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tying the twine
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Played by Tay who has 19 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Hudson Sawyer

Each day for Hudson was slow leisure. Lost in the tangle of home, captivated in every detail of it - he could stray for miles along the borders without even eying the first wolf. At first he was relieved by the solitude. But as each day ended with the same logy achievement, the restlessness started itching him in places that hurt deeply. He'd expected familial comfort, the kind that whispered truths with loving tones and warm gestures. He'd expected that golden woman, more selfless than the sun above, to bless him with opportunity. He was done with meandering, creeping through the foliage, meditating on the microcosm of a leaf. The alpine-born-snow-heap was meant for better realities than luring away with the shadows of endless thicket.

He made his way back, following the deep, trademark musk that marked the depth of the pack's territory. Furrowed eyes watched the sunspots dance through the trees pass by individually beneath his newly mastered forest gait. There was something ethereally beautiful about the forest at dawn, the way the colors gradually bled out from all the dank blues as sunlight hacked away. Beginnings. They were something else. Available every day, every passing second. All new, all of it.

The white wolf drew his pace, sitting in the path from where he'd come. Sometimes he'd sit like this for hours at a time, just watching the life sprout from musky dirt. Like an ancient statue, he waited motionless, waiting for someone to pass him by. Please someone. He yawned a gaping moany yawn, flexing his jaw before he spoke out into his home. "Hello?"

(This post was last modified: Jul 23, 2015, 10:16 PM by Hudson.)
[Image: YQdb4we.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Even in an unstable set of mind, the golden woman had a certain way of detecting things, even if it was not brought to her attention, immediately. Ever since Koda and Iopah had left, the Hervok had made sure to check her borders, knowing that it was imperative that they were reinforced. Since Inali has recently joined them, and Aideen and Pacem were recovering within the safety of their home, Nina felt it her duty to protect them, it was that which had consumed most of her time as of last. As well as wallowing with play tug-of-war with the sanity that remained. However, the scent of one of their new arrivals always came back and forth from the outside, allowing her to know that she had made the right choice in bringing him here and that it was time for her to allow him to do more. She took note of his scent, and the way he would return before long, knowing that his duty was to her and Mirren. 

And so she made her way to the borders, staying within the shadows and waiting for Hudson to return. He had seemed ready to fix himself once he arrived and was in need of a home. Nina had readily offered that to him, seeing a kindred spirit in the man. It did not take long for him to return from his wanderings and as he called out for someone, the matriarch took it upon herself to step from the shadows, allowing the sun to highlight her fur. The alpha's banner lifted comfortably above her back, she made her way towards the man, a kind look in her single eye as she spoke to him, "Hello, Hudson. I hope you are being acquainted with the lands well. I have noticed, as of late, you have been quite restless. Anything I can do alleviate this?" Her tone was soft, concerned, ready to help this man. She had been betrayed by any and it made her trust levels fly out into the air. She needed to be trusted and she needed to be able to trust again. 
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Tay who has 19 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Hudson Sawyer

It must have been easy for him to slip under the surface of reality, dwell in the coagulated depths of his own metaphorical twilight zone. He'd reel out of his chances, make himself comfortable under the pressure of shadows and pricking thicket. He'd do it for so long, until someone shined the light in his eyes and spurred him up. This wasn't about laziness, there was a deep mechanical desire to thrive engraved in his newly wooden bones. This was more about what it took to get there, that anxious lonesome dusting over his confidence. Hudson had emerged, at least. Found his way out of the knotted copse, pausing here at the gate of decision. He'd voiced himself. He must wait.

There was the light. She emerged, glowing like spun honey in the parted forest when the sun ignited her fur. Just like before, she came out of nowhere, midair. Walked right up to him like she knew the inner workings of his mind, the self-apathy that plagued him, the memories that submerged him. Hudson stepped closer too, as soon as he saw her and beheld her, turning his eyes to his paws with unwelcome guilt. She should tear me to pieces. Everything in his chest bulged, pent with the pressure of his pumping heart. He felt hot, lightheaded, a bit stunned by the sudden wash of blunt morning sun. He couldn't understand this feeling, the anxiety of this guilt. All this time, these two months, he'd done nothing but live off the backs of others, fed from the remains of the cache in solitude, not even spent a full day hunting or patrolling. And here came this all-seeing deity, third-eye wide enough to already know everything about him, give him all the things he should have taken away.

"Hello Nina, good morning," he spoke, returning her words with lost tones. His wilted eyes finally had the strength to penetrate hers, adjust sleepily in the wide open glare. Huck couldn't pinpoint the source of his guilt, not now. This was something that had been brewing within him, passively shifting around in front of him like a gorse wall, guiding him further astray.

But her words did not take the sour turn he so reluctantly anticipated. Warmth and concern flooded his ears, intoxicated his train of thought. What, was all could spill from his brain. Of all things, she would coax him out of his shell like this, give more of the same? Hudson ducked in his refined chin, black lips pursing in surprise. Anything else she could do?

"Nina, you've given me everything: a new home, a new start. What else could I ask for?" He hoped inwardly that she wouldn't answer just yet, he needed to gather himself. Hudson's gaze trailed off into the thicket once more as if he was looking for that something else buried ancient in the underbrush. "I can't thank you enough for allowing me here. I've been so alone all these years, I guess I just get used to the feeling... I need to wake up, and turn this energy into something productive. The pack could use that." He finished with his gaze returning to Nina's.  "Do you have anything particular in mind? A chore you need done?" Some part of him hoped the deemed task would force him to be more social, perhaps something even a little diplomatic would push him out of his rut. He didn't question whether or not she could read that because surely she could. It was almost like she could read his mind, or maybe he was just easy to read.

(This post was last modified: Jul 23, 2015, 10:16 PM by Hudson.)
[Image: YQdb4we.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

If there were any word that would describe the reaction she received from Hudson when he received sight of her, it was embarrassment. Surely, it was not her that he was embarrassed by. She had done what she could to make him feel welcome and had left him to his own devices, only muttering greeting when they had been in passing. It seemed now, however, that the male needed some kind of interaction. The Hervok was only too pleased to give him some sort of attention. No one enjoyed being alone for too long, it was how the mind worked. As a Healer, Nina had always been taught how to heal mental illnesses, the knowledge of physical injuries coming much later than anything else. Interaction, including how others reacted to everything around them, had been a must when her tutor had taught her. Nina had been a quick learner and had found that each new tad bit of information was just as important as the last. It warmed her heart to find out, when she started leading, just how useful his teachings had been for her. Easily, she had been able to read her pack mates and have an inkling as to what they were thinking. Luckily, when Hudson spoke, it soon became apparent as to what exactly was bothering him.

There was certainly nothing wrong with wanting to be worth something. Nina had wanted everything when she had first entered the lore, having full intentions of settling down and finding a home quickly. It would concern her if someone did not want to do something for their pack. All it meant was that it was simply there. It warmed her heart to know that Hudson was concerned about what he was not doing and his duty. It meant that he cared about what he was doing and that he wanted to do something for them. So with a kind smile, the mother mentioned for the other man to walk with her, preferably outside of the borders. It had been awhile since Nina had stretched her legs and an opportunity to know one of her subordinates better and being able to get outside of the borders, was welcome. Her voice was soft when she spoke to him, "It is encouraged that everyone works equally without the pack, whether it be patrols, which are overseen by Mirren and Miccah, or hunting, scouting, and healing: all of which will be overseen by me until later mentioned. However, should you choose to specialize in a skill, then I would be able to give you a better answer." She continued to walk, her closed eye facing the man beside her, while her open eye scanned the area around her in awareness. She wanted to be able to do whatever she could for her pack mates, even if everything she had done in the past had made no difference. All she could say was she worked her hardest and they wouldn’t be able to ever fault her for naught.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Tay who has 19 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Hudson Sawyer

This rut in Hudson's life was in fact where he would heal the most. He couldn't understand why he felt the most comfortable lost on some stray path in the bracken, absent in mind and soul. It was inevitable that his energy would eventually turn full circle, and when it finally comes around he would definitely feel like himself again. His mind was fragile when he entered the Lore and even still when he first met @Nina on the edge of the pack border. There was no telling if he was really ready to take on a pack duty, and surely the Hervok woman could see that clear as day from her one emerald eye.

Huck was convinced he could heal himself. If he'd endured the alpine and the treacherous teachings of his wicked past, he figured he could do anything for anyone else. That was the catch though, someone else. The white wolf was never good at tending to his own wounds when they were worse than those of his brothers. It was a ridiculous kind of thing. He guessed that's why he felt closer to Nina, because of her compassion and the fact that she may well be the only one to show anything for him. What were the chances of finding that one glimmer of sunshine in the darkest part of the forest? That's definitely what she was or him.

As Nina spoke, he listened and accepted her gesture to walk. He nodded as she mentioned what all pack members pitch in for something. He assumed he'd be thrown into the hunting pool, which was fine, but not really where his skill would thrive. He was a wolf meant for quest and excursion, someone who'd defend and seek. A scout perhaps? Huck didn't see himself really in the world of medicine, but he supposed he could give it a try. The Sawyer's thoughts ran rampant as they surpassed the pack's borders. He wasn't really concerned about where they were going, it was just nice to talk with someone. The thicket trailed out before thinning into sparse pines. The sun worked down on them a little more than before. It had been a long time since Hudson felt this content.

"I think I'll find myself somewhere sooner or later, I just wanted to run this by you. You know, I was raised to be a warrior, a general, and I don't know if that's really what kind of wolf I am. I'd like to do something with a little more meaning and less... blood, pain, killing involved?" He couldn't help but chuckle a little at the last part. He talked watching his paws sink into the dirt with every new step. "I believe there's so much more to life than doing that. You know?" He hoped she didn't mind that he was starting to talk about the past he'd tried to avoid for the last year of his life. He needed to. It was eating him.

[Image: YQdb4we.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The alpha was grateful that Hudson accepted her offer to walk. It was easier on her joints to be able to move, especially when she was talking about business. Nina listened to the man’s reply, her ears perked towards him. His words reminded her of her own years ago towards her brother, who was also a warrior. Ash had also been an assassin and out for blood. Enough blood for him to target her due to her own father’s absurd need for her to join his pack. Today was not about her though, it was about Hudson and she was quick to narrow her mind back on him. Her tail wagged easily behind her, enjoying his company. Not many of her pack mates revealed their past to her, they felt like she was too intimidating when they first joined and by the time that she became close to them, they either left or was too upset to tell her about their lives. Even she kept most of her past to herself. Mirren was probably the only one that knew an inkling towards her past, just because he had been in Copper Rock Creek with her during his younger years.

When the Sawyer was done speaking, Nina laughed lightly, during her gaze to him. "Yes…I completely understand. I actually specialize in healing. But I’m more curious as to what you would be interested in doing." Her golden brown pelt almost glowed when it hit an area of sunlight, but the gray furs were slowly becoming more noticeable, being even more flashy in the sunlight. It did not bother her though, it was just a reminder that she was also mortal and was getting older just like everyone else. Flicking her ears again, she waited for Hudson’s answer.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.