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i used to make my parents proud — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn
For @Hypatia Partly Cloudy | 34 ° F, 1 ° C | Sunrise

I thought I heard a plane crashing, but
Bérengère Dunn
Now I think it was your passion snapping

He had moved from the comfort of the fiery forest to find himself in a much sadder place. Somewhere where that feeling of peace had turned into paranoia. It had him with his tail hanging between his legs, ears pinned, and eyes constantly shifting around. This feeling of paranoia had him missing that red colored forest. Perhaps he should just turn around..

As the sun broke through the foggy darkness the world around him became alive. The fog that lingered around the trees seemed not so spooky and the dew layered earth had a sparkle like a the night sky. For a moment he swore time stopped. His body relaxing, head lifting up to get a better look at the brand new wonderland around him. It was something breath taking how the land could go from spooky to magical with just the change of lighting.

Taking a step forward the fog swirled around his thick muscular legs. For him still being young it was rather amazing his form had filled out so well-built. Many times he had seen wolves his age still hold lanky figures with ungodly long legs. Him, well the Dunn was certainly a bear looking like male. Perhaps that's why he had been given the nickname "bear", because he had broken those standards of being a lanky awkward teen. In fact he had turned out to be a strong, handsome, gentlemen. The very thing that would have made his parents proud. Had he still been around them to make them proud. That would be the day.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Bridges were made to burn

With her resolve worn thin to pieces that would have been seen clear through, she had made the terrible climb back over the pass, and down into the lands of her birth. Why Magnolia Glen was much farther, it was not there she wanted to reach just yet. Why she had not exactly vowed to ever set foot here again, the further the young maiden padded from the Heights, she felt out of place. Wrong instead of right to be doing this. Shame, and guilt seemed to be her frequent company.

More so the blue forest called to her. It had promise, at least it had given her something once. A friendship. Here she was again, seeking the unseen, eager in her quick, bobby steps. Cause she would leave no stone unturned for a scent she knew, for a little bit of light and happiness she sought. This time she was looking for it. If she would find evidence where his brother did not.

It was only as the sun began to touch it's fingers upon the tips of the trees did she enter the mist of blue. It was hardly the eerie place she had run to any more. There was a quiet here she liked, if she listened she would hear their whispering. The clean, crisp morning air breathed clarity to her mind, and attempted to reach her heart. It did not last long, as she spotted a large, dark figure walking the same path, only much more further than she. For at first glance her mind screamed bear. Heart beats revved into a frenzy, but as flame toned eyes narrowed, it was the note of the creatures rather longer ears that caught her attention. It was a wolf, and could not possibly be the one who had took her away as a cub. Was this a Bend wolf? The Bend was further, but it was not unlikely a pack wolf would be out here. She didn't know what to do or say. She was terrible at such things.

(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2015, 04:21 AM by Hypatia. Edit Reason: extra closed div on the loose! )
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn
Sorry this took a bit @Hypatia

tell me what your worst fears are
Bérengère Dunn
i bet they look a lot like mine

His thoughts had swallowed so much of his mind that he had not realized someone in his presence. In fact the unexpected company would remain unknown for the next minute or two while Bear tried to find an exit from his mind. Eventually when he did find an exit from the thoughts he spun around. The beauty of the world around him now had a new subject painted into it. A young woman with eyes as fiery as his own. Her coat was mixed with colors that would seem to come from the sky himself. For a moment Bear would have believed his eyes had landed upon a goddess if he had put his faith in such things.

Realizing he had been rude and basking in the stunning scene and wolf around him Bear rumbled out softly. His tone deep yet not defensively deep. "My apologies miss. I am Bear, a traveler of these lands." Nodding respectfully to the woman he couldn't help but glance her over once more. She didn't resemble any of the wolves he had previously met in his times here before. Just another sign he was likely farther away than expected from Rook. He would have shown sadness or frustration had the Dunn male not had such a good head on his shoulders.

Orange eyes fell to look at the misty forest floor. Dew still sparkling like stars and the mist still dancing to a unheard song. The dark male wished to capture this moment forever. Wanted to see this sunrise every morning, but only if it looked like this. Maybe in the winter it would be stunning too. The sun - if to be seen- would reflect off of the snow causing a more shimmery effect. Just the thought of that scene caused a small smile to lace Bear's lips.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You