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Played by Missy who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Seraphina Faye
<ooc> So this is primarily for @Phineas and I would like him to show up at some point but I don't mind if other SMP wolves show up first ^^  </ooc>


Seraphina paused at the edge of the forest.  Before her lay a vast expanse of land with sparse vegetation and harsh, ragged terrain.  It was the foothills before the Mountain where her old pack lived. She settled down next to a tree to lick the wound, a ragged cut, that ran across her back left hip.  It was healing nicely thanks to her knowledge of herbs, but Phina knew that it would leave a scar.  In a way, she was happy that it would.  

Once she had cleaned the fur around the cut and cleaned the cut itself, Phina rose to her paws and continued towards the foothills of the mountain.  She favored her back left leg, but tried her best to disperse her weight evenly.  She didn't want to advertise the weakness, but she also didn't want to aggravate the wound.  It had been a long journey to get here and Phina knew she still had a long ways to go.  

Finally, the tawny she wolf detected the scent of her old pack, Silent Moon Plateau.  She stopped, recognizing and respecting the border.  This was no longer her home and Phina did not expect any sort of welcome home party.  She had one purpose in coming back to this place and she intended to see that intention through one way or another.  She shook her long, golden and brown coat before demurely tipping her head back and calling for the Alpha.  It was Phineas she wanted to see and she did not plan on dealing with anyone but him.  After everything she had been through, Phina had no more patience for nonsense. 

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris

It was strange to him when her voice drifted across the foothills – beckoning him. He detangled himself from @Aponi’s embrace, having spent the night with her and @Kyna. It was an awkward situation at best, and while he felt the guilty pull of regret for the deed he had done and the throne he had tarnished from his own children.. Kyna was his daughter, and as long a she held breath to this world she would want for nothing. If Aponi was a part of that package by default.. so be it.

His muzzle bent down to smooth a kiss upon both girl’s brows before he pushed his way in to the light of day. He knew her song well enough – but they had known each other for so brief a moment, and so long ago that he could not shake the feeling that it was as if a dream had summoned him.

Either way, he sent his own short howl to her – he was coming, and she was to stay where she was. His paws loped at a swift pace, but it would take him at least fifteen minutes before she came to view. It gave him time to clear his head.. the fresh air pulling him from his lingering sleep and the possibility that he was about to play with fire.

Yet there she was. Her honeyed form seemed to glow against the light, and while he was relieved that she was okay.. there was a hesitance in his step, and the warmth that once graced his eyes when he looked upon her had been replaced with forced indifference. “Seraphina,” he greeted, wondering why she had bothered to come here.