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Is He Rich Like Me? — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OoC: So this will be after meeting Haine but before Skadi has officially returned, also this is only for @Garmr

His meeting with his new "woman" was over. Vali had the best plans for her, but those were kept under paw and claw. Of course he intended to return to the woman named Haine. She was a precious thing that Vali wanted to groom for such sweet success. Although he had the need to talk to Garmr first. While the healer could care less about Garmr's feelings he felt it might be best to say something before trying to go set off his own goal. And for a brief moment a vision of Nayeli, Garmr, Hanie, and himself flashed into his mind. It could be beautiful or it could be disturbingly ugly.

Snorting to himself the aging male trudged through the red hued woods. Stopping to take a seat in the roots of a snowy tree Vali allowed himself to snort and scratch at the back of his ear shaking any snow off. The snow that would randomly fall and collect on his pelt left him rather feeling heavy. While the cold temperatures didn't bother him it was the weight of snow on his back or the snow piles when he tried to walk through. Vali was hopeful that it would all clear soon though. Spring was on edge and would hopefully usher winter out quickly. A part of him wondered if it was like this at the home @Samhain had picked for the two of them. It was strange how the woman acted like they knew each other their whole lives when really they only met. But Vali thought that to be okay, in fact it was moe then okay, it was perfect. This would allow the dark male to slide right into her life with ease. He would become apart of her life one way or another. Nothing would stop him.

Played by Kydnt who has 26 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Uhm I'm assuming they haven't seen each other since Vali wandered off and ran into Haine?

Garmr felt restless, his hands were metaphorically tied and he was unable to work towards their scheme without Skadi's reconnaissance. There was nothing he could do now, and the waiting was growing increasingly dull. It didn't help matters that his brother kept wandering off, leaving Garmr behind to wait on the red hills with the whelp. If he had his way, he would never have to set eyes on Ainashi's displeasing face again. But Garmr knew it was to his advantage to keep the kid around. After all, the boy had made for sufficient as bait to lure in Phyrrus.

Waiting, and waiting some more, Garmr finally couldn't stand any of it; the waiting, Ainashi's existence, and whatever the hell his brother was getting up to. Ordering @Ainashi to stay behind and wait for Skadi in case she returned while he was gone, Garmr set off west from the Sierra Hills. He had seen Vali leave in that direction earlier, and Garmr had a feeling he would bump into his brother sooner or later.

Garmr drifted like a wraith between the trees, his silvery figure nearly melding with snow and shadow. Soon enough, he could see red ferns peaking out beneath the cover of snow, and his nose told him Vali was near. Light reflected off the snow nearly overwhelmed his poor eyesight, and he was set to walk right past Vali until at the last moment he noticed his brother's black shape outlined against the dark bark of the tree he was seated beneath.

Garmr inhaled sharply but kept his composure, swiftly covering up the fact he had been surprised. He stared directly into Vali's umber eyes, the corner of his silvered lips lifting in a slight show of tooth. "What have you been doing out here?" Garmr asked. He sneered as she smelled something else on his brother's coat. One of those lowly mutts, no doubt. "You smell like a dog." He growled.

Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank

His brother, Garmr, made way from his thoughts to his visions. Standing up Vali flicked his tail about briefly giving his own show of teeth. Being asked and pushed around by Garmr was a poor way to live. Vali was through half his life! He didn't need this shit. "None, of ya damn business Garmr." The snort was harsh and accompanied by a low growl. Oh how he hated Garmr and loved him all at once.

The comment of smelling like a dog was answered with a low toned laugh. "Don't worry, I took care of them. They weren't worth my time." It was a pure lie that was as solid as stone. No one would be able to see through it. Every inch of Vali had become so use to lying it sometimes flowed off his tongue as smooth and delicate as fresh snow. At times he wished he knew how it felt to be holy and the righteous but then his ego came barging in with he, and his siblings, were the holiest and most righteous wolves around.

Thinking that the little runt of a male must have been left back at the hills Vali threw his nose in the direction @Garmr had come from. "You get rid of that runt of a boy yet? It would be one less mouth to worry about.." Snorting lightly the healer always found it fun to poke and jab at the boy he called his nephew.

(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2015, 03:29 AM by Vali.)
i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same
Played by Kydnt who has 26 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Garmr narrowed his eyes at Vali's flippant answer. As far as he was concerned, what his family got up to was his business. Secrets didn't bode well for them, Garmr needed to know where everyone stood within his plan and he couldn't do it with so many unknowns. Garmr fought to keep his face straight as his brother continued. What in the hell was he doing getting spotted, and getting into fights no less? Now Garmr remembered why he had sent Skadi searching instead of his brother. She understood how important it was to be discreet.

Garmr barked a rough laugh at Vali's comment about the runt. Oh how he would love to be able to ditch Ainashi at the soonest opportunity. Sometimes he still regretted not ending the broken child's life as soon as it had begun. The runt was like a souvenir of desperate times and failure. But, just like everyone else, he was a piece in Garmr's game, and Garmr wasn't in a rush to throw anyone out who could still be of use to him. A wicked grin crossed his lips as he responded, "The boy is still of some use, however little. But once that's exhausted, I will be sure to dispose of him."

Garmr could sense Vali was trying to change the subject, though. Garmr still didn't have the answers he wanted from him. "So tell me then, what did you learn? I hope you didn't risk giving us away for nothing." He asked coolly.

Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Luckily @Garmr had gone along with his comment of the boy. While it was pleasing to hear that Ainashi would be gone the moment they could ditch him it was also causing an anxious nerve to settle in Vali. Was Garmr willing to do that with all of them? For a moment it became more clear then it ever had been in his life. Vali was just a pawn and Garmr was sitting at a queen (or king) spot. Offering a smile momentarily to try and flush his worries the healer found them winding back onto the same topic. What had he been doing and what had he learned. Couldn't Garmr drop a conversation?

"I learned that the wolves of these woods are perhaps more idiotic than we may have thought...and that Nayeli may be even the most idiotic to stick around with them." His words came out with his signature snort and a quick, friendly, flash of teeth. "I thinks she thinks she can outsmart us. You'll show her, right Garmr?" A stoke of Garmr's ego was given by Vali. He knew how much his brother loved being at top and it was easy to say a little ego stroking wouldn't hurt anyone although it may bite one of them in the rump later.

Looking around Vali tucked his head low. "I also know there's a pack near by, maybe our jewel is hiding there." Vali didn't dare give away what pack or where it was at. Of course he also had a reason to back himself up. "I got a whiff of it on the dog but I wasn't able to pinpoint it. Might be in those foggy woods down south more." Perhaps now his brother's hunger would be tamed if even for a little bit.

i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Kydnt who has 26 posts.
Inactive Deceased

There... Was that so hard? Garmr wondered why his brother didn't just spit it out in the first place. Garmr waited a moment, considering the information Vali had given him. It would be much easier for them to find Nayeli if she was staying in one place, especially within the well marked and easily discovered borders of a pack. Even if Vali did not know its exact location, Garmr had no doubt his more capable sister would find it. However, a pack would make it difficult to take her back unchallenged. Despite Garmr's conviction that the locals were weak and dimwitted, he wasn't sure him and his kin would be successful in a head-on clash against a sizable pack. They bred like vermin, and as such their greater numbers alone could be enough to overwhelm Garmr's small tribe.

"Yes, she's an idiot... But if she has enough wits about her to stay within the protection of a pack, they could give us some trouble." Garmr grumbled. "If they won't just hand her over, we could have a fight on our paws." Garmr blinked, pacing forward a few steps and glaring into the forest ahead. Clearly the gears were turning but he could see no way around it. If it came to a fight, there was no other option but to win. Surely Vali would have something up his sleeve.

Garmr quickly whirled about, silver eyes flashing with greed. "But we can't let them know how precious she is to us. If they know the potential she holds-" Garmr couldn't help the snarl that tore from his throat. The mere thought of those filthy animals even attempting to claim what was rightly his family's... His just rewards, disgusted him.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2015, 08:03 AM by Garmr.)
Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Flicking his tail behind him in a rather annoyed motion he was just begging for this meeting with his brother to be over with. All Vali wanted to do was go find his precious little bag of bones, Haine. In fact that was Vali was craving right now. The presence of the little flithy dog he had encountered. To just go to this "home" she had told him so gladly of. Although it left him to ponder who exactly Haine thought Vali was. She had acted so familiar it left him almost awestruck.

"I'm sure whatever stupid dimwitted pack she's staying in won't be a match for us. If we can just throw that runt to them first for distraction we'll be perfectly fine." Grumbling slightly he figured that this could be their chance to get rid of that stupid little runt Ainashi. Maybe with their luck the pack would be distracted and tear into him so that Skadi, Garmr, and Vali could all move in to get Nayeli. That seemed like the best plan but Vali knew that no matter how could his plan may have been that @Garmr would and could take control of the situation and manipulate it to whatever he wanted.

A snobby laugh was given at the comment of the filthy animals noticing Nayeli's worth. "Let's admit it Garmr, these beast only see her as one of them. They aren't capable of seeing her like we can and do." Vali thought it was a good and true statement. No one else had the "magic" to see the purity of Nayeli like the healer and his siblings did.
i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same
Played by Kydnt who has 26 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Vali Sorry for the wait! Think we just need one more post from Vali then I can wrap it up? :3

Already Garmr's feathers were ruffled, and his brother's nonchalant attitude failed to soothe him. Not only that, it was beginning to grate on him. It was if all his goals, plans, dreams, were resting on the edge of a cliff, and a push either way could land him on solid ground or in shattered pieces. Apparently, Vali cared little which way things fell and was happy enough to leave it all do chance.

"Perfectly fine," Garmr repeated, a lighthearted tone to his voice that betrayed the seething beneath. "Yes, brother. It will be perfectly fine. What was I even worried about..." Garmr sighed, a greasy false smile pulled across his lips. He took a deep breath, the smile widening, shifting until his full set of teeth were bared, the topline of his nose wrinkling into a nasty snarl. "Of course," He muttered through clenched teeth, "They will just ROLL OVER and HAND her to us?!" He roared, the sarcasm thick in his voice as his previously pleasant tone gave way to complete anger. "Vali, are you even thinking? It seems the only one incapable right now is you, since apparently you can't see how much of a fool you're being." He spat.

While his brother was larger in size, Garmr had nonetheless himself puffed up to his full stature, tail waving high and long lanky limbs stiff with tension. Unlike his sister, he was aware Vali was not shoved around as easily and would have to count on the weight of his words and appearance to do the work for him, with violence kept in his back pocket if all else failed.

"Now, why don't you tell me what we're going to do instead of brushing this all off as if it's going to all take care of itself." He said kindly, as if he were talking to a child, the pendulum suddenly swinging back to pleasantry.

Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Just wanna fade or should Garmr go after him?

Anger couldn't even be used to explain how Vali felt towards @Garmr. It was unsettling how much Vali wanted to rip into his brother. While the grey faced male was sure his pale brother was aware that the healer wouldn't be pushed around easily it seemed that Garmr still wanted to try. Silly silly man he was to try and use his brawn against Vali's brain.

"No Garmr, I won't tell you what we're going to do...I'll tell you what you're going to do." His teeth clicked harshly and Vali gave his stance of dominance. His lip was pulled back and tell was raising up. "You're going to go pray to Fenrir and hope he gives you the smarts that I have to pull through this. I think it's about time our god tested your true ability Garmr; without your brother around." Lashing his tail out wildly behind himself Vali's tongue flicked out briefly. Stepping forward just one step Vali opened his jaws part way to allow a lashing bark out of them.

Backing up a bit Vali turned and started to run off. He knew his brother may be faster but Vali knew that out of the two of them he would be able to run longer. Fenrir had blessed him with mighty strong legs to keep him going and going. So it would be unknown as to when the aging healer would stop running. Besides, his only true goal right now was to over power his brother. Vali needed followers to do that. Maybe even someone beside him. But heaven forbid he would just choose any wolf to walk into the throne next to him.

(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2015, 05:05 AM by Vali.)
i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same