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strange things — The Wildwood 
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Played by Steph who has 3 posts.
The effulgent moon once was something Persephone looked to with excitement and young giddiness unmatched. The night had been her favorite time, its beauty admired and adored. She had been a romantic, and believed all great things to happen then. Once, she had been right. But she had also been terribly wrong.

Persephone—Kore—moved in that effulgent light, a grimace upon her mug as she moved heavily despite her lightweight stature. The woman carried a great amount of burden with her... the sort that could never be removed. The chip on her shoulder was one she was too conscious of, but her efforts to rid of it were even more exhausting than the way said chip felt. So, she went with it. She even became it. She was biting, cold, miserable.

Kore had escaped one Hell to enter another. She had heard that there were nine circles of Hell...

And as she entered this place, this place that had seen as much death as she had, she entered the very first. Her eyes closed and she reveled in it. How familiar a place.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

For the first time in a long time, Maksim had travelled from the territory of Cut Rock River.

Change was in the air and he could taste it. Winter was fading and spring was preparing to burst from the snow coated ground, to take its place in the year. Breeding season would soon be upon the wolves of Relic Lore, love and life causing all to stir. The river king couldn't help but smile at the thought of another year with @Kisla by his side. The honeyed woman had stolen his heart, her very being attractive to him in all ways. Everything about her called to him. She was brave and bold, perhaps bordering on reckless. Family was close to her heart, a natural born mother who had nurtured her first litter as if she had raised thousands before. For that, the Mackenzie male supposed he had Corinna to thank.

Gods, if only he could have met the woman who formed his love.

He hadn't quite paid attention to where his paws were leading him. It was only when he glanced around to view his surroundings did he find himself stunned. A forest torn two ways between life and death. Never had he seen such a desolate place ... and yet, never had he also seen one bustling with such hope. Hardy flora had taken root here, small trees nestled between the rotting corpses of fallen titans. Eyes of gaspeite drifted, much like Maksim himself did. So much so, that he hadn't noticed the woman, standing doggo not too far from him.

(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2015, 09:00 PM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Steph who has 3 posts.
Her movements were far from butyraceous. Kore was not at all languid or relaxed in her movements, even as the epiphany that she had entered the very first circle of Hell came to her. That she had any place at all ought to have calmed her down... it was so much better than feeling lost. No, Kore knew she belonged in this circle...

But she was infinitely aware that she was not the only one.

That thought brought her to. The tired, hungry, and irate Kore noted the presence of another male who was quite large to her. Kore did not know what to make of him, truth be told, and so she grew very, very stiff, her whole body standing at attention and her ears perked. Kore knew she had not trespassed; she took care not to do so, not wanting to ever be found. Her luck had been alright there, of course wolves saw her pass on through and some attempted to interact with her. Those met the bite of her words. She was far from the friendly youth she once was. No, too much had changed and she could never go back. Not after what she had lost.

So she watched him. Waited.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

He was enjoying his solitary moment, so used to constantly being surrounded by his family. Not that it was a bad thing, mind you. No, Maksim loved them all dearly. Without them, he would be nothing--Cut Rock River would be nothing. A whiff of something caught his nose on the breeze. Blinking, he raised his head and scented the air with purpose. What was that ... ah. His eyes narrowed into little slits and he glanced around, suddenly alert. There was another wolf about. He could smell them; he could smell her. A woman, younger than himself.

He spoke up, his voice firm yet there wasn't a hint of aggression--he had no reason to be on guard, after all. "Captivated by this place too, are you?" It was certainly unlike anything Maksim had seen before. The knackered looking land of old, burnt trees and scrubby shrubs ... not quite beautiful, but yes. Captivating certainly fit this section of the Wildwood.

The river king wouldn't approach unless she wished to be. He was not a wolf to force his company on another. He could and would respect boundaries of people he knew and also those he did not. It was simply the respectful thing to do. Never had the Baranski male been too fond of overly chatty and perky wolves. He much preferred those who could enjoy the company of another without nattering their ear off. Mind you, he had been lucky so far. He'd yet to truly meet such a creature. Stars protect him should that day ever come!

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Steph who has 3 posts.
Her eyes were sharp, even after his gentle words. Captivated by this place? An ear twitched atop her head as an ugly expression came across her features. You are fond of ruin, she half-states, half asks, no bite to her tone just yet. That was how this place looked. Ruined. Just as she was, on the inside; she had been burned, and there was little that could be recognized anymore. Some of the wood remained here was scarred, held its shell... but she was not sure if there was anything left in there at all of Persephone. Kore did not poke or pry.

Kore could unnerve others with her persistent stare, but she was always guarded. Her past was not so sweet, and she would run from the threats of the present. It would leave others knackered, but Kore was a survivor... although sometimes, she wished not to be.