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pure O-negative — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
For Miss @Celandine <3

January 8th; Late afternoon; Light snow; 1° F/-17° C

Sköll Archer had been here before; but this was the first time he had come to the foot of the mountains alone. The last time he had come to visit the stretch of towering peaks and wind-shaped ledges, he had been with his sister Morganna. What Morganna was up to now, these days, though, was far beyond him; and, he could not be bothered to even think of getting himself tangled up in his sibling's schemes. After all, he had his own plans to think about. Once this winter had passed, the arrival of this year's Spring would classify him as a full-fledged adult as apart of his mother's pack. He could hunt, scout, spy, and even kill if he had to... Once he had come of age, he was going to make certain that everyone within Willow Ridge would see him as a proper prince. Until then, he was using every bit of time to understand what lay just beyond Elettra's reign, to see for himself what dangers possibly lurked on the other side of the marked lands he had memorized by heart.

Up along the ice-covered Heights, he climbed until he found a decent spot to sit down and gaze upon the monotone landscape that was Relic Lore in the midst of winter. Another storm was on the rise; and, judging by the amount of snow that was currently falling, it would only be a few hours until the stretch of chilled winds and pebble-sized flurries would sweep over Southern Eden and Serpent's Pass. While there was barely any sunlight left with the sun setting so early in the day, Sköll figured he might as well try to climb a bit higher - just a little further up from the foothills - until he was forced to find shelter in the evergreens below.

He began to leave the trees behind, somewhat bouldering for a time until a slippery slope had him sliding downwards and back onto a ledge that had been covered in snow before his arrival. One more attempt proved that the swarthy royal, with his large physique, probably shouldn't even dare to venture any further unless he wanted to take the chance of meeting his death at the end of a deadly fall.

The prince spun around and opted to head back down when he caught sight of a more favorable incline that led up and around a flat-topped boulder. Immediately, he utilized the level surface and clambered his way up by another couple of meters or so. If he ascended any further, he supposed he would be spending the night with a stone for a pillow and a gravel-covered shelf as his bed - something he absolutely did not want.

With only a handful of moments to spare before he absolutely had to make his way back down to the forest floor, he rested the small of his back against a frosted stone, watching the willows and firs in the distance silently hold their own in the face of what could become yet another impending blizzard.

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

The rules of traditional succession were pretty clear, and Celandine was no fool to them. Three lesser queens stood between herself, and her greatest desire. Each bringing to the table some claim, to the throne. To her throne. Usurpers, all of them. Trying to covet the thing she wanted most. Aesire was first, though she presented the least threat. Merely a placeholder, Cella's temporary teacher would likely step down when one of the siblings came of age. Hypatia's ascension held the greatest uncertainty, though the youngest Argyris hoped she would chose not to take up the role. Challenging her eldest sibling, the one who had been more of a mother than her own, was too difficult to ponder. If the time ever came, the pale girl knew she would gain no satisfaction from that victory. Last, but certainly not least, Evy found herself planted firmly in the way. A nuisance really, though she was praised for logic and reasoning. If all of that 'logic' really did serve her, then surely the inky girl was able to see why she didn't have the stomach to rule.

Time was not on her side, or maybe it was. Each of the false queens would have to be removed in one way or another, and although it kept her waiting, it gave her the leeway to plan. When she rose, it would have to be with certainty, and ease. There would be no guessing games, no 'what ifs'. Celandine would be their queen someday, and they would have no choice but to obey.

As the last rays of sunlight filtered through storm clouds, Celandine found herself straying from the borders once more. Home was a constant reminder of what she couldn't have, of what she still needed to do. Finding it all too taxing, it was not uncommon for the ashen girl to escape into the mountainside for hours at a time. The others couldn't have been that concerned. After all, she was old enough to fend for herself. Surpassing even some adults in size, only slight juvenile features betrayed her age, though they remained better camouflaged within a plush Winter coat. She was confident that she looked every bit a formidable opponent.

The beginnings of a storm were upon her, and although she knew it would outrun her, she made a point of staying ahead of the darkest clouds. A smirk etched itself onto her lips, as she broke out into a run. It was a game to her. Everything was a game. Flying over the snowy landscape, she felt a laugh bubble up from her throat.

It wasn't long before the wind picked up, bringing flurries of snowflakes, and drifts with it. Had she been older, she might have seen an imminent danger, but she still had much to learn. Instead, of finding shelter, she kept moving. Allowing the elements to slash at her pelt, and the chill to nip at her skin. Celandine found herself happy there, in the earliest stages of a storm that threatened to swallow up the Earth.

(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2015, 01:05 AM by Celandine.)
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer

If Sköll had not been listening or watching as intently as he had, he might have missed the barely visible outline of a pristine white figure against the virgin snow. Had she not giggled, he was convinced that he would not have seen her there, frolicking about without a care. Immediately, his ghost gray eyes narrowed into a glare that could have killed if such a thing were even possible.

Her lush white coat was tousled in the wind; her girlish antics of sprinting across the deep snow undoubtedly catching his interest. His scowl made itself more pronounced with a wrinkled lip and a bit of bristled fur about the back of his neck and shoulders. Then, with as much grace and ease as he could muster on the slippery slopes, he crept down from his perch and down the icy paths until his own four paws found stability on the forest floor. He barked to her at first, just once, only somewhat certain that he was only moments away from entering into a conversation with a rather foolish, carefree sort of woman.

His eyes swept over her curves, the colorless quality of her coat, the rhythm in which her steps carried her effortlessly across the frosty grounds. In his chest, something akin to both anger and hunger stirred in his chest.

"Hey!" he now loudly called, regarding her with a rather judgmental stare. His voice took on a more acidic tone as his tail lifted briefly, his ears drawing forward with anticipation for her pure attention. "A storm's coming! What're you rejoicing about?!" Fool, his inner-self sneered. The only good thing the winter had brought them so far was the fact that the bears and other creatures of the Canadian wilderness were huddled down in their dens, fast asleep, but even then his pack and other wolves all around Relic Lore were being forced to scavenge while the herds migrated to far away lands.

He scoffed to himself then as he stood quietly beside a crooked tree, still eyeing the waifish dame with ridicule. As far as he was concerned, something was definitely up with her; the last he had checked, no one, not even his half-brothers were that ecstatic about the cold, and he was keen to rain on her parade...

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris
I am so sorry this took me so long. I had some trouble fleshing out her reaction. :c

A phantom voice called out, nearly lost to the howling wind. It was enough to stop the pale girl dead in her tracks, as she searched for some familiarity in the tone. Deep, and harsh, it came again. No longer asking for her attention but demanding it. Until that moment, not a soul had ever dared to use such a tone with her. Not Deacon, not Evy. Even Aesire seemed to know better. Considering the situation before her, Celandine felt anger flaring up at each of her options. Had she been stronger, she might have considered chasing him off, or challenging for the apparent disrespect. Regrettably, strength had never been her strong suit, making the possibility of injury too great to chance. Ignoring him would have been the safest route. Her paws could have carried her long enough to lose him in the storm, but safety was never in the cards for her. She lived for danger; Playing with fire whenever she had the chance. Thus, she wasn't surprised to find her body obeying his command.

Snow shifted and sank under her weight as Celandine turned to confront the stranger. His dark form was not hard to miss, standing in deep contrast to the pale snow beneath him. Almost grey-scale in color, it seemed that even his eyes were quick to reflect that theme. They were bright, but lacking any warmth. Unease shivered down her spine for a split second, before she remembered herself. 

Assuming all the airs and graces one would expect a princess to hold, the pale youth chanced a step forward. She was curious, gauging his reaction. It was reckless, sure, but Celandine had always been such. Testing the waters once more, she chose to disregard his question, skipping straight to once of her own. "And to whom do I owe the pleasure?" For once, her voice lacked the usual honey-caked tone. Somehow it seemed unnecessary there.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2015, 11:22 PM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
I apologize also. x_x Rook/Skoll's been keeping me busy...

She turned to address him, fire and obvious defiance in her gaze. It made an impish smirk tug at the corners of his mouth. He rather liked that. Then, like he had expected her to, he watched as she came forward, her sense of curiosity and regality came through to him. She was not just some pup, some riffraff's unfortunate spawn, but rather some misplaced noble who possessed the timbre and words that had once only been attributed to his style of language.

Clearly, she was clever for her age; her plush winter coat (the first of many cold seasons to come) and brightness in her eyes seemed to give her away. Even her girlish voice had piqued his interest. He thought he would humor her first, "I believe the pleasure would be all mine..." His whiskered brows came up with some amusement but the expression did not stay. A swish of his midnight-black tail was quick to signal that he was rather interested in her.

"I am Prince Sköll Archer," he introduced himsef with a toothy smile and a polite dip of his white-accented muzzle. "Son of Elettra Archer, the Queen of Willow Ridge in the west." His chest swelled with pride as his tail fully came up in what seemed like a genial wag. "You'll have to forgive me for my tone," he cooed, his voice very much like the purr of a content puma. "It didn't seem like you were going to hear me, let alone take a moment to listen. I'd hate to hear that a pretty little lady like yourself had gone missing."

He paused briefly, eyeing her and silently guessing at her rank and status, "You don't seem lost... but, I'd be glad to offer you a place to stay and wait for the winds to die down."

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

The obvious, and instantaneous shift in his demeanor was easy to pick up on. It was an act that should have sent up red flags immediately, though whether or not she received them remained unseen. Celandine was giving the stranger exactly what he wanted, and although she had no idea why, the youth was intent on finding out what he truly wanted of her. "I believe the pleasure would be all mine..." His tone held an air of confidence to it, a trait that likely marked a title of some sort. His words only confirmed her suspicions. It would seem that he knew nothing of her, and yet he knew exactly what to say. Curious, she too flicked her plume-like tail from one side to the other. 

At the mention of Willow Ridge, she felt her neck straighten. Unless @Skoll was a liar, then that would make him Deacon's brother. It was a prospect she hadn't considered before. Celandine wasn't confident that the young prince had told his family of their meetings, and if he hadn't, she didn't want to get him in trouble. Realizing that she might have accidentally shown a little too much interest, she loosened up, trying to regain the same posture as before. Bowing her head lightly, she began. "And I am princess Celandine Argyris," The name would mean little to him if his brother hadn't mentioned her. "daughter of Phineas Argyris, the king of Silent Moon Plateau." Though she mimicked his greeting, she chose to leave out their location. 

'a pretty little lady like yourself ' And there it was. The one thing that Celandine truly enjoyed hearing. A smile pulled at the corners of her lips before she spoke again, her voice pouring like honey from a jar. "That would be very kind of you Skoll." She did, in fact, need to wait out the storm. Would it truly matter whether she chose to wait it out with someone else?

(This post was last modified: Mar 22, 2015, 10:32 PM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Grey who has 64 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Tannis Andreas
Of course it mattered who Celandine Argyris, daughter of Phineas Argyris, Princess of Silent Moon Plateau, stayed with. At least, as far as Tannis Andreas was concerned. The bumbling turkey had been on the young royal's trail for hours, being several minutes and numerous steps behind her just in case she accused him of following or stalking her. By the time he had come upon the sight of her, a sight barely discernible as she was a white-furred creature against the white-covered foothills of the Heights, she appeared to be having a rather pleasant conversation with someone... someone who was definitely not the dark-pelted wolf that was her sister, Evy. He froze, stuck for a minute while he fumbled over himself in his head as to what to say. He was sure he had thought Takis and girls knew better than talk to strangers.

The tawny brute braced himself as he slowly slithered down some rocks, looking for the safest way down from the rocky ledges. He lifted his paw and set it down, only to let out a sharp hiss and start whimpering as he rolled and tumbled down the foothills. Landing in a heap of fur his backside and tail lifted first before he pulled his head out of the snow with a cough. The duo were still conversing with one another, and what was this? She seemed to be really into him! What with that wag of his tail and her obvious interest in looking at his white-muzzled face. What would Phineas say?!

He shook his head to get the snow out of his ears and nose then wobbled forward on bent elbows and knees, just close enough so he didn't have to actually holler at her in order for her to hear him out. "OIII!" he yipped, coughing twice before continuing. "Your... Your father's going to be reaaaaallyyyyy mad if he finds you out here, Cella. Git over here now!"
[Image: grey-autumn2014sigTANNIS.png]
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer

She, the Princess Celandine Argyris, seemed to like the idea of taking up his offer, but before he could even turn around and invite her with a swish of his tail back towards the trees that had made up a portion of the Drooping Willows, the arrival of another disrupted their delightful conversation that had only just begun. The grin that had initially manifested on his face gave way to a disgusted sneer, watching over Celandine's shoulder as the scrawny male advanced towards them then stop altogether to threaten her with the prospects of angering her father for being out-of-bounds.

His tail lowered and his hackles rose in disappointment and he scoffed, his eyes turning to the princess now in ridicule. This guy was definitely not her father, no king ever looked like that (or so the Archer wanted to believe), let alone spoke to his own daughter in third-person. "Is that your cub-sitter?" he asked, not meaning to poke fun at the girl or outright offend her. He just wanted to know if she knew him, goodness forbid he lose her to some creep who called her by a chopped-up version of her first name.

He gave the tawny man a judgmental glare, commenting in an offhand manner, "He looks... rather sick. You might want to stay away from him." At this point, it didn't matter if she knew him now, all Sköll was certain of was that she didn't end up stuck on the mountain with the likes of him, what with his bony stature and all. The prince went ahead and made her an offer, subtly pressing her to make a choice, "If you want to come with me, I can find you something to eat if you'd like."

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Completely engulfed in their conversation, and ready to follow Skoll wherever he chose, Celandine was taken unaware by the loud clatter that was Tannis tumbling down the mountainside. Pivoting, the pale youth's eyes rested upon his form. Recognition set in slowly as she took in the heap of fur and limbs that made up her father's subordinate. Prior to making his presence known - in the most delicate of ways - she hadn't the slightest idea that she was being followed. It was betrayal in it's purist form. Had her father asked the male to follow her, or had he taken it upon himself? Either option was a poor one in her mind, though she wasn't sure she could see the ashen regal asking such a thing. Phineas trusted her, did he not? Someone would answer for this, she would surely see to it.

Although anger swelled within the the deepest confines of her stomach, and such emotion required a reaction, her muscles remained stiff. Instead, she stood there completely dumbfounded as the male picked himself up, crept towards them, and began yelling. Not only did he have the audacity to use such an unacceptable tone with her, but he finished it off by making demands of his future queen. Celandine felt the rage building, felt her body shaking uncontrollably. Anger was something she had struggled with time and time again, but this was different; A feeling all it's own.

She would have laid into him had Skoll's voice not pulled her away. Instant embarrassment clouded her vision, the skin below her pristine fur flush with heat. Why did Tannis have to ruin everything? She was perfectly fine before he joined their pack, and the youngest Argyris would be damned if he thought that she needed protecting now. Celandine was nearly a yearling; A formidable opponent where some were concerned. She could take care of herself, she always had. Bright eyes grew cold, as she retreated within herself, masking her turmoil as much as possible. "No, he is not." Whether he considered himself to hold such a place, or not, she wanted Tannis to know where he stood.

It was a difficult decision, choosing between this male, and her own pack mate. The princess persuaded her to chose the latter, while the rebel pleaded for danger. There was no in-between, no safe zone to fall back on. Her decision would upset one or the other, but which was the greater loss? "You will not order me around again Tannis. I trust you had your reasons for following me here," Whether or not they happened to be unfounded. "But you cannot speak to me that way." Keeping malice off of her lips proved to be harder than she expected. "You shouldn't have followed me." 

Sighing for effect, she forced her features to soften. "I promise I will be alright. You've seen us together, so if anything were to go wrong, you would know. Please just go home. There is a storm coming." In the end, she knew she would have to make sacrifices, but maybe she could wait just a little longer.

(This post was last modified: Mar 29, 2015, 07:40 PM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]