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the fruit of education — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
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Veho Macieo
For @Kajika and the wonderful Kai~
Partly cloudly, 71F, early afternoon.

The last time he'd come upon salmonberries, they'd been so tart Veho had thought his tongue might just desert and pop right out of his jaw! Of course, they were much more orange then, not unlike the flesh of the fish they'd been named for. They were a much darker color this time, he decided, a brilliant ruby red. Some were darker than others, and others still that same pale shade of sunset orange he'd first noticed. Ears rolling forward, curiosity soon got the best of the healer, and his return to the forest was delayed a bit further.

Halting in front of the bush, the gray wolf debated whether or not sampling the ripened fruit again was worth his while. He'd suffered no ill effects before, but had only eaten a berry or two. For a wolf of his size, he doubted that was enough to cause a reaction, positive or otherwise. After a moment, Veho decided it was worth the risk, and leaned forward gingerly to pluck one of the reddest berries he could lay his silverlight eyes upon. As it burst upon his tongue, it was a tiny berry of sugar and juice this time. A pleased growl rolled low in his throat and he leaned in to pluck another few from the vine they lingered on.

"Delicious," he decided, licking lingering juice from his black lips. Should he bring them back to his temporary abode for further investigation? Perhaps the rest of the plant was the important part, but bringing an entire branch a long with him seemed a bit cumbersome. Would Gaheris like the berries, he wondered? A small, sweet treat might be enough to lift his heart for some time.

Veho sat in thought, oblivious to the world around him as he studied the veritable treasure trove before him.

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Thanks Ace!

There was a lot to be said about having big decisions settled.  Kajika felt relieved to not have to think about where his future was going to go, at least for the time being. For now he was content in exploring the area around his new home.  He felt it would take some time to settle into not traveling all of the time but he would eventually get used to it just as he had gotten used to the life of a loner. He just needed to be patient with himself since he wasn't one to make snap decisions about anything.

The majority of his morning had taken him a good distance from the lake to a place that seemed to be full of fruit bushes.  He wondered how he had never found this place before during his travels.  The scent of other animals was strong in the air but there was one that did seem very recent and somewhat familiar. He decided to follow the scent through the bushes till he came to the owner of it near one of the bushes.  Kajika was sure that this was his companion that had helped him on the mountain during his last trip to Turtle back lake, Veho.

He watched the medicine wolf for a few moments thinking it interesting that he should run into him after meeting Namid. Even more curious was that the lighter male seemed to be eating the berries from the bush.  The word delicious reaching Kajika ' s ears caused a smile to form across the dark males lips. Finally he approached his friend slowly so as to not startle him.  "What sort of medicine is this?" He asked only half joking. He was rather curious about the knowledge his friend could share about the berries.  As Kajika looked them over he realized he hadn't ever seen berries like them before."It's good to see you again friend.  I hope all has been well with you," he said as he came up beside Veho and sniffed the berries.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2015, 06:57 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
The gentle sound of footfalls alerted him to the presence of another wolf – truthfully, he should have been more aware, scenting this individual before they were close enough to cause harm. Still, it only took a glance over his shoulder and he threw the younger wolf a smile while laughter danced across his stormy gaze. "Kajika, it is good to see you – and not on a mountain, this time," he hummed, moving over a step to allow the larger wolf to sample the berry bush if he so wished. As the other wolf investigated, he rolled his shoulder in a singular shrug. "The berries themselves aren't much of a medicine, I will admit. It was mostly out of curiosity that I tried them – the red ones are quite sweet! Very pleasant to the taste, and would be a quick source of energy, if you are ever in need. The orange ones, however, are not ripe yet, and those are very sour," he added with a chuckle, shaking his head. His expression made it clear the healer knew this tidbit from experience.

Taking one step backwards, he allowed the other male the space to move about the shrub if he wished to actually taste the fruits for himself. In Veho's opinion, there was no better way to learn! And who knew – perhaps it would save his friend someday. Or perhaps he would pass on the knowledge and save a wolf the medic himself would never meet. It didn't matter much, he thought, as long as the information serviced someone positively someday.

"I am well," he hummed. "Things have changed all of the sudden for me, but not in a poor way, I suspect. And yourself? You seem healthy – and you smell like pack, yes? Did you find what you were looking for?"

How splendid, he thought, that wolves he'd met in this forest actually went on to success! Perhaps Relic Lore was truly the right place to be.

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

It was a pleasant surprise running into Veho once again and this close to his new home no less.  Kajika had approached cautiously at first to give his friend time to know that he was there since he didn’t think it polite to surprise an unsuspecting fellow but a smile did cross his face when Veho recognized him. “No, no mountains this time,” he said with a laugh remembering how they had met before.  “This does seemed to be quite the place though.”  His friend had stepped aside which gave Kajika more room to explore the bush all the while Veho explained about the berries.  He was a little more curious to try the ones that the lighter male had told him were the best so he searched for a nice red one and plucked it from its stem before chewing it slowly so that he could be sure to taste it properly.  “You’re not kidding,” he said to Veho once he had swallowed, “I think that is the sweetest thing I have ever tasted.  How would one take some home if they wanted?” He asked curiously thinking that Des might like to try some.

Kajika was rather excited about the sweetness of the berries and he didn’t hesitate to have another being sure to take Vehos’s advice about not having the Orange ones.  It was pretty clear that his friend knew what he was talking about.  Besides the fact that after their adventure on the mountain he felt that he could trust the medicine wolf.  After sampling a few more of the berries he was sure that Des would enjoy having some as well so his decision to take some back to her was made.  Kajika was also pleased to hear that his friend was well though surprised to hear that things had changed for Veho. 

“I’m glad to hear that you are well though I am curious what’s changed for you if you don’t mind my asking?  And yes I finally made up my mind to join my friends pack. I think I have found what I have been looking for all of this time.  It’s nice to have all of that sorted out and to have the decisions made though I am still getting used to pack life once again.”

Kajika thought that might take a little more time than he would like and he supposed that this little expedition was part of that.  He felt that eventually he would travel shorter distances than this to hunt for the pack but he was used to moving and sometimes it was hard to sit still for very long.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2015, 10:12 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
The medic smiled, glancing back at the salmonberries. A fortuitous discovery indeed, he decided. "I was thinking of doing much the same, actually. I have a friend who might be in need of some cheering up – I thought perhaps something sweet might do the trick. My plan was to carefully tug off a branch with berries, and try to carry that home. I'm not sure how successful that will be, to be quite honest, but I have little other notion on how to transport such tiny fruit. If I put them in my mouth, I'm certain they won't make it back to the forest," Veho laughed, shaking his head. He never considered himself a gluttonous animal, but without eating for a bit and a long journey ahead, the lure of quick, sugary energy would be too much for even the strongest wills. Besides, it hardly seemed appropriate, presenting Gaheris with a mouthful of slimy berries. He had more class than that!

They did not have to depart just yet, and the older wolf would not trouble himself trying to take a sample of the berries back with him just yet. It was good to hear how his friend was doing – it gave him hope that his own, puzzling situation would work out for the best as well.

"Yes? I am glad you found what you were looking for. Was it your friend, all along?" he wondered, expression nothing but pleasant as he inquired. "Sometimes what we seek is right in front of our noses and in our desire to find it, we pass it right by." Veho was guilty of doing the same himself, he knew – which was part of the reason he was trying to be so careful with his future, and how things may play out with Gaheris and the man's family. "I ran into a wolf in my travels – one that needed my help. So I offered, of course, but it is not such simple business, this, and will take time. He's asked me to stay with him, and his family. I am unused to staying put. It's a change, for sure. Obviously, the Ancestors have put me on this path but-"

The wolf rolled his shoulder in a shrug, smile slowly giving way to a much more somber expression. "Well, I will help where I can. I just want to be sure it is the right thing to do. I am but a wolf, after all, it is so hard to judge what is right in the long run."

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika was sure to remember what Veho said about the berries, it was information that might come in handy one day. He also wondered if Des had ever had something so sweet. "I think if your friend needs some cheering up this is sure to do the trick.  Taking a branch does seem to be the best way to transport them since there would be less chance for them to become damaged." The temptation to eat them along the way would be less as well. "I doubt they would make it back if I carried them in my mouth either," he added with a laugh. However since he did want to share them they might have a better chance of making it back.

Another thing he would have to be sure to take back was something that could benefit the pack.  He'd made Namid a promise when she'd accepted him and he intended to not let her down. For now though he wanted to speak with his friend, as it turned out he had a question that Kajika had yet to consider but one that he probably should.

He took a moment before answering to give it some thought. "I think she was a big part of it but her pack also seemed like the sort of pack that I've been looking for since I left home."  Kajika also felt that the words Kajika spoke next were very true, "I think I almost did pass what I was looking for by because I was too worried about what might happen." He still worried about what could happen but he thought if he made a decision to make sure it didn't then he wouldn't have to worry so much.  Kajika was also curious about his friend’s life and the things that had happened in it since they'd last met. "I understand what you mean about it being hard to stay still but you have a lot of faith in the ancestors.  They put you on this path so they must have had a reason for doing so, right?" Kajika wasn't sure how he felt about the ancestors but Veho had a strong belief in them which gave him a lot to think about.

Kajika nodded in agreement with what Veho said about it being the right thing. He could sympathize with his friend.  ”I'm sure you will do all that you can to help. It's true though, it can be hard to know if something is right but I think sometimes we have to do things so there won't be any doubts or regrets." Which might be part of the reason he'd made the decision that he had.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2015, 02:52 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
Kajika's answer left a smile on the older wolf's lips – while he may not seem like anything other than an ordinary wolf to the average passerby, it was clear to him that the Ancestors had plans for this man, whether he yet knew it or not. So few had the insight to realize it was their own fears and doubts holding them back, and here this wolf was, barely full grown with all this knowledge in his paws. It would not surprise him if the swarthy male became the alpha of a pack in these very woods someday, once he had a bit of time to get some more experience behind him. He hardly seemed the type to jump headfirst into things, and the wanderer had faith that such a trait would serve him well down the road.

"Yes. Regrets," he agreed quietly, tipping his head as he gazed off into the forest. That was what he most wished to avoid – helping another could never be considered a waste of time, and that he knew well, but it almost seemed selfish to settle himself to one pack. While it would allow him to stockpile herbs and remedies, it would hamper his ability to travel. What if someone over the mountain was in dire need of a healer? He would never know. Veho could spend his whole life wondering if he was doing someone a disservice, hounded by the guilt that he was not doing enough with his life.

Huffing softly, he turned his gaze back to his companion and bobbed his head in a brief apology of his distract. "I'm sure the Ancestors allowed me to meet Gaheris for a reason – being offered a place among a pack was entirely unexpected. What if this is a test? What if I am to say no? Sometimes their will is so very obvious to me – times like these, I question my every move. I wish to do good. Nothing more, nothing less," Veho sighed, studying his partner. Perhaps Kajika had some insight he'd yet to think of.

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika had great respect for Veho, a man who wanted to spend his life helping others and doing good in the world where he could.  The change that had happened in his friend’s life was something that had occurred because of that desire.  However his friend seemed worried that it might not be the right thing to do.  Kajika had been in this sort of place himself when deciding to join Fallen Tree Cove and even though their situations were very different the sentiment behind it was the same, wanting to make sure they are doing the right thing.  It was a hard thing knowing the right thing to do without knowing the outcome before hand which led to choices being made with the knowledge that was available at the time.  That was what he’d done when finally making his decision he felt at the time of making it that it was the right thing to do.

“It can be a strong word.”  Regrets, they were something that Kajika didn’t want to have in his life but without knowing the future it was hard to avoid them.  He didn’t know if things would change in his new pack like they had in his last but time would tell for that though he believed Namid to be a good alpha and one that would not falter on her beliefs.  His faith in that was what gave him comfort that he would not have to worry that he had made the wrong choice in choosing her pack.  As Veho spoke once more he seemed concerned that he might be facing a test and stated that he was questioning himself.  Kajika considered his friend a moment before speaking, it worried him that his friend was questioning his actions.

“Your faith in the ancestors is what I admire most about you, my friend.  If this is a test from them do you think that something bad will happen should you say no to the offer? And if you are truly meant to wander to help others in need would it matter to the ancestors if you did say no?”  Kajika said posing the two questions to Veho in hopes that they might help him with the choice that he was to now make.  “It could be that you are worried that you can’t settle happily into a pack life?  I know that leaving the life of a loner can seem a scary thing at first but perhaps you can ask your friend for some time to think about it before you give your answer.  Stay with the pack and see if it’s a life that you are able to lead then when you know for sure give your answer.”  However Kajika believed that Veho might not be meant for a pack because of his desire to help as many as he could and that was something that he might not be able to do as a pack wolf.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Jul 04, 2015, 04:56 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
"I don't pretend to know the will of the Ancestors," the wolf replied softly, a sorry smile crossing his lips. Only a fool would speak lies and half-truths eagerly enough, claiming their thoughts planted by forces greater than their own. "Only to do my best decipher what they'd have of me, and to spread their good word. I wouldn't think they'd set me up for a pitfall. They aren't cruel, they don't take pleasure in the suffering of mortals. But greater wolves than I have been put up against tests to prove their piety, and I wonder if that's what this is. A test."

But he supposed Kajika was not wrong in all his questioning – what if he failed an assessment sent forth by greater powers? He couldn't imagine they would punish him – not beyond refusing him their consul. Even then, it seemed unlikely, impossible even. (It was a fate he himself had no desire to ever tempt. He was one of theirs, and had no desire to ever be anything else.

Tipping his head, he allowed his companion to continue, bobbing his head in slight agreement. There was that chance – his unease was his own, and had nothing to do with his service or possibilities therein. "I- Yes. You are correct. I am not sure how I will fit in to pack life, and the inability to depart whenever I feel needed. But I want…want to be near Gaheris, I suppose. This is a crossroads and I will…have to make some choice. Stay with him, and stay with the pack, or leave both behind. There is no certainty in either," he breathed, allowing his smile to return. It seemed Kajika had hit the nail right on the head after all, and he hadn't even realized. The fear was his own, how had he not seen that right away?

"It is so much easier to have faith in the Ancestors than it is myself," he admitted quietly, bowing his head towards the younger wolf. "But I believe it was not random chance that we've happened into each other again. I suspect you are the voice of wisdom I needed most, right when I needed it. Tell me, friend, is there anything I may do for you in return?"

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]