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The Search Continued — Hidden Grotto 
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Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

@Bane @Senka @Luz -This is one of their patrols outside the pack searching for the pups- Lil PPing of them getting there

Tokino led the small band onwards. He chose not a straight path southward, but a meandering one much like a snaking river. The only reason this was done was because Tokino didn't want to have any chance of missing his daughter's or son's scents. Unfortunately though, the gray male had not once smelled even a hint of his offspring. It was unsettling to him that even after searching for so long, he and the rest of the pack had not even found a trace of their scent. It was as if the Lagina pups had vanished without a trace. Though Tokino knew better. He knew that the storm they had disappeared into had rinsed the land clean of their scents. That's why it was such a hard task trying to track them.

Not knowing or caring whether his pack mates were still following him, Tokino drove onwards in desperation. When he could hear someone speak behind him or notice their paw steps in the snow, Tokino only let out a low woof in return. The sound of a waterfall cupped into his wide ears as Kino slipped into a rather stoney place. The fact that this grotto was so different from the surrounding territory had Tokino thinking that his son or daughter might have been interested in it. Knowing that Kova out of his two children was the more adventurous one led the older wolf to believe that he might be able to find him in a place much like this.

Much of the pack was accustomed to finding the pups when they wandered off, and almost every time they had wandered off one child was not far behind the other. Tokino hoped to whatever higher power there might be that his children were together, as they had always been, and keeping each other safe. They're smart though... They know that they work best when they're together... He continually tried to remind himself of that fact as the silver male roamed around the grotto that seemed hidden from the rest of the world.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
Luz was following silently after her leader all but seeing the tension in his frame. Any parent would start to get worried when their pups vanished and to be honest she was surprised that Tokino wasn't even more worked up. Of course these two pups from what she had heard seemed to vanish a lot. Maybe he was used to them taking off together? She didn't know and it wasn't her place to question him. He was her leader and she would follow him. But she was worried about the pups in general. With the storm they had gone missing in it could have made normally safe areas hazardous and she was worried that maybe they were stuck somewhere and unable to return to the pack. She could only hope that they were alright. 

Briefly she glanced at the others just to see if they were still following or if they had trailed off before turning her gaze forward once more. She hadn't met the other two that had come along. Of course she saw them every now and then but she had never introduced herself to them and she didn't think that now was the time. Her head was low to pick up any scents of the missing pups but her gaze was forward to make sure she didn't run into anything let alone Tokino. He had enough to worry about already. She let out a soft sigh. She hoped they would find them soon but depending upon where they went she knew that it could take awhile. They might not have even gone this direction or directions as there trail was twisted and random.  
Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Since Bane Aranna had been a child, having first broken away from his pack lands to sit atop Luna Hill and look at the mountains in this distance, he had held an interest to explore the world beyond the dark confines of the forest. He had been lucky enough to have explored the fields, the meadows and the Secluded Spring only to settle within the Downs. He had thought to wonder with Inali when he could, be a Guardian to her Scout. Now, he was exploring the world and yet, he found less of a passion in it now granted the circumstances of it. He felt odd without Inali around, having hoped she would have been a part of his group and yet should have known the great scout would have been leading her own. He was ever silent this trip, as he was always, only speaking in small 'woofs' and 'huffs' to Tokino when the need arose. His training with the man had gone from border patrol, to sparring and now, search and rescue. He would prove himself worth of the task of Guardian in any way he could.

Taking the trek up to the Hidden Grotto had been easier for him then he had originally expected, having quick reflexes and a rather lithe, agile wolf, he bounded along the rock sides of the waterfalls up to the Grotto smoothly. He took the rear of the group where Tokino took the front, should any need his assistance on the trek upward. At the top, was a calm, serene pool of water fed by a small fall. A lovely place and he could not help but lap at the cool water as he pauses, sniffing the air and waiting for further direction. "speech"
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Tokino slipped sideways as loose snow shuffled down the slope. Regaining his composure, the gray man then paused to take in the scents and sights of the area. His nose wiggled working hard for the wolf who was beginning to drown in despair. He wouldn't show that much to his friends though. Instead a silent calm encompassed his features while the wolf turned to glance at his pack mates.

Bane you search off to the right there, and Luz you head to the left. I'll take the center. Call for help if you find anything interesting, or if there is something wrong. The silver wolf gestured to each wolf which direction he wanted them heading. He imagined them in a line spreading across the place making good use of their noses while they were somewhat split apart from each other.

Slowly Kino began padding forward once more. The stench of coyote was on the wind, but he ignored this. If the damn canines showed themselves to his patrol Tokino would gladly rip their pelts off to let them freeze in the cold. It would probably help him get out some of that anger he was holding close.

Tokino trudged up the grotto waiting for somebody to call out that they found something. He himself had his nose practically stuck and inch into the snow scenting as much as he could. A very faint smell of snowshoe hare caught his attention, but it was very stale. The animal had likely passed through a few days earlier and its trail got covered up by new fallen snow.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you

Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
Her head jerked up as the snow slipped from under Tokino and concern flashed through her but before she could act he had caught himself. She let herself breathe a small almost unnoticeable sigh of relief. The tension was tangible in the air and she for one didn't want to have anything else happen that could through the pack into more disarray than it already was. Nodding at the words their leader spoke Luz moved so that she was in position. Her paws sank into the snow and she could feel the occasional sharp rock under them. Dipping her head once more she tried to find whatever scent of the missing pups that she could however faint. She knew herself well enough though that she knew her sense of smell wasn't her best attribute it was her speed but speed wouldn't help them find the trails that seemed to have been washed away from the earth.

With a vague curiosity she glanced at the sky. There was a couple of crows circling further ahead of them but she didn't think that they were to important. But just to be safe she uttered Tokino's name and motioned at them with her nose. Her tone of voice didn't call for much excitement in way that she had found something. Just that she had noted something that might interest the other and he could make of it what he would. The crows could be circling a kill or a creature waiting to die but it wasn't her call to go and check it out. Waiting for his verdict she glanced at Bane to see what he thought before returning her attention to their leader.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
It was with a silent nod and a passing of his orange gaze along the features of his gray Leader's face that he then turned off, darting into the direction of the right with long-limbed strides and a glum expression. His nose moved back and forth between high in then air and off onto the ground, hoping to pick up anything and everything that crossed his path in this direction. When all else failed, he paused, silent. His eyes closed and he breathed deep, taking in the sound of the cool wind pushing through the trees, the howling over the rocks, the flow of the grotto creek, the rustling of creatures in the underbrush....

His eyes open to a sudden movement, a darting of a small animal much too small to be one of the children and yet he followed it anyhow with curiosity, if nothing more. It led to a rabbit's den, to which if it had not been for the certain reasoning of his search, he would have been happy for. Only a frown touched his features now as his head turned away with a snort. For the time being he would leave the rabbit safe in its nest, perhaps mentioning it a bit later as he made his loop back towards his two partners just in enough time to turn his attention to where Luz directed - the crows. Their circling made his stomach drop, leaving him to forget about the rabbit entirely. "speech"
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
You have permission to constantly PM me and bug me to get posts up.. I suck at ROW life.

Tokino looked around keeping his nose low to the ground sniffing for any clue about his children's whereabouts. A mouse skittered across his vision obviously distressed about the wolf coming so close to it. The silver male did not attempt to catch the tiny thing though. It was too small to make a meal out of and the regal wolf had more on his mind to concentrate upon. Hunting didn't attract his attention as it probably should have during the winter months.

He had gone in his own direction searching for any tracks or smells of Noble and Kova. Unfortunately there wasn't anything around the paths that he had taken. As the male circled around heading back to the trio's meeting point, Kino hoped that Bane and Luz had found something.

It was Luz who spotted the crows and ravens first it seemed. As Tokino made his way back towards his pack mates the male caught the looks of Luz and Bane then turned to glance at the birds. His heart filled with dread, but the gray wolf tried to think of the ravens as a sign of there being something like a deer or elk carcass nearby. Lurching towards the black as night creatures who flew through the gray skies, Tokino silently led the way towards the crows. He expected the others to follow him and did not give any verbal cue for them to follow. Instead he focused on the birds.

Upon arriving to the scene the scent of death and decay finally reached his nose. The wind had taken the smell in the opposite direction of the wolves, so they hadn't noticed it before.

However, it was the dead creature that held Kino's bewildered stare. It was a bear.. a BIG brown bear, and Tokino had no idea why it was dead. He also had no clue as to why it had come out of its den in the middle of winter. Only the rank scent of disease came off of it giving the wolves a clue as to its strange behavior and death. To a wolf who had survived the rabies virus that had plagued the land in the past the answer would have been in the dead animals scent. However Tokino hadn't been around Lore long enough to know what it was.

Either way, the carcass wasn't Kova's and it wasn't something that Tokino wanted to try to eat. Bear didn't sound appealing to him.Still, he was transfixed by the intimidating size of the thing even if it was dead.

Maybe this is the beast that maimed me... Good riddance.. were the thoughts that ran through his skull.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
(This post was last modified: Apr 27, 2015, 07:52 PM by Tokino.)