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Finding Solid Ground — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
Paws carried wary feet, the exhaustion nipping at heels that he could barely feel over the complete throb of hunger ringing in his head. Perhaps it had not been the best idea to walk so far - so long, but his loneliness spurned him on all the same. It tickled, mocking him; but what could the male hope for - the world seemed to be at the wits end. Lazy, sauntering body was not about to be dismissing the blunt lack of enthusiasm that was breathing down his spine. How obstinate could a wolf feel before he decided to break out into a canter and call himself a fake deer so he could just mosey on and eat grass.

Dega never would have accepted such a sullen attitude, she would have nailed him over the head with a tree branch and struck out a choice on the matter, there would be no laziness that could be expressed. It was why ears swung forward, the pressure that was swinging on his shoulders. It would have been a lovely opportunity to cock a leg and let the world know what he thought of the world around him being so mundane. But opportunity had to be on the horizon, and the essence of sweet tongue with sarcasm seemed just around the corner. He had struck out this far on the notion that he was not going scent-blind, the tracks and essence of wolves had called him forward. Eventually it would all become clear.

The Joker would not be far, his own self title, when he finally discovered a healthier bit of footing. Eyes gleamed, the notion of chaos filling his burnt umber eyes with a hunger that could not be described without impression. It was a risk that could not be overturned, it was a concept that had him almost shaken with the anticipation. To sing again! To start the legends and watch the heroes fall! If it had not been such a short time in the Thoth pack, his former 'home' away from his birthplace, he might have been in better spirits. When chaos was shut out by plagues and death, it was merely a sadness. So many lives wasted when they could have been blessed otherwise with pieces that would satisfy him.

The male was nothing to look at, for first glance. Urien was a creation who was not about to be denied for his kindness, he appeared like a fatter-faced wolf in a smaller body that looked ready to be squished. It looked inviting, a little more disarming. Not quite a truth that should have been generously given, but perhaps the illusion was best for his ways. Showing the true colors of oneself was always a risky thing, and never the particular first choice when given the option for Urien.

Ears swished on his head, dedicated thoughts were not about to run away with brutal cries. Expectations were never fought, and the wolf raised his muzzle to let the air seem to wash over him. Senses were alight, but he had no clarity in which way to turn. Surely someone was out waiting, and the hunger boiled through him with anticipation. Jaws tensed, then relaxed as they parted, tongue dropping out lazily as his mind rattled. Here little doves, I want to see you...
(This post was last modified: Aug 19, 2015, 06:22 PM by Kjors. Edit Reason: Added territory. )
Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson
Backdated to 6/15~!
Returning to his old stomping grounds had done nothing to improve his mood. Not only had he found the closure he wasn't sure he'd desired, but he'd spent far too long away from his pack – more importantly, he'd spent too many days away from his little gem. Kisla may doubt his loyalty, though he'd given her no reason to do so, but her disappointment or anger would roll off his back like water off a duck's. It was insignificant. No, it was not wrath that rattled in the back of his mind, but jealousy, and fear. He'd left @Karina on her lonesome – not without instruction, nor without explanation, but still he worried that her flighty nature may betray him…or worse, some other dragon might swoop in while his treasure was unattended.

Orren, for instance, struck him as an overgrown lizard, but not one incapable of becoming a fire-breather in his own right. Orren, who had his own jealous love for his sister. Orren, who already felt driven to protect what he felt was his.

Fur bristling, the male pushed himself onwards, determined to run onwards until he'd reached Hearthwood's river. And he might have, were their not another stranger lurking around his former den. His former den, once shared with Urotho—

Had this loner--?

The dragon burst from the shadows with a snarl, tail flagged high as he circled the unassuming vagrant. "Who 're ya?" the one-eyed wonder demanded, ears pinned against his skull as he thrust his nose into the air, scenting. He could not smell his former-- Former-- Former whatever she was, but that offered no explanation as to why this wolf was skulking about the abandoned nest. "Why're y' here?"

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: honeybadgerace.png]
Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
What would have been expected as a quiet time was accompanied by some admiring of the woods themselves. It was a keen spot for him to be involved with, a perfect territory for wolves who would have otherwise liked to be hidden away. Those who understood the allure of the times that were decorated in private; why, it made utter sense to him that there seemed to be some inevitable sheltering of those around, abandoned dens…

Ears swung on his head as steps came fast, or faster than they should have for a wolf who was wandering aimless and not expecting to hear another.It was why he shifted, almost restlessly, about to consider what face to pull. The exact one that he desired fell on his face though, a stab of innocence that was accompanied by a clear look of a spook. Someone easily enough cowed, although the sharp intelligence in his eyes was not something he had yet learned to silence when it dappled with his games.

Who am I, good sir? The voice was rushed, slightly agitated as his tail swished. I am a wolf, I am coated in fur - I am an ancient species that has existed for hundreds of years one would hope! But most importantly, you seek to know what I’m labelled. Dapper nervousness, his eyes skittering as he looked along the wolf about his size, and his distraction was plastered on the sight of the other wolf’s one eye. Perhaps he could see ghosts, through that ghost eye! It was something he was going to have to ask, that would be certain!

Urien - Urien Castell, aye? Depends on your trials! If you’re burning, I’m gold. If you’re merely in a bit of a pickle, I might be a friend. The wolf spun himself around to look off slightly to the left of the approaching wolf, with his grumpy tones, and moved forward a few steps. No, this place was utterly abandoned, there was no need for manners to be lost that had been valued since puphood. There was reasons to be alerted for such hardships.

An’ what will be your story? You are a wolf of two halves, I see! A fair state of chaos, indeed. Easy going, careless observation on the stake of merely having an eye versus not having an eye was thrown out on the ground. Baiting, but at the same time, throwing the information seeking off of him. Fair was fair in these dances, that was to be sure!
Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson
Oh, Mother help him, but it was a wolf who spoke in riddles. Already the subordinate regretted his rapid fire decision to approach the vagrant – what was he thinking? The loner did not reek of Urotho…in fact, did not smell even a bit like the badger woman. The likelihood he knew anything about the massive valkyrie or her disappearance was minimal at beast, and now he was stuck speaking to an animal who chose to dance around his words like a child with a new stick.


Kjors rolled his shoulders forward, venom gathering within his jaws – but before he spoke, he recognized a familiar glitter in the other wolf's eyes. It was an expression he himself wore, often in the security of his own den, and one he was always cautious to mask lest he wanted his opponent to see it for any particular reason. Perhaps the man wasn't quite as dumb as originally assumed – though he wasn't clever enough to camouflage his intentions altogether – unless he was playing the same games the dragon often did.

The possibilities were enough to leave the dragon intrigued and he stilled his tongue, forcing himself to inhale once before responding to the queer male. "Oh, Ah'm burnin'," he replied dryly, wondering idly if the brute could ever truly apprehend how deeply a wyvern could lust after gold and associated riches. "Bu' Ah'm travelin', not unlike yerself. Ah've someone waitin' on me, 'ways from here." Where, he'd never tell, never put his darling girl at risk. "Now tell me, Urien, wha's yer business at a man's ol' den, hmm?"

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: honeybadgerace.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
Keen eyes were not about to leave the male, although it seemed like they were always moving. It was a tendency of his to keep a hint of his nerves actually showing, it made for a good covering of any intent that might have pushed on beyond it. No, he was not some wolf who had been dropped on his head too many times, but he was not one to ignore the fact that it was helpful to take on the role of such after a while. It was why his ears swung forward, and he offered a shallow blink at the other wolf who looked about ready to curl his lips at the generosity that Urien had already given the harrowing fool.

Ah, now there was a wolf who was fond enough to know that he was not about to be someone to bring harm. Sometimes it was easier to speak a phrase - but the wolf who stood with his tongue twisted was utterly unaware on what had given him away from a tongue lashing. Instead, his head bowed lightly with the thought that he was going to be offered a bit of a thrashing judging by the gleam to the other's eye, and it was why he stepped forward rather than back. It was one way to make friends, one supposed, harming innocents.

Not that he was innocent, by any means, but Urien would be happy to claim it if need be. Instead, he was rewarded with the answer that could not be mistaken. The grin was a bit sharper in response than Urien intended, but it was what flashed at the wolf before him regardless. Then I guess I'm to be your gold, burning wolf. Without the side of lady flesh. The information that was handed over to him was interesting enough, and his head cocked as he realized how easy it was - a female nearby, somewhere relevant to those who might have wanted to get on the one-eyed male's side. It was not useful, for the time being, but something to be stored away for clearer times that could be ahead.

Ah, stomping grounds are always a relevant place. Abandoned though - an old den and I'm but a young lad; scraping it through for myself perhaps, but that depends if I will get nasty claws in my flesh for reward of those trials. Words were fair enough, his eyes lingering on the other's feet as he spoke, considering. It was an interesting fact. Perhaps it had not been this wolf's scent that had brought him this way, but there was reasons he could not shake off knowing that he was in a position to be interested in the motions that could be seized. It was why he struggled to find his next tongue, wherever it had gone to hide.

Two halves make a whole, The wolf observed, offering a faint lash of the tail behind him with a thrill of excitement. I know nothing of this land - but if I settle in a spot that tastes like myself plus others in the old gleam, it's safe enough to fool a nose-blind louse. So another night I'll sleep. Alive, was not needed, his dark gaze twinkled with the mirth of it all though. Wasn't he clever?
Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson
"Y'ain't no treasure, lad," the dragon drawled, one eyebrow permanently raised as he studied the squirrely creature. While the loner hardly seemed one the same level as his princess, he supposed he might have some use. Implying that he was a treasure, however, was pushing his credentials entirely too far. Besides, that side of lady flesh was more important than a wolf might think – more important than he'd thought, at that age. "Though Ah suppose y'might be relevant, yerself."

Brash, but more importantly, not quite as ridiculous as he'd originally presumed. "Sleep a night 'er two, perhaps, bu' y'ain' gonna find a trail a dens leadin' ya t' hallowed ground. Coward might live 'fer a while, but cover doesn' last ferever," he hummed, hackles finally beginning to settle upon his back. The flames had stopped flickering behind his single golden orb and his banner had dropped. While it still proclaimed his dominance as a pack wolf (as an elder, as a dragon), his posture did not promise the same fight it had only moments before. Urien, while queer and a bit hard on the ears, offered an opportunity he wasn't previously aware he sought.

"Y'like riddles, huh? Games, words? Secrets? Which is it?"

Pick the right answer, his expression promised, and there might be more between the two of us.

Kjors lapsed into silence himself, not interested in wasting his breath if the vagrant before him would prove of no use. If he had the right answer hidden on his tongue, then he had the perfect task to determine what Urien was made of.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: honeybadgerace.png]
Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
So this was the choice was not the most pleasure, and it was why ears swung on her head with the concentration that was plastered over the face of the wolf as he stared at the ground. It was a solid notion, the wolf was assessing him for something that Urien was not sure the solution would come out favorably, it was why there was not a moment that could be tread upon without the risk of throwing some chaos into the never ending hold. It was a bit of a loss, really, to think that he had not been so prepared to find such a small and gracious creation. It was a rush that seemed to blast through him, but there was simply no solution that could be generous on the thought of making friends. Friends, to think of it!

Urien, as it was, remained crisp on the enchanting notion that he was being baited with lots of promiscuous little words. The male knew this was something inevitable, but his tongue was quick. Cowardice gives me a head start - hunger and exhaustion from being on the toes, you know. The male defended with a hint of happiness, and tail swished as he made his body lean back lazily, almost offering a stretch in front of the male to show that he was not particularly panicked. It was a strange notion, and ears pulled back and he considered the next words.

Ah, so the male was interested. Curiosity always did kill the one eyed cats! No one was about to miss the impression of what was poised in front of him, and he knew that the other wolf was making confidence be known that he was asserting himself over Urien. Such was a matter why he had to accept it, Riddles are what keeps the caves filled with trinkets and trespasser's dues... dapple in a fair bit of this and that, don't I? The question pondered on his tongue, not about to give a direct answer after all.

Oh, what he knew what would be told that would win him a thousand promises though! Such was why his eyes twinkled, and he offered a snarky wolfish grin for a moment, although his full face still made it look young and lackluster to the goal. Secrets... poison to water the flowers with, ah. If it hadn't been for the thick warts that grew on my last leader's face to steal him, he would have been hung with the tales I had on my tongue. I enjoy rewards for the trials though... slick cut to my throat a time or two, it just never went deep enough. The more sincere words that came out of his mouth murmured, turning burnt umber eyes to finally look at that sharp golden glow.

Play for the best rewards, we do, burns and witch hunts... ah it goes that way... The hum on his tongue was easy, his head half dropping again as he rolled his hips lightly. Sniffing the air, he attempted to pull some solution out of his tail end, but at least there was some simmering of blood on the air. A meal. Oh, how delightful!
Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson
"Double-edged fang, exhaustion. Wha' keeps y' on yer toes will 'ventually cut y'down, an' when yer runnin' slows is when th' beasts will catch ya."

Urien hadn't clarified from which monsters he ran, but the elder male wasn't inclined to pursue the issue. Whatever his past was happened to be the wolf's own. Prying open that issue would simply crack the door open into his own colorful history. Eventually, the pack animal did sit, the loner's submission obvious enough that he did not feel trouble to constantly assert his own position. If that changed, he'd be happy enough to bare his teeth to the man's throat – until that changed, he was more than content to conserve his energy as he made a more thorough inquisition as to this soul's potential.

Judgment was held until the speech finally finished. It didn't take long to finger out the snake-tongued creature would wind his way around an answer, not completely unlike the week that stood opposite to him. He'd jumped to a conclusion once already – now, Kjors would take his time before making a final verdict. Humming softly, he tipped his head to one side. "Best rewards, biggest risks. Bu' there's a certain thrill t' it mos' cannae understand, hm?"

Perhaps he would be helpful, after all. "'course, Ah suppose Ah'm curious t' know wha' sorta reward yer lookin' fer, Urien. If yer already gol', Ah suspect tha' ain' whatcha seek." So what was it? A mate, a pack, his own land? Or perhaps simply safety, the coward was already hiding in his old den. If his cost wasn't too pricey, there would be room to arrange something with this queer fellow.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: honeybadgerace.png]
Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
Urien knew he was being in a spot where he would have to be well assessed; it was a manner in which he found himself almost tickled with the reality. This soon! Perhaps he was not big enough though - was there not a need to be finding his way into the warm embrace of his sister's role; someone who could merely look at another and scare them away. To be fair, it also helped to be nice looking, surely someone as handsome as Kjors knew his way around a boat of trials or two. The wolf's ears plucked forward, looking to catch something tasty, perhaps the assessing was mutual.

Kjors sat, but it was only enough to send Urien taking a step back, wary enough on the issue at hand. They were speaking of treasonous things; problems that would take time to be developed. It was a need that had not been forgotten, and tail swished from one side to the other with the presence of mind to keep his head low. Bitterness in that, the thrill of a tooth at the jugular is sometimes regrettable. Head raised an inch or so, enough that burnt umber eyes could look at Kjors face, the agreement short willed, But like a breath of air to the fish before you.

It was an addiction,it was a danger on the matter. This was a business ordeal, not something he would have expected when there was nothing to go on for the moment. What tasty pieces did he have, what use could he be; It was a question that was rolling through his head, and the wolf crept a paw forward until his body bent to the ground. Slumping against the earth, the Joker pondered what would be favorable. What did he want?

Living is the source of all, Gold is a pretty trinket of extra - but the pressure of being smack dabbed between the other rocks it what allows the blossoming. Hence why it's so deep in the earth's pull. Indeed, protection was what he needed. This wolf was not one who would climb beyond his means, the manipulation of others was a much more favorable game. A low level player was often a valuable asset at the final vote, provided he lived that long.