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Is this where you want to be — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Melorama who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexynik Cryfton
@Hecate Also, just to clarify, the voices are in Alex's mind c:

She was tired, so tired. Her limbs ached, the muscles protesting from the physical exertion. All she wanted to do was lay down and sleep for a while. "Just a little further, Alex, you're nearly there," a soothing feminine voice cooed to her gently. The Cryfton Girl sighed in response, her ears twitching with frustration. "You said that ages ago Asaparael, why should I believe you now?" Her words were short and snappish, but deep down she didn't really mean it. "I've never understood why you believed her in the first place," the smug voice of Nunzaseor said in response, his tone hinting at the child-like expression he would be wearing. Alex grumbled beneath her breath at the two of them. They were constantly at war with each other, and she could do nothing to stop them from exchanging their venom-tipped words. "Can I have at least five minutes of silence from the both of you?" She hissed at them as she picked up the pace. They both fell silent.

Alex continued her expedition to nowhere in particular in silence, just taking in everything around her. It was so peaceful with all the lush grass and small animals scurrying here to there, not to mention the nice sun that kept her back warm. All too soon she came upon a frankly enormous body of water, the surface so flat and still it look like a mirror. It was beautiful. "It's disgusting; so calm and peaceful, how do you ev-" Nunzaseor began to spitefully say before Alex interrupted him with a shouted "Shut up!" Her teeth were bared in a silent snarl as she waited for him to quip back at her, but when he didn't she smoothed out her muzzle and almost triumphantly padded to the lake's edge. Sometimes all it took was a firm word to get him under control. Lowering her head, the Cryfton Girl dipped her muzzle into the clear liquid and began to drink the life-giving source. "Good things comes to those that are patient," Asaparael hummed softly. Alex snorted in response.

346 words
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

Caution. Our dear Hecate has quite the mouth.

Hecate set off from the Willow Ridge's grounds for a day, wanting to really get out there and explore the open space. She walked through the woods, wondering where she had discovered now. She wandered South, looking for some action. She found herself in this little nook of trees. It was the perfect place to just stretch out and take a long nap, the perfect detox. The scent of fresh water and pine trees filled her nostrils pleasantly. Everything was so relaxi- "Shut up!" An angered feminine voice lashed out from across the lake. A white hot wave of rage trickled down her back and down her legs. "I didn't fuckin' say anything!" She shouted back, burying her paws into the cool soil. Who dare disturb the peace? Who was this woman that tested the Walking Ghost? She leapt up from her sitting position, loping around the curve of the lake. She raised her tail and wavered her hackles, preparing for the worst.  "Alright, where are you?" She called, slowing to a stop. This was ridiculous, she wasn't going to go chasing after someone unless they had stolen something of hers or were extremely handsome. She wasn't going to lower her standards for someone that was unworthy.

(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2015, 02:42 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Melorama who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexynik Cryfton

Alex lifted up her head, ears pricking forward and mouth opening in surprise when she heard a feminine voice shout at her about not saying anything. Her brows furrowed as a pristine white figure began to lope around the edge of the lake. "Ohhh, you've done it now," Nunzaseor snickered. The Cryfton Girl stepped back from the water's edge, her amber eyes trained on the crème wolf as she came closer and closer, until finally stopping nearby but not seeming to see her. Well, the grass was pretty tall lush, and now that the other wolf was close by she had trouble seeing her too. She stayed silent when the female called out to her, asking where she was. From what Alex could see, she was standing in an aggressive position, tail up and hackles raised, and from past experiences she had learned to just back away. "It's okay Alex, she's just unsure of where you are. When you show yourself she should calm down," Asaparael said softly. "Are you kidding me? The girl looks like she wants to rip Alex's face off!" Nunzaseor rumbled in response. Alex took in a deep breath as she listened to her two guardians bickering with each other over what she should do. She finally yelled at them (in her mind) for them to stop before slowly slinking forward until she could fully see the white female.

She stood somewhat neutrally, even in the presence of the white female's more dominant stance. Her ears twitched back as she glanced into the other's green eyes, the tip of her tongue poking out of her muzzle as she thought about what to say. "Don't say anything, Alex. Attack!" Nunzaseor growled. Asaparael sighed in response. "Introduce yourself, that's always a good place to start," she spoke. Choosing to follow her Angel's advise, the Cryfton Girl smiled shyly at the white female, fighting the urge to back away. "Um, hi," she said awkwardly, practically seeing Nunzaseor's sniggering form. "My name is Alexynik Cryfton. Sorry about before, I was just, uh, talking to myself." She lied about talking to her two friends because whenever she told another soul about them they would usually give her these weird looks and say she was crazy. She'd rather not have that happen, maybe they could even become friends? "That's the spirit," Asaparael said proudly.

392 words
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

Sorry for the shit post and late delivery. Dammit, I gotta get on this stuff XD

Hecate was prickling with vexation, but she needn't wait any longer, a creamed woman slipped out of the tall grass and into the light. Hecate narrowed her green eyes to a calculating glare, cutting through the air with ease. The lady seemed a bit older than Hecate and was covered in creamed fur. The woman introduced herself and explained her outbreak. Hecate took a moment to evaluate appropriate responses.  "..I see..." She said softly, lowering her tail a few inches. "I am Hecate Liar, It is a pleasure to meet you." Hecate's voice sounded rough and strained, having an especially difficult time annunciating "pleasure". Hecate bowed her head, daring to inch forward. She smells normal and seems normal, but who talks to themselves like that? There was an overall eerie feeling around this, "Miss Cryfton."

"Alexynik, I apologize for acting out like that. It was wrong of me." She breathed hoarsely, tilting her skull to the ground in penitence.

the armed queen
Played by Melorama who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexynik Cryfton
Now it's my turn to apologize @Hecate Dx

After Alex had made herself seen to the white female before her, who on a closer inspection, seemed to look more younger than she had first thought. A yearling, perhaps? Whatever her age, the female seemed to be on edge, but as she started to speak her body language became just a bit more relaxed. Just a bit. "She should not be allowed to speak to you like that Alex!" Nunzaseor roared indignantly. "Put her in her rightful place!" The Cryfton Girl splayed her ears to the side at his comment, top lip slightly curling back in distaste. She wouldn't just attack the female outright, even if her actions weren't to her liking. She wasn't like that. Was she? No, definitely not. Promising silently to berate him later on his choice of words, Alex did her best to ignore any further comments from him and focused on the white female who seemed to be trying to right her wrongs by apologizing.

"No, it's fine Hecate. You have no need to apologize. I don't take any offence to your actions." The Cryfton Girl smiled to show that she truly didn't mind. She had had much worse happen to her before, so it was nothing. "With an attitude like that you'll go far," Asaparael mused. Alex felt a burst of happiness run through her at the praise, and directed her new mood at Hecate as she spoke again. "Do you live around here?" She queried curiously. Lately there had been a lack of packs around, but if Hecate was here then surely there must be one nearby. It would be nice to join a pack, especially one where she already had a friend. She'd get to that bridge when she came upon it.

291 words
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

This woman was starting to raise more eye opening suspicions. It was the little ticks Hecate saw that were setting her fur ablaze. Every few seconds the girl's mouth made a gentle smile or an irritated curl- yet the scene had been silent. Hecate was beginning to rethink her tactics. She loved to be socially higher than others by using a harsh tone or an overruling stance- but this time was different. Hecate was afraid of only two things, children and people who loose their shit. And today, she was treading on some seriously thin ice. Hecate lowered her tail to the ground slowly, as if a quick movement would spark this "Alex" into a high gear. "No, it's fine Hecate. You have no need to apologize. I don't take any offence to your actions." A silvery voice cooed. Hecate nodded, providing a set smile to try and stabilize the rocking boat she was on. In reality, there was nothing wrong with Mrs.Cryfton, but Hecate had been especially paranoid recently. "Do you live around here?" She asked, quite politely in fact. The Liar stood a little straighter, gaze softening by a hair. "Uh, no ma'am, not of today."

the armed queen