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Scream at the drunken moon — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

@Deacon RE: There is a full moon tonight.

Spring was just on the horizon, she could see it in the melting snow, taste it in the warming air. The pristine white blanket that had once coated the Earth, was turning to slush, caking mud to the bottom of her pads. A misfortune, but one she could overlook, should the prey return soon. Ready to hone her skill, and become the predator she was destined to be, Celandine reveled in the arrival of a new season, completely naive to the fact that spring would bring little usurpers to her throne. For the time being, she was free to roam, to learn, and to be the future queen. Secure in her position, at least for now, the youth thought nothing more on the topic.

Ascending the mountain was no real feat for the youngest Argyris. By then, she had already traversed the heights numerous times, her pale paws finding the surest foot holds with ease. Only months ago, her limbs would not have been strong enough to climb so nimbly, but nothing could stop her anymore. Not height, nor weight. Not even maturity, for she was almost of an age at which she could survive on her own. Although she did not plan to leave the safety of her kingdom, she awaited the day eagerly.

Reaching the highest peak on their little piece of the mountain in no time at all, she found herself with time to spare. When she had left the plateau hours ago, she did so with a mission in mind. Tonight marked another full moon, one she wanted to see.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

He only had two reasons for even bothering with the climb up the heights. To see Princess @Celandine or to see the view. Of course Deacon, being the sly man he was, would say that his snowy princess was the view. He gave a sly toothy grin to himself and any other creatures around to witness it. The Archer-Lyall was certainly proud that he could find someone as pretty as Celandine to make friends with and possibly more. Every time the dark boy thought about her his heart raced, his face heated up, and his eyes fell to the floor. Was this what it felt like to have a crush?

When he had reached his final destination Deacon was greeted with the sight of not only a stunningly beautiful full moon but also the sight of his princess Celandine. Wagging his tail behind him his mouth opened to let out a deep low bark. "Hey Celandine!" Pushing himself further so he could stand closer to the pale girl his lips curled in a friendly smile. "Long time no see, I hope you've been doing okay? You aren't mad at me are you?" His nose leaned over to lightly touch Celandine's pale cheek. Leaning his head back to admire her amber eyes in the moonlight Deacon let a gasp of breath slip past his lips he hadn't even realized he'd been holding in. "Beautiful..." Unknowingly that one word had be his first real and meaningful compliment to Princess Celandine. All the young boy could do was stand in awe at the way Celandine looked under the cloak of light the moon was giving off.

two silver rings on our fingers in a hurry
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

This was set the day after he met up with Mojave, so I thought I would just roll with it~

His scent was on the air long before his voice, which delighted the youth. Rather than seeking him out, Celandine settled herself in, confident that he would come once he latched on to her perfume. When his bark finally came, she turned, sweeping amber eyes over his form. He looked the same, but it was not his appearance that shook her. The lack of ridge wolves was noticeable in his coat, telling her that Deacon hadn't been home for a while. That wasn't it either, unfortunately. The problem was much more serious than that. A female's scent had replaced the heavy musk of willows. She might not have held any claim to the boy, but that fact did nothing to ease the twisting of her insides. 

Celandine simply did not do jealousy. It was a horrendously unattractive color. Even more so on a future queen, but she couldn't help but admit that it bothered her. "Deacon." She nodded, unsure of exactly how she was feeling, and what she was going to do about it. He thought she was upset with him? "Of course not. Why would I be mad?" Was there a reason she should be? No. Deacon did not belong to her. He was free to do as he pleased, and if that freedom was chasing around some girl, then so be it.

When he leaned in to nudge her cheek, she felt butterflies erupting, and when his whispered 'beautiful' hit her ears, she'd almost forgotten why she was irritated. "Thank you." If anything, Celandine knew how to take a compliment. She did not seek reassurance, never having a need for it.

(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2015, 05:59 AM by Celandine.)
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
@Celandine Sorry this took so dang long! Also excuse moody Deacon

It was a relief to hear Celandine wasn't upset but her question cause an uneasy whine to escape his lips. "Because Celandine, I've kept you waiting. That's not the right way to treat a future queen of the mountain." Looking at her pale paws with sad eyes the Archer-Lyall couldn't help but beat himself over the fact that he hadn't been more active with meeting the pale Argyris princess. Surely he should have raced to see her first but he hadn't. The dark boy had ran off and gotten star-struck by some honey colored woman. How stupid of him. His true focus was sitting right in front of him. Celandine would have to become more important to the dark coated boy.

His cheeks heated up under his dark coat when Celandine had answered his compliment. Suddenly every mood sung through the teen. Deacon was unsure where to go with this but figured there was only one way to go. "You'll be a powerful yet beautiful queen one day, Celandine. I can see it within those eyes of yours.." More compliments. What else could he do? Might as well dig himself deeper into the pit that was Celandine. Of course the words powerful and beautiful made him think of his mother Elettra. While Deacon didn't believe anyone could be as powerful of an alpha the Archer-Lyall had a feeling Celandine could do it. Something in those amber eyes made him believe in her. He felt himself wanting to trust every word she would speak. Already Celandine had Deacon wrapped around her paw whether she knew it or not.

Flicking his tail behind him a small smile laced his inky lips. Deacon's own fiery eyes shinning in the moonlight. His spoke more of a passionate fire than a powerful one. Perhaps that was the difference between Deacon and the rest of his family. The dark boy found himself less powerful (like his mother and father) but more passionate about things.

And I’ll never go home again
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Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Celandine hadn't put much though into who she might take to mate when the time came. The youth had been spent so much time securing her own place upon the thrown, that a significant other was... much less significant to her. In fact, if it weren't for the matter of pups - which would undoubtedly secure her reign further- she might have considered ruling alone. When she did think about it, however, she did so in a way that was probably less than usual. Rather than vivid daydreams in which the pale princess would be swept off her paws by some handsome prince, she imagined it merely as a political arrangement. Not only would her suitor have to be strong, sturdy, and sturdy enough to rear a handsome brood, but he would have to be a leader. It wouldn't do for her to breed with a subordinate, nor have the loss of power that came with allowing the lead male to do so. Cubs were a sign of strength, and she'd be damned if any lowly wretch thought that they had the privilege of bearing children. The youngest Argyris would see to it that pups would be her right, and her's alone.

His flattery was never lost on the girl as she soaked it into her very bones, unable to get enough. "I trust you won't keep me waiting so long again." It wasn't an outright command, but she'd like it seen to anyway. Something about his presence was always so enticing, though she didn't understand why her heart would thrum, beating a rhythm all it's own, and her skin would flush. It felt wild, and dangerous. Luckily, Celandine never had a problem with danger.

"And you will be a strong king." It was all she could do to get the words past her tongue which suddenly felt so thick. "The willows are fading from your coat. You've been away from home for a while, haven't you?" Curiosity piqued, the girl awaited his answer. Had he truly ran away from home, with a girl by his side?

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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
”I’ll try not to Princess.” His dark nose reached out to touch her pale shoulder. It was an act of kindness. As if he was sealing a bond of sorts with the pale princess. He never wanted to be late to seeing her but that’s just how things were turning out for him. From sunrise to sunset he found himself busy. Getting older in his yearling stage had him busier and busier. So much of his time went to trying to prove himself or even just doing what was expected of him. And with his leave from his birth pack Willow Ridge he had more to do than ever now.

Smiling softly he nodded at her question. ”I was the first of my litter to leave. I’m looking to make myself well known elsewhere than my willows.” Pausing the dark yearling was having a difficult time deciding if he should tell her about the female or not. He figured if he didn’t then he would have trouble with her trust in the future. ”I also met a female, she was suppose to travel with me. We made plans but she never showed up..” His ego was clearly hurt but he knew he would make it. Just some dumb female stood him up was all. He still had his true princess, right? With her around everything was complete.

Sighing softly he looked into her lively eyes. ”Is everything well in your mountain kingdom?”
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