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This is a lesson in procrastination.
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Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Darrah didn't know how had he found this place, but he sure was glad that he did. Secluded and mysterious, it was the perfect place for the Prince to get lost in his own thoughts for a while. "What am I going to do about all of this." The young Tainn whined. His mother had returned and she didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. "Or maybe I should be asking myself why I'm being such a baby about it." The inky boy knew his solution was simple, just avoid her! If he didn't like @Nayeli then it wasn't like anyone was forcing him to see her! 'But with the way I am, It's just not that easy is it?'

The Prince felt like he was owed some sort of validation, why did she screw up so badly? She loved her family, didn't she? So why would his mother wonder off alone like that. 'And for the love of... Why would she think she could trust strangers like that in the first place! I'm so damn young, but even I know better!' One thing was certain, he was definitely bitter. Dipping his front paws into the falls, Darrah sighed. 'And I feel so alone..'

Admiring the wildlife that surrounded him, the Tainn almost lost track of time. 'Have I been here long? I intended on just passing through, though it's not like I had any real plans today anyways..' he slowly stood himself up, not quite motivated enough to make his way back home. 'Maybe I'll go for a little swim instead...'

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I will not fall

It was time to talk to Darrah, but would he listen? Triell could easily remember his heated conversations with his brother when they did not see eye to eye. Both of them holding that stubborn ability to want to be right, and be heard. Part of their problem had been the fact Indru was not his father.  The Tainn patriarch wondered if this would be any different. Did years matter here? Would his son always feel like an outsider?

It was following his lone trail, did the father know something was going to be done. What had his mind burning, and his head pounding.With all his heart he would intend to listen, and understand. Then he could decide what was right or wrong to say. He did not want to lose his son. Darrah could be mad at Nayeli. It was understandable. Triell had had similar feelings for his siblings who had taken place of his parents and come and gone so many times. Could he forgive his mother? Could he understand why Triell had?

The youth's chosen spot brought a smile to his face for the sound of water reached his ears, and brought on memories. Ones of the better kind. A waterfall, if there was a sign this must be it. Hopefully of good fortune. It was noisily, he padded up beside his boy, taking up a seat, staring down into their reflections. Why he had Nayeli's mark upon his face, everything else about him clearly said son of Triell Tainn. Even that gloomy face . It was a little amusing seeing what he must appear like when in that "mood". There was only a small smirk. "You know it is easy to tell something is bothering you, because you are a lot like me."

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

It was easy to plan out the action's he would take while they were still fresh in his head. The hard part lied within actually proceeding with them. Darrah felt like he owed his pack an apology for the way he'd been acting. After all, It wasn't their fault his mom did the things she did. But he also felt like he was owed an apology himself. Nobody came to console the boy after Nayeli left. His healing process was spent completely alone, so was it really so odd that he had been acting out the past couple of weeks? 'Still, I'm not a kid anymore, and immature is immature. Guess I have a lot of people I need to talk to when I get back.'

Triell had caught his son completely off guard."D-Dad?!" the young boy yelped. Just how long had his father been there? 'How much did he hear?' Embarrassed over his bad habit of thinking out loud, Darrah found he wasn't able to make eye contact with the older Tainn. Trying to brush off the scare as if it didn't happen, he sat himself back down. "I'm really that easy to read huh?" What was he doing here? Could it be he wanted to talk about Nayeli? 'I have a feeling this isn't going to be a very fun conversation...' with a groan, the yearling waited impatiently for his lecture to start. Deep down he knew this day would come, but in his head he was the one approaching Triell, not the other way around. His heart was racing.

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
  this is Tainn history 101 eep xD
I will not fall

There was reluctance he had surprised his boy. The elder's face did not change, he was seated comfortably and would act like nothing happened either.  Maybe, his son would be a bit more aware of his surroundings, especially with the threatening dangers. "Sometimes, as I'm sure you can me. But really I know a dark cloud when I see one," he winked, giving a partial nudge to his cheek. There was no missing the "teenager's" want for this to be over with. Why he rather they were walking, it might be best they were both sitting side by side. The closeness seemed necessary, though if Darrah did rise he wouldn't stop him. With most silliness aside, he heaved in a heavy breath before letting it out. Softly, he met the same bright eyes of his son. "So, your mom. I know your angry, and you know why wouldn't you be? There's so much neither of you can get back. But I know what it's like Darrah. But it wasn't my parents I was mad at. It was my brother." Triell's eyes fell to the water, remembering the past, hoping to pull Darrah there.

"Even your mother doesn't know, but I didn't have a mom and dad. They died in a fire when I was a pup, and it was my brothers Ruiko and Indru who raised myself, my sister Borlla, and brother Kinis. They did alright considering they were only a little older. They made sure to keep a safe,fed,  and teach us about the world. Hell they butted heads. Both of them wanting to be in charge. I'm thinking it's a bit of a Tainn thing," faintly smiled, giving a shake of his head. "Eventually, Ruiko left to form his own pack with Kinis. I stayed with Indru and eventually he took a mate. Corinna. Sceral and Serach's mother. I really wish you and Zera could have met her...

Any way one day he went scouting like your mother did, and he got hurt too and was away for a long time. When he came back we were all relieved to see him because we had thought he was dead and Corinna was going to have her first litter. I was your age at the time and of little use. With him back things fell into place, and I felt like I had a family. Things were they way they were suppose to be. It wasn't long until winter and again he came up missing. The days grew long, and this time we went looking for him. But you know what happened. Cori was left alone to feed for the pups, and by the time I came back they all looked starved and the rest of the pack was gone. Right then I didn't know who I should hate more myself or my brother." To this day he still hadn't forgiven himself. He had vowed to serve Cori, and take care of her and her children no matter what. He was still working on that.

"When Indru made it back in spring I had no trouble telling him what I thought about his reckless actions. I wanted to tear him apart. But I soon learned something. If Cori could forgive my brother again why couldn't I? Second chances became part of my life. I wish you would give your mother one, it could be all you have Darrah. I think you're afraid, because I am too."

(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2015, 05:59 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
It's amazing! I'm sorry I couldn't match up! I'm in the mood for replies today, but I can't concentrate enough to pump out a good one X^X

It was just as the Prince suspected, this particular conversation would be about none other than his own mother. He wanted to interrupt, tell his father that he knew he was overreacting and he'd stop with his nasty behavior at once. If it were anybody else sitting beside him the yearling might of done just that, but unfortunately he respected Triell. Anything that was to come from his dad's muzzle would be important, at least to him. 'Well here it goes I guess.'

The name Borlla made his ears perk up, hadn't his cousin said that was her mother? The same that had abandoned her? It was interesting to know how closely related they were, but that was a matter for another time. The further Triell's words progressed, the heavier Darrah's sense of guilt weighed on him. His dad never had parents, he did. He had both of his parents present in his life right now yet he couldn't help but to dislike one. 'What kind of wolf does that make me I wonder..' he sighed, allowing his father to delve deeper and deeper into his story. The yearling chose to remain silent and still, apart from the occasional nod. Whatever the end result of this narrative would be, he knew his father thought it important. 'So far I can relate, though his situation was a lot worse than my own..'

As his father's tale came to a close, Darrah found himself re-evaluating a bit more. "I know I shouldn't be so upset with her dad, It's just.." The Prince was a bit lost for words, nobody could seem to understand his side of the story. Hell, he couldn't even understand his side of the story. "Is it common for wolves to get into trouble like she did? Borlla's daughter... @Celandine...She said.." Could it be he was foolish to believe what his cousin had told him? "She told me to never forget what Nayeli had made me feel..." 'She told me that, but maybe I'm an idiot for believing her.' "What if I can't ever completely forgive her dad?"

(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2015, 11:54 PM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
No worries, just know Triell wanted to share it. Wasn't sure how else too. :X If this post makes it hard to write a reply let me know and I'll look it over. Not sure what else to add at the moment.

I will not fall

"I guess it's common. Bad things happen as much as any good. One miscalculation can make anyone pay the price." Triell wasn't ready to share that story. One of a red wolf who had been another great part of his life. Had taught him many a thing. That seemed much darker, as is still felt more recent than it was.

"Look son. It's ok to be mad. Just realize what might be beneath it." He struggled to explain, uncertain he would do much better. His anger had always been something more. It was often helplessness, and trust broken. Feeling there world would hold more wrong and he was powerless. Sometimes worthless. Than it had been jealousy, and fear.

Surprise rose his dark brows. "Oh so you have met a cousin. Sounds just like her mom." The Tainn sighed, uncertain if he should really speak in that way. But, Borlla had a knack for her sharp tongue, and being cruel. Could that be inherited through blood? He could only imagine what else had been said. How hurt his sister's children were by her abandonment. Now that he thought he supposed that Nayeli's disappearance probably didn't feel any different.  "She likely can relate with you and I expect no one would welcome Borlla back. So if you think to hold onto this hold it for good reason. I can't say if you should forgive her. Pain demands to be felt, and it is not easy to let it go."

(This post was last modified: May 29, 2015, 05:03 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
You did great :) I also had trouble coming up with things to say XD!!

Triell's words had only left the boy more frazzled. He thought the conversation would go somewhere along the lines of 'Now son, your feelings are irrational and you need to apologize to your mother this instant!' but instead it was almost like he was hearing the faint sounds of acceptance? The prince sighed, of course life could never be as easy as he needed it. Every decision would require a maximum amount of thought and detail, and that's how it'd always be.

He thought of what lied beneath his anger, as his father had advised. "Well I suppose it's.." he paused, trying to place his tongue on the proper word to use. Sure, there were plenty of reasons. But when it all came down to it, what was his biggest issue? "I know I'm still young, but I was a lot younger then.. She broke my heart.. tore a huge chunk of my childhood up with it.." his excuses were nothing less than pathetic, but he couldn't help how he felt. While he was supposed to be exploring, gaining knowledge, and goofing around, he was depressed, reclusive, and very angry. But it wasn't necessarily Nayeli's fault, was it?

"I guess I've just got a lot of thinking to do.." he sighed, swishing his paws around in the falls. "Celandine's not so bad.. In fact, I think she's a little more mature than I when it comes to our.. situations.." He had admired his cousin's will to go on, her motives, and even her views. Whilst true she practically glistened with negativity,  she had immense aspirations to pull her through life. That was something Darrah felt he really needed to invest in. 'I should start doing more for the pack.. Focus one one day ruling, like she does..'

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.