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'Cause you were the same as me — Round Stone Crest 
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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
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Raela Lieris Asurn

Sunny, 80 °F, 27 °C
11:20 AM

How often thoughts of the little ones seemed to tumble around in her idle mind. It was such a wonder actually being allowed to go near the darlings and to bring their mother food without being swiftly chased off. She never overstayed her welcome, though, and usually scampered off when she sensed Minka growing tired of her presence. There was plenty to do after all. There were borders to check, animals to track and hunt, rivals to scare away from pack lands... Raela was usually occupied with one of these things at a time if not all simultaneously. A great sense of pride and satisfaction came with knowing she was doing her part to care for the kind woman who'd taken her in that winter morning; as well as her now fatherless children. 

Tokino's loss did not hit her particularly hard as she had not truly known the patriarch. He was a silent and stern backing for Minka in pack doings it seemed, doing very little 'leading' from what she had witnessed. It was the grief he caused that bothered the woman. Knowing what a state her Alphess was in kept the girl loping to the den a couple times a day with food or to report that all was well. She only hoped it would ease the poor woman's mind. Today, though, she was on a different mission. The pups were growing fast, and she only felt it appropriate that she get them a new toy or two. Surely the rabbit bones she'd brought would get boring after a while.

Padding swiftly up toward the den, the russet lady moved with her ears on edge. Excitement always chased her in the last few yards to the precious little nursery. Held firmly in her jaws was a particularly large, round walnut; eaten through by the hibernating squirrels of last autumn no doubt. For good measure, she also toted an old pine cone for them to nibble on and push around. They always had such an interesting texture. Raela's pace slowed as she came nearer, confused by the absence of a guard. She drew nearer the opening, stopping to pile her gifts on the packed earth outside. “Minka?” She chuffed.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
(This post was last modified: May 27, 2015, 04:41 PM by Raela.)
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
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Alastor Leigh

Though the young boy enjoyed warm places, this kind of warm was not the kind that he enjoyed. In fact, it really wasn’t warm at all. It was positively stuffy within the cramped confines of the den. He mewled in complaint at the heat that saturated even his thin pelt, his mouth going dry from lack of moisture. Nosing around for the familiar warmth and scent of milk, he found it lacking much to his disappointment. His mother, it seemed, was gone increasingly more often these days for a reason he didn’t quite understand yet. As a youngster he didn’t know anything about pack laws or that his mother held the most important position of all. He didn’t even know himself a prince yet, and had really only just grasped the concept of his name. Politics and placement would have to come later. For that moment, all he cared about was getting cooled off and finding food.

Raising himself to his paws, his stubby little legs carried him up the slope of the entrance to poke him nose out. As he did so, he was met with the face of a strange wolf he’d never seen before. He didn’t yet know fear, so that was not what he felt when faced with the she-wolf. He didn’t know that, when met with someone he didn’t know, he should be cautious. Instead, he only felt curiosity well up in his chest. Lifting his pale gaze up to look at the wolf before him, his head tilted in wonder and he offered a shrill bark. Then, his gaze latched onto the weird things she seemed to have brought with her. Those he recognized immediately. Toys! The exact names of them he’d figure out later, but for that moment all he cared about was entertainment. He offered another shrill yip, leaping forward quite ungracefully and rising onto his hind legs. His forelegs flailed out in front of him, mouth open in a puppy grin as he lurched forward to bat at the muzzle of the she-wolf in an attempt to entice her to drop the toys she held in her maw. He wanted to play!

(This post was last modified: May 28, 2015, 03:24 AM by Kino.)
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

Oddly enough, no response came. Raela gathered up the toys again in her mouth while she waited. Surely Minka would beckon her inside any moment. Instead she was answered by the shuffling of tiny paws. Bringing her nose just inside the entrance, her golden eyes flickered with admiration as they found the toddling silver pup. It was Kino; the little prince who served as a painful reminder of his father's awful fate, and bore part of the king's very name. His existence was so bittersweet; but it brought only comfort and hope to the woman who stood before him now. An excited cry burst from his little lungs as the wobbly fuzz-ball noticed that he was not alone. The sound brought light into the girl's eyes. His tilted head was so darn cute. Everything about puppies was so darn cute and she loved it.

A smile curved her occupied lips upward as she settled her belly onto the ground. Just watching the little child interact with her was so heartwarming Raela felt her chest would burst. Just when she thought the encounter couldn't get any fuzzier, Kino reared up on his short, shaky limbs with another heart-string severing vocalization. It was impossible for the woman to hold back her laughter as his tiny, leathery paw pads swatted at her nose. Her creamy tail fluttered uncontrollably out behind her, flicking bits of dust into the hot spring air. She could see now what he wanted, and where his baby blue eyes were so fixated. Suddenly feeling all the better about her little presents, the girl parted her jaws and let the trinkets tumble onto the ground. 

“I brought those just for you guys.” She cooed, her voice light with joy. Reaching just past the silvery-coated pup, Raela's nose made contact with the walnut, sending it gently rolling backward into the den. It would be impossible for the boy not to give chase, or so she hoped. Taking this distraction as an opportunity to check the area again, she lifted her head to the wind. Minka must have just stepped out, for her scent was fresh as ever. Likely she had summoned a guard who had simply not appeared yet. Oh, this was precious time. Not once had she been alone with the babies; not yet. Taking her new babysitting duty quite seriously, she swept the environment with her eyes and ears before looking back into the den. The other little tots must be sleeping, she mused, barely able to discern their huddled forms in the depths of the little shelter. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

Kino could sense the excitement in her as much as it was in him, her own strange appendage wagging behind her large body. She lowered herself to her belly, allowing him better access to her face. He leaned forward to offer a lick to her muzzle, puppy breath naturally following after him and wafting into the air. His small tail wagged behind him, shaking his rump like a jumping bean. She opened her mouth and sounds escaped from her maw, though he honestly didn’t know what they meant. He attributed them to the happy sounds that he made when he was nursing, or perhaps when he was excited like he was now. Taking them as a good sign his tail only wagged harder, a yip escaping from his maw as he gave her another lick.

He moved back from her as he reached past him, doing a little circle as if he were chasing his tail again. The impulse crossed his mind for a moment, his short attention span making him nearly follow it but then another action captured his attention. A small, round object went rolling past him and into the den. Just like that, he was after it like a bolt racing to the opening before skidding to a halt. He didn’t want his siblings joining in on his fun, they’d only shove him away and take the object from him like usual. Instead, he carefully tiptoed into the den and around his slumbering siblings. Lord knew how they could sleep in the heat, but it only left more fun for him. He attempted to clasp the walnut in his jaws, but found it too big for his jaws. Instead, he rolled it with his nose. It took a few tries to get it up and out of the den, but he managed and gave it a harder shove. This sent it rolling back to her paws, which he then bowed down into a playful pose waiting for his playmate’s next move.

(This post was last modified: May 28, 2015, 11:26 PM by Kino.)
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

Despite knowing that the babe was incapable of understanding speech so early on, one could have been fooled by the boy's reaction. More yips and excited wagging of his stumpy little tail told her that he indeed could tell she was being friendly. Her adoration-filled gaze settled on the emerging walnut; shepherded onward by the eager pup. Aww he likes the toys! She felt a wave of elation as the round object bumped gently into her creamy feet. Kino assumed something of a play bow, prompting Raela to lurch her own back end up into the air. Releasing a quiet, playful growl she swooped up the little tree-seed, bouncing backward once while still facing her tiny little playmate. 

Play was so important for pups, and so much fun too! It would practically consume the prince's life along with that of his siblings' in the coming months. All of it was learning; the walking, running, jumping, tussling, all of it. Frolicking with the boy now was practically a service; but Raela just wanted to spend some time with the precious lives she'd been guarding. Having bounded back; she wanted to draw the pup out further into the sunlight – there was no harm in him toddling about as long as she was here. She dared an eagle or a fox to show up now. Heck, maybe Kino would even get tired by the time his mom came back and she'd have nothing more to do but put him to bed. Minka would surely thank her for that. 

The amusing thought was put to rest as she eyed the pale youngster. Dropping the walnut once again, Raela stood taller. She moved over to grab the pine cone, careful not to move too fast in case she startled or stepped on the active boy. Standing the cone up on its wide base, again she took up position behind the walnut. A gentle swat of the little ball sent it rolling straight at its target, toppling it before rolling backward a bit on its own momentum. The whole time she observed the prince; just to see how he'd react to such a basic interaction between objects. Knocking stuff over was fun – though his experience with it probably consisted of toppling his siblings instead. She was also truly curious as to what he'd walk up to or attack first. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

The boy was over the moon when his companion returned the gesture, bowing herself into a pose to mimic his own. She offered a growl before shuffling backwards with the walnut in her maw, and he gave a disappointed whine. Standing to paw at the air with a frown at her taking away his toy, he paused to watch her stand up another toy. It was weird looking, bigger and cylindrical in shape with hard brown looking petals. He’d never seen one before, though they littered the forest floor all around him. The area that he was in was clear of them it seemed, and he wasn’t able to venture further to find that they were more common than he thought. To him, these toys were special and more fun than he could imagine.

The agouti woman sent the walnut rolling toward him, and he simply stared at it as it rolled to his paws. An indecisive look came to his face as he glanced from the pinecone to the walnut, unsure if he should continue playing with the first object or more onto the next. Then, it occurred to him that maybe he could do both! When he and his siblings played or fought, it was often that one would be pushed and end up rolling into another like a bowling ball. He could do the same with the walnut and the pinecone. Positioning his muzzle behind the walnut, he gave it a good shove and sent it rolling into the pinecone. It wavered for a moment, then fell over. More excitement went through him and he bounced up and down, a happy and high pitched howl ringing through the air. It had worked!

Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

To her amusement and awe, Kino proved himself to be quite the intelligent youngster. Rae had fully expected the boy to go charging at the pine cone, or to swat some more at the walnut, but at first he did neither. She felt as if she could sense the gears turning in his little head as his puppy blue optics flickered around, connecting the dots. He'd watched exactly how she'd done it, and now it was his turn. The guardian observed her charge; practically agog as his awkward motions mimicked her own. Pups were so much more complex and bright than anyone seemed to give them credit for. Both pairs of eyes gazed on, enraptured as the makeshift bowling pin teetered in place. With a gentle thock, the game was won. 

A bright smile exploded over the woman's face; clearly reflected in Kino's own celebratory jumping. The bouncing boy made her burst out laughing while his song of triumph filled the air. They probably didn't have long now; that little howl would surely catch the attention of whoever was in close range. Better make it count... she mused, subconsciously listening for the approach of a pack mate. Casting her admiration filled, twinkling yellow eyes back to the prince, the woman gasped with amazement. “You did it Kino! You knocked it over!” Still giggling at his show of enthusiasm, Raela flopped over onto her side, raising an ivory paw toward the elated youth. She batted in his direction gingerly; just enough to entice him to approach and play with her a little in honor of his great victory. Well, that and she just wanted to have some more fun of course.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

Kino very much liked this wolf. She seemed to revel in his successes just as much as he did, and though he didn’t understand the sounds yet that were escaping her maw he could read expressions as if he could. Her expression brightened into a smile, something he’d learned was a good thing in his short life. Smiling meant praises, food, and warmth. Frowning meant pushing, ignorance, and occasionally pain. Most of the time the frowning pain came from one of his siblings when he tried to move his way in between them to nurse, which he found they didn’t quite enjoy his attempts at food. He was, perhaps, the weakest willed of the trio when it came to asserting himself in their little world. Of course, now he knew their little world wasn’t so little anymore.

Suddenly, the agouti woman seemed to throw herself to the ground in a temper tantrum that they themselves sometimes threw. A large paw snaked out from her body to wave in his wave, a look in her eye that he recognized from when his own siblings had wanted to play. He paused, a paw lifted in the air in indecision. He wasn’t very good at actually play fighting, his heavier siblings always won in the end. They would pin him down with their weight and he would be forced to submit much to his displeasure, but the truth was that he simply wasn’t a fighter. However, he was still a rambunctious child who had plenty of energy to give. The silver prince dashed forward with a shrill bark, leaping to tackle the neck of the woman. He offered playful growls and puppy nips to her cheeks before managing to grab a hold of her pelt and climb his way up onto her head rather ungracefully. There, he managed to grab ahold of her ears. He didn’t bite down on them hard however, because he’d learned from past experience that that hurt. It was all in good fun.

Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: Would you like to wrap this one up? :)

Though the tiny prince again seemed hesitant, it appeared that the childish side of him had won out yet again. With a high-pitched battle cry, his stubby little legs carried him toward his target; even if he did more bouncing than actually moving forward. Raela clenched her eyes shut in preparation for the assault, just in case he went for her face. Puppy claws were sharp, as she'd been told, and teeth more so. Still, if Kino was too rough she'd just roll him off. As luck would have it, her pint-sized attacker flopped into the longer fur on her neck; his squealing puppy-growl drawing up more laughter from Raela's lungs. For the moment she just let him nip and climb on her, offering a playful rumble or two in return. Kino ascended the tawny mountain, straddling her neck and nibbling on a rusty-colored ear. She could tell he wasn't using all his strength, and decided to let the child feel he was winning their little scuffle. She rolled slowly onto her back, giving him a chance to readjust his position so he didn't topple to the ground. Raela opened her mouth to jaw-spar with the silver prince; yowling quietly as she tried to reach him and bringing her paws up near her face while still allowing him the higher ground. Her laughter kept breaking through, bouncing the boy every now and then. 

She would lay here playing with the sweet little tot until the guard or the matriarch reappeared. As the warm spring breeze kissed their pelts and the sun glittered down between the leaves of the great timbers, Raela could not recall a happier time. Being here with this innocent, precious being was the perfect medicine for her troubled mind. The subordinate vowed in her heart that these children would never feel as she had. They would never fear abuse, punishment, scorn, none of it. She had little to worry about in regard to Minka, who she saw as a good mother and leader thus far. She couldn't picture the woman yelling at her little ones. She'd offer a caressing lick to the boy's forehead when the game finally ended and it was time for her to leave, but until then, this was bliss.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]