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A Long Time Coming — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
@Namid first and also @Desideria if she is within earshot of his call.
Mid afternoon, 70 degrees, cloudy

Des had left him with a lot to think about after their last meeting so instead of traveling back north to do his thinking he had decided to stay near Lost Lake.  She had told him a lot of good things about Fallen Tree Cove, the pack sounded like one that he could really feel at home in given enough time.  It also sounded like one that he would want to work to become an important part of.  Most importantly he would have his friend close when he needed her most.  Kajika also knew there was something that he would have to do if he made the decision to join the pack, talk to the alpha.  He supposed that conversation would have to happen sometime and the truth was he had been thinking about talking to Namid for a while now but it seemed more impending after talking to Des.

When he finally made up his mind to talk to Namid he knew that he could not go without an offering.  So he spent the morning finding the perfect thing to offer Namid, or at least what he thought she might appreciate.  Knowing that she’d just had pups he thought that she would appreciate a rabbit which is what he carried with him as he approached the border to Fallen Tree Cove, which he had found by following Des’s scent.  When he reached it he stopped a respectful distance away and dropped the Rabbit at his feet before raising his muzzle into the air and calling for the Alpha.  Then he waited nervously for her arrival.  The last Alpha he’d had contact with was his father, that was one thing, talking to an alpha that wasn’t related to him was totally different.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jun 19, 2015, 01:14 AM by Kajika.)
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Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
She knew that call. She knew that call. The howl echoed through the pines of Fallen Tree Cove, and Desideria could hardly catch her breath with the joy in it.

"Kajika," she breathed, tiny sparks in her eyes as she whirled about on her haunches, exercise temporarily forgotten. The king of the lake had requested she begin to make herself stronger, make herself faster – it was a tall order, but it was not impossible. She'd started by traveling a bit further every day. The female had other ideas she wished to try out, but had yet to find the time between visiting @Namid and her children, as well as marking the borders and learning the land.

All at once, she was glad for the increase in exercise as she bolted through the pack's territory, weaving through trees and bounding over downed trunks in a single leap. She was already starting to notice a slight distance, and even if her muscles began to burn as she raced for the pack's boundaries, her joy minimized the impact on her stamina as she sought her friend. The loner was waiting at the edge of the borders set by the alphas both, as polite protocol would dictate, and by his feet lay a rabbit.

It was a gift. It was clearly a gift – not for her (though Des certainly wouldn't say no, she reckoned), but for the summoned queen.

Slowing to a trot, she greeted Kajika with a happy bark, circling around him to push up against his side. Licking the underside of his muzzle, the female could barely keep herself from bouncing with unrestrained glee. "You better be here for the reason I think you are, Kaj," she murmured, eyes twinkling as she glanced back towards the pack's land. "Namid will be here soon, don't worry."

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

It seemed that the silver queen was a popular one, and she could also almost wonder if she was being stalked by those who called out for her now that she could officially be out and about from her children for longer periods of time. Her mushy muscles were beginning to go back to their lean state, of course it wasn’t truly noticeable yet and she still had a ways to go. She was still nursing, but she suspected that it would only be a week or so before she would need to start weaning the children from her milk. They couldn’t keep on the liquid diet forever, and she couldn’t produce it for forever either. Therefore, the sooner she got them on raw food the better chance they would have at survival. It almost saddened her, for then she felt as if they wouldn’t rely on her as much as she liked them to. However, she reminded herself that it was natural and for the best and that they would still rely on her to bring them food. This thought appeased her mind as she traveled toward the call that had broken the air as she’d been out to stretch her legs. Once again she’d left them with a trustworthy sitter, something that she was becoming more okay with.

Skirting their border and following it down by the lake, she was confronted with her tawny subordinate and friend Desideria clinging to a dark man. Her head tilted in confusion as she neared, wondering if this, too, was another family reunion. Those seemed to be happening quite often these days, lost siblings returning to loved ones and loved ones finding them. She wondered if she’d be so lucky, but scolded her thoughts. She’d been so hung up on finding her family that it had nearly consumed her, but now she had a family of her own to think about. While her birth family would always be a part of her she needed to put Vespertio, the children, and the pack at the front of her mind.

Just barely she was able to catch the name Kajika escape her lips as she licked at his maw and she suddenly knew who this was. A grin settled itself onto her maw as she moved toward the pair, crossing over their borders and then standing before them. Her tail was curled high and her chin lifted, but even so there was nothing threatening about her posture. It was only something natural to her now, a way she should hold herself as the alpha that she was. On the contrary, friendliness and good nature seemed to roll off of her and twinkle in her mismatched gaze as she offered a nod to Desideria and her friend. “Hello, it seems our meeting is long overdue. I assume you are the Kajika that my friend speaks so highly of?” she spoke, the end of her sentence lifting in a question if only to be sure she had heard correctly. “I am Namid Vuesain, lead female of the pack Fallen Tree Cove that claims the lands behind me. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
No worries

Kajika shifted his weight nervously while waiting for the alpha to come meet him.  He wasn’t sure how the meeting with her was going to go but he did hope that it would go well.  The truth was he hadn’t ever been in this sort of situation before so didn’t know what to say to Namid.  Most importantly he hoped that he didn’t do anything that might upset her or make him look like a fool.  Kajika wanted to make a good impression for Des’s sake.  He tried to remain patient but ended up looking through the trees to see if he could see Namid coming.

When he saw Des coming toward him he realized that she must have heard his call and was glad that she was there.  Perhaps she would be able to help him get through this meeting or maybe help calm his nerves a little before Namid did arrive.  “And what if I’m not?” He teased licking her cheek.  She reassured him that Namid would be there soon, “What if she doesn’t like me?” he asked her the worry he had clear in his tone.  The alpha not liking him could mean a lot of things that he didn’t want to happen.

Whatever worries he had though he had to put aside because Namid arrived then and Kajika immediately lowered himself to the ground.  “Yes I am and I suppose that it has,” he replied to her question.  She then introduced herself, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you as well,” he stated, “I have brought you an offering for taking time out of your duties to speak with me,” he told her before he indicated the rabbit next to him.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jun 22, 2015, 10:22 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I totally forgot the posting order here and went ahead and typed up a response. Ace said it would be fine so I guess from now on it'll be Kaj, Namid, then Des o3o

It was his first instinct that made the woman want to both smile and frown, resulting in a mix of emotions swimming in her mismatched gaze. She still wasn’t used to others bowing before her, she was much too lax for something as that. A simple dip of a head and lowering of a tail would do for her, or a simple hello in someone like Desideria’s case. She felt as if she knew that male already from her friend’s description, so it made her all the more uncomfortable to see him grovel in the ground at her paws. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well, but please. There is no need to lower yourself so, I feel as if I know you already by Des’s words alone. Stand up,” she requested, a noticeable tone more of asking than telling. The pale queen felt little worry as she briefly moved forward to settle her nose beneath his cheek and push upwards, her motions helping his rise.

She moved back to a respectable distance, allowing herself to settle into a sitting position. As he spoke of the offering, only then did her bi-colored eyes travel down to the rabbit sitting at his paws. Her smile only seemed to curl farther up her cheeks, a thankful nod given in his direction. He seemed to be a respectable wolf already, no lie being shown in the description her subordinate had given her. She glanced from the male to the tawny women, suddenly wishing that he might be here for the reason that she had clearly been wanting for a time. They needed as many good wolves as they could get, and there certainly seemed to be one sitting in front of her. “There is no need to thank me, for I do appreciate the reason to get out and stretch my legs. The hare will be put to good use, you can be certain of that.” she said brightly. As always, there was a strange calm aura about the woman despite her rank. Truly she was a queen of grace, fitting right into the role despite her never having been raised for it. She shifted her position for a moment before becoming comfortable. “So, Kajika. How did you come to meet my fine friend?” she inquired, having never really been told the story herself and deciding to make conversation.

(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2015, 01:57 AM by Namid.)
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Were it possible, the tawny timber wolf might have actually begun to purr. As it stood, the woman was pressed as close as bodily possible to her friend. "Don't worry," she reassured her companion, "she already does." And if that implied that the two women had already discussed Kajika, well…that was a fact she was going to have to live with. Fortunately, it seemed to go generally unnoticed – there were more important topics to discuss first.

The queen knew how to direct one of these events, and while the scout in training had joined once herself, it was hardly the same as encouraging her friend to abandon the life of a loner. Behind her, her tail swung wildly, unable to contain her excitement. She was the complete opposite of Namid, the alpha embodying a goddess of grace and peace just across the way. Perhaps that was why they got on so well, she reflected, that they were opposite side of one coin, able to coexist in harmony and balance one another out.

"Well," she butt in, able to answer this quiet easily, "I ran into him. Literally. Hunting a mouse, of all things – I was really hungry! But he was very nice about the whole thing, and we decided to work together and catch pheasant. After that…we just…kept running into each other. He taught me to fish, and he's teaching me to fight…you know, to defend myself, if things ever go badly. He's a good wolf…and a great friend," she answered firmly. Her vote of confidence might not have been asked for, but she wanted to give it for Kajika regardless.

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
That works for me :)

Des’ s acting of pressing herself as close to him as she could was added moral support that he really needed when he was already so worried even though she’d told him not to be.  In the process admitting to him that she had spoken about him to Namid already.  This surprised him a little even though he should have expected her to considering she’d been trying to talk him into joining her pack for a while.  “You’re a  good friend,” he was able to get out just before Namid appeared at the border.  He immediately did his best to show his respect for the alpha but she did something that surprised him and only furthered his respect for her.

She asked him to stand instead of lowering himself as he’d been forced to do before.  “Thank you. It is the same for me.  Des has spoken a lot about the pack as well and I am glad that she has been able to find a home with such a nice group of wolves.”  Knowing that she was with them while he was away did help in not feeling to guilty about leaving her when he had in the past.  Still lately with her speaking of possible fights he worried more than he probably should.  When Kajika finally had a chance to really look at Namid the first thing that he realized was that her eyes were mismatched and then he noticed the lighter color of her pelt and the conversation that he’d had with Veho came back to him.  He was confident that Des’ alpha was in fact Veho’s sister but he had not come to speak with Namid about that so was brought quickly back by her speaking of the hare and the use it would be put to.  “I expect getting out is very much needed sometimes and I am sure that it will be put to good use.  From what I understand Congratulations are in order.” He said with a smile.  Namid then asked him how he and Des had met.

However just before he had the chance to answer Des spoke up telling the story.  His gaze drifted from Namid to his friend as she spoke about him. Kajika was glad to have her there with him, it nade meeting Namid a little easier.  "Thank you," he said quietly to Des when she'd finished speaking to let her know he appreciated the things she'd said about him. "That about sums it up," he stated his gaze moving back to Namid. "But she did fail to mention that she gave me a lesson in hunting pheasant that day," he confessed giving Des a small nudge with his shoulder. "She's a good friend to me too and I'm glad she ran into me that day."

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2015, 11:25 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Her question had obviously been intended for Kajika, but her chatterbox subordinate decided that it would apparently be best to tell it herself. She raised a brow at the woman, regarding her with a mixture of both amusement and disappointment. While she was happy to have a friend in the happy-go-lucky tawny woman she was worried that she was having trouble knowing when she should be a friend and when she should be a subordinate. Kajika was her friend, yes, but the question had been intended to be used to judge his response. It was obvious that he had Des’s vote of approval, but next he needed to get the alpha’s. She uttered a chuckle at the end of the story, quite amused with the situation in which they came upon each other. It reminded her a bit of her and Vespertio, if she was being honest.

Turning her attention to the man as he spoke, her auds perked forward in interest. She couldn’t help but smirk at his first sentence, but that smirk disappeared at his next set of words. “I expect getting out is very much needed sometimes and I am sure that it will be put to good use.  From what I understand Congratulations are in order.” he spoke, and her gaze snapped to her subordinate. ”Thank you,” she said. She knew that it would be obvious to anyone that she had just had a litter of pups, for her teats were swollen with milk, but the way he phrased it assured her that she had told him of the brood’s existence. Telling a loner about pups was a dangerous business, no matter how much you trusted them. Namid didn’t truly know the dark man, and for all she knew he could be telling a group of wolves who could plan to go in and kidnap them. It was a long shot situation, but the new mother wasn’t willing to be anything other than careful.

She forced a smile back to her maw, turning her gaze back onto the potential member. She found she was pleased with his answer, for it showed a sense of loyalty laid within him and that was a key trait that their members needed to be within their borders. “It seems that you met under the luckiest of chances, though the best of relationships always seem to stem from those.” she said. “I do not mean to pry if this is too personal of a question, but Desideria had told me that she had offered you many a times to come meet me and join our ranks. What reason has it been that you have been denying her offer?” the queen questioned. There was no accusation in her words, only genuine curiosity. Most loners would jump at the chance to join somewhere where they would be able to have stability and food, but he hadn’t. Why?

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
The scout in training lapsed into silence, allowing her friend his piece. He was the one asking to enter the pack, after all, and Desideria couldn't answer all the questions for him. While the woman was a bit aware she could talk more than necessary, she was still a tenderfoot when it came to recruiting members to a pack. In prior situations, she was often planning her escape, not bringing trusted friends into the fold. Finally, she sat down, tail swishing behind her as her gaze flickered from the loner to her alpha, ears swiveling forward as the queen analyzed the traits presented to her.

If Namid could see the potential in the ex-thief, then the tawny female had no doubt she would be able to see what the younger wolf could be capable of. While they didn't need another guardian (or maybe they did, she thought, that was really up to Vespertio), she rather fancied her companion would make a fine hunter – he'd taught her to fish, after all, and now he was also able to catch birds. With three little mouths to feed, finding food had become much more important! But she held her opinion to herself, thumping tail finally stilling as the leader posed her next question.

This was a query the desert dancer could not answer from her friend – even if she could make up an excuse, it was an answer she wanted to hear for herself. When she had previously asked, it had always come back to Turtleback Lake, and not wanting to end up in another bad situation. She could understand that sort of thinking, but how would Kajika explain it to the queen? Briefly, her gaze swung back to her leader, trying to watch her face. Surely Namid couldn't hold his hesitance against him, could she?

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]