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A place to pass the night
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Played by Missy who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Seraphina Faye
OOC: @Anthem would you like to say hi to your old sparring partner? ^^  Also, other FTC wolves are welcome!  She isn't joining, but would like to speak to some of you:)  @Vespertio would be particularly helpful for what she is looking for:) 

Also, the date is May 20th, but this takes place in the evening as the sun is just going down:) 


Seraphina started her journey up the Mountain, but she did not make it far before she had to rest.  She had pushed her hip to its limit and it was becoming necessary to stop and rest more often.  She had not allowed herself a full nights sleep for many moons and it would probably do her good to rest and allow her wound to recover.  However, Phina knew better than to stop just anywhere in the mountains; there were many predators that she would not be able to fight off on her own.   Instead, the tawny she-wolf pushed forward hoping to find somewhere safe to stay the night.  

Seraphina almost couldn't believe her golden-brown eyes when she ascended an arc in the mountain and her gaze fell upon a beautiful lake. It was the perfect place to stop and rehydrate herself and hopefully find a small crevice to sleep in for the night.  Her lithe form and easy grace made it easy for her to maneuver her way down the mountain side to the large lake.  She eagerly lapped up some of the cool, crisp water and felt instant relief.  After drinking her fill, she started to walk along the lake shore, skirting around the lake and keeping her eyes open for a good place to pass the night.   As she continued around the lake Phina detected the powerful scent of wolves and realized that a pack must reside nearby.  Her fur rose slowly at the thought of encountering another pack.  Then again, she knew that talking with these wolves might help her reach her goal.   Seraphina reluctantly tilted her head back and called for the pack wolves.  

Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
Anthem had just curled up to go to sleep when a call rang out from the border. His ears pricked at the vaguely familiar sound. With his curiosity pricked the large male got to his feet once more and throwing up his head he let out his own howl to say he was coming. With that done he loped through the trees wondering who was calling from the border. He hadn't heard anybody wanting to join in a while, and if that is what this wolf wanted then he was the wrong one to be answering the call. It was to late now though seeing as he had almost reached them.

Slowing down Anthem finally saw who it was the had howled. His footsteps paused as a smile began to spread on his face. Seraphina? He asked though he knew that it had to be her. It was her scent and he remembered her form well seeing as how she had been the one to best him in a spar. What are you doing here? He questioned as he moved so that she could see him better. It had been awhile since they had last spoke but he figured that she wasn't there for him but for some other reason. They had met while he was still a loner not when he had joined the Cove even though he had gone down to the Plateau in order to see if she would spar with him again. She hadn't come so he had left. The scent of pack was gone from her though so she might have left before he had made his way down. 
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Crickets began their nightly concert as filters of orange light from the setting sun began to slither in through the entrance of the birthing den Namid had finally found. His body pressed against her swelled, slumbering sides from behind while the expecting queen lay before him, the tawny crown resting lightly against her silver furred shoulder to ensure his mate that he was there with her. Of course this was after much persuading to the stubborn, agitated female. At first she was reluctant to let him inside her private abode where the soon to occur miracle of cub birth would occur. Growls of protest erupting from her dark lined lips until eventually her attempts at sending him away failed. Succumbing to his own stubbornness at refusing to leave her alone.  With the queen utterly vulnerable in her pregnancy the Vuesain man refused to leave her side should something happen to his love and unborn children. A new level of protectiveness acquired.  

It was in these fading final hours of daylight that a call disturbed the airs from his borders. Causing his head to lift from its perched position to catch the sound with his forward facing ears. Fluidly and as gently as he could to keep from awaking his beloved the patriarch crawled out from the secluded den, shaking the dust and bits of collected fur from his pelt before standing rigid as a second call rang out on the evening air. Anthem, it seemed, had heard to call as well and was quick to alert the stranger at their door of his impending presence. At this a small smile adorned Vespertio's maw. It was pleasing to know his second in command was quick to take care of things. But alas, this was something the alpha's presence was most likely needed for. Stealing a quick glance at the blackened entrance where his slumbering queen rested his limbs were set into motion. Muscles coiling and releasing as dulled black nails dug at the soil beneath them. Sending loose debris flying in his wake with each mighty strike of his creamy paws.

Tilting his head back a call of his own broke out onto the air to mingle with the others. Informing both of his approaching form as the distance melted beneath him. His agouti silhouette eventually emerging from the treeline of pines that made up a vast majority of his territory around the lake. Golden gaze coming to find his stormy coated friend was first to arrive as the larger man was seen addressing the tawny woman. Picking up on the casual conversation like tone he was using. So, was this someone Anthem knew already? The bottle brush like tail of the patriarch began to curl dominantly in display over his spine to inform the loner of his title in these lands as his legs brought him closer to the small gathering. Giving a small nod to the steel coated man in greeting before turning his attention to the female. No word yet to be spoken on his behalf. She had summed him, thus it would be up to her to make the first speech.

(This post was last modified: May 20, 2015, 06:50 PM by Vespertio.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Awake at first light, the dusky female had settled into an afternoon nap. The warmth felt nice on her pelt – there was little to do during this time of day. Fish were not active when the sun was that high – small animals weren't as apparent, either. With nothing to hunt, her time was best spent napping – as the sun began to sink again, her amber eyes peeled open. Awaking with a groan, she stretched her forelimbs out in front of her as she considered her next course of action. She was starting to feel a bit peckish, herself. A trip to the lake would solve that – if the trout were plentiful, perhaps she could catch a second for Namid.

While she was sure the female's mate saw to her needs, especially now that the alpha was all but bedridden, it seemed like a good excuse to stop by the den and check in. Despite her general distrust of anyone ranked that highly, she found she was, well, friendly with Namid. She wanted the leader to consider her as a friend. Perhaps it was Kajika's influence, she thought with a wry expression, but life at Fallen Tree Cove really wasn't that bad at all. About to head down to the lake for a meal, the small female was startled to a halt by a howl nearby. It was close to the boarders.

Unrecognizable, her fur stood on end before she shifted direction suddenly, heading towards the territory boundaries instead. With a steady lope, she reached the stranger quickly – and found Anthem there, as well. Tail flagged, she offered the stormy male a brief nod of recognition before glancing towards the female. About to speak up, the small wolf realized a second male was there – one she hadn't met before. Namid had mentioned a yearling, and this wolf looked much to old, so this could only be the King mentioned. Her tail dropped, and she stood back a step, eyes falling to the loner once more. It was a dangerous time, for strangers to be so close to the territory, with Namid as vulnerable as she was. The loner did not smell like the lake wolves at all. "Do you two know each other? Why are you here?" she asked, uneasy with the presence.

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Missy who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Seraphina Faye

Seraphina waited patiently after a resounding howl informed her that one of the pack wolves was coming to meet her.  She held herself in a neutral position intent on staying that way unless an Alpha showed up to speak with her.  However, to the golden brown she wolf's surprise, the large form trotting towards the border to meet her was a familiar face.  Anthem.  The name rang through her memories in a pleasant tone as Phina remembered the sparring match they had once had.  

He spoke her name with familiarity and Phina smiled as he approached."Anthem." She said in greeting, lowering her head respectfully."Actually, I was looking for someone and I..."   Phina's explanation was cut short by another howl carried across the light evening breeze.  She looked expectantly in the direction the howl had come from and kept her gaze steady, but also wary as another male wolf came to stand next to Anthem.  This wolf was similar in color to herself and also in size, but he held himself in a dominant position.  It appeared as though he was the Alpha of this pack so Seraphina lowered her head and tail respectfully.  

"I assume you are the Leader here." Seraphina addressed the new arrival politely keeping her eyes focused on his chest so as to avoid disrespectful eye contact.  After her statement she looked back and forth between Anthem and the other male.  Anthem's reaction to the new wolf's presence would reassure her of her assumption just as surely as the man's words would.  Before anything could be clarified, however, another wolf appeared.  This one, luckily, was a female.  She was tawny in color but lighter than Seraphina's own coloring.  The woman was small in build but even so she was larger than Seraphina.  Everyone was larger than Seraphina.  

The female seemed uneasy, but had enough confidence with her pack mates near to address Seraphina directly.  Seraphina nodded in greeting to the woman and then turned to address all three as a group.  

"My name is Seraphina Faye.  I have met Anthem before and I am glad to meet him again." Phina's intelligent brown gaze fell on Anthem's large form, but she did not smile.  This was a time to be professional; though Phina hoped they might have time to speak on friendly terms later."If you remember Anthem, I once told you to look out for my brother, a man named Flyn Faye."  Phina paused to see if Anthem remembered her warning and if he had anything to say about the matter.  Perhaps he had seen him.  

"Well, I am here now for two reasons." Now Seraphina landed her gaze on the handsome Alpha as she explained her presence on his territory."First, I needed a place to pass the night and wanted to make my presence known to the nearby pack before falling asleep just outside their borders. No need for pointless conflict when communication can prevent it." Phina spared a glance at the female as she said this, an assurance that she did not mean any harm nor did she want any trouble."Second, I was hoping to ask if any of you have seen my brother recently.  It is of the utmost importance that I find him immediately." Seraphina let her eyes pass from one wolf to another, waiting to see not only what the Alpha had to say about her presence so close to his territory but also if any of them had anything to say about Flyn.    

Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
It seemed that she hadn't forgotten him as she spoke his name before beginning to explain why she was there. She stopped though as another howl rang out and in a few moments the wolf behind the sound appeared. Vespertio his friend and leader in all his glory. Dipping his own head in a returned greeting. He gazed between the two before him as Seraphina addressed his friend before looking back to him as if for reassurance. He hadn't changed his posture much or rather at all but at his appearance but now as she watched him he took a step back indicating that she had been right that the smaller man was in charge. 

A motion out of the corner of his eye made him aware of Des's appearance. It seemed that they hadn't been the only ones to answer the call. She then proceeded to start asking questions. Anthem still couldn't believe the way she seemed to throw out her words so boldy. But he knew that sometimes he could be just as bad or rather worse in his bluntness. 

Then it was down to business as Seraphina began to address them her smile having vanished. Anthem let his face go neutral as he listened nodding at the first question about Flyn. He hadn't found the man but he hadn't forgotten his promise either. He just hadn't been actively searching. for him that's all. As he listened he glanced to the others to see what they thought. She had done the right thing in telling them she was near by especially when the pups were coming, but she wouldn't know that. Then at the second question about Flyn Anthem shook his head no not wanting to speak in case he interrupted Vespertio when he spoke. For now he would remain silent and let the others speak if they wanted.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Sorry for holding the thread up!

"You'd be correct. Vespertio Vuesain, alpha male of Fallen Tree Cove." The earth toned man introduced himself in response to the similarly toned woman, golden hued gaze sweeping over her form briefly afterwards until a new scent caught his attention for a split second. Turning his head to one side the corner of his vision caught the approaching silhouette of Des. A newer female to the pack that he had not had the time to officially greet quite yet. With Namid impregnated and growing wider by the day the expecting father had taken to sticking closer to her side as of late. Leaving the newest members to have joined as anonymous wolves until he could manage to sneak away long enough to attend to his duties properly.

A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips at the quick questioning the lighter colored woman dished out to the stranger at their doorstep. It was pleasant to see members pulling their weight around these lands. Bringing his jaws to a close to allow the wolf before them to answer the questions asked. Pricking his red tinged ears forward Vespertio listened closely. Seraphina was her name and her reasons for approaching their borders was interesting to say the least. It spoke bounds about her to have the courtesy to announce her presence to the pack even if she only played to stay the night to recoup. That was her first reason. The second was apparently borderline family issues. "You will not be bothered by my members and I appreciate the courtesy of announcing your presence so close to us." Pausing his words for a moment, he let his goldenrod optics meet the brown of hers. "I have not met a wolf by that name. Do you have a description of this Flyn Faye character?"

Little did the agouti leader know that the very man being mentioned now had indeed crossed his paths. Had even fed from his caches and slept in his den. All under an alias name of Ren Bond. A man who's whereabouts were now unknown and long gone from his borders.

Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Briefly, she had feared the lord would take offense to her quick questioning of the stranger. It was his land, after all, and as much as the woman cared for Namid, she knew next to nothing about her mate. But from the corner of her eye, she saw something akin to pleasure tugging on his maw, and she did not falter. A small sigh of relief rushed out – for now, she was okay. She hadn't offended the man. Perhaps things really were changing for her. But she could not dwell on her own position, ears quirking forward as Seraphina began to explain herself – she did know Anthem, apparently. Why did everyone get on so well with the stormy male? How had she gotten off on such a bad paw?

Her desire to sleep made little difference to Desideria, though she could appreciate the female's proactivity. With the lead female heavy with child, all pack members were on high alert. Without a warning, she probably would have been met by a suspicious guardian or scout. Preemptive behavior or not, it was her second query that really caught her attention. A missing brother. How well she understood that feeling. Standing to attention, she waited for Vespertio to have his piece before clearing her throat and piping up.

"I haven't met him either," she rumbled, knowing just how poorly that felt. "But do you know where he was last seen? Maybe we can help send you in the right direction." Carefully, she glanced towards her alpha, tail wagging behind her once. "Or we could send him in your direction, if he crosses these parts?"

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]