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Survival — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(For @Daniel ... @Nina & @Hudson are allowed to hop in if you have the time. This is supposed to be a spree. :) )

Sunlight didn't filter in through the den entrance per usual, instead there was a steady beat of rain falling from the sky. Sometimes it would stop for a short amount of time, then, faithfully begin to drizzle down again. The storm wasn't heavy, but a mere light showering coming to water the earth. Damp cool air carried a musty smell into the warm den to surround the mother and her child. Danica peered out, tempted to leave her son for a brief moment, just long enough to glimpse at the dark clouds. To check on the world beyond their cozy little home, survey for danger, and watch the droplets roll down the stems of flowers. Smiling to herself Dani turned her head to Daniel, her form tightly curled about the whelp. He appeared to be sound asleep, prompting her to lick the top of his head affectionately before carefully leaving his side.

Pale paws took light silent steps as she headed out for her break, cold drops hitting her nose as she drew closer and closer. It wasn't long till she stood half in and half out of their den. She lifted her muzzle high and shut her lids, wind sweeping her pelt to the right. In the middle of the spring storm she found peace. Emerald beauties soon reopened to studied the tall swaying grasses and blossoming flowers for any sign of unwanted guests approaching...Like quiet alarms her ears rose, perked to a point, like cones. The sight of a small wet form snuggled over a grassy nest had caught her interest. Eyes flickered maliciously as her tongue slipped out to lick her chops hungrily. What an unlucky family they were, out in the open and so young, their mother covering them to the best of her ability. Without hesitation Dani bolted from the den to easily scar the fully grown bunny off. Her limbs taking only a few long strides before standing above her prize flashing pearly whites in a viscous snarl. Satisfied she swooped down to clutch the young between powerful jaws, then rise to bring them to the dry haven not far off.

Upon her return the ex princess gulped up three wiggling, screaming, babies in a few swift bites. Once done she slipped further into the darkness to peer at the Thorben boy momentarily. Her nose trailed from his head to his tail before she sat down contently, a pink tongue slipping out to groom her slick fur.

(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2015, 03:21 AM by Danica.)
Played by Becca who has 7 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Daniel Black Thorben

He could feel everything around him changing. His hearing was not so muffled anymore and words started to make more sense. Even his eyes, which were still puppy blues soon to be green, began to make better shapes. Of course nothing was perfect and some thing sounded and looked blurry still.

It was easy to hear his mother doing whatever it was she was doing outside of the den. While most children would have been eager to run onto the scene the new Thorben hid deep within the dark damp den. The smell of his mother and rain cloaked the child's dark form like a blanket. But then something else cloaked his slumbering form. The tongue of his mother had swept over his small body causing a rather ungodly noise to come from him. "Yeeeewwww!" Whatever the sound had been it clearly showcased Daniel's displeasure towards being awoken.

Rolling to try and stumble onto his legs he found himself falling on his rear. Giving it one last try the Thorben managed to stand and charge towards his mother. Burying his face into her chest and giving her a few nips as if initiating play with her. If she wanted to wake him up she would have to deal with him! Daniel's young eyes lit up as he bowed playfully to look at the glob that was his mother. "Grrr!" It was the only thing the pup could find himself saying. Trying to get his mother to play would be easy. Like a good mother should, or so Daniel thought, she would tend to his every need and want. Maybe that's what kept him loving his mother more and more everyday.

SECRET Woodlands
(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2015, 03:19 AM by Daniel.)
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Sorry if my post aren't the best, I've had little experience with role playing moms.)

Danica was glad that her son was happy within the den, and didn't seem to show much interest in where she would often leave. He was safer staying tucked by her side than sneaking into the bitter reality. Without her he was as vulnerable as the bunnies she had just ended, the fact tightening her belly. He needed her, wanted her, and she wasn't sure how to feel about it all. One thing was sure and set in stone though, at least in her mind, she wouldn't abandon the little dependent fur ball. He'd die without her. It was simple death note, if she were to run off like the prey mother who fled at the sight of danger. She was mostly repulsed, but understood that this was nature and the bunny would have more children. It didn't matter if a few were lost when more could be had. Sighing Dani looked back at her son, just now registering his little yell. Worried she let out a whine to make sure he was alright. Her concerns were answered as the black fluff toddled over to her.

She looked awkwardly down at him unsure of how to respond as he attacked her chest playfully, a single paw lifting to gently swat him away. It seemed her moment to herself was over, for she had awoken trouble by accident. She stored this in her memory, hoping to remember it for future use. The inexperienced girl had never truly dealt with a puppy until now, she had only ever seen one around his age once. Dani watched him bow down with a little grrr that caused a laugh to part her jaws. She rose only to stoop down in a bow, a youthful smile laced her lips as she waited to see what her 'Titian replica' would do. "Show me what you got, my little blossom." She spoke both teasingly and in encouragement to the boy. Behind her she wagged her tail somewhat in the limited space. Somewhere deep in the back of her mind she knew this was vital to his future survival skills.

(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2015, 03:22 AM by Danica.)
Played by Becca who has 7 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Daniel Black Thorben
Oops! Thanks for pointing that out<3 Fixed it up c:

His mother responded with a simple bop that made him awfully confused. Standing in shock and awe he would take charge after her bowing form again. Daniel wanted to prove he was the stronger one, even if he really wasn't. Toddling to her side he leaned into her in a rather weak puppy attempt to knock her over. A grunt fell from his mouth as his body kept firm against her's. For good measure he even added a nip to her ankle! He would get 'er!

The Thorben gave a big sigh before flopping onto the ground his legs brought in, to protect his chest but were also ready to bat anything coming close to him. Looking out toward the opening of the den Daniel's attention was drawn away; an obvious trait of having a lack of focus. Rolling onto his stomach he crawled slowly. He could smell the damp earth and hear what fuzzy sound of the rain his ears would register. Yipping with excitement the dark pup tossed his head over his shoulder. Puppy blue eyes staring intently at Danica's emerald eyes. Crawling ever close to the entrance Daniel let out a gasp as a raindrop hit his ebony nose. Lips forming he let out another disgruntled sound to alert his mother what he found. Then it happened again. Another raindrop hit the boy, this time on his forehead.

One dark tiny paw flew up to cover his nose. Burying his face into his own paws Daniel had become awfully confused with the situation. Only moments ago he had been wrestling in a mostly dry warm den with his mother but now, here at the entrance of the den, he had water droplets falling onto his face and a wind rustling his fur. How exactly did that work?

SECRET Woodlands
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Your welcome! :) I'm sorry if my posting slows down...a bit busy with things. Lol Danny is gonna be so confused. XD She doesn't know how to teach a pup, lol.)

Dani giggled at her son, eying him as he moved about her. Playfully she nipped the air by his tiny wittle rump, jaws shutting with a clack, inches behind him. The boy simply pushed into her and she stood there dumfounded, what was she supposed to do? It was an odd move for something so...small. The mother took a long moment to think, and it seemed his nipped helped, for she feigned a yelp as she 'tumbled' to her side and rolled over. Her bare belly faced the dirt roof as she cried out, "Mercy! Oy! Mercy please, please Daniel, mercy!" It seemed though he had moved onto something else, causing her to roll back over.

Smiling she got up to, and a tad roughly, nudged him in hopes of initiating play once more. Her orbs went wide in panic as he waddled off to check out the den entrance. Shock spread across her face as her mouth fell, and she stood there gabbing stupidly, "No, no, no..." Her voice was a mere worried whispered among the howling sound of the storm. She flinched as he yipped at her, but only moved into action at his gasp. Rushing over to his aid she blurted out, "W-what is it? Are you okay?" Instinctively a black nose ran over him in a thorough inspection for anything wrong. Dani pulled her muzzle back puzzled by his reactions, and simply observed her son uneasily.

It became clear that he was only responding to the rain, and in a fluid movement, she was raking a paw across the dirt in front of him as if to pull him in close. "That's rain honey, it's existential for life." She started to ramble, unknowing to if or if not he would grasp anything she spoke of, "Without it the world outside would die. The rain waters the plants which feed herbivores and omnivores, and then we, as predators, reap benefit by taking down the other animals. This is also why you must always be cautious. We are not the only predators, and at the discovery of a young baby, they might just snatch you up for lunch. Never a good thing. Take for example the bunnies I just finished off, they were out in the open since their mom didn't have a proper burrow. Instead she kept them in a grass nest which meant easy picking for me. It's all about survival, and if you're going to make it, you'll be safe." Danica finished in a tone that was almost scolding, moving her body in front of him. She stretched out to block his exit, but made sure he could still see. Changing the subject she started to explain the blobs he possibly saw, "That green stuff is grass, and those colorful things scattered about are flowers. The rain comes from that normally blue mass above. Also known as the sky, which at the moment harbors clouds. Storm clouds in particular...not all bring rain."

(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2015, 06:30 AM by Danica.)
Played by Tay who has 19 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Hudson Sawyer

Hudson darted through the underbrush as soon as he sensed the air was heavy with rain. Rain was perfect for masking scent, drowning the odor of Danica's den and bundle of joy. He knew it would be difficult to provide for them and devote his remaining time within the pack's borders so suspicions wouldn't arise. Hudson had no idea how Danica would keep her end of the secret for much longer, especially since her absence happened suddenly, right when childbirth swept the packs. He didn't know what he would do to protect himself, much less those he was masking. Huck would steal for them in the pack's cache when kill in the surrounding area was scarce. He feared that someone was always suspicious, always trying to understand what was occupying his time. Sometimes on his way to Dani's den he would leave a false trail leading in the opposite direction just in case anyone was tracking him. He would wait for a patrol to pass him, and take root in the new scent before reentering Woodland territory.

These measures were absolutely necessary if it meant keeping Daniel safe.

The white servant made his way to the den just as the rain fell. Relief swept him because now he didn't need to worry much about disguising the scent. All he could think about was making sure the two were alright in there: fed, watered, warm and dry. He peeked in with wilted eyes - a rare courtesy he'd picked up from watching his brutal father tend to his younger siblings. Hudson was greeted by Daniel's curious face, followed by Danica's watchful gaze. He smiled contentedly, pleased to see they were doing well. He leaned politely against the den wall, patiently waiting for Danica to finish discussing the phenomenon of weather with her son. They were truly beautiful. So delicate and inquisitive, joined by something so beyond him and knowledge. He decided there was nothing more important than the connection between parent and child; it was something he was never fortunate enough to have.

Something he vowed to protect for them.

[Image: YQdb4we.png]
Played by Becca who has 7 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Daniel Black Thorben
regular text -

thought text

- talking text
Something appeared. It was Hudson! The white figure had made enough visits to Daniel and his mother that the child vaguely remembered him. Even his name stood somewhere in his puppy mind. "Hu-ton! His high tones yipped out with joy. Everything his mother had been trying to teach had gone straight through one ear and out the other. Everything about rain, plants, and outside dangers were slowly fading from his train of thought. All if not most of his attention shifted to his pale safety. Hudson was no @Danica when it came to safety but Hudson was something close. Perhaps like a father. Yes, if the boy knew that word he might have used it to describe @Hudson.

Toddling away on weak legs towards the pale, large figure of Hudson was a challenge. When the first fall came Daniel was as close as he needed to be to Hudson. His nose stuck outward to touch the strong leg of his guardian. With a smile and thump of his tail the young Thorben chose to yip his name again. "Hu-ton! Hu-ton!" It was an understatement to say the dark pup was excited. He loved the usual things that Hudson brought with him. This time it didn't seem like there was anything but that was okay. Daniel was content with the gift of social interaction. Swinging his head to look at his mother with puppy blues his eyes squeeze shut and a big grin made way to his small face. This was certainly the most social he would be in a long while.

261 words

[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Danica smiled as @Hudson appeared, quickly rising up to greet him with a compassionate kiss on the cheek as if to say 'thank you'. The white man had helped them so much already, and the young mother was ever so grateful. Her own lover, Titan, had missed many memories already in Danny's short life that her and "Hu-ton" as her son called him, shared. Grinning she stepped back into the dark depths of the den to watch them interact. Her child's happiness caused her heart to flutter violently in her chest with joy. The silly look with his pearly whites showing caused a bitter heart to melt with a giggle. How could some one be so darn cute? Quietly she whispered, "Oh my little blossom, how I love you so." It was mostly to herself as she lowered her chin to meet the den floor. Dani enjoyed watching them together...

The cream mom's mind churned and thoughts of Titan swirled within. He was such a lacking figure around their son, causing her to somewhat idolize Hudson. He would risk just about anything for the fur ball, and as she sat there, it came to her knowledge that this man was his dad now. Sure, Titan was his biological father who had convinced the Thorben, but Hudson? He was a dad with the way he sacrificed for the boy. Her chest received a sharp sting of pain as she finally replied. "Yes @Daniel , Dadda Hudson has arrived..." The ghostly furred wolf had earned the title if he wished to take it. Either way the woman sighed thinking of absence of the blue eyed 'abandoner'.

Played by Tay who has 19 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Hudson Sawyer

He couldn't quite wrap his head around the weight that this sacrifice put on his heart. It felt as though his chest were swelling, or something. When he took a breath of the warm, damp air, his heart ballooned with his lungs. He felt full. All the time, satisfied and completed and quenched. These feelings were so neutral, almost unnoticeable, but a keen enough individual would feel them. Hudson felt as though he'd accomplished family right then and there. It was a bit stunning at first; how quickly things came together. But the beauty he'd first noticed stayed with him. Perhaps inside him for a little while.

Huck could sense Danica's peace in the way her eyes darted in synch with Daniel's. He felt content for her; finally at ease with the occurrence of rain and tranquil playtime after his early hours of scouring the pack border. There was always that one pound ball of what ifs rolling around in the back of his brain, but for now it lay still and finally quiet. He knew he'd have to pick it up again later and sort out more answers before the day closed.

The white wolf tore himself from his thoughts when he felt Danica's warm tongue on his cheek. Huck flushed with warmth before returning the favor, watching @Daniel chant his name with suspended excitement out of the corner of his eyes. The word dadda stuck out in his head. Hudson couldn't help but question what had come to mean. Obviously this wasn't his son to claim; there was a father out there that probably wanted some kind of parental involvement, even if he didn't know he was the biological father. Hudson knew his situation was sticky, and he knew also that if the real father came traipsing around anytime soon, there would be things to discuss. He assumed Danica would take care of it, but come to think of it, nothing was ever settled. The Sawyer would just keep doing his duty, and whatever came with it was a consequence. The right thing to do was to be a parent and that's all he could be for the moment. Hudson dipped his head to the boy's eye level, a smile growing over his white lips. "What have you been up to today, little man?"

[Image: YQdb4we.png]