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Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
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Hypatia Argyris
Bridges were made to burn

Finally. It was about damn time she could stand wearing her own skin. The sun actually felt good as the light clip of the wind breathed coolly through her tussel of fur. No longer was she accompanied by that odd yearning, and prickling heat. Whatever that was had passed. She hoped to never have it again. She assumed she must have been sick. Why she wished someone could have enlightened her to the sitution, she had not sought out Phineas to ask. She had not wanted to worry him, nor exactly see him in that state. Afraid her tongue would get the best of her. As flame toned eyes combed over the forest below, she did toy with the idea of finding him now. It had been a long while since they had just talked. She missed their time together, and there was so much she wasn't sure about.

There was something that had not changed the Argyris. The anger that had been amplified was still burning. It would likely soon ignite more than a spark when she became aware of the sudden changes at the Plateau. She was beginning to think there was more to it than anger. There was still a want for more than this piece of rock, and blue sky. Surely, there was more than this. The world below did not seem hers for the taking. Unlike Celandine she was not certain she was entitled to anything, but this. It seemed dangerous to want too much.

(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2015, 01:57 PM by Kisla.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Week 6 of pregnancy - "The fetuses now have a small claw on each digit and pigmentation develops. Expectant mothers may start to feel uncomfortable and she may vomit occasionally due to the extra pressure against her stomach."

Her pride in her pregnancy had quickly taken a back burner when she had realized how much being pregnant actually sucked. While she still planned on using her situation to give her a lever to get her to the top it was hard to actually accomplish that when she was so uncomfortable. On top of the fact that her once sleek sides were now ballooning out, her moods were even more mercurial than usual, she was constantly starving but recently even the thought of food made her queasy. Silver tail twitched in annoyance as she tried to force herself to sleep while her stomach turned uneasily. Aponi's eyelids were clenched shut as if this pure physical act would somehow magically make her nod off, she looked far from peaceful though as her jaw stiffened.

Eventually though even the Aquila yearling had to admit to herself that sleep would allude her once more, as it usually did these days. With an impatient growl she heaved her body off the ground, grunting with the increased effort that it took. Padding forward she had one spot in mind, as far from the territory as she could get before her condition forced her to go back. Aponi knew some of the other members by appearance because of her time in the Glen but she had no ties with any other than Phineas. This didn't bother her much as she had been independent since childhood and she knew she would have to change this mindset if she would have support at the top but it certainly wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

The only person whose company he wanted would be the man whose pups she was carrying and as he was typically busy leading it rarely happened. So she stuck to herself, exploring the land surrounding the territory and refamiliarizing herself with the mountain range. Today though as she crossed the invisible line she apparently would not be alone. The tawny figure came into view within minutes and Aponi slowed her steps, she had been meaning to speak with the other yearling in truth perhaps now was her chance. Forcing a friendly expression the girl smiled, "Oh Hypatia... I don't think I've seen you since your dad allowed me to come back." The tone was foreign to her but Aponi would do anything that would further her in the pack, including making nice with the alpha's children.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Bridges were made to burn

It was not hard to miss the footfalls that came toward her. For her sake she did not bother to take a look to whose they were. She was assuming it could very well be Aesire by their tread. What the hell did she want? Cause as far as Hyp was concerned she did not need to do anything she asked. Not that Aesire really spoke to her, or requested anything of her. Perhaps she knew it wasn't wise.

The steps stopped and there was that brief, cutting silence, Hyp peered from the corner of her eye. Why she had been aware of Aponi's return she certaintly did not go out of her way to see her either. Why she was not her least favorite wolf, she was not high on the list. Then who was?

It was with a slight raise of brow, she looked upon her, surprised to see that actual expression upon her silver face. Surely, Aponi had never paid her much attention. It seemed that was about to change.

"Oh Hypatia... I don't think I've seen you since your dad allowed me to come back. No. Silently, Hyp thought feeling like Phineas may have put her up to this. If so she should play nice as well. With an airy breath, she curled her tail closer to her haunch. "No, but I sorta like it out here." It was hardly much. It was something, and she had spoken kindly not with sarcasm and bite. Aponi had come back like she had said, and that did mean a little bit to the Argyris child. Especially, since Phineas had decided she could be part of the pack again. "Did you find what you were looking for?" She queried, briefly meeting her bright, blue stare.

(This post was last modified: May 06, 2015, 01:31 AM by Hypatia.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

It would seem that both yearlings were in the mood to play nice today, something that bode well in Aponi's favour. What Hypatia offered her wasn't much, but the Aquila hadn't really offered her anything to begin with anyways. Small talk was foreign to her typically she only spoke when it pleased her and if she had a point to make, all this extra chatter was useless. Idle chatter though was what it took to gain faithful followers and so for that sake the yearling was willing to do it on this occasion. Swallowing hard when her stomach twisted again the smile faded slightly, it was hard to pretend to be nice when she felt like she might vomit at any second.

Glancing back at the tawny girl she knew she had to respond in some way before this became awkward, "It's nice being back on the mountain. My old pack was on the northern peaks." This was the most she had spoken to anyone about Nomad's Pass, her birth pack being something she glossed over whenever possible. In truth the Aquila had always been meant for the land of stone, her paws were more comfortable on the rough slate than on moist earth.  Blinking at the next question her stomach lurched again, the thought of what she found edging bile up her throat dangerously.

Swallowing harshly again Aponi could still taste the bitter taste in the back of her mouth as she responded, "I found what my sister spoke of yes." What Hypatia knew of what she was looking for the yearling didn't know, but this was all she would be willing to say of her father's murder.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Bridges were made to burn

If Hyp had been watching the silver Aquila closely she may have noticed the change in her smile, and she would have placed her guard up. Since she was not gawking at Aponi, but taking note of the land around she remained neutral.

Interest perked the young lady's ears, and orage eyes drifted to her company. She had never gave thought to where Aponi had came from, or her family. Hyp had spent most of her time wishing that she would simply leave. Even than it hadn't been for good reason. Just the fury of a child hating another taking up space. So she was sort of giving the silver yearling a clean slate. Trying to see her with new eyes. They were the same age, and she was suddenly curious of her. "It is growing on me, she admitted, talking of the heights. The peaks, the actual mountain? The tawny wolf was rather stunned. "Wow, I thought it was a bit different here. Can't imagine what it would be like growing up so high. If you don't mind me asking what was it like? Did the snow ever leave?"

The faintly silver masked girl did notice what seemed to be discomfort, and she felt a smidge of guilt in asking. She had own vaguely been given details of her absence. She had left to find the truth of her familiy. It did not look to be good news. Face scrunched up, ears tipped sideways. "I'm sorry," she murmured, it seemed for digging it all back up. "But surely you must count us as your family now?"

Hyp could be nice, but she was posing the question for her own reasons.

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Hypatia's question brought on a whole fleet of memories that Aponi tried her best not to think about. While she had always loved the mountain and thought of it as her only true home it didn't mean that she had had the typical happy upbringing. Furrowing her brow she did her best to try to come up with the right words to describe it, It was amazing, from up there you could see for miles but nobody could see you. It was like having the upper hand against the whole world. The area that we lived in was mostly protected by cliffs so the only snow we ever had was in the winter, but it was bad enough we had to leave or risk being trapped by it." While the Aquila was reserved about the topic of her family the actual territory wasn't concerning for her to speak about. While she felt possessive over the area, as if she was the only one who should ever go there she wasn't worried about speaking of its impressive layout.

Again the tawny girl posed another question that brought Aponi pause, what exactly was Hypatia trying to say? Furrowing her brow she looked upon the other girl, while she respected her father and they had once been vaguely close they never had. In fact this might be the first actual conversation that had ever taken place between the two of them. Kneading her claws against the stone the Aquila was not entirely sure how to respond, a sensation that was odd to her as she usually had a snarky comeback for everything. Finally she gave a non-committed shrug, "My family was never really big on family, though I know your father cares about you a lot and I respect him and his pack. I hope that our children will have a better puphood than I did."  Aponi had already assumed that the other girl knew, with how close Phineas was to his children and the fact that her stomach was so swollen it wasn't like it was a secret.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]