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The Throat of the World — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
OOC: Kova's following Hexamora's old trail -- @Minka tagging you here just so that you know what Kova's doing

Kova had long since begun to despise the feeling of hopelessness. So now he was once again an adventurer. Trekking across the land determined to find his family since it was dreadfully obvious that they were not going to find him.

The boy had boldly left the river where he had a chance of catching food every once in a while. Going mostly by instinct, Kova headed towards the timber forest he had spotted from the southern end of the palisade. The forest was a place he had known in his short existence, to be a safe and reliable place to go for food and shelter. Now that his legs were longer, Kova could run and chase whatever small mammals crossed his path. Unfortunately though, not many prey items showed themselves in the cold air. Even so, the young Lagina was blessed with good fortunes. Every night as he loped southward Kova had managed to find a nice comfortable place to rest. Eating snow to quench his thirst, the child drew closer and closer to home without ever even realizing it.

The young males pace was slow going though. He had taken a rock to the knee a few days earlier while chasing a snowshoe hare. Unfortunately he had gotten a bad bruise and lost his meal, but the child kept on going. It was all he could do was keep moving forward.

Right now, Kova stands at the top of a rather large hill. It could easily be mistaken for a mountain if there was not a good view of the taller mountains to the east. Many smaller hills lumped together into this one large one, and at the base of this large hill there was a frozen stream.  The beautiful view held the boys attention as he paused to survey his surroundings. He frowned at the tall spruce and pine trees as well as the sparse undergrowth of the handsome area.

Minka and Tokino had taught the pup about the trees and other plants that grew wherever they traveled to. Yet, even while knowing the names of these things Kova was not able to do anything with this knowledge. The trees and bushes would not fill his belly; not like the blackberry bushes could that covered the slopes of his home. However, the hunts he had been on and the training he had recieved from the adults was proving to be extremely useful. Although Kova knew well enough to stay away from large game while hunting alone. It was too dangerous to hunt deer by himself despite the few tracks he had passed by under the tall desolate timbers.

Hence why the Lagina was following the stale trail of an old companion once more. Hexamora, or Primrose as Kova knew her by, had come through this area a long time ago. If he could stick with her maybe they might be able to hunt something larger if they came across prey. Knowing that finding her was a long shot, Kova wasn't sprinting along her trail wasting time and energy. If he did manage to find her again, he would do it while lazily searching for food and shelter thus saving precious energy.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
@Kova I'm sorry, I wanted to post to this a while ago, but I needed to see how the Noble thread went first :/

It had been a couple of days since the reddish healer had cleared the Palisade and wandered out into the, slightly, more open land. At first she had felt relief - she was finally free of that wretched-ravine-trap and could surely find her way home from here - but that feeling was long gone now. She still had no clue where she was, any scents she caught where unfamiliar, except for those of the foliage - she had managed to find a few herbs that could help her stay strong and healthy, even with the lag of food that hunting alone in unknown lands brought, and she thanked Nina and Ashanti for that in her mind every night - but the vast, uneven forest was completely unknown to her. Under the tall, thickly crowned trees it was no longer possible to catch glimpses of the heavens to help guide her, and she could see no landmarks to point her in the right direction. Even the mountain range had disappeared in the trees behind her.

It was this predicament that had set her scaling one of the hills today, even though it was gonna be costly to her emaciated body; she needed a vantage point. The trek up was hard, no mountain climbing, sure, but still rough on her small, tired body, and as she neared the top, she was gasping for air. That was when she caught the scent. There was a hint of something familiar to it, though it was vague, almost drowned completely in the sharp smell of wolf-musk, but that in itself was enough; Another wolf! How long had it been since she'd last seen a kinsman? Almost a month?! Except for her one run-in with the lost pup in the ravine, her days in the Palisade had been terribly lonely, and by now, seeing another wolf, even an unfriendly one, would be a blessing.

She rounded the crest of the hill and stared into the trees, sparser up here, and with more light falling in between the trunks; she would only need to turn around to see the magnificent view and learn of her location, but she was too wrapped up in her excitement to think of it. Instead she strode forwards, rapid breathing filling her nostrils with the scent of him, and called out: "Hello, who's there?!" She kept moving, bright copper eyes searching the woods, tail wagging wildly behind her.

Word count: 406

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

The young wolf stares off into the thick trees and beautiful landscape. Perhaps he should be taking more notice of nature's majesty around him, but his snarling belly kept the youth from doing so. Kova only took enough notice of his surroundings to be able to remember his way around the place. Though the lands to the south looked promising as he looked upon them. There was a place far off that was devoid of trees, though it almost looked as if it were hilly. Kova didn't know it yet, but he was looking upon the blackberry bush filled hills of his home. Still, he knew that he was looking for meadow or grassy places, so heading in that direction back through the palisade would probably be the easiest route.

The call of another wolf made him jump sideways into the trunk of a tree. The boys curious blue orbs darted around the trunks looking further down along the tall ridge. He spots the form of a wolf heading towards him, and after noting her friendly tail wagging, allows himself to breath a sigh of relief. The woman almot looked like Inali, Firefly, or Minka. However, a quick sniff of the air as she got closer told him that this woman was none of his family or friends.

She seems happy... I don't think she'll try to hurt me. He thinks quietly before betraying his location to her by letting out a few yips in the she wolfs direction. He lowered his head a bit and let his own tail wag in a friendly fashion hoping that this woman might be more willing to allow him to tag along with her. Primrose had either ditched him or simply got lost while wandering farther away from Kova. However that white she wolf hadn't been the most friendly Kova had ever met. This one might be different though.

 “Hi there!” He called out happy to see another delighted face around the depressing snowy landscape. He would be so lucky to find an adult to talk or hunt with.

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She noticed him as soon as he moved, the flash of gray making her head turn, copper eyes narrowed to gaze through the trees. His colorless silhouette stood out starkly against the dark browns and greens of the forest, and though he was taller than the reddish woman, his gangly shape betrayed him as a pup; Another one?! The boy called to her then, and her wide smile softened, unlike the dark girl from weeks earlier, this youngster seemed happy to see her too.

Aideen continued up the slope, stopping a few lengths before the boy, tail still wagging excitedly. He was a striking young wolf, the mixes of gray in his fur highlighting the building muscles underneath, deep blue eyes standing out doubly with the lag of color on the rest of his body; Those eyes... She knew a pair of eyes like that; a stab of pain went through her chest, how much longer would it be before she could meet those eyes again? The lad greeted her enthusiastically, and she shook of her sad thoughts, smiling warmly back at him; "It's so great to see another wolf out here! Do you happen to know where we are?" She looked around then, and finally noticed the view, which had been her reason for climbing this mount in the first place; "Oh..." She sighed. Through the trunks f the tall trees, she could see far and wide, a hilly, forest landscape stretching out around her. And there, in the distance; "Oh!" She exclaimed, loudly this time, she could see familiar land to the south.

There was a wide excited smile on her face when she turned back to the boy, her eyes sparkling with joy; "I see now, I know my way home!" Though the grey lad had no way of knowing for how long she had been lost out here, she felt the need to convey her elation, heart pounding euphorically in her chest. She was one big smile now, tail waving high like a banner behind her.

Word count: 340

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
I would be happy if Aideen doesn't mention that the fields they are seeing are the blackberry fields.  XD He's got to find his own way back.

Kova looked out over the fields and forests that could be seen through the thick trunks of the tall timbers.  However the strangers approach did not go unnoticed. He kept an eye on her with the corners of his eyes. Kova did not feel threatened by this woman as she seemed to exude a friendly personality. No, he was more interested in the landscape surrounding the mountain. There looked to be a great number of large hills like this one, but the farther south they went the lower in height the hills became until they reached the fields. Kova wondered about those cleared areas. He was beginning to plan on heading for them and hoping that they were close to where Black Thorn Downs was.

 “Honestly ma'am I don't know where this land is. I can't even find my own way home.” He answered her before glancing back to the outright chipper she wolf. Her high spirits were infectious, and Kova couldn't help but give her a half smile despite his depressed mood. He even let his tail wiggle a little bit as he looked Aideen over. She was looking out over the surrounding landscape now too. However the stranger seemed to have a good idea where she was. Kova's ears pricked forward listening to her excited voice more closely.

 “That way is south right? Where is your home out there? and what's it called?” Kova asked quickly wondering if he should just attempt to follow the strange she wolf out of the damned forest. Maybe just knowing the name of her home might be able to help him figure out where to go from there. ,/p>

The trees creaked as a breeze pushed against them. The sound distracted Kova making him turn his head to look in the direction that the noise had come from. The cedarwood forest sometimes made sounds like that, but these creaks and cracks were much more loud. They even seemed to echo through the woods as if Kova was actually standing in a grand cathedral or opera house. Looking around at the giant pine and spruce trees quietly, Kova wondered for a moment at how long the things had been growing here for.

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Oh okay she'll need some distraction then xD A hunt perhaps? *temps Spirit of Wildwood*
Unless Kova will get defensive now that he knows she's from SW

The boys answer almost went unnoticed in her euphoria, her own joy filling her ears. But when he asked about her home and the direction, she gathered herself and smiled kindly, noticing the hesitancy in his own friendly expression; He's lost too, ha? Apparently the snowstorm had whisked quite a number of wolves away to this stranger land. Aideen cast another quick glance out over the timbers and tried to harness her glee, clearing her throat lightly before speaking; "Yes, south! My pack is down that way somewhere, Secret Woodlands!" She was still smiling, the excitement clear in her voice, not a thought in the world given to the possible implication of her allegiances.

She watched, almost bemused, as the young wolf was distracted by the sounds in the trees, following his gaze into the open woods. Really this place could be considered quite nice, that is if it hadn't been like a prison for the reddish she wolf and the others in her same situation. The land was abundant, many different types of trees growing on the grassy hills, and the open canopies allowed a large amount of sunlight to reach the ground, creating a lush underbrush rich in both herbs and bushes. This type of land would attract a myriad of wildlife, the open terrain easily accessible to larger prey like deer, who preferred wooded areas, but couldn't pass through denser forests like The Thicket; It might even be a nice place to live... She mused absently, but the thought soon left her mind again; she was too accustomed to the Woodlands, and to her, this place would always be a nightmare.

Shuddering, the petite woman turning her eyes back to her blue eyed companion, once again remembering her manners, and her curiosity. "I'm Aideen Smoke, by the way. You said you were lost too, where are you from?" Perhaps, if she knew his home pack, she could help him get home as well.

Word count: 326

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

He was glad that this woman was so friendly. However as she answered his question about what pack she was from he couldn't help but almost choke on the saliva that got caught in his throat. Secret Woodlands was the pack that lived someplace to the west of his own pack. Kova remembered meeting two of the Woodlands pack's pups, and unfortunately he did not like or even respect them or the way they had acted during their meeting. He didn't like them, though had slight interest in the one boy SIlentium. His sister seemed even more displeased by the pair of brothers antics, specifically with the one called Unitas, which left a sour taste in Kova's mouth.

A hollow feeling went through him at the thought of that chance meeting. Memories flooded into the boy of his dark pelted sister Noble, and how she was normally the one leading the way while he followed. Pain seared into his heart as the image of her face struck its way into his mind. Was he ever going to get to follow his sister around again?

His attention snapped back onto Aideen as she viewed the landscape and patiently waited for an answer from Kova. He dipped his head in an apologetic manner for keeping her waiting, then creased his brow as he thought of what to say. He didn't particularly want a member from the Hervok boys pack to know where he lived. Not when she could find her way home and tell them where he was or where his family stayed. It was bad enough Kova thought that Unitas and Silentiums family were nuts, but he definitely didn't want them trying to go near the rest of his family. Even if this particular woman was quite nice herself.

“My family lives to the south around the meadows. Maybe you know my mother? Narimé Lagina?” He spoke quickly trying to figure out a believable story to tell the she wolf. Too bad the only other family he really knew about was his estranged cousins. He didn't stop to think about how Aideen might know about the caverns wolves since her pack and theirs were allied. “My name is D-Duke... Dukinra Lagina....” He stumbled over one of the many names from the lessons his father had given him of the Lagina family. Dukinra had been one of the only pure white Lagina's in the family, something that his father had stressed on when talking to Kova.

(This post was last modified: Jun 25, 2015, 06:43 AM by Kova.)

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

The boy's hesitancy was lost on her, though she was eager to help him out, she was still caught up in her own glee at finally being sure where she was and how to get home. She didn't even notice how long she had been starring at the distant fields when he finally spoke again, beginning with a polite nod that she answered with an encouraging smile. He sensitive nature did pick up on the small changes in demeanor, the furrow between his eyes, the slightly rushed speech, more tense than before, but she attributed it t simple nervousness, a young boy like him had plenty of reason to get flustered when put on the spot. She had no reason to expect him of lying, he had been so friendly up until now, and surely he wanted her help to get home. So she accepted his explanation cleanly, continuing to smile and ignoring his small stammer.

The name rang a bell, and the fiery woman nodded again, sitting down in front of the grey youth to try and ease him while she took a moment to think. She had travel only little in the more open lands of Relic Lore, but through Nina, Miccah and Iopah, she knew of the Woodlands' allies to the south and she thought she remembered the name of the woman given by the blue eyed pup; "Narimé, that's the female leader of Whisper Caverns... right?" She finally asked, pursing her lips a little. Her copper eyes still glowed warmly as they rested on the boy, waiting for his confirmation. she couldn't tell him the exact route to the caverns, but if he would come with her to the Thicket, she was sure her pack mates would be more than helpful to the son of an ally. It wouldn't be a big detour either, since Whisper Caverns lay even further south than Secret Woodlands.

Waving her tail pleasantly, Aidden tried to think of something else to say, maybe there was more she could do to help soothe the nervous pup? She still had no suspicion that his sudden skittishness was caused by bad experiences with her pack mates, indeed if she had known, she would march right back into the Thicket and smack both Unitas and Silentium, demanding they apologize for whatever rudeness they had displayed to these strangers, even dragging them there themselves and watching while they did so. Of course, that would have needed her knowledge of Dukinra's true home, which would have definitely added to the awkwardness building between them. Now instead, the petite woman attempted to ease what she thought was a simple case of nerves by smiling brightly and speaking in a straight, friendly tone; "Well it's nice to meet you Dukinra."

Word count: 461

Thoughts ”Speech”