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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
Early morning, light snow. Anyone is welcome :)

He was being careful now when he left the comfort of the Ridge. The snow was not nearly as bad as it once was, and he made sure he was able to navigate his way back to pack territory when he went exploring. The slender pup had remained within Ridge borders for far too long – he had begun to develop cabin fever as he reluctantly avoided his adventures. However, today that was changing. He needed to get out – he needed to see more of Relic Lore. Not wanting to worry his mother, he remained close, only venturing out to the meadow south of his pack’s borders. Greer was not sure what lingered further south, but he was desperate to find out. Deacon had left the Ridge in order to make a life of his own, and Greer found himself wondering if he, too, should do the same.

Guilt consumed him as thoughts of leaving filled his mind; he had just returned recently from being lost and had left his entire pack in a state of worry. And now, with Deacon’s departure, he wondered how his parents would react. His mother always encouraged her children to be independent, but the long-legged boy was not sure if it was the right time for him to leave. Like Dee, Greer wanted to explore the world of Relic Lore and see if there was somewhere else for him to call home, but being an extremely anti-social wolf made that difficult. Nine times out of ten he refused to speak to others, and if there were words spoken they could usually be counted on two paws. A disgruntled frown appeared on his slim maw as he trudged forward, his long legs carrying him quickly over the snow-dusted ground.

The sun hung low in the sky as it begun its rise from the horizon line. He shivered against the cold; his body was still quite lean from his time away from the Ridge, as he had only just begun to put the weight back on that he had lost. Until he fully recovered from his unexpected trip away from his pack, Greer could not think about leaving – he needed his health to return before he tried being on his own again.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina
Some time ago it had been Deacon finding his way onto her borders. However now as Narime wanders around the edges of her territory, she finds the scent of a second young Ridge wolf approaching her territory. By the smell of him he was far enough away from the borders to have perhaps not noticed them yet. However what she found odd was that the scent of Willow Ridge seemed faded on him. Maybe he keeps away from the other wolves of his pack? Keeps their scents off of him mostly? She thought quietly before setting off over the border towards the smell of the young Archer-Lyall. Narime was always friendly when it came to Elettra's kin, as was her loyalty to the dark lady.

It wasn't long after she struck out into Hush meadow until she found the dark boy. He was even more black than his brother Deacon, and this kind of surprised her. If the boy's father was a grey and his mother was black and gray then Nari would have expected their child to be a gray, or a black and gray. Instead he was pitch black, but then again she had a black furred son who didn't seem to fit either.

"What brings a strapping young man of Elettra's pack all the way out here?"

She calls to the boy as she approaches. Narime confidently strides forward not knowing or caring if any other older male could smell her... ripeness. Nari was sure that Ash would be stalking her until her hormones changed to a different smell, and even then he would probably be highly protective of her. He would probably be around soon enough.

Pausing before the dark lad and taking in his lean form, Nari wondered what kind of personality he had. Was he cautious? Bold? Or perhaps a wolf who would rather stalk the shadows like her boy Yuka? She would find out rather quickly Nari was sure.

faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
sorry for the wait <3

Even from when he was a small bundle of ebony fur the slender boy knew he was far different than his siblings and other family members. He preferred to lurk the shadows and kept to himself; the sound of his own voice not only startled those within the Ridge, but himself, as it was barely used. This was mainly due to the fact that Greer was comfortable communicating through physical cues, but he also did not like the sound of his own voice. It was just as quiet and meek as his personality came across; it did not match the darkness that engulfed his fur or the cold, stone-coloured orbs that were perched neatly in his skull. His voice was just as willowy as his physique, almost poetic the way it dripped off his tongue – except his words were far from poetic. Due to his lack of a voice, his speech was often broken and blunt. He liked to get his point across in as few words as possible; therefore, he often sounded underdeveloped and much dumber than he actually was.

It did not take long for another to cross paths with the silent smudge; however, this time it was a wolf that did not belong to the Ridge. Although his features would not spoil what he felt inside, Greer could not deny he was excited to meet someone other than a pack member. He had always been curious what it was like for wolves in other packs, and if they were just as close as the tight-knit group that made up Willow Ridge. His silver stones blinked slowly as he absorbed the feminine scent – she radiated with a strength and power that reminded him instantly of his mother, so despite his withdrawn personality Greer decided that he instantly liked her. Her voice mirrored the strength that she gave off – she spoke of Mother! His brows lifted at the mention of Elettra’s name as he shifted his attention to her agouti-coloured body, averting his eyes immediately like Mother had instructed when meeting strangers. If his intuition was right, this female held the same position as his mother, so he did not want to test his luck with her. He also did not know if the pack she belonged to and the Ridge were on reasonable terms .

“Scenery change,” he voiced as a response with a soft roll of his shoulders and a subtle twitch of his lips. Since his disappearance he had been cooped up in the Ridge for too long; he needed to stretch his legs and explore again. But this time, return home swiftly and not half-dead. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Stopping before the youngster Nari huffs once while quickly catching her breath. Narime shifts her front leg some then moves her weight from one side to the other. Her ears swivel slightly both listening for danger and listening to the dark boy. She was answered with only two words that Nari could very much understand. She wished she could get out once in a while herself for a change in scenery. The sparkling cave walls and flat meadow were sights she saw every day. Long did Nari miss the days where she traveled the land.

It was by his answer and the corresponding roll of the Archers shoulders that Nari pinned him with an amused smile. He reminded her greatly of Yuka so far, and if he was anything like her boy then the dark prince didn't like to talk much. Keeping this in mind, Nari tries to curb her tongue and keep quiet. Instead she allows her tail to wag a little before the she wolf gazes off into the meadow.

"Narime Lagina lead of Whisper Caverns at your service."

She introduces herself firstly before scenting the wind for prey or other creatures. Her gaze flits back to the dark wolf expecting a name to be muttered from his ebony lips. She spots the snow dappling Greer's black coat and for a moment her eyes drift to the fakes that dab some lightness onto that shadowy frame of his. Light snow like this was the kind that Narime couldn't help but like. Even if the cold and snow brought a slow starvation for the wolves while the herds dwindled or migrated away. Quietly she licks at a large snow flake that drops onto her nose. It was burning her nose with cold until she wiped it away into water with her tongue. Slowly her gaze drifts upwards to the sky watching the flakes fall silently.
faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

His initial opinions on the russet-coloured female stood strong as her voice remained in her throat and she allowed the air between them to grow silent. Luckily she did not seem hostile, so Greer was under the assumption that the relationship between her pack and his mother’s was good. Were they allies, or did they just respect each other? His curiosity burned as the silence between them was broken by her voice as she introduced herself to him. She spoke nothing more after her short introduction – she seemed to understand his silent demeanor, and did not throw a bunch of unnecessary words at him. She had gotten straight to the point, which pleased the willowy prince. As his cold, silver eyes studied her he offered his own voice once more to the Caverns leader: “Greer Archer-Lyall.” A ghost of a smile fell onto his dark maw at his introduction, but he did no more words fell from his cherry tongue.

Remaining silent, he continued his observations; snow had begun to fall, dusting the pair as the air grew colder around them. The deer-legged boy was growing tired of the cold weather; it had lingered for long enough. He longed for the warmth that came with summer, even with his ebony pelt. It was much better than feeling cold and damp all the time, and dealing with the rain and snow. He was curious as to what the Caverns were like, and how many wolves were in her pack. Were the other packs much different than his own? He knew nothing of the many packs that resided in Relic Lore, and was eager to learn as much as he could; perhaps there was one better suited for the silent smudge. “Caverns?” He asked absently, unwillingly breaking the comfortable silence that had developed between the two. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Her assumptions had been affirmed. This child did resemble her own silver clad boy in everything but looks. Though this Greer seemed to be less self-conscious about himself compared to Yuka. She gave a curt nod in recognition to the dark willow prince's name. Archer-Lyall huh... she thought quietly knowing that the Lyall must have come from Angier. Greer had good strong bloodlines and some impressive family names to boot. What did she have? Nothing as far as Narime was concerned. Of the Lagina wolves she had met Nari couldn't help but feel ashamed of her family name. As far as her own bloodlines went, she shouldn't be considered a royal at all. A twinge of jealousy flashed through her heart, but Nari had her eyes closed while she sighed. When she opened them there was no hint of the darkness that had fluttered through her gaze. Instead she looked as kindly as she could to the dark boy.

She noted how he watched the flurries and turned to watch them herself. Once more Nari had to shake her head as the snow fell into her nostril freezing everything before it melted. A few licks to her nose helped that, but Nari couldn't suppress a shiver. She loved winter, that was true, but she could only stomach the cold for so long.

He spoke a single word that conveyed the dark Lyall's confusion of her pack name. Of course he doesn't know what Caverns means.. She told herself before thinking on how to answer him.

"Caverns is a word that means many caves. A cave is like a pre-made stone den. Caverns can be big or small, and the ones we live in are many wolves tall in some places."

She answered proudly while lifting her chin a tiny bit more. Narime loved her caves, even if nobody else fancied them. They made her feel safe, as if the earth was hugging her when she slept.

She thought silently for a moment trying to figure out what to talk about next. She mulled over topics that would get Greer's interest.

"You know your brother Deacon came by. He joined us a little while ago."

Narime cast a curious look his way wondering how Greer would react to this news.
faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

The silence that she allowed to settle between only continued to comfort the raven prince as his silver orbs shifted from the flurries to her tawny pelt absently. She carried herself similarly to his mother; it was an “aggressive” grace, as he liked to call it. Although they both maintained the effortless grace of a female, they both radiated with authority that demanded the attention of those around them. This quality was why he found himself enjoying Narime’s company, something that was foreign to the slender boy. Typically he was instantly annoyed by those who attempted to engage him in conversation; however, Narime was different. Perhaps she had dealt with another who possessed similar qualities… regardless, she respected his lack of words and did not push him to speak more. Instead, she answered his question swiftly, her voice tripping with obvious pride as she spoke of her packlands.

Her explanation, although brief, gave Greer the perfect description of what her home looked like, and only increased his curiosity. He had discovered several tunnels in his adventures, but they lacked in comparison to Narime’s depiction of the caverns. Not one, but many caves? Excitement bubbled inside of him – he desperately wanted to explore them, but he knew that would be trespassing, and that was bad. A wistful smile had fallen onto his slender maw, an action that was not common for the little smudge.

Her voice reached out to him once more, this time speaking of a familiar name. Deacon! The smile that had made itself home on his lips only widened at the mention of his brother as his tail waved excitedly behind him. “Brother happy?” He asked quietly, his silver orbs focused on Narime’s pale paws as a lump formed in his throat. As much as he missed his brother, Deacon’s happiness was all that mattered to him. He had left the Ridge due to his desire to see more of Relic Lore, and Greer was glad that he had found somewhere to call home.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
This is so long coming please start fires under my butt for not posting sooner.

Narime gazed out over the landscape her blue eyes trailing on the shadowy black form of a raven winging its way across the sky. Her head turned following the bird across the pair of wolves view before the creature landed in a rotten tree.

”Well I believe he is happy here with us.” She commented lightly while still watching the raven in the distance. The black as night bird squawks loudly a few times before hopping to a lower branch on the dead snag.

”Thing is... I feel like he's got the same problem I used to have.” She pauses for a moment to look towards Greer. ”When I was young, in your mothers pack, I couldn't help but roam the land.” She sighs while stretching out her front legs. The silver womans long limbs often thrummed with energy filling her with the desire to just run off and explore the earth that she did not already know of.

”Of course back the I kind of had a reason to leave the pack for long periods of time. I was a hunter, a tracker, and I had to look for my lost father...”She quickly added while turning to look back up at the sky. I wonder if dad would be proud of what I have become? Of who I am? she wondered silently as the raven continued to make a ruckus out in the field. Apparently something had bothered the large black bird.

”So I expect your brother is going to wander a lot and get into trouble. I just hope he doesn't get hurt out there, and that he knows where his loyalties lie.” She said breathlessly before jamming that gray muzzle of hers shut. Nari held herself back from talking any further. She was learning to keep from talking too much, like she had as a young wolf. It was better nowadays for her to be more silent than talkative. Though she had to admit that it was rather hard to curb an old habit.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
no worries <3

While the boy typically did not like chatty wolves, he found himself enjoying listening to the silvery Alpha as she answered his question. As much as he missed his brother and wished that he had not left him (and his family) Greer was glad to hear that he was flourishing in his new home. He could not help but wonder if his mother had found out where Deacon had ended up; regardless, Greer could not wait to tell the good news. D had made himself a home – whether or not he planned on staying permanently – and was figuring out who he was.

The shadow prince was envious of his brother’s ambitious behaviour – the thought of hurting his mother plagued his mind too often, and prevented the long-legged yearling from seeking out a new home. It was not that he did not enjoy Willow Ridge – he just wanted to see more; see what else was out there for him. “Deacon very loyal,” he commented in response to the female’s final comment in a feeble attempt to reassure her. “Greer also want to wander. Not sure when.” He was not sure why words had escaped him once more, or why he decided to share that bit of information with the silver leader, but it was too late to take it back. “Want to find place for Greer,” he added in a soft voice, his silver eyes falling away from the female as he stared sheepishly at his forepaws.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]