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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Danica Iopah finds a cave (...after possibly falling thru thin ice)

The morning had been freezing. Squinting in the glare of the new day, Iopah’s breaths froze white as she sought out Nina. The sunlight was sharp and harsh in spite of the few clouds that hung in the sky. Despite it’s light, the  sun only seemed able to illuminate the frozen landscape. As Iopah started out brittle ice shattered underfoot. The most recent snow was several days old, but kicked up just as fresh as the day it was laid when Iopah loped south through it. The creek, when she crossed it, was just as frozen as the morning.

Just as she’d promised Nina, Iopah spent the day hunting. Tracks were diligently followed and likely scents were investigated, but it was not a meal that she was looking for, rather her missing packmates.  Whether Nina had read between the lines of Iopah’s request was irrelevant; the huntress was doing what she’d promised. Hunting… for the missing wolves. The day wore on, warming around her, and the search continued. Hours later found her staring dismally south. A breeze stirred her ruff as Iopah traced the endless miles with her gaze alone. This is where she had to stop. If she wasn’t back by day break tomorrow, others would come in search of her. With a sigh, Iopah turned to retrace her steps, not noticing the breeze was now decidedly warmer. Whatever direction Aideen and Pacem had gone, it wasn't this direction.

She was lost in her thoughts, mechanically following her own scent home. The creek came into sight ahead and Iopah skidded down it’s banks towards the frozen water, smearing over her tracks from the morning. The first step onto the ice had her bristling instantly. Something was wrong, different, dangerous. Hackles went up and lips went back as she took another hesitant step. She recoiled at the feeling of liquid water and scrambled back to onto the semi-thawed shore. “Damn it!” She shouted at the ice, now seeing the water that rushed just under the surface. The water continued to gurgle away. Iopah looked downstream, growling as the damp surface of the creek extended out of sight. So, the other way then. With gritted teeth the pale woman started upstream, looking over every few minutes with a low growl at the creek.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2015, 06:06 AM by Iopah. Edit Reason: always forgetting to tag )
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<p>(Aye, so sorry! For some reason I didn't receive an alert and just happened to find this in a search today.)


Danica was still trying to find herself in the aftermath of her recent mental sickness. She kept it to herself, but she still had some problems. Such as the fact she felt oh so empty and practically emotionless. Like there was no longer anything left to live for. She didn't quite understand this, nor the voices in her head that whispered weakly to her. Everyday they seemed to become stronger...and now it was getting to the point she could understand them. They told her to do insane things, suicidal or homicidal things. They lied to her as well and got underneath her skin, filling her with brand new insecurities and sudden paranoia. To hide how much of a wreck she was becoming the young girl was sticking to herself in her mother's land. She mostly hung out in an old den no one used. She didn't like the loneliness, but the voices were louder when she went outside. Fear was beginning to gnaw at her as she slowly slipped into insanity. She didn't want this, none of it, she just wanted an escape. There is an escape Danica...death...The melody ran through her head, the voice reminding her of the past. It was her brother, but yet it wasn't him. It was evil and vicious, begging her to do wrong things. It wanted nothing more than to tear her apart bit by bit.

She dwindled on in her mind, having a conversation with this particular voice, the one she called Tacoma. She was wrong to believe it was him and the awful things it told her. "Do you miss me?" She had asked it one day and the response was simple, No... "Why? I miss you." She whimpered back sincerely. Because I hate you, go die. With a soft sob she had replied, "Why? I love you." For a long moment there had been silence and peace in her mind, but it eventually roared back at her, go die you filthy little runt! You don't deserve this life or anyone in it! Mother doesn't love you, she pities you Danica! Go die. With the little strength she had she yelled back at it in sobs, "No!" That had been a few days ago. Now he was simply asking her to go outside. No, he was commanding her. Feeling mentally weak at the moment she easily gave into 'Tacoma' and stood up. Her paws edged towards the entrance of the pitch black den and left it behind. The light was blinding. She hadn't seen it for quite awhile. Her belly growled but 'Tacoma' was quick to cut off any thoughts or longing for food. You don't deserve it. Another voice who had declared herself as Zonta pipped yup maliciously, yeah Danica, you don't deserve it. She, the voice, chanted happily before adding, but if you would just listen...then you could earn it.

In silence the young women walked without any particular destination till she reached a familiar place. A weak, maddening, smile stretched across her lips. Oh, she loved this place. It was where she first met @Titan . Her heart seemed to swell, ready to burst at the seems. He left you, deary. Zonta reminded her. He doesn't really want, nor like you. The time he called you beautiful was but a mere little lie deary. My, I've never seen a more uglier wolf than you. Danica's love turned into deep pain as the maddening expression grew and the smile faded. Zonta had come before 'Tacoma' and was much stronger. In fact she was becoming more than just a voice now. It scared Danica to look around, she was fearful of seeing that face. A pelt of solid black fur with darker pitch black eyes and odd white pupils. The face itself was broad and strong yet feminine at the same time. The wolf was quite beautiful, elegant almost, her body seemed perfect. Yet her eyes were sadistic and monstrous. Danica feared Zonta more than death himself. The women's voice chilled her right down to the bone.

Look up Deary, please, let me see those eyes. They're the only thing pleasant about your miserable self, let me see. Shaking now the yearling looked up to meet the dark eyes and eerie white pupils of Zonta. The woman's appearance was alluring if not for those evil orbs. Danica remembered the first time she saw this wolf, she had turned tail like a coward with a loud screamish yelp. Her legs had propelled her far from that original spot...but she could not outrun the women who moved like graceful blurred shadows across the land. We could be friends, you know. "Yes, I know." Dani whispered back. She hated this voice most of all, she wanted not suicide from Danica but something truly awful. Kill her. "No." Why? She doesn't love you, she could care less that you went missing. She thinks that you're a burden upon her shoulders, why don't you teach her? You want to be a teacher right? You could give her the honor of being her first pupil. Danica was graced with the opportunity not to answer Zonta when Iopah's voice entered her ears. Both 'wolves' glanced towards the huntress at the same time.

"Hello there, Iopah." The two spoke at the same time, but of course, Iopah would never know. She would never hear the hostile tone Zonta directed towards her, just the monotone of the yearling before her. The young girl momentarily stood there before walking side by side with Zonta to join Iopah. With little emotion she stepped onto the ice and joined the older women with a question, "Why shout at something that isn't alive?" Dani's voice continued on montone like as she stared at the side of Iopah's face. She waited for an answer quietly and stood there in a stance that showed no submission or pride. It laked care for most things and could be easily mistaken for calm, comfortable, and so on. However she was simply uncaring and emotionless...empty."Speech."

"The snow is falling like I am for you." Into the Silent Night
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2015, 06:40 PM by Danica.)
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Danica Good news, both on SW side of the creek. Bad news....

Anxiety was beginning to hasten her now, the steps had turned into hurried bounds. Her gaze constantly looking down the incline that bordered the creek. Every few moments she would jump down the bank of the creek and paw rapidly at the ice, finding it brittle and thin each time. Iopah was a slight wolf, but she could feel the give when her pale feet pressed down. It would fracture under her weight and this was a dangerous time of year for a swim. It was warm enough to melt, but still cold enough for hypothermia to set in.

The creek stretched for endless miles, but Iopah could not run it's entire length hoping for a safe crossing point that may not exist. She desperately had to cross. The Woodland wolves needed her or she needed them, the distinction blurring with her worry. How long before they feared the worst and came searching for her? Already the sun was beginning to sink, soon it would vanish behind the sparse trees. Who could come looking? Who could they even spare? She knew Koda's quiet insistence and the pale woman leapt down the embankment once more to check the ice in a frenzy. Her tail whipped wildly at the feel of liquid water, and she spun back to snarl angrily at the creek bed. Why hadn't she paid more attention to the weather? "Damn you!" The situation called for it, but she wasn't sure who or what it was meant for.

"Hello there, Iopah."

Iopah's head jerked up and around to stare at Danica, too surprised by her presence to be apologetic for her outburst. She had't expected the girl to be well enough to travel so far. Her confusion grew as the girl approached the creek's edge, eyes flickering between the thin ice and Danica's face. In turn, the pale huntress approached from the opposite edge, coming far enough to let her nails scratch into the ice, then smiled to reassure the girl in must seem a worrisome situation. She expected to have a conversation over the creek. Her eyes narrowed to follow Danica's question with the distance between them, then widened in shock. The girl was not stopping at the ice. Iopah felt cold wash down her spine as Danica stepped forward.

Iopah did not hear the delicate crackles as the frozen water strained under the yearlings weight, she sprung forward. Whatever Danica planned to do had to be stopped. If she was coming over, then Iopah needed to cross now. She scrabbled forward feeling her nails catch on ice that was much too soft. One hind foot went through first and Iopah roughly tried to pull it free. As she was struggling, throwing herself forward, everything collapsed. She yelped sharply, sinking mid-chest in the water before finding enough shattered ice underfoot to jump from.

There were only a few feet left and she bolted across them. Danica had said something, but Iopah couldn't focus on it. She shook, feeling spikes of ice form on her belly and clumsily moved away from the water's edge. She looked up and down the shore, trying to think of what she was looking for. Finally she staggered forward, it would come to her, she had to keep moving in the meantime. "A cave." That was it! "Used to b-be here." Shaking, she stopped to look around for it.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(My apologies for the lack of quality in this reply and do you mind if Dani eats the deer? She could use the health points. :3 )


She was drawn back to sanity for a moment as she watched Iopah fall through the ice. She whined softly in concern before realizing she was in a dire situation. Zonta looked at her offering an encouraging expression, nodding towards Iopah. Tacoma whispered words she dared not to concentrate on. Her heart had begun beating wildly within her chest, thu thump thu thump thu thump. The rhythm so loud her ears had begun to pound. Her body was tense as she surveyed her surroundings with Emerald eyes and attempted to think hard. However, everything was mumbo jumbo and she took off. At a dead sprint Danica ran, dodging holes and racing with the breaking ice.

The thin surface gave away just as she made an impressive leap for the shore, her paws smacking down hard onto the pebbles. Dani haunched over panting softly as she stared down at her cream paws. It took her moment to regain her composure and she quickly looked for Iopah. She was talking about some cave, but the yearling had no concern or care for it. Her legs took her to Iopah and she pressed herself firmly against her companion. Without much thought he licked at the wet icy fur worriedly. This seemed to be something she had needed...the intensity of the situation had pulled her out of her mental dilemma for the time. Her mind was the most clear it had been in a long time.

"Iopah, Heartleaf Creek is a beautiful place, and where I first met Titan, but now is not the time. I am sure that your cave is excellent...gorgeous, but you're soaking wet. I believe it isn't the right moment for a mere adventure...we should get you home." Dani spoke with wide panicked eyes and nudged the other wolf. Danica gently pushed her in the direction of home but used little force at all. Before she knew it the young wolf was licking at Iopah's fur again. The soft tick tick tick of her attempts, using her teeth to try and remove bits of ice. Her tail cut through the air once in awhile. The movement was not friendly, but a agitated distressed display of anxiety. She whined softly at the older women.

"The snow is falling like I am for you." Into the Silent Night
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2015, 06:35 PM by Danica.)
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Danica go ahead 

The cold made it hard to concentrate. Each thought occurred with intensity, but flitted away before she could grasp it. She lurched forward, feeling frigid wetness continue to seep down a front leg. Either luck or pure speed had prevented a thorough dunking. Over her back and shoulder the fur was only lightly stained with water, the moisture beginning to freeze into spikes. A shiver took her, hard enough to make her stumble in her tracks. Her lower half was soaked, fur plastered flat and still dripping. Finally, the woman made it up the embankment and stood trembling in the light. A scar, revealed by water-slicked fur, gleamed on her front right leg.

Blood pounded in her ears and skin tingled with pins-and-needles. Danica's presence had been all but forgotten, along with her previous goal. She couldn't think clearly to realize that any shelter would be as deathly cold as the air. Something pushed into her side, and her cold-sensitized nerves screamed at the contact. Eyes rolled at the unexpected sensation, turning to see the concerned yearling at her side. She tried to concentrate on the words but her mind kept catching on irrelevant details. Titan? They had visited this area? Her head shook weakly to clear the thoughts.

When Danica tried to guide her along, Iopah willing acquiesced. Legs feeling like stilts, her breath caught each time a frozen limb met with the ground. Every touch was jarring. Her lips drew back at the sensation of frigid flesh being plucked. She forced her legs to bend and swing forward, willing the movement to bring warmth. Danica seemed to know the area and Iopah stumbled along. It took several long minutes to remember the earlier comment and realize why. Whisper Caverns lived nearby. "Going back to them, him?" The cold must have lowered her inhibitions, for this is certainly not a question Iopah would have asked outright.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Thanks :) )

Home. Home was not Secret Woodlands, but Whisper Caverns. Iopah had been smart enough to pick up on this and it mentally smacked Danica in the face. She was supposed to be leading them to Iopah's home, not hers. With this she turned into Iopah and begun leading her the correct way now. "Focus, Iopah, and yeah I might. I miss him gravely and Secret Woodlands is not for me. I wish to be a teacher, not a burden of a princess." She spoke bluntly, harshly, of the truth. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so rude, it's just we have bigger problems to take care of right now." Her tone was serious as she lead the way.

Zonta stood on the other side of Iopah, her care for the matter nonexistent. In fact the look she gave seemed ready to push the white women back into the water so they could pick up the speed. Dani glared at her offering a soft snarl to the black queen of death. At least, that's what she seemed like, a queen of death. Zonta casually rolled her eyes and continued to stroll along till a smell wafted up her nose. She froze smiling and nodded for Danica to follow her, "Lets go child." The command rolled off her pink tongue easily, but not as easily as the yearling obediently went with her.

The cream little lady forgot all about Iopah as she dashed off from the wolf. The look in the yearling's eyes seemed memorized as if she was hypnotized or something. Her slender legs took each step in turn in a rushed manner, the growl her belly gave cutting the silence. It wasn't too long till Zonta lead her to a dead deer. Without a thought she viscously, selfishly, tore into the meat and gulped it down. She filled her stomach up with no desire to share it with the pack. The meat went down her throat and swallowed up the physical emptiness inside. It took Danica a moment to come back to her senses and leave the leftovers. She was not acting like herself...

With a sigh she rushed back to Iopah muttering a slurred apology."Speech."

"The snow is falling like I am for you." Into the Silent Night
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2015, 02:25 AM by Danica.)
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

A dozen things passed through Iopah's awareness without any effort on her part. The sound of ice sloshing in the creek behind them and the steady drip of water from encircling trees. Under foot the snow was grainy and wet, jarring when her foot encountered a fallen tree or hidden chunk of ice. The intoxicating smells of the unexpected thaw were abundant, the pungency of sun-warmed trees and long-buried remains. All those little details came and went, Iopah could only focus on the bitter cold.

It wrapped around her legs and squeezed her chest tight. She stumbled along at Danica's side on legs that felt numb to the elements. When the girl pressed against her to turn direction, she yielded without reaction, without even knowing the reason for it. She was still troubled over the idea of Danica choosing to return to Whisper Caverns and, when the girl grounded those fears, a trembling breath was exhaled.

Suddenly, with a soft snarl the girl was gone. Her head swung around in confusion to watch her prance away. Feet shuffled uncoordinated as they physical support Danica had been lending vanished. She couldn't stay and wait, couldn't even think straight enough to decide what had caused the yearling to leave. She assumed it was something she'd said, but then she was stumbling forward and the effort of forcing chilled limbs to maneuver between Empress trees took all of her attention. Finally she was free of their shadows and felt the sun begin to touch her fur.

There was no explanation as the girl returned to her. Iopah turned to look as she fell back into step with her, face forward and away from her own. "You're not a burden, not now." A great effort was not enough to keep the shudder from her voice. Her lip, when she fell silent, quivered with the cold. "You've already left us, least we know where." The pale woman scrambled over a long-fallen tree, wincing as icy legs brushed her stomach. "Just don't want to find you again like that." What would happen if she returned to them? Whisper Cavern had not exactly earned brownie points with their lack of ability to watch over the Secret Woodland princess.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Sorry for the lack of quality and probably tons of mistakes! Doing posts on my phone. :) )

Danica remained silent as Iopah talked, and long after. She took every word into considertation as she attempted to form a reply. Her slender legs walked in rythm with Iopah's steps. How was she supposed to react? What did she even have to offer a pack? She was a handi capped wolf at age one! She wanted to teach pups, but she had no knowledge to offer, she needed a teacher herself. A fustrated sigh left her lips breaking the long standing silence. Zonta looked over raising a brow and went to speak, but Dani shut out her voice. She refused to listen to the dark woman at the moment.

"Iopah, I do not belong here. You need to realize that, and I need to find my home. My real home...not where I was born or raised. The place where I belong. I'm here for now, but not forever. I want to be a teacher and I don't see how I can learn that by sitting idly around my mother's pack lands...she deserves better as well. This I know, but maybe the pups will fix what I can not mend."

Dani glanced over at the pale woman after finishing her 'speech' or rant, whatever you wanted to call it. Her eyes were apologetic, but her face stern...stubbron even. Her mind was made up and she knew she was not home yet. She'd get there though, where ever home may be, she would find it. A place where she could teach pups, live with Titan and friends, and be happy. Her heart longed for this deeply causing her to frown as doubt nibled at her. Would if she didn't belong anywhere?

Another sigh, but softer, escaped dark lips. The yearling continued to lend her support to Iopah as they walked in the direction of Secret Woodlands. Her ears dropped some and her tail hung limpy. Suddenly though she stopped and looked around her. Her lips parted for a smile. The memory of meeting Titan flooded through her head...maybe just maybe she had already found it. Or, maybe this place was just special...who knew.
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Danica man, she likes to spill her guts to Renier wolves
your next post makes 10, so we can wrap it up whenever *wink* it was a fun thread!

Her attention swayed between the yearling pressed to her side and the surroundings. Either the cold was finally receding from her mind or there was a faint familiarity now. Hadn't she seen that particular twist of a trunk before? Was that the small creek she'd met Coquina at? The water-dampened form shivered as her head swiveled to follow the increasingly familiar landmarks. There was more lucidity as Danica spoke up this time.

She followed Danica's speech, head casting to the side as her feet found their way with less stumbling. She said nothing, letting the slight rise and fall of her brows and random indistinct noise indicate disagreement and acceptance where needed. It hurt to hear that the place she was born could not be her home, but she understood. Hadn't Iopah done the exact same? It was a small solace that Danica was somewhere safe, at least temporarily. She worried that history would repeat itself when Danica returned to the caves, that she would get lost in another dark forest and she would be too far from help the next time. Danica thought she was fixing things by leaving. Age and personal experience whispered better in Iopah's ear, but how to explain it concisely enough?

There was another silence when Danica's voice trailed off. The scenery was forgotten as Iopah tried to piece together the words together. "I left my parents, too." Then she stopped, wet her lips, and looked at Danica. God, what point had she been trying to make? She faltered, stumbling over ice and snow and struggled to place her thoughts into words. "I thought it would make me happy, make them suffer. It didn't. It did nothing." Nothing. Her eyes closed, remembering that yawning nothingness that had crept into her mind like the cold was now. "The boys won't fix anything, you leaving won't fix it."

Danica's expression was fierce. Iopah looked away, allowing the girl her decision. Nothing would have swayed the Barberi yearling either, but the weathered voice rejoined, "There has to be a good reason for wherever you live."