be anything but a loyal pack member. I told you that I won't abandon this pack. I don't know where I am, or how to get home, really, but I was raised to value honesty and loyalty above all. What I've told you is all I have in this place; a forest fire chased me out of my old home. I don't know how else to ask you for a home, sir. I'm sorry."
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
He meant to let out one last growl of warning before lunging at her to send her off. There were two words that changed his mind, halting him in his tracks. Forest fire. The scent of smoke filled his nose, the images of charred earth and a great tree rose in his mind. Desperation and grief twisted his gut. The world of a small pup had came to a halt because of one storm. With a brief frown, he snapped his mouth shut. This didn't mean she was off the hook completely. Nor that he was about to explain, or apologize for his behavior. Least not until she kept her word. Pulling in a long breath, his thick hair smoothed, and his mask sobered. "That would be a reason you couldn't control. I will let you stay and prove your word, understand?" Eyes remained upon her, fierce, but no longer of anger or disgust.

Dark brows raised, and his tail gave a flick. "It will be at the bottom of the pack, and you can only move up through challenging those above you. Now how about we discuss the borders of your new home. I'll expect you to know where they are, and to check them. There will be more than hunting that needs done." Muscles in his body were still tense, he turned away, meaning to begin walking the rest of the way unless she changed her mind.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]