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Wolf knocking at the Door — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
It had been rather peaceful Anthem decided. The borders had been getting patroled and the hunting was being done so he felt that today he could just go and check on the Queen. He hadn't really stopped to see how she was doing other than to leave her meals and leave so that he wouldn't invite her to wrath at him being to close. Maybe he had been overly cautious but he hadn't wanted to test what the limits were to where he could and couldn't be. So with those thoughts in mind he had made his way towards the birthing den. The sun was hiding behind the clouds but it was still rather warm out and comfortable. As he neared his footfalls slowed and he paused at the sight of the den's entrance. 

The scents were muddled and so many had come and gone he couldn't tell if @Namid was here or not. His ears went back in faint annoyance but he shrugged it off. This spot held the legacy of Fallen Tree Cove. The pups that had been born here would help its name thrive and become something to be proud of. He was sure of it. This brought a small smile to his face. He wondered as he wondered what the future held for them. Letting out a low woof to announce himself he made his way over to the edge of the den and he glanced down the entrance his ears pricked forward to listen. Namid? He asked wondering if he would even get a response or not.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

The children had seemed to grow very active within the span of a week, moving to venture out of the den and forcing her to reel them back in. Perhaps, she wondered, she should not have taken them out that day. Their curiosity had certainly sky rocketed, especially, it seemed, like Cernan’s. If she had thought that being a mother had been tiring within their first two weeks, it was nothing like it was then. They were always on the move, their precious blue eyes gazing around them in awe and their little mouths burbling in an attempt at sounds that would later be taken the place of by words. She wondered which one would be the first to speak, though she supposed she would place her bets on vocal little Neha.

For the moment they were napping, a blissful silence leaving the air undisturbed by any commotion. It truly was wonderful, though she found even in that brief silence that she missed their actions. Her nose went to nuzzle them affectionately, for she was never able to cease touching them at any one point in time. Pawsteps echoed amongst the walls around her, alerting her to the presence of another to come. She wasn’t surprised by the company, for it was often that she was brought food. She had been fat with child before, but now she was fat by being able to gorge herself with the food brought to her. A familiar woof was heard outside the den, and she couldn’t help the smile. It wasn’t horribly often that the other members dared to actually speak with her within the den, perhaps afraid she would bite their heads off. She was protective, that was true, but not so much of members she knew well. And in truth, she was growing rather lonely.

Gathering herself gently to her paws and pausing to adjust the bedding and positions of her children to allow them more warmth and comfort, she moved from the confines and nearly bumped into Anthem. “Hello my friend, I feel as though it had been forever since our last conversation. Would you care to move this way? The children are finally asleep and I do not wish to wake them, less our company be ended,” she expressed, a smile adorning her maw. She paused once more to stretch, bending down and allowing her maw to gap in a yawn. It felt good to stretch her legs, and she could have groaned in pleasure had she been in more appropriate company. However, like the lady she was made to be she allowed her posture to return to its gentle regality, trotting away a few paces before allowing herself to sit down. “How have you been? I was given news of your position move to guardian, we are fortunate to have you as our watchman,” She grinned, her tail giving a wag behind her frame. She had certainly been able to sleep better at night knowing that Anthem had taken such an oath to keep them safe.

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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
@Namid Sorry for the crappy post

It wasn't long before he heard sounds coming from within the den. He listened intently to see if the pups were awake or not. When he didn't hear their little voices he figured they must be sleeping. The sound of movement paused and then Namid's form was trying to come out the entrance, her head nearly hitting his. Moving out of the way quickly so that she had space to get out without worrying about his large frame he grinned at her words and her actions. They keep you on your toes don't they? He asked meaning the pups as he moved to sit near her so that they could talk while still being close enough to the den to hear if the pups did happen to wake. 

A light chuckle escaped his lips as she mentioned the news that he had become their Guardian. I guess you're being kept up to date on things then. He said relaxing a little into his sitting position. I have been making patrols regularly and nothing much has happened on that front. I don't know if you have heard but my sister came and joined us not too long ago. He told her his voice light. His sister who was going to try and become beta. She would be a good option for the role seeing as she wouldn't try and force Namid from her position. He wondered if the silver lady in front of him had also been made aware of this as well or if she knew about it already. 

How have you been with being a mother now? He asked wondering if she needed a break from the overly active pups or if she was still managing to get some sleep to keep her sane. 
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

The queen was certainly pleased by the grin that broke out on the man’s face, something so different from when they had first met. They had made so much progress in their relationship since that time, coming to terms with a mutual agreement on friendship and a growing respect for each other. It was truly a beautiful thing, and she was thankful that they had been able to mend what had been broken due to her hormones. She was glad to know that he didn’t hold it over her head, for looking back on some things she may have done during her time carrying the children she may have been a little…off her rocker. But who could blame her? The job of being a parent wasn’t an easy one, and one couldn’t be too careful. ”They keep you on your toes don’t they?” he teased her, and she couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her maw in reply.

He’d joined her where she herself had chosen to sit, an ear angled toward the den and the other toward their newly dubbed guardian. She could easily split her attention between then and him, and she hoped he wouldn’t think she wasn’t listening to him. He gave her a progress report of what was going on, a nod of approval bobbing her head at hearing this news. Once again, she could be thankful and rest easier knowing he was about. His comment about his sister peaked her interest, for she’d heard about the new woman from Desideria. She had yet to meet her, as she was likely choosing to wisely stay away from the den because of her lack of a relationship with the mother. The children were growing, though, and soon she’d be able to leave them along for longer periods of time. Perhaps during one of those times she’d call a meeting with this Angele woman. Her smile grew a fraction of an inch if I could, “Please give her my regards in welcome to our kingdom. I will have to have a proper meeting with her once I can be away from the cubs for a longer period of time, though now would not be appropriate.” she replied. She also needed to try and feel her out, for even though she was Anthem’s sister that didn’t mean she would instantly gain her trust. Of course, she would be grateful to anyone for pushing the wraith woman off her pedestal but at the same time she wanted to be sure she was given a beta she could trust.

“How have you been with being a mother now?” he asked, and she pondered for a moment. “It has definitely been very different and…cramped to say the least,” she chuckled. “It is definitely quite a bit of work, but I have a wonderful pack behind me to help me care for them. I very much appreciate the effort you are all putting in to care for me and the little ones, for it is more than I could hope for. I find it more manageable, though, every time I look at their little bodies. Often I still cannot believe they are real and that they are mine,” She breathed, her mismatched gaze trailing habitually toward the den where her brood slept soundly. It was clear the amount of love she already harbored for them, her smile diming to a gentle smirk.

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
Namid's laughter filled the air and Anthem found himself glad that he had come to see her. He had stayed along the borders too long, sure he had come to to the main den to sleep but he didn't always do that. So this was a time he was enjoying, the peace of it and the way he felt that he didn't have to worry about the borders or if the caches were full knowing that the other members of the pack were taking there turns in those areas. He would have to come and speak to Namid and Vespertio more often he decided as he listened to Namid speak. What good was a Guardian id he didn't keep in contact with his leaders?

I will tell her the next time I see her. He commented with a smile. The sooner the two of them met the better. Then their wouldn't be any confusion about what Angele was going to try and do. He wasn't going to tell Namid about her plans though he decided, better if Angele told their Queen herself. Then his sister could try and do the things that would no doubt be asked of her. 

His head tipped a little a slightly concerned expression crossing his face. Cramped? Did they need a bigger den to move into? Would you like me to see if I can find a spot to make a bigger den? He asked knowing full well the if Namid wanted she could have asked but he wanted to make sure she was comfortable. The pups were only going to get bigger and bigger after all. His expression relaxed as she continued on. His head dipped a little at the praise that she offered. He knew that he wasn't the only one who was coming to deliver meals and see if she needed anything, the scents that criss-crossed the area made him aware of that. A light chuckle came from his throat as he briefly met her gaze. You should be proud of them and yourself. Though i'm sure that at some point or another that they will cause you more havoc than you could want. So take the time to enjoy them now before they start getting into trouble. He told her with a grin. And if they start to pester you a little too much i'll come take over if Vespertio is busy. His grin grew wider as he began to image all the mischief that they were likely to cause.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Mention of the man’s sibling brought up her conversation with Des, and she pondered whether or not she should speak with the man about it. Perhaps he already knew her intentions, and she didn’t doubt he did for the look in his eye when he spoke about her even briefly showed a certain amount of affection. A meeting between the new member and her was in order, that was for sure and she thought it would be better to speak to the woman about it herself than to go by talking like she wasn’t even there. No, they would have to cross paths at some point anyhow. The queen would have to seek her out when she could, have a good conversation with her to feel her out. Whether she thought well of the woman or not by the end, it would likely not matter because the rank shifts beneath her were truly not her problem unless it endangered her in any way. As long as she proved to be better than the wraith woman who currently held the unearned spot of second beneath her, she would have to do fine.

“Would you like me to see if I can find a spot to make a bigger den?” he’d asked in concern, and Namid raised a brow. It seemed he thought that the den was too small, and she may have accidentally phrased it that way once she thought back on her words. “Oh no! Please, do not worry I did not mean it in a bad way. By the time they get to be large enough that I really have to worry, it will be time to move them to the pack den. It is certainly spacious enough to fit us comfortably; I picked it with a large family in mind for I did not know how many lives I would be bringing into the world.” She quickly assured with a small shake of her head. She listened as he spoke, her mismatched gaze fixed respectfully on his to show he had her full attention. The silver queen had a habit of looking others in the eyes as they spoke to ensure they knew she was listening, and truthfully it wasn’t a bad habit to have.

Namid released a chuckle of her own at his admittance, knowing almost all too well what trouble her trio could get into in the future. Whether one would believe it or not, she had been rather wily in her youth always out exploring or causing some mayhem in one way or another. It wasn’t until her father reigned her in that she had truly settled down and began to expand her knowledge properly. Until that point, others in the tribe had surely thought to stay out of her way. “I will be sure to call you if they begin to get too rambunctious. Surely Uncle Anthem will be able to tame them,” she grinned, using the name easily. Though he wasn’t their uncle by blood, the man was surely Vespertio’s best friend and right hand man, and a loyal member of their pack. If anyone deserved such an endearment by the alpha pair it was the stormy male who had let himself go into the frigid wilderness alone to better their pack when it had been failing.

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
It seemed his worry about the den was unfounded and he let out a small sigh of relief. He wouldn't need to go digging in spots that looked like they would be able to withstand the traffic of the pack as they came and went from the birthing den gifts in tow. He hadn't thought about how much the paws of wolves would trample things down but looking at the area around the den's entrance you could see it was obvious. The thought about having the pups in the main den had him smiling. They would likely be fussing and overall taking away a chunk of their sleep away if they hadn't used up their energy during the day, not that Anthem cared. 

He was thinking about the pups and what things that they might get into that he almost missed hearing the word 'Uncle' but when he noticed it his expression froze suddenly as he met Namid's gave before a large smile spread on his face. Thank you. He told her simply knowing that she would understand what he meant. It meant a lot to him to know that they trusted him so no matter how many times they showed it each time filled him with pride and happiness that he was able to keep their respect and trust. 

I don't know if i'll be 'taming' them exactly. More like wearing them out and making them take a long nap. He told her once more grinning. Even if he only did that it would be an experience that he would enjoy.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

The beta seemed to relax as she mentioned that their den was more than adequate and her expression softened in appreciation for how much he truly cared for them. Once again she was struck by how lucky they were as a pack to have him within their ranks, a loyal member like him one coming around once in a life time. She wondered what he could be thinking of as she could see his thoughts wander off, a smile adorning his maw. Her head tilted to the side in curiosity as she watched his expression. Namid often liked to do that, though it might seem odd to others. So much could be told from an expression; hopes, dreams, ambitions, true colors, everything could be seen through that. To her, the face was the gateway to the soul not simply the eyes themselves. Because of her attention, she was able to witness the exact moment he processed her wording, shock registering there as he fixed his gaze on hers before he graced her with the largest smile she’d seen him make. ”Thank you,” he said, and she simply gave him a dip of her head in return. She was sure that Vespertio wouldn’t have it any other way either.

His expression turned back into his characterized grin and she allowed one of her own to slip onto her lips. ”I don't know if i'll be 'taming' them exactly. More like wearing them out and making them take a long nap.” he stated, and this made her actually laugh. “Ah, but that feat is the same as taming them. Getting those three little ones to go down at all is a skill all its own,”

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
He was going to be an Uncle. The thought was almost ridiculous seeing as he had never thought of his siblings have children. But then had he ever really thought about it? He didn't think so seeing as the feeling of immense happiness seemed to be coming from his chest. Even if they weren't related by blood he would take care of them as if they were. He was already determined to protect the parents so why not extend his loyalty and protection to the pups that might need it more?  He was going to be and Uncle. Each time he thought about it a grin found its way onto his face. 

Namid then laughed at what he had said and he snorted in amusement. Maybe I should have focused on becoming a pup-sitter instead of a Guardian. He teased his voice light and holding a smile. He wondered if there was even a role that focused purely on the pups. A Teacher maybe? He didn't know for sure but Anthem was happy were he was now and he wouldn't change it. He was just going to do double duty that's all. When will they be able to come out and meet everyone? He asked curiously. He had only seen them the one time and he was sure that Namid wasn't aware of that little meeting, or rather he was pretty sure she didn't. The meaning behind the question was that he wanted to make sure that he was around and he wanted to bring a gift if possible. He wasn't sure what just yet but he would find something. 
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.