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Thorns and Ice
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Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
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Astraeus Taranath
The soft clicking sound of Aeus' jaw bounced off the trees as he pondered, where the hell am I? He had been familiarizing himself with the thick woods to the west and found himself in a blackberry graveyard. Little shriveled bushes were laid out on the white snow for what seemed like miles. They were everywhere and blocking everything, the little pricks poking at him if he attempted to hop over just one of the hundred briers. He let out an exasperated huff, mumbling little curses as he slinked through the maze. Where am I? He wondered while ducking under another claw like plant. How do these wolves get around when there are so many- "Ugh!" He could feel the warm blood trickle down his forehead and into the snow, leaving a little crimson dot beneath his paws. Thorns. He grimaced and lowered his body, undergoing the "claws".

Eventually, he slipped away from the little graveyard and into a little riverbed. He smiled, relieved that he would be able to take a sip. Aeus was looking forward to a little drink after his troubles, but he was greeted to a frozen stream. His claws barely made a bent and licking was hopeless. He grunted and ruffled his fur and trotting across the river elsewhere. Aeus perked his ears, and halted abruptly. The smell of tart berries clouded around his nose, clogging his nose from deciphering anything else. He had smelled the scent on Tokino but it was not as strong. He wandered closer, only to find the border. He huffed and buried his snout in his coat, inhaling the sensual smell of sandalwood and fresh grass. If Aeus was going to stay here, he must brand the signature scent. He lowered himself to the ground, facing upwards on his back, and began to roll. Soaking himself in the new stench.
(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2015, 05:43 PM by Astraeus.)
[Image: GaeusA.png]
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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
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Raela Lieris Asurn

For once, the weather was mild. It was neither snowing, sleeting, foggy or sunny. Just a simple, boring overcast day. After the thunder-sleet some days prior, it was quite the welcome change. Raela was making her way toward the border; once again following her nose toward the scent of a cache. Her slender, weakened frame needed a lot of nourishment if she ever hoped to recover the muscle and fat lost to many months of travel. Especially now, since she was out searching for the lost pups just about every day. At this moment, she was on break. The tawny girl was winding through the berry bushes, reluctantly nearing the edge of her new found safety barrier. She was loathe to step so far from the den, but also nervous about spending so much time in close proximity to her new pack mates – many of which were still strangers. Instead she settled for haunting the mid-ranges of the territory, trying her best to eat and sleep as much as she possibly could.

Her coat was shabby as always, and her body was sore, but the first signs of recovery were continuing to appear. Pain was no longer an obstacle to fight with upon standing. Now, it was merely an annoyance, and a reminder of her exile. Nervously, she paused to scent the air. A cool winter breeze brought many scents to her nose, but few of interest. The cache was nearby, as was the border, but another scent was mixed in. She could tell it was another wolf, but not an outsider. In fact, it was very strongly mixed with the scent of the border. Out of curiosity and concern, she changed course briefly, angling herself toward the new smell. If it was in fact a loner, they could just be pretending to be a pack wolf to get into the territory, or steal the caches. It was winter after all. As she neared her target, it became clear that his scent trail originated from within the Downs. A soft sigh parted her lips, and her nervously raised hackles fell.

An inspection of the area revealed clumsily placed footsteps, and thorns covered in fur. This wolf either didn't know his way around (not that she did either yet,) or wasn't feeling so well. At least the tracks weren't rushed, so he wasn't fleeing anything. Raela picked carefully around the brambles, moving slowly. After a few more steps, the man's distant form came into view. He was rolling around on a scent marker. Raela could read the signs; this was another new recruit. She froze, suddenly aware of herself. Raising a paw warily, she contemplated simply moving along to find that cache. She was in no condition for introductions; she looked weak and pathetic in her current state. Maybe he hadn't noticed her yet. He was in no position to pick up her scent unless the wind changed, and she could slip away just as easily as she had come. Peering at him through the thorns, a thought entered her mind. He's probably just as nervous and lost as I am in this new place. And it IS better to know all of your pack mates; you are a team after all. Closing her eyes, Raela rose to full height. This couldn't hurt all that bad, could it? The others had been amiable so far...

A soft, friendly bark burst into the cold air. The amber-eyed female padded forward, followed by the reassurance of a wagging tail. Her head was level with her body, unsure if this new male outranked her yet. She would assume they all did, until proven otherwise. She slowed to a walk, still approaching curiously. She hoped this man's reaction to her greeting would be favorable.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath
 photo f0a47938-e6cd-4506-9869-a78bbfe6322b_zpsccik9ncv.jpg
Aeus rose from being on his back into a sitting position, rolling around his sore shoulders, finding that satisfying "crack." He pulled back his lips forming a yawn, his breath clouding in the cold air. The day was plain and grey, depressing you could call it. Aeus pushed his weight to his front legs, ready to stand- but, a little bark rang out from behind him. His muscles tensed and coiled, unsure of the visitors intentions. He cleared his throat, turning his head back to look at the voice's origin. She was smaller and slightly younger. Her coat was a mixture of browns, reds and cream whites. It was a little messy, but it was charming. He lifted his gaze to her eyes, which were by far her most distinguishing piece, reminding him of spring gerbera daisies. Aeus smiled kindly, revealing his pearly whites. "Hello darling, I assume you must be blatantly confused." He tilted his head to the side. She held herself nervously, even though her tail proved otherwise. "I am Astraeus Taranath. But, if you find it more convenient, Aeus." He smiled and turned his body around swiftly, wanting her to see him entirely. He flicked his tail kindly, not wanting to frighten the girl already.
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2015, 11:25 PM by Astraeus.)
[Image: GaeusA.png]
[Image: 7e57a423-1f11-4ee8-ac67-a16d5fba0f85_zpswgncsxdo.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

As she drew nearer, the brute's size became strikingly apparent. The dark man was a good deal taller and more robust than she, sporting well toned muscles beneath his pelt. His obvious good health and vigor made Raela slow to a cautious halt. Even in her best shape, her strength would be no match for his. Orange ears flinched slightly when he cleared his throat and spun to face her. She gave another wag of nervous appeasement as his ruddy eyes passed her over, no doubt judging her frail and pathetic looks. Then, their eyes met, and a warm smile formed on his black lips. Her gaze flicked away reflexively, not wanting any trouble from such a strong and capable opponent. His stature reminded her of the well-bred beasts she had lived with back home; and they did not take disrespect lightly. "Hello darling, I assume you must be blatantly confused." Her eyes turned upward to greet his kind face; no one had ever called her ”darling” before. She wasn't sure how to take it. He was being very friendly, but it seemed such a term of endearment should be reserved for a dear one, not a stranger such as she. And, confused? What was she confused about? His presence? His identity? Raela's thoughts were interrupted by further speech, and her ears fell to the side awkwardly at his head tilt. 

His name was declared openly, and with a flourish. The girl pinned her ears back at the sudden, confident movement, unsure what to make of his candor. He was definitely a fit and capable wolf; very impressive. A reassuring flick of his tail brought them forward to attention again, and the male still held a kind expression. She couldn't pinpoint whether he was toying with her nervousness or being genuine. The woman's ruddy colored ears folded again, and a shy softness crept over her face. She would be friendly in response. ”Raela.” she said simply, bowing her head. She scanned his face and body language for any sign of a threat, but so far none had been shown. He was an interesting one. With a hunch as to the answer, she decided to continue with a polite question. ”Are you new to the Downs, Aeus?” Finding another newbie to hang out with seemed a favorable prospect for the weakened female. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath
(Mar 01, 2015, 11:13 PM)Astraeus Wrote:  
 photo f0a47938-e6cd-4506-9869-a78bbfe6322b_zpsccik9ncv.jpg
He flashed a smile at her little grin. She was sweet and shy, something that he rarely encountered. Not that he didn't enjoy a slightly aggressive or assertive woman, it was only curious that she was nervous around him. He lowered his shoulders, trying to appear not as "scary" or something along those lines. The sound of the girl's name rang in his ears like a bell. Raela. He furrowed a single brow curiously. He didn't want to pester her with a complement about her name, he found those irritating-even though he gifted one for Hexamora. It was only because he felt bad for uncovering her act so abruptly. Aeus was pulled back into the small talk when she added her second piece. ”Are you new to the Downs, Aeus?” He considered himself still an outsider, it wasn't really set in stone that was apart of the Downs. "You could say that." He shrugged. "I'm just trying to find my bearings around here..." Aeus added while looking around at the frozen forest. "I assume you are as well a member?" He was unable to smell her from where the wind was blowing.
[Image: GaeusA.png]
[Image: 7e57a423-1f11-4ee8-ac67-a16d5fba0f85_zpswgncsxdo.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

The great black male maintained his outward friendliness, even stooping his shoulders a bit, as if he had taken note of her fear and wished to put her at ease. This was enough for the female, and her posture subconsciously relaxed as well. His answer was dismissive, but nonetheless confirmed her suspicion. His chocolate-colored eyes trailed in and out of the trees as he spoke. Raela couldn't help but flick an ear in the direction he faced. "I'm just trying to find my bearings around here..." Empathy immediately flushed her thoughts; she too was still figuring out the lay of the land, but something in her suspected that she might still be able to help the man. She nodded, smiling, at his question. ”I am,” she felt just comfortable enough to raise her golden eyes to his own.

”I don't know very much about the territory either,” the tawny woman continued casually, ”I've only been here a few weeks.” She looked down, tucking her tail slightly as she spoke. Raela turned to the side, pausing to scent the frigid air. Her bright orbs fluttered over the landscape, re-affirming that nothing around them had changed. She looked back at Aeus, her orange ears falling to the side with uncertainty. ”If you want, I could show you what I do know.” She made a soft gesture with her head in the direction she was facing now. It would be much nicer to have someone else to explore the place with, and both of them could stand to learn some more about the Downs.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath
 photo f0a47938-e6cd-4506-9869-a78bbfe6322b_zpsccik9ncv.jpg

It was good to hear that the lady was apart of the Downs, it would have been downright awkward to have met a loner in the pack's territory. ”I don't know very much about the territory either,” He nodded, scowling internally. It seemed impossible for anybody to get around these brambles. Aeus felt a needy pang from the where a cluster of thorns laid just moments ago.

The new information about when she arrived here provoked further thinking in the stoney man. [That must have been why Tokino was a little edgy before. The winter had proven its difficulties, more members meant more mouths to feed. Aeus observed, his skills of perceiving and understanding were slowly recovering from its lonely misuse. He could feel the girl becoming more trustful as the seconds passed, even though she seemed skittish overall. ”If you want, I could show you what I do know.” Raela nodded her head somewhere behind her shoulders, gesturing an adventurous exploration. He pulled back his ebony lips into a smile, raising his banner in excitement. Aeus noticed the look of it being a possible threat and lowered it significantly. The thought of an adventure plucked a string deep inside him, fueling the inner child. "Please, you first." He grinned and allowed her to take lead, struggling to contain antsy little squirms and wags from his tail.

(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2015, 02:50 AM by Astraeus.)
[Image: GaeusA.png]
[Image: 7e57a423-1f11-4ee8-ac67-a16d5fba0f85_zpswgncsxdo.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
PP'd them a wee bit. Let me know if I need to change anything ^^ 

The dark male's sudden reaction brought an equally eager smile to Raela's lips; despite her reservations. He was genuinely excited at the prospect, and his reaction was far more favorable than she had hoped. It was as if she had picked the activity he most wanted to do that very moment, as if this was the suggestion he'd been waiting for. Her ears flicked backward reflexively at his raised tail, but she continued to smile, not fully taking the gesture as the threat it could have been. Astraeus seemed barely able to contain his excitement, eliciting a soft chuckle from the girl's throat. It was refreshing to have made someone so happy with her mere company. Raela's tail gave another set of friendly wags as he spoke again. She lowered her head, now much less afraid of making eye contact.

”Alright.” She turned away, moving now in the direction of the cache she had scented earlier. Sore muscles began to remind Rae that this was her first priority, but being in the friendly company of another was giving her new found energy; she could stand to take a tour of the place after some lunch. Raela glanced back to Aeus, just to be sure that he was following. Since he'd had such a hard time getting through the brambles, she tried to make their route as thorn-free as possible, slowing to squeeze through bigger gaps in the foliage. It wasn't all to hard if you went slowly and planned your path. She hoped the man would pick up on this; Raela wasn't comfortable with instructing him just yet. The woman's gentle voice again began to cover the sound of their pawsteps. ”If you're hungry, there's a cache over this way. I just need a bite to eat before we head out,” she explained, lowering her head as her pace quickened to a slow trot. Her ears cocked to pick up the dark man's reply as they moved forward.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2015, 05:13 PM by Raela.)
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astraeus Taranath
 photo f0a47938-e6cd-4506-9869-a78bbfe6322b_zpsccik9ncv.jpg

The girl began opening up to his personality, showing him glimpses of hers. Raela was a kind girl, and he hadn't met someone like her. She was sweet and shy, submissive yet well spoken. It was a pleasant change from what he was used to. He followed in her nimble foot steps, his large paws overlapping the "lines". He watched her duck under the thorns slowly, dodging their sharp edges and pricks. He furrowed a brow, concentrating on her technique. How does one move so slowly? He asked himself with a calculating stare. Aeus stepped forward, trying to move as slow as she managed. He was doing well until his nose caught some brambles, wincing painfully, he watched the blood ooze from the sore. Raela spoke up, calling to him to attention. ”If you're hungry, there's a cache over this way. I just need a bite to eat before we head out,” He wasn't especially hungry, having eaten a few mice earlier. "I'm not that hungry, but I will check stuff out whist you eat." His voice accompanied with a genuine grin.

She led him into a wider space, picking up the pace to a trot. He followed behind, looking up at the bright sun. "What a beautiful morning it is.." He smiled in a dreamy voice, his tail emitting a new set if wags.

[Image: GaeusA.png]
[Image: 7e57a423-1f11-4ee8-ac67-a16d5fba0f85_zpswgncsxdo.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
Being vague here, if you want to have him find something be my guest ^^

The girl's orange ears picked up the man's awkward movements, but he seemed to be getting her hint. Slow and careful, she thought, glancing back to check on his progress. He seemed to be doing alright, that is until he rose to answer her. She was the slightest bit disappointed at the rejection of her offer, but the thought was fleeting. The smell and sight of the little bit of blood on his muzzle, made her ears fold backward with sympathy. Sometimes it really wasn't easy, especially at first. She offered a gentle smile and remark, while glancing at his nose, ”Almost – these bushes can get pretty vicious.” She was thankful, however, for the protection she knew they offered.

The duo kept moving, and as they drew near the cache, Raela's keen hearing gathered more of the man's speech. ”What a beautiful morning it is..” his voice was soft and light, thoroughly relaxed, even. It was enough to make the woman turn her head toward him, and to notice the way he gazed up at the sky, his tail again wagging. She was nearly incapable of smiling at his contentedness. He was already impressively comfortable around her. His candor was greatly welcomed; it meant that she needn't be the relaxed, outgoing one. It was so much easier to be comfortable with someone so very obviously so. His gaze made Raela notice that the sun had in fact come out while they were walking. The clear blue sky was a glorious sight in winter, and she too smiled upwards. ”Yeah,” she replied, a dream-like quality creeping into the edges of her voice as well. The shy girl was glad he could appreciate nature. It was a quality she hadn't yet managed to really find in another, and she felt intensely lucky that Aeus was showing signs of it. She became aware of a seeping awkwardness with the two of them standing there, and with a bashful yet visibly more energized wag Rae pushed forward again, stopping at the roots of a pine tree that smelled oh so delicious. The girl's tired feet began excavating her lunch, hoping that Aeus wouldn't mind too badly.

The haunch of a deer began to emerge, and she chomped into the flesh hungrily, trying to eat quickly so she and her new acquaintance could get going. She wasn't entirely sure where they should head first, but she had a hunch that somewhere with little to no bushes would be more to his liking. They'd probably wind up outside the territory for that, though. Her eyes passed over his form once in a while as she ate, watching for any signal that he'd found something interesting. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]