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Like A Thing Of The Past — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Here ya go @Deacon <3

and I don't want the world to see me
'cause I don't think they'd understand

With everything that had been going on, Ace felt like he needed some space and alone time to just think and breathe. Usually he didn't get caught up in the affairs of spring, but upon meeting Aesire he knew it would be different this year. And it had. Now that her scent had changed, he knew there was no going back. But he didn't want to go back anyway, there was nothing there for him anymore. All he had was the future, with Aesire and their children. That also brought along with it a whole new spectrum of problems, ones that he had no idea how to deal with. Now he was stuck with thinking of what to do. There was always the idea of creating a new pack, but to do that they would need followers, and as far as he knew they had none.

Leisurely padding along the border, the Silver Male periodically marked here and there as he saw fit. He had been slightly slacking on his duties lately, and so now he had decided to pick up the pace and get on with his job as Guardian of Silent Moon Plateau. It was a nice day, warmer, but not too warm. Spring was well underway, but as nice as it was, he felt that there was something... off. Prey, which should have been abundant, was more scarce than ever. Not to mention the foul odor that permeated the air he breathed. It was like there was a presence in the Lore that was trying to chase them out, but legends of a higher power had always been that; a story somewhat based on a truth. Whatever it was, threat or not, he would be on the watch for anything suspicious. That was one of his main duties as a Guardian, after all.

306 Words

(This post was last modified: Apr 03, 2015, 12:24 PM by Ace.)
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
I apologize now @Ace ;~;
sleep with one eye open
grippin' your pillow tight

He needed a breather. A moment all to himself where nothing, not even the comforting Lady @Narimé Lagina or Sir Ash Hervok could bother him. While he did plan on returning to them it was just the moment he needed to be away from the boodle of the Cavern wolves and other creatures. And so off he went, paws leading him to a familiar yet distant place.

The male Archer-Lyall remembered these heights well. He could even say he came to love them and the face that lived on it. Princess Celandine, his queen. Of course the thoughts of her also caused his mind to stray to Mojave. Why hadn't she returned to him yet? Had she lied or did she get lost? Whatever may have happened had Deacon feeling more distraught on top of everything else going on. The jumble of emotions inside of him had the boy growling under his breath. Cursing at the world and the wolves who lived on it. His tail lashed about behind him before finding itself sitting high above his back. Before he knew it Deacon was in a full on battle position. Tail high, ears pinned, lip pulled back, and hackles raised. It had become rather evident his emotions were overwhelming him. He needed some sort of outlet.

A scent, besides that foul odor, came creeping into his nose. The scent let him knew it was one of his kind. Wolf. Little did the Archer-Lyall know that he was coming upon Princess Celandine's borders. Growling Deacon practically stomped forward his throat rumbling out his call. Letting the other know he was here and that the young boy may not have had the best goal in mind. Overwhelmed with his feelings the world around him had gone red. For the first time forever that growing boy could easily say he was hungry, but not for food. No. Deacon Archer-Lyall had come seeking power, flesh, blood. Anything to soothe his nerves.

Stopping in his tracks only a wolf length and a half away from the borders he grimly barked out. "You." Oh how the young boy was getting lost in his emotions. If only he could find a way out of their grasp..

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Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

and I don't want the world to see me
'cause I don't think they'd understand

Ace lifted his head up at the rumbling call of a stranger, the wolfs scent filling his nostrils. His silvery gaze landed upon a yearling, or at least a male around the yearling stage, he could very well be older for all he knew. But what really caught his attention was that the stranger was a mere wolf length and a half away from his packs borders, and that his body stance screamed out dominance and anger. Responding back in an equal manner, the Silver Male curled his lips back to reveal his pearly white fangs, hair bristling in the nape of his neck and ears erecting and pointing towards the stranger. He felt a strange feeling of anger and protectiveness course through his body, and whether or not this was because of the stranger so close to the border or that he had a pregnant mate to look after, Ace welcomed it like an old friend.

When the young man barked out at him, Ace snapped his jaws in response, a low growl emitting from his bared teeth. "I'd advise you to back away slowly if you want to keep that face of yours looking as it is," he rumbled in a threatening manner, stalking forward until he was almost upon the pack border. Oh how he wanted to attack the boy before him, show him that he should be respectful to all others, but he held himself back. More for the sake of himself than anything, really. It was almost unsettling, the rage that filled him, but he let it fuel his actions. He would not back down from a stranger that could potentially threaten his mate and pack. "Why have you come here?" Ace hissed at the boy.

291 Words

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
I'm a lover of a second degree

Deacon's presence was acknowledged and it only fueled the fire that the man responded in an aggressive way. Staring at the male the Archer-Lyall allowed him to speak before laughing menacingly. Taking a moment the boy had to find any good reason to give to the male why he was hear. Breathing in the air the scent of Celandine rattled his brain. A cruel grin curled up his lips. Deacon had found his reason to give to the wolf. "I've come for Princess @Celandine, I need to make sure she's safe." It was the best he could do. Whether or not he had really came up here with Celandine in mind was forgotten long ago.

Staring at the male it came up to him that the odds wouldn't be in his favor. The male was large, well-built, and nothing like the still growing figure of Deacon. Not just yet to give in easily he eyed the male. "You know her? I believe this is her kingdom." Half tempted to call out for the princess the Archer-Lyall found it in his better judgement to see what this male would do. It was rather strange that a growing child would make commands but this was how Deacon expected it to be. Even though Deacon wasn't a king yet, if he ever would be, he remembered he told his dad he could do it. This was how he would prove it. Throw around his weight a little and see what happened. If he got knocked back in his place then it meant he just needed more training.

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

and I don't want the world to see me
'cause I don't think they'd understand

Ace's eyes narrowed at the menacing laugh coming from the boy before him, knowing that it was not right for such a young one to act in such a way, but the energy coursing through him didn't let him stay on that thought for too long. He let out a threatening snarl from his clenched jaws at the mention of Celandine, not liking the tone the yearling had when he spoke her name. As she was one of the Princesses of Silent Moon Plateau, the Silver Male had the job of protecting them against any threat, and right now, the stranger before him was quickly turning into a threat, even if he did know who she was. "I make sure Celandine and the rest of the pups in this pack are safe from the likes of you," Ace said in a low tone, snapping his jaws together to make sure the boy got the message.

He didn't want to fight the boy that was making demands he should be asking about, but that didn't mean he wouldn't put the yearling in his rightful place: below him. Ace would not take any orders from a mere pup, especially one that looked as if he had never been told no once in his short lifetime. It was creatures that took whatever they wanted when they wanted them that got him so riled up, and right now he wanted to feel flesh tear underneath his claws and blood spill into his mouth. The Silver Male lifted his tail up, curling the tip so it brushed gently against his back, as a low rumble escaped from his maw. "A boy like you should not be making such demands. I suggest you show me some respect, or get the hell out of here before I lose my patience!"

303 Words

(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2015, 03:08 AM by Ace.)
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
give people glorious stories to tell

The boys tail lashed behind him furiously when he was denied his own very demand. "Excuse me but Celandine and I are very very very good friends. I think the Princess wouldn't be pleased to hear one of her own members was denying her close friend the right to not see her!" Certainly Deacon was acting like he had diplomatic thanks to his Archer-Lyall ties. It was a wonder where the boy had grown his sudden backbone from - not that he was ever a pushover.

Deacon knew he couldn't push this wolf much farther; any farther and he might end up loosing something. Snorting softly the dark boy let his posture drop just the slightest bit. "Fine then." Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he reopened his eyes. This time Deacon looked at least a tad bit less hostile. "Let's start over." Offering a very forced smile he nodded at Ace. "Hello sir, my name is Deacon. I have come in hopes of speaking to Princess Celandine." Perhaps now the older male would listen to him - even if Deacon's tone was still showing signs of rudeness. At least now he wasn't being so blunt or brash with his actions.

The desire and temptation to call his lovely snowy mountain princess was growing with each minute but he knew better. Although he also knew if this silver coated male denied him once more than he would call upon his princess. It just wasn't right to keep the prince from his princess.

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
I'm a despicable human being DX @Deacon Also, do you have an idea where this thread is going? 'cause I sure don't ;P

and I don't want the world to see me
'cause I don't think that they'd understand

Ace's lips curled back to show his ivory teeth as the boy before him continued to speak, fur sticking up slightly as he fought back the urge to snap at him. Who was the yearling to make demands of him, Guardian of his pack and loyal to a fault? He should be kissing his ass for not ripping his face off already! The Silver Male's ears twisted to back to lay flat against his skull, another warning rumble escaping from deep within his chest. There were only so many warnings he'd give, and the boy was quickly running out. When the boy snorted softly, closing his eyes and lessening his aggressive posture just a bit, Ace lowered his tail so it wasn't curled over his back, but still openly showed his dominance. He wasn't in the mood for niceties with the yearling.

The yearling spoke again, his words much more polite and refined (though the tone still quite rude). The Silver Male rolled his shoulders almost leisurely, showing that he was only conversing with the younger male because he chose to do so of his own free will. He was the one in charge around here. "How can I be so sure you are such close friends, when I have never heard her speak your name before?" Granted, he had limited contact with Celandine most of the time, but that wasn't the point. Letting out a long breath, Ace straightened out his posture so he was standing stiff-legged, looking almost down his nose at the yearling. "Ace Caravello," he responded in a clipped tone. "Second beneath Phineas," he added for good measure so the boy could see just how serious he was about his threats.

285 Words