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miserable existence — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Fira who has 3 posts.
Enya Borealis
@Desideria | WC: 276

Enya Borealis. A name that meant many things. Or at least, it used to. Little Fire is what her parents used to call her, and the remembrance of that nickname did indeed cause the spark of a flame to light in her soul. She crossed the tundra, lit with beautiful colors befitting spring, without paying any attention. She had no idea where she was going outwardly, for inwardly, she went around and around in circles, endlessly chasing memories that left her feeling… empty.

Her slightly stocky frame tumbled on a rock, and she cursed, glaring at the hard grey object on the ground like it had somehow actually attempted to offend her. Like it was alive and it was taunting her. She had been angry and bitter for as long as she could remember, and it was tiring, being this way. It was tiring knowing it all led up to nothing but misery. She was tired, she was hungry, she wanted to just lie down, close her eyes, and stop. But doing so would prove her parents correct. Doing so would put her to shame. She couldn’t stop. As much as she wanted to.

She had no idea where she was going. She had come across this place some days before and had been slowly making her way across it ever since. In the distance she could see some kind of mountain, though it didn’t cover the entire horizon. There were openings of sky on either side of the tall rocky growth. Something to aim for, she supposed. Something to look forward to, for there was nothing else in her miserable existence worth looking forward to.
(This post was last modified: Apr 27, 2015, 12:06 AM by Enya. Edit Reason: had to make font size bigger )
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Onwards and upwards, right? Right, of course. The lake had been met with some luck – nothing was quite as refreshing as a big gulp of water. Allowing herself a little laugh at the poor attempt at humor, the woman sauntered onwards. Yes, the lake was nice, but not quite where Desideria sought to den. After all, her family had been scattered by rising waters, and it was not experience she wished to repeat any time in this mortal life. As long as she was within half a day's travel from the fresh water source, the timber wolf would be pleased.

Besides, she was less likely to run into unwanted company that way. Until she found a pack that could appreciate her for who (and what) she was – no matter what Anders had said, that damn wolf, why was she still considering what he'd said? – it was best she find a place to operate from that was unlikely to be discovered. As she trekked to the lowlands, the female did consider the idea of making sure the den site was big enough for two. She wasn't planning on a mate, oh no, but a partner. A travel partner, a…partner in crime.

Dezzy would have purred at the thought, had she been able, and allowed herself a pleased croon instead. The scrub brush was nice, though not quite the cover she sought, and she pressed onwards through the vast territory – until another wolf appeared upon the horizon. The light animal was small, much like herself, and she found herself bouncing forward with a friendly greeting on her tongue as she chuffed. "Hello! Hello, you live here?"

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Fira who has 3 posts.
Enya Borealis
@Desideria | WC: 297

Enya was not happy to be taken out of her miserable reverie. Couldn’t the other woman see that she was having a moment? She gave a huff and looked up from her rock, glaring into the other wolf’s face. And then her eyes widened at the scars that crisscrossed the woman’s nose and under one eye. It wasn’t as if she had never seen a wolf with scars before. In fact, it was quite a common occurrence, and these scars weren’t even that bad. So really, she shouldn’t have cared. But she did, for some reason. They bothered her.

”What’s wrong with your face?” she asked, openly staring. She was completely unaware of how utterly rude she was being. That didn’t matter to her anyways. Inside, she was a girl who thought she deserved to have the entire world under her paw. Even though, at the same time, the idea of leadership frightened her.

Truly, she was tactless. Or just completely clueless, more like. She’d been run out of her birth pack before anyone could teach her that asking these sorts of questions was something you just didn’t do. Besides, acting out was her forte. She loved getting people’s attention, even it was for the wrong reasons. As long as the spotlight was on her all the time, then she was happy. Or she at least pretended to be happy. Actually, she was almost never happy.

And thus the cycle of her miserable existence started all over again with that thought in mind. She sighed, forgetting all about her scarred acquaintance before her, and looked at the ground. What was she gonna do? She was basically starving at the this point, and couldn’t smell pack lands anywhere nearby. Was she destined to die? Was her life meaningless?

(This post was last modified: Apr 27, 2015, 02:11 AM by Enya.)
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Sure, okay, maybe she was trespassing, but as far as she could tell, the other female hadn't actually put down any scent markers. Besides, the lowlands were huge, no way she could own all of it. With one brow raised and ears tipped forward, she regarded the younger animal with a curious look. At least the other loner didn't outsize her – she might be in real trouble, with that sort of attitude.

"You ain't never seen a scar before?" she crowed, bouncing closer to the mouthy little thing. Usually other wolves at least said hello – or, you know, threatened her life and limb before she took off running. That was usually the result of trespassing, however, and that was not the case here. Even Anders, damn him and his thoughtful questions, had the manners to greet her and start up conversation despite the history etched across her face. "Or you talking about my ear, kid? Because that's a whole 'nother story, but I can hear you and your sass just fine. You got a problem or something?"

Oh, didn't that make her sound tough? The light danced across her amber eyes as bounced a little closer, leaving only a few lengths between herself and the stranger. It was probably obvious she was no dominant creature, but maybe the scars were enough to but this delicate girl off. (Oh boy, but if a few mars on the pelt were enough to make her swoon, she really not ought be out here on her own!) "You got a name or something? Or am I just gonna have to make one up for ya?"

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Fira who has 3 posts.
Enya Borealis
@Desideria | WC: 301

This other female kept talking, and talking big, and it was really, really pissing Enya off. In her mind, all she could see and hear was one of her siblings pushing her around, and she felt a growl start in her chest. Her lips pulled back to show her teeth, tail curling up over her back. The classic signs of dominance. Out here in no-man’s-land, she really had nothing to lose doing this (except, you know, her life), but nothing to gain either. But maybe the female would leave her alone, or at least stop acting so high and mighty.

“Listen, lady,” Enya growled. “I asked you a question. You don’t need to get all up in my face about it. ‘Less you want some more scars.” She eyed the one the female had mentioned about her ear, and then brought her eyes back to the female’s, staring directly into them. This was a dominance challenge. She wasn’t in any mood to put up with bullshit. Especially not from some loner who was just as weak and hungry as she was, probably. “Now are we gonna fight, or can we have a fuckin’ regular conversation without you feelin’ the need to get up-close and personal?”

Had this been anyone but a loner out in the middle of nowhere, Enya wouldn’t have dared pulling this kind of crap. She knew well the hierarchical structure of the pack, and if she tried this on anyone with a higher rank than herself, she would have been instantly put in her place with probably a few wounds to go lick in the corner. But, out here at least, she could be Queen if she wanted to be. At least until some wolf came around and shot her down. Which may have been about to happen…
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
"Listen, kid, I answered your question. Don't open your big mouth if you don't wanna listen, you hear?" Desideria replied, one ear flicked backwards as she fought the urge to roll her eyes. The other female certainly looked full-grown, but she was acting no different than a yearling having a temper tantrum when they found out their parents were having another litter. Have mercy on this confused soul, she looked like she'd never fought a wolf in her damn life! Albeit, the petite canine had little interest in actually seeking an answer to that query, and remained were she stood, a few lengths still between her and the other loner.

Which seemed like plenty of space to her, come to think. "Did I say I wanted to fight, princess? You better cool your hide, punk, 'er your mouth is gonna land your ass in some deep shit."

Despite the dominant posture the lightly colored loner had adopted, Desderia didn't seem to shift. Her ears continued to swivel like radar dishes, her tail remained at a casual half-mast as the situation unfolded. Hadn't she just asked this girl if she lived here? A simple 'yes' or 'no' would have sufficed, she thought wryly, and know here she stood with a half-mad badger rambling on something about fighting and personal space. What a bloody little badger! It was like she was actually out of her mi—

Dezzy's vision tightened sharply, eyes narrowed as she took a cautious step back and lifted her nose to the wind, scenting for that ominous, sickly sweet smell. "You new around here, or what?"

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health