If it were a miracle Darrah found the Secret Falls once, then what would you call it if he were to stumble across them for a second time? The boy wouldn't know, for he'd not heard the tails of the rarity that was this location to begin with. "Still just as beautiful as last time.." he was truly in awe. If recollection served him right, the prince wasn't as emotionally stable last visit. It was strange realizing just how far he'd came since then.. "I've developed quite a bit in the past month or so.." he chuckled, knowing this time Triell wouldn't be there to surprise him again.
With nothing better to do, Darrah found himself once more dipping his body into the falls. Today was his off day, the Tainn had been working quite hard the past couple of weeks proving himself to the pack. Though he didn't feel he deserved a day off just yet, his body told him otherwise. "Think I finally scared off all those damn foxes.." he sighed. "For now at least.. They'll come back.." hard truth, but at least he was down to earth enough to accept it for fact. 'Though I still need to make my round of apologies..' Saying sorry was the hard part, the thought alone made his nerves tangle. 'I've never been very..social..' though that was a new shame in itself. The prince knew just how charismatic he could be if his anxiety would allow it. He'd seen it first hand!
"Sure is relaxing.." the yearling swam deeper into the waters, letting his body completely relax for once. Things were finally looking up for the raven heir, and he'd keep it that way if he could. 'I've been so fixated on stars that I've never taken proper time out of my day to realize the very beauty around me on a day to day basis..' He closed his eyes, taking in every bit of fresh air he could. Darrah was finally experiencing bliss.
One king, One crown.
Darrah Tainn