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Wanderer — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

The journey north back to Turtleback Lake had seemed to take longer but Kajika figured it was because he was tired of traveling.  At least he no longer could smell the swamp on his pelt after the swim that he had taken with Des.  He figured a few days of rest he would feel a lot better and he would decide where to go next.  There was one thing that he could say about being a lone wolf, sometimes it was nice to only have to worry about himself.  Still he wanted to find a pack, having been a part of a pack for most of his life it didn’t feel right to him to not have one.  That became more and more clear the longer that he went without one.  Surviving on his own had taught him a lot that he felt could help him in a pack when the time came.

The sun was high in the sky as he entered the forest that surrounded the lake and he knew that he would be there soon enough.  Though the light only filtered through the trees the air around him was still somewhat warm.  Soon thoughts of wading into the lake, perhaps catching a fish and laying on the banks fill his mind.  His pace had quickened and soon enough he had come to the Shore of Turtleback Lake where he waded into the water up to his elbows before lowering his head to drink the cool water after his long journey.

~Table by Ace

(This post was last modified: May 18, 2015, 03:20 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Sorry for the wait!

Still waters run deep

Life was good. Even if not everything was perfect. Not surprisingly, shortly after the wolves formerly known as Cut Rock River had staked their claim to a rich, thriving forest, Jynx's mood had improved considerably. She didn't know why, all of a sudden she was suddenly feeling so upbeat again. It could have been because of the fresh start, or possibly the arrival of the puppies had her hormones surging. It could even be due to the fact that she was in an entirely new region now, with plenty of places just waiting to be explored. The weather was befitting, matching her mood quite perfectly. The sun was shining, warming the backs of all the inhabitants of the forest. There were a few puffy clouds in the sky, and a slight cooling breeze in the air. Ideal springtime weather.

With a quick word to her higher ranking packmates, she informed them that she was headed off for some exploring today, and that was that. She had no idea where her paws would take her, but she didn't care. Maybe she would luck out and find some ideal hunting grounds. And if she was really lucky, she may even just manage to bring back a tasty morsel for Kisla, who was still cooped up inside the den with her newborn pups. Jynx had no set timeline for her outing...she would return home when she felt like it, which was most likely when she'd get tired. But as of the moment, the young wolf was full of energy. She weaved and galloped through the spacious forest with ease, hopping over stones and fallen logs with minimal effort. Her paws landed with a solid thud against the grass as she cleared one last obstacle, emerging out into a small clearing. Pink tongue hanging loose from the side of her mouth as she panted, she took a moment to think. Somehow, she had gotten lost in all of her running around. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing! Right out in front of her was the great expanse of a freshwater lake, lined with trees on almost all sides. What was even more interesting were the multiple small islands situated some distance out in the large body of water. 

Tail wagging softly, she proceeded forwards towards the inviting sight. After that little workout of hers, especially on a warm day such as this, she could use a good cool down. One paw after the other, she began to make her way into the water. A movement some ways out made her stop, ears pricking forward in interest. A small family of otters, frolicking and playing in the lake had captured her attention, and vice versa. Having spotted the lone predator, they chirped and chittered, clacking their teeth in warning before swimming away. They didn't want to stick around to become lunch, and Jynx wasn't exactly in the mood to tangle with them either. With the threat hopefully passed, she relaxed and eased further into the water, not yet having spotted another dark figure who shared the lake with her.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
No Worries

The cool water was refreshing as it went down which prompted Kajika to drink for a long moment before lifting his head to look around.  Not much had changed since he had last been at the lake which was comforting.  His attention was drawn toward the islands in the middle of the lake as he thought about the last time that he was there.  It was quiet there which would be a good place to spend a few quiet days resting up for whatever was next for him.  He still didn’t know that but he figured he had some time before he really made a decision.  The only thing that he would need is something in the way of food to tie him over for a little bit.  He glanced towards the forest thinking that perhaps he might find a rabbit that he could take with him and if not he knew there were fish around the lake.

Suddenly a sound a little ways down the shore from where he was caught his attention.  Kajika swiveled his ears toward the chattering for a better idea of what it might be.  After a short moment he recognized the sound to be otters and they didn’t sound too happy either.  Kajika wondered what had gotten them into such a huff so he started to cautiously make his way in the direction the sound had come from.  As he walked along the bank of the lake he considered the possibilities of what he might encounter hoping that it was something pleasant whatever it was.

It was only a short walk before Kajika finally saw what exactly it was that had the otters so upset, another wolf in the lake.  He took a few more steps before he spoke, “It is a nice day for a dip,” he stated in order to get the attention of the female that was wading in the lake.  “Though it seems those otters weren’t too happy to see you,” he added as he took a couple of steps toward the edge of the water to the point that his paws were just barely getting wet.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: May 28, 2015, 04:33 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

Nearly elbow deep in the water, the young River wolf looked on as the family of otters swam away to find a safer place in the lake. Her thoughts turned to the body of water itself. How many other creatures called this place home? Perhaps if fish were abundant here, it would be worth it to invite Karina for a visit. She knew the young Baranski had a distaste of pure red meat, and preferred fish instead. But the challenge would be to find her, and then persuade her to come. She was rarely seen with the rest of the pack these days, which was sad. Had Jynx known of just how much time Karina spent with Kjors, a male many years older than her, she would have been concerned.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't immediately notice the approach of the other wolf until he spoke. Her ears swiveled and pricked forwards, and she craned her neck to the side to get a good look at the newcomer. To her surprise, he looked almost exactly like Karpos, all the way down to the blackish brown fur. Had it not been for the distinct difference in build, eye color and scent, her first instinct would have been to charge, to drive him away. Luckily, it only took her but a minute to recognize that this was not the dishonest, sneaky wolf she knew back home. Previously tense facial features softened, as did her posture. With a shake of her coat, she turned her eyes back from him and to the lake. "It is...but this is my first time visiting this lake. I wasn't exactly expecting to come face to face with a band of disgruntled otters." She chimed, her good spirits still alive and well, clearly reflected in her voice. Casually, she stepped a little further out, but under her fur, Jynx was feeling incredibly awkward in the presence of this stranger. She did her best to conceal it. "I have always loved exploring new places after all...I guess I got a bit overexcited." She admitted. She would not dive right in to personal business. This was not the day for that...she was in no mood for it either. With the pack only recently established in their new home, Jynx wasn't in any rush to go about revealing their new location to a potentially unknown enemy.
(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2015, 02:12 AM by Jynx.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika had come to the lake for a place to rest and recharge but he wasn’t sure that he would be able to accomplish that.  Thoughts of having left Des before he’d had the chance to help her train a little at least had bothered him during his travels to this place.  Though he still found it to be one of the more beautiful places in Relic Lore he wasn’t so sure that it was his refuge as it once had been.  This thought saddened him some but at the same time he felt he knew what that meant for him.  Looking out across the lake the biggest question on his mind was why did he continue to leave her? It was a question that he could not answer then because even he didn’t understand the reasons he kept making excuses as to why he had to leave her.

The ruckus the otters had made drew his attention from his thoughts back to the present and the presence of another wolf.  As he approached with lowered head he immediately picked up that the newcomer was female and she seemed to be about his age.  The tension that he saw in her when she first laid eyes on him was something that he took note of just in case it turned to something else but almost immediately she changed. Then agreed that it was a good day to take a dip though what she said about it being her first time at the lake was slightly disappointing, “It’s a shame really that you haven’t been here before,” he commented, “It’s such a beautiful place and if it makes you feel better I didn’t know there were otters here until today.”  He watched as she moved further into the water, Kajika followed suit.  He waded a little further into the water which was cool on his feet and legs after the long journey back from the Lost Lake.  “I do enjoy exploring new places as well and I don’t think that there is anything wrong with getting overexcited about them, I suppose that I was when I first came here.”  He felt that he had perhaps been a little overzealous about the lake when he had first come to it.  Glancing out across the lake he was thoughtful for a moment thinking that perhaps in his current state the lake didn’t have the same luster it once had.  “You should visit the island sometime it’s a nice place to explore,” he suggested.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jun 17, 2015, 12:19 AM by Kajika.)
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