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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Hecate <3

As the weather grew warmer and the clouds become scarcer, Greer found himself slipping away from the Ridge as much as possible. While he enjoyed interacting with his new siblings, the shadow prince still preferred spending time by himself. He adored his family and the new little additions, but the call of adventure was too much for the long-legged smudge. It seemed he had caught the wanderlust bug that had taken Deacon away from them, but Greer was too anxious to act upon it. He had siblings to protect now… he could not imagine leaving them when they, and his mother, needed him.


He paused, his silver orbs widening suddenly as realization settled in. Did Deacon even know he was a big brother?! The smudge had yet to encounter his brother since his departure from the pack; he had only come across Orren, a fellow yearling who was greatly stressed about D’s decision to leave. A grown cut into his dark maw as he continued forward, his brows narrowed darkly as he thundered through the grass. He needed to find his brother and tell him the news… except, he didn’t know where to start. He had already searched frantically for his brother, and had lost the scent trail many times. Surely he had not gone far… unless, of course, he never thought of returning to (or visiting) Willow Ridge. That particular thought caused his grimace to deepen – why had not D come back to the Ridge to let his family know where he was? Had he relocated so far that a quick visit was not possible? These thoughts had left the usually sullen, disconnected boy very grumpy, a feeling that Greer did not like.

He had been so engrossed in his thoughts that he had not realized that the grass around him was embedded with fire-red flowers (which instantly reminded him of blood). Slowing his pace, Greer observed his new surroundings with a cautious gaze; it seemed he was alone, but one could never be too sure. He was growing tired of bumping into other wolves and having them stare at him when he either a) refused to speak and acknowledge them, or b) actually responded to them in his broken speech. It seemed that wanting to be alone was a foreign concept to Relic Lore wolves, as most strangers he encountered were very persistent on conversing with him.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
I'm dead tired and this post may or may not be horrible XD Also... I smell a crack ship!!!

Days passed since she had joined the Ridge and she was becoming more comfortable with her surroundings. The once dark and vast woods were a pleasant escape from social life. Soon, she would know the in's and out's of her new home like the back of her paw. But for now, scoping out was her best guess to learn about the Ridge. And, as luck would have it, she had the day off. Hecate decided she would nose around the northern territory for it was to be shared between three packs. Sharing was never her forte, in fact, she was quite aggressive about the matter. In the near future, the lass would need to prove herself worthy. Very, worthy. Despite the anxiety driven thoughts that polluted her mind, the morning was quite pleasant. She reminded herself to breathe and move on.

Cate had been trotting briskly for about eight minutes, and for some odd reason, she felt like someone was there. She ignored it for half of trip- for the sake of having her own time-but, it was really starting to bother her. A wave of hot anger wiped over her as she turned around sharply. Just come at me, I dare you.. She thought, adopting a scowl that dripped with vexation. Hecate's nimble paws crashed through the foliage into a clearing, her vision catching a large black body. With a short lived burst of annoyance, Cate thundered up behind him and blurted, "Hey! What giv-" Color drew her eyes below as she noticed the circle of red flowers beneath their paws, mouth cracking open to utter a simple, "Oh.." They were beautiful, rimmed with orange yet their centers were the color of freshly drawn blood. She stepped back, taking off the pressure of being so close. She kept her head down, knowing what she had done was wrong. "I apologize. Thought you were followin' me," Perhaps the man would understand her blatant interruption.

(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2015, 02:54 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
weeeeeeeee -- sorry for the wait! angsty greer is angsty

It did not take the slender long to find the trail of another. While he was never in the mood to converse, Greer was always in the mood to stalk. He never followed the same wolf more than once, because that would actually be stalking, but he enjoyed the thrill of following others. It was always a gamble – would they notice him, and if they did, how would they react?

At first, the boy kept his distance from the pale female. She was the complete opposite of him. He was adorned with a coat made of the deepest obsidian; hers held the same saturation of fresh snow bathed in sunlight. His eyes were made of liquid mercury – both pale and piercing – and hers were a haunting, curious green that was filled with life. However, looks were deceiving; despite her ‘light’ appearance, she could be the complete opposite. The later seemed to be the most accurate as she unexpectedly turned to lash out at him for following her.

Puzzled, Greer stopped instantly and took a hard step back, although his pale orbs never once wavered from her figure. The moment he allowed his eyes to waver she could attack him, and Greer wasn’t looking for a fight – especially with a pack member. As soon it seemed she was about to rip him a new one, her words ceased and her expression suddenly softened. Perplexed, the boy quickly noticed that her ghoulish gaze had fallen to the scarlet-coloured flowers that littered the field. “Why would Greer follow,” he responded coolly with a quick roll of his shoulders as his lips tightened. His words were posed as a question, but it was mostly rhetorical; he was not really interested in her answer. The yearling was not interested in conversing with the pale girl, even if she was a pack member… it was nothing personal, he just did not like conversing with anyone. All he wanted was to continue on his way and explore the flower filled field, preferably without her company.

(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2015, 07:20 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
Don't wanna make you break character (knowing he's a quiet/abrupt lil' boy) Maybe they could end up going the same way and bumping into each other again? Idk, play it by year :D

Through her flustered arrival, she met the stalker. Her eyes reached his- even though the towered over hers. She sized him up, over looking him with the most intrigued calculations. He was handsome, tall and oddly mysterious. The maiden felt a mischievous pang in her throat. A slender white nose reached out to get a whiff of this new fellow. He was from the Ridge- but he was also one of their many sons.

Her ear flicked curiously as her head drew back. “Why would Greer follow,” He asked abrasively- rightfully frustrated. The broken speech would have been something of notice to someone else, but it was quite common in her family to struggle with finishing sentences or just blatantly being mute. She glanced back up again, tipping her skull slightly. "I'm paranoid as fuck, sorry... so Greer huh?" She smiled, lifting the black laced lips over her whites. Hecate stood up energetically, tracing around in a little circle to sniff the flowers. "I'm Hecate- the over-reactive pack mate that smuggled her way into yer' family's pack." She chuckled, looking up for only a fraction of a second. The Liar turned abruptly, looking over her shoulder. "I'm sorry, you probably wanted to enjoy your walk in silence?" She piped with a perfectly arched brow. "I can leave if you wan' me to." Hecate would never admit it, but she secretly wanted to find out more about this man.

(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2015, 11:07 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
tried to roll with it, greer is so weird >.< play it out however you would like! <3

The pale, ghostly female before him was similar to the pale princess he had met in the underground lake in the sense that she talked too much. Words flowed effortlessly off her tongue, staining the air between them as she responded quickly. She hastily introduced herself in a joking manner, which would have visibly amused the boy if he wasn’t so frigid. However, on the inside, Greer was intrigued by her humour and quick-witted words. Like a statue, the boy remained calm on the surface, his mercury gaze fixated on the green-eyed girl.

It did not take long for the girl to notice that silence was preferable to the shadow prince – she even offered to leave. The boy was taken aback; he had never had another offer to leave him to his own thoughts. Immediately, the raven decided that he liked her even with her swift tongue … at least, for now. As much as he wanted to take up the ghost’s offer to be alone, he was also tempted to say that he would not mind some temporary company. Oddly enough, Hecate had captured Greer’s attention – the thought left a sour taste in his mouth; he wasn’t sure what to think. “Come or go, up to Hecate,” he answered with a smooth roll of his shoulders, his silver pools still fixated on the slender girl. “Greer don’t care,” he added with a quick nod before continuing along his previous path. He could not help but shoot a quick glance over his shoulder to see if the girl was following him. As much as he hoped that she didn’t, he also hoped that she would. She was different than the other Ridge wolves and it spiked his curiosity. Most of the Willow wolves were calm and collected, attributes of great warriors, whereas the pale female seemed … disorganized. Although the boy also possessed the cool demeanor of his pack mates, he was intrigued by her (and disliked every second of it).

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
*rolls with it awkwardly*

She paused, rethinking her actions. He seemed flustered with her babbling- almost offended. Hecate was about to apologize once more, straightening her posture with concern. To her relief, he answered back. He spoke stiffly as he stood, almost wavering in his dour state. Without skipping a beat, Hecate gave a bright smile, following up behind him. "This's splendid! I've been looking for someone to walk with- everybody seems to be terribly busy." The lady extended, hoping he would provide his own thoughts as well. She didn't really know the Lyall/Archers, but they all seemed so stony and distant- She kind of liked it. Back home, everybody was so scattered and falsely independent. It was a pleasant change from what she was used to.

Delightfully curious about the man's family, she inquired him further. "I assume you acknowledge that I'm new to the Ridge," Green eyes admired the eerie landscape. "What is their origin?" Hecate was purely interested in the home where she resided, ought to know its birth. After about five seconds, she realized the whole situation seemed a little off. Maybe he didn't want to talk about it? After all, Greer was quite far from the borders. Knowing the struggles of being in a large family all to well, thought it was better to back off. "If you don't want to talk about that, its cool." She retraced, giving him the freedom to speak or keep silent.

the armed queen
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
wasn't going to post tonight but i seriously love hecate omg <3

While he had offered for the pale female to join him, Greer had not expected her to so readily accept. Her voice was unexpectedly chipper, taking the slender boy by surprise as she followed up behind her, words spewing from her maw. She was uncharacteristically chatty for a Ridge wolf – most of his pack mates, especially his family, were dull and stone-cold; they were not as excitable as the green-eyed ghost. At first he wanted to change his mind and retract his offer, but she was so overwhelmingly excited about having a walking partner that Greer felt as though he could not turn her away. With a soft grimace perched across his dark lips, the boy kept his distance from Hecate as they walked together, his mercury gaze falling onto her pale form sporadically.

Silence had barely settled between the two before her voice captured his attention once more, his brows narrowing softly at her question. Why was she so curious about the history of Willow Ridge? Wasn’t that something she should be asking his mother? No – his parents were far too busy to answer petty questions; they had newborns to take after. The questions of newcomers were not high on their priority lists, which meant that now Greer was going to be bombarded by them. Swallowing back a sigh before it could breach, the shadow was just about to respond as the girl spoke once more, hastily stating that he did not have to respond if he did not want to. The temptation… he thought suddenly as he debated on answering. Greer did not know too much about the history, or origins, of the Ridge – he had never asked, and had not planned to (prior to this moment). “Elettra,” he replied softly, his silver orbs focused ahead of him as he continued on: “Elettra start everything. Here since day one.” He was not really sure what answer the girl was after, but there was not much else that he knew. Wolves came and went – the original members of the pack were no longer present, and wolves were still shuffling about the ranks.

It was hard to not be intrigued by the ghost beside him. She was throwing questions at him only to retreat them and offer to remain silent – an offer that the smudge was seriously considering. However, despite her exuberant behaviour, she was still oddly intriguing. She was so different from the other Ridge wolves he had encountered, and it was … refreshing. Of course, the smudge would not admit that aloud; he wanted to maintain his stony exterior until he needed to strip it away.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

Hecate was internally concentrated on this new character and his traits. She noticed his set distance between her, almost wanting to separate from her side but then circling back to find it frustratingly appealing. She wanted to let him figure her out, like a puzzle being sorted into place. Hecate also saw that he wasn't adept to social interactions. His speech was clear as a bell despite its broken assortment. It didn't need resonating to be understood, he spoke with refreshing honesty and understanding. Even as he was silent, his reaction to her inquiry was quite visible. He was thinking about answering and she was on the edge of her seat. Elettra. He breathed, the words just reaching her ears. Elettra start everything. Here since day one. She turned her head from being aimed at him back to the ground. Letting the empty air fill in. Hecate didn't really know Elettra, but she knew she liked her. The woman was extremely powerful and the Liar girl wanted to mirror her one day. Just the bare energy around the matriarch was riveting.

"I like yer' mum." The ghost sighed, taking a slightly more serious tone. "I wan' to be like her someday- she'a real dragon lady." Hecate said with a hushed laugh. She knew a few of the Ridge children weren't sired by Angier, just the way they acted around him was clear. She believed Greer was the son of Angier but she wanted to check in first. "Angier's yer' da' right? I like 'im too, he got a good head on 'is shoulders." She mused, hoping her thoughts would be in agreement with the young man.

(This post was last modified: Jun 29, 2015, 01:45 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
sorry for the wait!! <3 had canada day and then the flu and bleck :c

As silence fell briefly between them, Greer took the rare moment to observe his pale companion. The gangly youth was not really accustomed to being around female’s who were not family members. While he continued to be a loyal member of the Ridge, the smudge failed to interact with his packmates on a regular basis. He preferred keeping to himself and tending to his duties alone; the whereabouts and actions of his packmates were not his biggest concern. The girl beside him was much different than the other women he was used to seeing. Her bright, blemish-free coat stuck out awkwardly against their lush surroundings, along with her vibrantly hued orbs. If ghosts were real, Hecate would be the perfect example of what they looked like. Her features, although spooky and peculiar, were remarkably stunning, and the boy was not quite sure how to feel about that. She was striking in the way that his mother was – she embodied a power that would flourish as she aged, just like Elettra.

Just as the thought had entered his mind, the ghost spoke of his mother, commenting how much she liked her and inspired to be like her. Dragon lady. A rare smirk found its way on onto his dark lips as his mercury gaze fell onto the pale girl – he liked that. Was he, too, a dragon – or on his way to becoming one? “Hecate remind Greer of dragon lady,” he confirmed, hoping that his broken words had built up a good enough compliment for her. “Angier father, yes. No speak to him much. More with Elettra.” While he had a fairly good(?) relationship with his father, Greer definitely spent more time with his mother. His father was more brawny and more… guardian-y, whereas the shadow was the opposite. Like a sniper, he was built for speed and precision; he was born into the shadows with an eerie grace. As much as he cared for his father, the boy had always found himself following Elettra around and observing her as she ruled with an iron paw. While they led the pack together, it was clear who was truly in charge.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

The youth felt his eyes graze along her form, inspecting each detail. Hecate stifled a smile, glancing down at her paws. She liked him. Beneath the abrasive comments and cold aura, she could see a delightfully thoughtful man. Before, she only had her sister to speak with freely, but things here seemed different. Nobody ever took a morning stroll, nobody made their own friendships and certainly, nobody walked alone with a boy.

The young man gave a pleased grin, meeting her eyes. Well christ, she hoped so. Hecate worked hard to earn her own credit, now she needed to prove to others she was hotter than white flame."I 'ave yet to meet her personally, I hope we'll git along." She offered, changing her tone slightly. "It'll make things a lot less difficul' if I got 'er on my side." She spoke, sighing lightly. He added his piece about his father and not speaking with him much. "I can see tha', y'don't seem to be the type who is especially close with a man like yer father." Hecate didn't want to budge in when it wasn't needed, she was only making conversation. "I seen most of the Ridge family, they all seem so stoic, such as yerself'." She smiled, looking back up at the tall face.

the armed queen