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Forcing Our Darkest Souls to Unfold — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
For @Silver come comfort up your man! <3
- Morning, Partly Cloudy — 15° F/-10° C

The sun was coming up, pale, golden rays peaking out between grayed clouds. They illuminated the forest, revealing dark silhouettes as rocks and bushes and trees. Among them all, a dark wolf was sitting, one shoulder propped against a spindly trunk for support. His eyes were closed, brows furrowed above them, and despite his still position, he was gasping for breath. How long had he been sitting like that? He didn't know. A long time probably, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered!

His wheezing breath grew even more strained, body lurching forward, making the tree creak as it fought to keep him upright. On the outside, he might look like he was sitting quietly, but his mind was sprinting, thoughts raising faster than his paws ever could. No! No, no, no, no, NO! This was over, it was behind me! PAST! I can't..! He felt dizzy, his gasps seeming to make him even more light headed rater than fill his lunges with oxygen. Calm down! He told himself, not for the first time; You need to calm down. Breath! But how could he? @Oliver! It wasn't possible, and yet it was true.

After the confrontation last night, Drestig had wandered the borders for some time, trying to calm himself; but suddenly the constraints of Oak Tree Bend had become unbearable, like a den caving in around him; Like a rockslide! So he had started running. With no particular goal in mind, he had gone south, sprinting the fastest he could, to simply; GET AWAY! Only when his legs started to shake had he stopped, and now he sat here. As long as he'd been moving, the exercise had kept his anxiety at bay, but now they were taking over; I'm a monster! I shouldn't still be alive! ...Ollie... He couldn't bare these thoughts, these memories . There was a reason he had suppressed them in the first place.

He needed to start moving again, get this dread at a distance; If I could just catch my breath! But no amount of rest would calm his raising heart. And he knew he couldn't keep running, it wouldn't help! Silver..! He thought, if he could just go see her, maybe that would help. But he couldn't do that either, there was another reason why he couldn't keep running, the same that meant he couldn't take a hike across the mountain just after coming back; responsibility. He was second now, Triell's right paw so to speak, he couldn't bail out; Damn, get it together! Slowly, fiery eyes opened, squinting at the light as he studied the area around him. He hadn't paid much attention to the scenery over night, but now he forced himself to take note of everything, using the inspection to get his mind of the anxiety and force himself back to reality.

Slender, leafless trees stood all around, their trunks overgrown with different mosses, tipped in frost in the cold. Under the snow, the ground was hard and uneven, withered reeds and grasses revealing the area as marsh; Lucky I didn't run out here in the summer, or I could have drowned... A stray thought ran through his mind. He almost snickered at it, but the laugh died before reaching his lips; Maybe I should have...

Word count: 545

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Gonna say this is after her thread with Ace on the mountains but leaving it vague as to what happens.

The mountains were now haunting her. Ever since meeting Ace again things had been so different. The dark female had shut herself tightly closed and kept her walls high. She knew she couldn't do this forever though. She needed at least one wolf to lean on. The aging woman new that Athena had issues of her own so she wouldn't go bother her. Of course she also didn't trust anyone else in the pack to comfort her. She needed the touch of someone special. Someone she yearned for...

Leaving the mountain side she ventured downward. A place she had been living in about a year go. This area so normal to her paws. Although bad memories plagued this place she was too lost with recent memories to let the old ones be reborn. Yet a slight breeze carried the scent of something. No, someone. Someone she longed and begged to see. Picking up her pace to a quick trot a whine escaped her throat when the inky figure of Drestig appeared.

Running straight forward to him she stopped only a step away from him. Leaning her neck out to lick his chin and offer a nudge to his cheek. "Dre-" Her breath stopped in her throat. It seemed almost to good to be true. "Drestig...is it really you?" She had to take that final step closer and touch his neck just to make sure it was him. He felt real, he smelt real, but was him being here real? Maybe this was all some long twisted dream. At least it was a comforting dream.

"He's here, he's really here."

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

His eyelids were heavy, threatening to close back up and commit him t the darkness and dread within. He fought back, but it was hard, his whole body was exhausted, his shoulders just as heavy as his brows, weighing him down; If I could break through the ice, would I sink? It might be worth a try. He sighed, shuffling on the spot, trying to sit up straighter; Sure, just give up..! Was that his solution to everything? You're a quitter! A miserable coward! The black wolf shook his head, fighting against the heaviness in his body; No! I can't give up, not again! He had responsibilities, things he couldn't run out on, he owed it to Triell to be strong; he owed it to Oliver to face up to what he had done.

Gazing out over the frozen waters, he wondered how he should find the strength to do these things, to act as he was supposed to; I don't think I can do it alone..! It was as that thought passed through his mind, that he heard a high pitched noise, the joyous notes twisted by the gloomy forest and his darkened brain into something eerie and supernatural. His head whipped around, eyes widening; a shadow was approaching him, white tainting its jaw; He found me, he FOLLOWED me! For a moment, the ebony male was frozen with fear, his mind white with panic, then her scent drifted to him, its myriad of notes, though slightly different from last time, easily recognized. His mouth dropped open, muscles loosening a she came to him, like an angel in his time of need. She crossed the distance so quickly, tongue touching his chin before he had even fully grasped her presence.

Her breath was warm against his chest as she whispered his name, her touch slowly starting to thaw his frozen body. When she nestled against his neck, he finally felt himself moving, curving his own neck to embrace her, burying his muzzle in her sweet smelling fur. "Si-Silver..." He whispered, a deep breath rattling his rib cage, he felt like his head was full of clouds, like his bones had turned to water. "Yes, yes!" He gasped, clutching her tighter; "I am here... Are you?" He dared almost not ask the question, like speaking the words would make her vanish, dissolve into thin air. Had she come to say goodbye? Had he thought her presence up, to help him through this terror?!

But he could feel her heart beating against his as their chests pressed up against each other, quick but steady. Her warm breath curling into his ear. "Oh Silver!" He pressed his face against her shoulder, feeling a sob rise within him, and he fought to keep it down; "I'm so happy you're here!"

Word count: 467

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

His embrace was enough to soothe away anything inside of her. Any bad memories and thoughts washed away by the strong cologne of Drestig. "Of course I'm here..and I always will be." The dark woman's words whispered softly as she moved to tuck her head underneath his neck onto his chest.

Their hearts were beating together in a rhythm that was so soothing she could sleep to it. Appreciating the moment the most she could his deep voice shattered the silence, but in a good way. "I've missed you so much!" Golden eyes started to water but she fought down the emotions with a light whine. "So much Dre..." The tones in the woman's words were so light and airy to a point where someone might have struggled to hear her.

Pulling away for a moment she looked into his fire lit eyes. "Wh-why are you out here? Is something wrong?" A brief panic washed over her and Silver had to look over her dark companion. What had drawn him out here? Were pack tensions high? Perhaps he was just on a trip, that seemed the most reasonable one. Flicking her tail behind her the woman's lungs let out a deep breath she had been holding onto. She needed to stop worrying. Drestig was a strong man and could easily take care of himself. In fact she was convinced that he didn't need her around. She actually thought it to be the opposite way around. The dark coated woman knew for a fact the she did need him around. Everything seemed so much more in place with his dark form near her own.

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
@Silver </3


The blood was rushing in his ears, fatigue and shock making him tremble all over. Feeling like he would fall over without her support, the ebony man leaned harder into his equally dark companion, squeezing his eyes shut so hard it hurt; She's here. She IS here! He reassured himself, her soft voice confirming the thought, and he breathed a deep sigh; choking slightly on the end of it, despite his best attempts to hold back the tears. As she slid her head down, he lifted his chin, stretching his neck to make room for her, another breath catching in his throat as he settled his cheek between her ears.


She spoke to him again, her voice so light that he could hardly hear it, and he moved his head down next to hers, to bring his ear closer to her muzzle. The words made him smile, despite the turmoil in his heart, and he buried his snout in the thick fur behind her neck, drowning himself in her sweet scent. For a heartbeat, all was bliss; their bodies perfectly synchronized, breaths raising their chests simultaneously and leaving their mouths again in unison. Then she pulled away, and the spell was broken. It was just the tiniest bit, but it felt like she had stolen the very oxygen away from him, and when their eyes met, he felt his heart sink. She spoke the inevitable question, voice still as soft and kind as ever, a glint of concern lining the joy in her deep golden eyes, but to him it cut like canines in his flesh; Yes, yes something is VERY wrong!


What was wrong was that she was here with him, making him feel so wonderful, so alive, when he had done something so horrible. She offered him comfort, but only because she didn't realize; She doesn't know WHAT I am! The black man pulled back, withdrawing from her even though it felt like diving into freezing water, his heart threatening to stop without hers to help it keep the rhythm. Their eyes were locked, hers still merrily questioning, blissfully unaware of what she had just asked. But he felt miniscule under her gaze, like the piercing gold of her eyes could see right through him. He felt the tears press again, water welling up in his own, orange eyes, their fire dimmed by exhaustion and fear; "Ye-yeah... Something's..." His mouth felt dry like sand, his head starting to ache again; What do I say? He couldn't tell her. "Something's wrong." He said emptily, voice cracking at the end. A small, desperate sound escaped him, and he turned his head down, unable to look her in the eyes any longer.


The world was spinning, and he closed his eyes to try and clear his brain, but it didn't help. A steady throb was building behind his forehead, and his heart was beating painfully fast; I need to say SOMETHING! But what exactly? He couldn't tell her, couldn't bear the thought of seeing the light fade in her eyes when she learned the truth; I should tell her to leave, she's better off without me! He glanced up at her puzzled face - She's so beautiful! - his eyes narrowed against the pulsing in his head. As their eyes met again, he parted his jaws, intending to send her away... But he couldn't! Couldn't bring the words to his lips, and as he looked again, into her deep, glowing, golden eyes, he saw something that made his breathing a little easier, something that made him think that maybe, Just maybe, He could tell her the truth.


Mouth still as dry as a creek bed in high summer, he spoke, voice low and hoarse; "Silver, I'm not who you think I am. I... I'm a monster!"

pushing us into self destruction
(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2015, 10:38 PM by Drestig. Edit Reason: New table acting up X/ sorry if you got "super-tagged" )

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(Crappy post...@Drestig)

His harsh outbreak caused her to stare in disbelief. Why would he call himself such a thing!? As much as the dark woman was aware of no one deserved to be called a monster unless they truly were such a thing. Silver would like to believe that her Avalon knight was not such things. "Don't say that Drestig Avalon!" She shouted her words at him harshly. Anger slowly bubbling up inside of her gut and mind.

"I don't ever want to hear you call yourself a monster again. I know you Dre, and I know you're not worthy of such a horrific name." This time the dark scarred woman's words were soft and gentle. Somewhere between a yip and a whine to put it that way. Her emotions were rather uneven right now and the last thing she needed or wanted was for Drestig to start telling himself very very false truths. Her fluffy tail whipped behind her like a wild feline ready to lash out on something. "Why would you call yourself that? Why.." Digging her nose into his scruff she whined softly. This wasn't a side of the Avalon male she had seen before and she wasn't liking it all. Obviously there had to be some under lying issues that Silver was unaware of. Maybe it was something from the past. While she would prefer to leave her past in the past, and it did ever so often come haunting her, she knew that others would and may have troubles keeping their past hidden. Perhaps this was all it was. The dark males past coming to bite him and Silver in the rear.
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

He shivered in the cold, that felt so unbearable without her warm body against him, every second feeling like an eternity as he waited for her response; forcing himself to keep his eyes on her, even though he wanted to turn them down. A feeling of utter desperation was ceasing him, he needed to tell her the truth - All of it - but he wanted so desperately to keep her with him. And the two seemed irreconcilable. Still, there was a chance, however slim, that she would not storm away, that maybe she would at least listen till the end before forsaking him. He clung to that hope.

Her outburst made him jump, the bark sudden and jarring, and the anger glowing in her eyes hot like fire, burning away the cold. For a moment he felt like a naughty pup, caught under his mother's disapproving gaze - though that was something he could not remember ever having experienced - but the fury in her stare soon dimmed. Though, that was almost worse. She spoke to him in her most tender tone, strong voice lowered to a husky whisper, and the words tore at his heart; You know me? You KNOW me?! He liked to think that she did, even more than he knew himself in many ways, but if she'd really known, truly known, then she wouldn't be saying this.

She moved to embrace him, and he was unable to hold her off; too cold, to fragile, too weak, to stop her. Instead he felt his whole body quiver, leaning heavily into hers as she buried her muzzle in his fur, his head once more resting on top of hers. Then his ebony beauty asked her question, voice low but somehow desperate, and Drestig felt tears well up in his eyes; "B... because it's true!" He whispered hoarsely, squeezing his eyes shut to fight back the crying. Breathing in quick, shallow wheezes, he held back the sob building in his chest, determined to get the story out now, before he completely disintegrated.

"I'm a killer Silver. A murderer!" He said, forcing his voice to be loud, despite the tears constricting his larynx. His eyes were open now, head lifted from hers and turned away, but he had to look at her; Meet her eyes when I... tell her. So he gently shuffled his shoulder, pulling back to make her lift her head and meet his fiery eyes, blurred by tears as they were. Then he quickly started telling his story, before the courage could leave him again, and he started with the beginning:

"I lost my family when I was only a pup, a big rockslide collapsed our den and split the whole pack apart, I'm not sure who else survived, if anyone. For a while, I was alone, and I almost succumbed to nature, but then I met Galley. He was a year older than me, and roamed the mountains along with a mismatched band of lone yearlings, and I joined them. We spend a couple years together, enjoying rivalry and friendship among each other, Galley and I especially. But as we all grew older, it became more and more clear to us that out band was no real pack, and our hearts yearned for one. It made us all irritable and, ironically enough, less social, and when winter came, things came to a head. There had been many and more vicious fights among us, and one evening, when we were all hungry after a botched hunt... Galley and I came to blows. We were the oldest and strongest, leaders of sorts, and we had often enjoyed sparring and scuffles, challenging each other... Neither of us wanted to give, even as we drew blood... We were cold and hungry and angry... And... It was him or me! I was wounded, we both were, but he still wouldn't submit! I took my shot, if I hadn't he would have killed me, I know he would! But instead... Instead I killed him."

As he spoke he kept his eyes on hers, voice as level as he could despite the tears in his eyes. It got easier after he'd started, telling the story to her seeming to lift a weight off his chest. Only when he reached the end did the emotions start to overwhelm him; his voice got more heated, words falling quicker, and the tears started streaming down his face. Tears of sorrow, and anger! Anger at his friend who couldn't keep a level head, who betrayed him by forcing him to end his life, and anger at himself for doing it, for being a murderer. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, a strangled sob escaping his maw, and he turned his eyes away in shame; "I'm sorry." He whispered hoarsely, not sure if he was speaking to Silver or Galley. Then he closed his eyes and spoke his final words to the dark woman who had captured his heart; "I'm sorry I'm not the man you think - can't be what you deserve."

Word count: 846

make me dream your dreams
