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I love...dew — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by becuffin who has 42 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Drift Tainn
@Darrah sorry this took forever. All Welcome.

He shouldn’t have been outside of the den. He knew that. Through careful observation and several failed attempts at escape he had also quickly learned that neither his father, nor ‘mother’ were ever very far away. He had left @Sahalie sleeping in the den (although no doubt she would wake at any moment and notice his absence) and boldly stepped out into the dappled light, turning his pale face  and baby blues up towards the treetops, his mouth slightly agape in obvious wonderment.

The crack of a branch was quick to draw his attention, making the child flinch and cower. He expected to feel his dark silent fathers teeth around his nape at any moment, carrying him back into the safety the dark offered. But for once the swiftly looming shadow did not come to blot out the sun. Instead he was left staring at the dirt between his creamy toes.

An ant emerged from the disturbed earth, swiftly charting a course up the young childs limb. He watched it with such focus he found himself cross eyed when it travelled up one side of his muzzle to perch on his nose. No warning was given before the sharp pincers dug into the dark flesh causing the boy to sneeze and hastily swat at his face. What an awful creature!

Tracks of dirt now coated his pale face like war paint. He would need it out here in the big scary world where seemingly even the ants were against his very existence.

Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
It's okay! Sorry about the second paragraph, it's a little sloppy! I knew what I wanted to say I just didn't know how to word it XD.

Darrah was almost certain his mother had disappeared again, but refused to make a huge fuss abut it as he'd done last time. Instead; he'd take her leave as something positive and go meet his siblings for the very first time. The prince thought he'd caught glimpse of them before, but that measly little incident couldn't compare to the real thing. He yearned to see them up close. The Tainn needed them to know they had a brother, and a never ending stream of support had they ever found it needed. 'I love them so much already..' a faint smile played across his raven-esque muzzle as he swiftly trotted across the bend's territory.

The Tainn hadn't been so excited in, well, ever! In fact, he was so amused with the thought of meeting his siblings that he'd almost completely disregarded the tiny little pup standing just in his vision as he made his travels! 'Wait...' As realization hit, Darrah found himself slowly backtracking. 'A... A pup?' his eyes weren't deceiving him? 'A pup!!' It was a pup! And it was smack dab in the center of Oak Tree Bend! Did that mean? This was one of his new siblings? What was it doing outside of the birthing den? "H-Hey there little guy! Or girl... uh! Hault!" This was it, huh? The moment he'd been impatiently waiting for. "You're brave, aren't yah?" Approaching his new sibling, Darrah couldn't help but become aware of it's pallid white coat. 'Hmm. I thought I saw a white one but.. Guess I didn't really wanna believe it..' he sighed, though not necessarily unfavorably.'It's obvious you're not 100% Tainn little guy.. But I'll be damned if I don't treat you as such..'

This was possibly the happiest moment in the prince's life! Destiny brought the pup straight to him! 'Wonder where the other one is.. Ah, there's always later. For now I'll get acquainted with this little one!' tail wagging at full throttle, Darrah waited to see if the young thing knew yet how to speak.

(This post was last modified: Jun 22, 2015, 03:11 AM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
Sahalie knew few things about the world. But she knew what it was like to feel brother's warmth against her, and she knew just as keenly the sensation of his absence. She awoke with a start and squinted hard in the darkness of the birthing den they had been living in. Her eye sight had developed rapidly over the last few days, but she could only vaguely make out the small shape of her brother climbing towards the brightness. Something lurched in her chest as she looked around with a panic. She did not see or smell or feel the warm creature that took care of them. Or the other one. They both came and went. But brother was always here. She whimpered. If big creature was not here, then who would stop brother? As her anxiety rose she let out another small yip and she willed her brother to return.

But his shape crested the lip of their small world and suddenly he was gone, swallowed by the light.

Shakily she got to her feet. Brother and her had spent some time testing these things out, pawing lazily at each other's faces and crawling over each other. Or well, Brother didn't particularly liked when Sahalie crawled all over him, but she thought it was pretty fun. Now though, it seemed she would have to use them to get all the way up there on her own. Certainly no one else was going to bring him back.

Minutes past.

A dark little bundle crawled uncertainly out into the wide world. It was overwhelmingly bright out here, and she found herself blinking, drowning in sunlight trying to see where Brother had gone.

"H-Hey there little guy! Or girl... uh! Hault!"

"Yip!" she screeched at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. The three wolves her world had contained until this day had been hushed, caring. This one was so strange in ways she could not describe. She didn't know what to make of it, but its loudness made her jump. Thoughtlessly she tottered towards her pale brother's side, bowling him over with her clumsiness, as if she were knocking him out of the way to protect him from this interloper. Brother. Her ears and tail tucked, the young girl stood over her brother in just the manner he disliked.  
(This post was last modified: Jun 23, 2015, 01:50 AM by Sahalie.)
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by becuffin who has 42 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Drift Tainn
i can cut you into pieces
Drift Tainn
when my heart is broken

As if the unwarranted attack by the little black speck wasn’t enough, suddenly a shadow loomed. The small child stopped rubbing at the throbbing spot on his muzzle as the creature approached. It wasn’t his @“Spieden”, she was always so gentle and quiet with them. It wasn’t the other dark one either, he rarely spoke at all. This one boomed loudly making the small pup cower, his lower jaw dropping until his mouth formed an ‘O’ somewhere between terrified and mesmerised.

It was then that his sister made her presence known by knocking him clean over. As her limbs stretched to climb over him the spell the larger one had him under was broken and he frowned from his position on his back in the dirt. “Sah!” he barked crossly, whining as he attempted to wriggle out from beneath her. There were more of those black biters down here and they had already begun to swarm up his flanks and over his ears. Pinned as he was he couldn’t shake them free.

A small paw was aimed at the softest part of her underside as his head rose to nip at her chest. He didn’t want to be down here, and he didn’t want the biters to get his sister. The larger wolf was all but forgotten for now.

[Image: drift-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Before the prince knew it another small pup romped to to the scene, and he knew it could only be his other sibling making an appearance. How exciting, and lucky, to have both of them in his immediate sights, to be able to finally speak with both of them. The Tainn could only hope that this was the beginning of something beautifully positive in his dull and gloomy life.

Watching the two, Darrah couldn't help but chuckle. They were everything he'd ever imagined and more, though they had seemed to of lost interest in him already. 'Hah, they're so.. small!' amused, he crept closer toward them. "Ehem." he cleared his throat, inspecting the pair thoroughly. "Have you two any idea who I am?" grinning, the raven-heir couldn't help but grow enthused with his new role of 'older brother', and definitely couldn't wait to inform them of it. "You.." directing his attention toward the darker female, the yearlings tail began to wriggle. "You're Sahalie? Right? He just called you Sah.. so..That means.." averting his gaze toward the white one, he crouched down, reaching their level. "You're Drift, correct? Nice to finally meet you two!" could this day possibly get any better?

Being so close to them, Darrah couldn't help but notice the infestation of ants taking over their small frames. "We should get out of here, those little guys bite you know!" he nudged the pair, hoping they'd listen to a stranger just this once. "We can talk more where it's safe! Don't worry, You'll both be just fine with me!"

I curse the blue skies.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
@Drift @Darrah so I guess we can kinda move this along xD wheee

In moment's the little black dots that were so visibly moving all over her brother began to file their way up her legs. Her brother began to bark and nip at her chest. The big stranger she had been trying to protect Brother from was saying loud, barely intelligible things. She had assumed the only threat was the large man, but it seemed the threats were coming from everywhere: the ground, her brother, the possibilities seemed endless. The bright-world was much more dangerous than she had thought, and suddenly she regretted coming out here. Paralyzed, she was not sure what to do.

Vaguely, she picked out her name from the lips of the large black beast that was not the all-dark. Her weak blue eyes studied his dark shape, tilting her head when she noticed the white spot on his head. It was just like the big man, only his white spot was on his chest. Was this the same wolf? Had the white spot moved? There was not many other explanations as to why he knew their names. She sniffed, but he did not smell the same.

She filed his name away in her head as "head-white."

Head-white started to nudge them out of the way, and the little girl was so small she was knocked over instantly. The rich source of food that had originally been provided them had stopped quite suddenly awhile back, and they had been feeding on barely-nourishing milk since. It had been hard for her and her brother to put on much weight under these circumstances. Though Tainns were historically quite large, her and her brother would most likely turn out much smaller than their genetics had intended. In any case, she rolled over quite neatly several feet from the ant hill her brother had been lying in.

"Bah," she scoffed angrily at the head-white. Why you do thing?
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]