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when you wish upon a star — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
There is a meteor shower tonight.
Open to anyone in FTC!

So, Desideria through with a small sigh. This is home.

She'd been exploring all day, having called to Namid early in first hours of the day. The fish had been an acceptable gift, and the alpha had welcomed her to the pack lands with little brouhaha. Once allowed onto the lands, the small timber wolf set forth timidly. She'd made sure to eat before she had announced her presence, and drank her fill upon the lakes shores. If she had to run, should the Fallen Tree Cove alpha have changed her mind, she wanted to do so without the need to stop for anything. Fortunately, this was not the case, and allowed the newest member of the pack to survey the territory.

After pacing along the majority of the shoreline, she began to venture further inland. As she ventured upwards towards the mountain, the soil began to shift into something soft. It was comfortable against her paws, the scent of pine thicker in the air as she investigated the forest. Not yet interested in investigating Mount Dire, the female instead sought to find a small clearing where she might find the sky again. There was a pack den, she knew, though Des was unsure about approaching others just yet.

As night fell, she settled in a clearing, watching the stars in the sky. Somewhere, she wondered, where her brothers watching the same inky blackness? Did they know she was-- "Oh!" Desideria suddenly barked, jumping up to her feet. A star had shot by! Eyes wide, she realized it was followed by another, and another still. "Stars!"

It must be a sign of luck.

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
OOC: Throws Anthem in because.

With coming back from a day of hunting he successfully brought back a rabbit. Carrying it to one of the caches he carefully buried it among the other things. Yawning he glanced at the sky it was still a little light out so shrugging he decided to do a quick border sweep. As he trotted along the edge of the territory the sky darkened as night fell on the land. He came across the scent of Namid and someone else. He paused to take in the scents. It seemed to him that maybe just maybe that someone had been allowed to join. He didn't deliberately make the decision but he found himself following the trail that lead deeper into territory.

Maybe he wanted to see the new recruit or maybe he just wanted to see if they had gotten lost. He didn't know why he was trying to find them. He just doing it because he could.

Anthem could tell that he was getting closer to the source of the scent as it had grown considerably stronger. A bark of surprise had his ears pricking forward as he made his way closer. A small tawny wolf stood staring at the sky and curiously Anthem looked up to see the lights as the passed by. Shooting stars. He said in surprise not realizing that he had spoken aloud. He hadn't seen shooting stars since his childhood when he and his siblings had gathered to make wishes on them. Would it be childish if he wished upon them?

I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
Don't mind her she's always in a bad mood.

Swallowed by darkness a slumbering form lay tucked away in a makeshift den at the base of a grouping of pine trees near a clearing. Ghostly pale in contrast to the world around her as pearl colored sides rose and fell rhythmically with each breath inhaled and released under the flooding beams of moonlight penetrating her humble abode. An occasional flick of the ear occurring when a cricket or other creature of the night dared make a sound within the proximity of her hearing range. An array of foliage and shed fur from her winter coat littering the floor in a dreary attempt at creating home decor. Neither coming close to the perfection that would have been the wolf skull she once upon a time carried with her. How glorious it would have looked with its own niche in the wall. A pedestal of sorts for her to worship its calcified beauty.  

Silent to the world below a great horned owl swoops down from its perch in the canopy to ensnare an unsuspecting rabbit in the death grip of its talons. Soundless feathers lifting the hollow boned bird back to its roost where it chants a victorious series of deep muffled ho hoo hoo hoododo after a blink of its large orbs and rotation of its versatile head to insure there was no competition around with thievering thoughts about its soon to be meal. Sharpened beak making quick work at removing tuft after tuft of hair before slicing into the prized muscle and sinew. Another flick of Hexamora's ear responding to the muffled sound as her state of dreaming was once more interrupted. Slowing rousing the pale coated wolf from her dormancy. But it was the low hum of voices and a bark that finally stirred the resting beast. White shades of her eyelids quickly rising to reveal the heterochromic optics that lay nestled beneath. Blinking away what little sleep remained as pillar like limbs hoisted her frame with a disgruntled heave. Shaking the filth from her pelt.

Who had dared awaken Beauvau woman? Like a phantom her form arose from the hollowed depths of her den, briefly giving her sense of sight time to adjust to the minor change in lighting before strutting towards the area the voices had resonated from. A fiery anger burning behind her eyes. A rage she full heartedly was set on feeding the culprits who disturbed her beauty sleep. Emerging into the clearing the mismatched orbs of hers were quick to hone in on two forms with their heads gawking a the night sky. One a light tawny female most likely the newest addition since she wasn't present at the pack meeting and the other the stormy male Hexamora had seen here and there. Someone who was at the pack meeting. A fraction of a second glimpse herself stolen to notice the shooting stars scurrying across the black abyss. A scoff issued from her lips. Unpausing in her steps the distance was melted between the trio. "What do you think you're doing?" By no means was she referring to the star gazing.

(This post was last modified: May 12, 2015, 07:53 PM by Hexamora.)
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
"Yeah. Never seen falling stars before," Desideria replied, tail swishing behind her. They seemed to streak across the sky before disappearing into the horizon. Where did they land? Ears forward, she watched a few more meteors zip across the sky before she turned her head to regard the wolf who'd approached. A male, she noted. He was steely grey, and large – funny, she thought to herself. Since entering the forest, she'd only met very large males. The other females she met were also delicate. Curious, she wondered, perhaps she'd fit right in. One sniff told her the male belonged to the same pack – he carried the same earthy, damp earth scent that Namid had. She was only lightly dusted with the cleansing scent of pine and white fur, but she was marked as pack, all the same.

Tipping her head, she regarded the other wolf curiously. "I'm Des. Think we might have some good luck, yeah?" The female turned her amber eyes back towards the night sky, a satisfied sigh falling from her lips as she studied the constellations. Her peace was short lived (and her prediction of luck seemed to be only a jinx) when a second wolf approached with a small scoff. Ears rolling back, the younger female sized up the newcomer briefly, tail quickly falling behind her at the threatening posture.

Too good to be true, she scolded herself, fur bristling as tension thickened the air. As long it was only hostile words, Desideria reckoned she could escape scot-free. Eying the white wolf warily, she took a step back, keeping the distance between them. "Watching the stars," she replied blandly, as it was her right. "Checking out the territory. What's it to you?"

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

The voice that broke through the silence surprised the large man though he hid it as he looked from the star show to the wolf that in front of him. She was looking him over and he held himself still not changing his posture at all. If she was new to that pack then she didn't need to be harassed by the dominant stances at ever turn. Not that Anthem really cared to act dominantly anyway unless the situation called for it. I've seen them before, during my childhood. He told her simply though a small smile graced his lips at the warm memories that were brought forth.

Opening his mouth once more Anthem but the sudden arrival of the white woman from the meeting stopped him. Her words and their implied meaning made him want to bare his fangs in warning. She had been with that other wolf before she had left the meeting Anthem remembered but he staid silent as Des stepped back before speaking to the white woman. For someone who was edging away she sure had the nerve to speak so boldly Anthem thought to himself in amusement. I came to greet our newest member. Anthem said his voice chilled and holding a warning with in it. He wasn't in the mood to deal with a testy female who thought that she was queen of the place. Plus he didn't want her to chase away Des right after she had just joined. What would that say about the pack?

I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Satisfaction immediately flooded Hexamora's veins as the other woman was quick to adopt a more submissive stance in her presence. Even going so far as to take a step back. The spotlight now shining intensely on the ghostly woman with each step that brought her further into the small clearing. Mismatched gaze swaying from one figure to the other. Disinterested in the female's words about watching the stars, but ears pinned forward at the {word}cynosure{word} attitude that laced her next sentence. A sinister smirk threatening to tug at the blackness of her lips. "What's it to me? If it wasn't for you noisy asses I would be contently sleeping still. That's what's it is to me. How rude of you two to interrupt my beauty sleep!" A heinous, pearly smile glinting in the moonlight before the attention was drifted from the girl to the steele coated man. The male equivalent of her position. Pack second. 

A glare of equal icy magnitude was shot towards him at the underlying warning his words held. She didn't care if he was playing nice and greeting the newbie. Being new didn't excuse rudeness or wakening up the beast. Flicking her tail at her spine in annoyance a huff left her nostrils as her optics rolled obnoxiously. "Welcome to Fallen Tree Cove, blah blah blah. Enjoy your sissy lala star watching. Maybe you two can be all the more childish and wish upon them as if it'll come true" Another fake smile catching her teeth in the small rays of moonlight before a fit of laughter erupted from her throat. Sides aching from the actions and threatening to send her rolling in the dirt. Thoroughly amused at the thought. Oh what comedy if they actually were dumb enough to believe such nonsense!  

Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Chancing a brief glance at Anthem, the female became aware that while fairly neutral, he at least didn't appreciate the appearance of the newcomer. Truth be told, it was easy to understand why. He issued a warning with his teeth, and the wolves must have been of equal rank, for the female did not conform to his wishes. Warily, Desideria pressed her ears all the way back, the ruff of her neck beginning to stand as the white wraith carried on incessantly. "Oh yes, how rude of me," the timber wolf droned, amber eyes narrowed. "Out and about when your average wolf might be. Next time I'll remember there's a sloth amongst us, yeah?"

No, I won't, her expression read, fur prickling around her entire body. Hexamora looked to be more heavy set, but the tawny female found herself to be taller – which was a strange sensation, she had to admit. They were probably of equal length, so advantages were at a minimum. Here, Desideria had nothing to lose. She'd only just joined, and her tie to Namid was fragile, at best. If the other wolf insisted on violence, well—

Well, she wasn't quite sure just yet what she'd do, but it seemed to her it was a fight she might actually stand a chance at winning. With a soft hiss, she shrugged the monochromatic wolf off, hoping she might get bored and leave her and Anthem to the stars. "Yes, maybe I'll wish for you to fall in a pit? Wouldn't that be just a dream if it came true," she ground out, sarcasm dripping from her voice as she halted, and held her ground. If she decided to stay in Fallen Tree Cove, she'd have to make it clear she wasn't going to roll over belly up – not for this woman, at least.

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

The white woman all but spat at them as she told them that she had been getting her beauty sleep which they had apparently interrupted. What was there a crew few or something were they couldn't speak so that she could sleep? How absurd. She couldn't expect everyone to stop speaking so she could rest especially if they didn't even know she was in the area until she came in throwing a tantrum. He might have brushed off her sarcasm and even Des's for that matter but then he was mocked. He hadn't been mocked in a long time. It was almost a foreign feeling to him now.

His eyes narrowed as his gaze went to the white woman's form. Vaguely he heard Des saying something about a pit, but he ignored it. Normally he might have ignored her words but in his mind she had also been mocking Fallen Tree Cove itself. In an unusual display of dominance his tail went upward and his ears swept forward. Enough. He growled out his fangs bared as he looked between the two of them his blue gaze hard. He looked first to Des. I sorely hope that you have not spoken to our leaders this way when you asked to join. He rumbled before his gaze went to the white woman. There is no law stating we have to remain silent while you sleep so expect to be woken up at some point. Now if you've spoken your piece then I really do wish you would leave. Maybe then you could get some more of this sleep you were wanting. His words were cold as he glared at her. Why was it that she was even here? She seemed to think that everything was under her for her to tread on and it was starting to grate on his nerves.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Just as her jaws parted to begin another string of words a growled phrase quickly brought her mouth shut with a hard click. Mismatched optics settling on the man who now held a dominant stance. Tail risen to curl over his spine and teeth bared in an equal dominant show. Refusing to be put down she matched the display. Audits facing forward and body held rigid although her tail remained straight out behind her. Nobody put her in her place. At first he addressed the tawny woman which brought forth a snicker faintly from her lips. One that was quickly hidden once those cold blue eyes came to focus on her now. Meeting his gaze with an equally chilly one from her own pair.

"Whatever." Ears laid flat with a flick of her tail in annoyance followed by an outlandish rolling of her eyes she made no further attempt at stirring trouble with the two. Turning her colorless frame around to head back for the dug out den she had crawled out from. Paws hitting the ground harder than they should have in a way that could best be described as wolf temper tantrum for having her night ruined. If they wanted to enjoy their pretty little stars then fine. They had won this time, but the next time may not be so favorable. Sauntering off into the surrounding forest it didn't take long for her phantom like silhouette to disappear once again into the darkness. Finding her abode with an unexpected gift of a rabbit pellet at her door a low growl was issued as her gaze shifted upwards to the roosting owl above. Swiping the indigestible pieces aside with a quick motion of her paw to send them flying into a near by shrub. Crawling into the darkness inside to curl up and hopefully catch up on the precious sleep the nuisances had disturbed.


Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
This was getting uncomfortable. Quickly. Ears swept backwards at the stormy male's sharp reprimand – only a moment ago, he seemed friendly, willing to engage in conversation. In fact, he'd even shared a bit of history with him. Unfortunate, that she almost thought she'd find a friend among Fallen Tree Cove's ranks. Her ears rolled backwards, pressed flat against the rise of her skull. Tawny fur crested her neck and spine, tail held low as he gaze slowly shifted from the angered witch to the temperamental guard. The odds had suddenly changed, and Desideria no longer felt like a betting woman. There was nothing long with playing the game, but it was pure stupidity to put your chips in when you were set to lose.

Fortunately, it seemed the first comer warned off the wicked white woman. She turned back from whence she came, but not without a sulk and a terrible spell of temper. That was a wolf she'd certainly avoid in the future. Dezzy bid her no farewells, quite glad to see her storm off. It left her watching only one target, but any peace the fallen stars had offered now evaporated into the thin of the night sky.

So much for good luck, she thought to herself, narrowing her golden gaze as she studied the large male. He was much to big for her to handle in a scuffle, and now that his temper had flared, she had no interest in sticking around further. "Think I'm gonna…find somewhere else to settle down," she muttered, sparing him only a brief glance before whirling around, trotting deeper into the pines. Hopefully, he knew when to leave well enough alone.


LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]