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He Broke What He Had To Fix — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
@Elettra I figured this was long over due...and Nina needs to tell her some stuff. No Rush! <3

She was frantic, she didn't know what she was doing anymore. The woman had been thankful that Mirren and Kite had returned, and it made her realize just how lost she truly was. Nina had truly had some low points in her life, but she never truly thought that she could hit rock bottom. Not as she had when they had left her, gone against her laws and betrayed everything she had govern. The only thing she could think of at the time was to visit the woman whom she looked up to and trusted. She owed her life and where she had found an ally, she also found a friend. It was amusing how all of her ties were connected with Koda, but Nina had a feeling that after Nina told her tale, Elettra would view the new "honorable" male in a different light, just as Nina was forced to. Her heart broke at the thought and her stride slowed as she thought about what had occurred. She had given them everything she could, except this one thing. The law that had reigned over her lands since the founding and had not been broken once. The only similar occurrence had been Ashanti, but it had been a different circumstance...she had not willingly broken the code.

And so she had finally made the decision. She needed to see Elettra, to gain some of her whits back. As she neared the border she stopped, trying to regain what sanity she had left in order to get through this and to be strong, just as the Archer would have. And so, with no more hesitation, Nina tilted her head back and let out a hearty call for the matriarch, needed something from her. While the Hervok certainly needed comfort she never expected to find such a thing in Elettra, maybe some advice...some way to proceed, and maybe some guidance and reassurance of their friendship and alliance. It had, after all, been set up in the first place, because of Koda and Nina didn't know where they would stand now that Koda had betrayed her and no longer had ties with anything to do with the Secret Woodlands. And so she waited, her heart beating heavily in her chest.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Nina and Ele have not rped with one another/seen each other in a YEAR!

There was a tension in the air, a panic which Elettra could not shake as she strode the outskirts of her home, rubbing her slowly swelling sides along the lengths of various willow trees within her territory. Now that breeding season was over, the mated pair were forced to stop focusing primarily on one another and back down to caring for the pack. She was resistant - lazy, as she rarely was, to lay upon the den site and simply watch her minions do her bidding for her - hunting, guarding the pack, scouting the borders, fishing, and collecting the newly growing herbs around the Lore. The pups were nearly a year old, having learned much, having trained much and Elettra for the time being did not have to constantly round them up and make sure they were not getting into trouble, or straying far...

She had managed to pull herself from the den site floor in order to do some work - cleaning out the Infirmary/Birthing Den. Scrapping out old, rotten herbs, shifting about the feathering and prey coats and setting her 'bowls' outside to collect fresh water, Elettra had decided to do some scanning for herbs. It was here outside these edges of the territory that she heard out Nina's call, moving swift to her anxious beckoning. "I see something is wrong..." If it was not for Nina's obvious look then it was due to her being here. Of course, they were allies and she could come as she pleased, but it was a long travel and Elettra did not think, as a Leader, she would come unless it was of import. "...But I am glad to see you anyhow." She speaks with a smile as she moves closer, her tail waving high in the air in happy, powerful display. "Nina, how are you?" Her words are sweet and concerning as she comes up close to her friend, ears perked high and her nose reaching out to so ever delicately place at her muzzle. The time they spent together was few and far between. Last she had seen her face to face, one of her children had died and Koda had gone missing. Koda's visit after that confirmed not only his return, but Nina having found a new mate - Hollow - and their expected children. A story which had long come to an end.
(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2015, 07:22 PM by Elettra.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It did not take long for the regal woman to arrive on the scene, her familiar black pelt giving Nina some peace at mind. They were quick to greet one another, as per usual, Elettra being correct in her assumptions. The Hervok gave her most convincing smile to the matriarch, though it looked forced. Things were not looking good for Secret Woodlands right now and the thought of her remaining son without a home terrified her. Touching El's muzzle lightly with her own, she took a breath, to steady herself, before she informed her friend of what had occurred. "I'm honestly not sure, El... I feel broken but at the same time I can't feel anything." Her words would probably make no sense at first but the golden brown woman hoped the shed some light into her cryptic words.

And she was quick to launch into her tale, "Last spring, Hollow had disappeared after the bizarre blizzard we had, and Miccah came into power. I did not favor the man much and Koda rose to power. During the next winter, he came to me and asked for breeding rights with his new mate, Iopah. I forbade it, making the rule clear that only alphas could breed and that it broke a law." Her single emerald eye filled with rage as she remembered what happened after that. He jaw clenched before she continued, her voice bitter, "They went behind my back and did so anyway, and when they came to confront me about their deed I made them leave and they took one of my sons with them." The Hervok's tail was lashing angrily out behind her now, her mind in a completely different place.

In order to keep her mind, Nina focused on Elettra's pale eyes, meeting them in sadness. "I just wanted to inform you of what happened...and that Koda and Iopah are considered traitors to Secret Woodlands..." Her voice trailed off, in an almost defeated tone. So much heartbreak had followed Nina in the past year. Koda returning, Hollow leaving, Pacem disappearing...it was almost too much for her. Had all of these things happened when she had first entered the lore, then there would have been some issues, but she had encountered her fair share of problems in the past years and had learned to deal with them. Right then, the betrayal of her best friend and the departure of her son was hitting her the hardest. Never had she thought she would ever trust the wrong pack members.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Nina's words were all too familiar for her, causing her expression to fall neutral, flat, listening intently to her friend for she had not seen her in so long. If Elettra could only have everything her way, she would have preferred that Nina and her pack move closer to her two allies, within the Grove, the Wildwood or hell, even Ghastly Woods was closer! Though Elettra knew that the Thicket had been their home for a very long time, where many packs had come and gone, disbanding or just flat out moving. Nina had made her decision when she had picked the land though that did not mean Willow Ridge could be of no less an ally to them as best they could with the distance that separated them.

Firstly she mentions that her newly mate had disappeared, not mentioning his return there after. Elettra too remembered loosing quite a number of wonderful members, ether gone for good or found dead after, a tragedy which as now remembered, made her quiver. She goes into the struggle of power amongst the male hierarchy in the pack - first Miccah who she remembered from mentioning vaguely before and then Koda getting back to Leadership. Koda had been a wonderful Leader, the best, savor Angier who now was in his founding placement. Elettra could have only hoped that whatever friendship between the two could have remembered and been solid just like it had been with her even if they were not to be mates again. Unfortunately Nina's tail told far differently, that despite the fact that they had already asked and knew the answer was 'no', Koda and his new mate bred anyhow and then left the lands. One of her sons followed...

Elettra was tense, a lump in her throat at the angry display of Nina, though remained still and safe in the woman's presence despite this. Any other pack member who saw may have been roused up at the sight of a furious woman before their pregnant leader, though Elettra's faith in the one-eyed woman was sound. Meeting Nina's green eye, she sighs deeply. "@Koda was a great wolf..." She trailed off, the word 'was' sounding too bitter on her lips that now her eyes met the same sorrow as her friends. "But what he did was not only breaking the pack's law, but disrespectful to you as a friend. I don't understand if he planned to anyhow, why not leave the lands rightfully? Why not build an alliance upon this instead?" The rhetorical questions hung confusingly and bitterly. It made not a bit of sense, though it seemed more and more clear as this happened time and time again, not many had the same sense in their brains as @Narimé had when she left Willow Ridge. "Ether way, I'd hate to make an enemy out of him, though neutrality is the best I could offer..." She could not imagine allying herself to him now, knowing he went back on his word. "As for your boy... He will come around. Certainly he still considers Koda and Iopah pack, though you will always be his mother.  What were your children's names?" Of course Elettra knew of her and Koda's litter and the death of one of the pups after he had abandoned them, yet what of Hollows? In fact, she'd never even the chance to meet him.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Her emotions were in a spin, as she, once again, reminded herself of the sin that Koda and Iopah had committed against her. Elettra had always been a strong point in Nina’s life and the regal woman always found that she would be able to look up to the woman. She had saved the Woodlands alpha’s life more than once and for that, Nina would be eternally grateful. And now, the Hervok was once again on the Archer’s doorstep, asking for help. Nina paid attention, the dark woman’s words resonating to Nina. It seemed like someone truly did understand her reasoning towards her final decision. There was no true answer to El’s question but they were the same ones that Nina had been constantly asking herself the past week. She had certainly done nothing wrong. She had told them what she believed and she might have even been open to making an alliance had they not gone against what she had said. The fault had remained with them…not her.

With Elettra’s mention of neutrality, Nina dipped her head in acceptance, not wanting to push her friend for anything more than that. The Hervok did not want to socialize with Koda and Iopah’s forming pack, should that be their intentions, say…at another gathering hunt like the one they had participated in not too long ago. Her mind still on Koda and Iopah, along with her son, she almost missed the subject change on Elettra’s part. However, a subject change was much appreciated and her single eye softened slightly at the thought of her children. They had been her pillar this past year and Nina was grateful to have them, even if one was currently missing and the other had gone off with her betrayers.

Clearing her throat, she spoke calmly, her single eye glazed over at the thought of her children, "Silentium, Unitas, and Pacem. Three sons. Pacem…is currently missing and we are trying to send out search parties but our numbers are too low for the time being to be able to support a new search party. Unitas..heh…he’s extremely stealthy and looks just like his father. And Silentium, he was born with a defect in his ear and had a hard time learning as quickly as his brothers, but as far as I know, is succeeding perfectly fine." She pauses for a moment then, allowing all that she said to sink into her mind before she asked her own. "And your own children?" Golden tinted ears pricked forward, eager to hear what her friend had to say about her own life. Nina never liked attention being on her for too long, especially not outside of her borders. It seemed that every meeting that the two matriarchies had, always ended in bad news… Hopefully, this time, they would be able to change that.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Without realizing, Nina and Elettra's litter were alike in ways; Pacem had run off from the pack land in the same manner Deacon had, causing a search party to go about in hopes of finding him. Silentium and Castiel were both larger boys, more quiet and soft-spoken. Unitas and Greer were both tall and lithe, quick on their feet and as dark as darkness itself. It was a shame Nina and her pack were so far where their children never could interact never at all in the same manner Whisper Caverns was associated with Willow Ridge. "I will inform my scouts and hunters of a young wolf named 'Pacem'. If he comes this far south and one of mine runs into him, I'll make a point to keep him in my pack until you can come for him." She speaks, allowing the other mother to know that if Willow Ridge crossed her son he would be safe here as a visitor within the pack lands until he could return home, same as Nina had once stayed welcomed in her pack so many years ago.

"Three boys last litter, same as you."  She then spoke of her sons. It would seem Nina was the same as her when it came to birthing a litter of mostly males, for the last litter before they have both given birth to two sons and one daughter. If anything, they bloodline was certain to live on far after they were gone. "Deacon is a large dark colored male with a very obvious white patch on his chest. A wondrous, independent sort always keeping me on my toes. Castiel and Greer like to stick closer to home. Castiel is agouti, like his father and built like a bear. He is the first one to not be gray-scale colored and definitely sticks out..." She smiles slightly with a small chuckle. If it was not for his much brighter coloration then it was his size alone, already larger then his mother, father and all his siblings. "Greer is very tall, lithe in build and solid black. Not much of a socialist, but a wonderful scout in that aspect." Each one of her children being so very different, she already held future scouts, medics, guardians and hunters in her ranks. She could not have been more proud in them and in herself. "Besides all that, how are things in the North? I've not stayed that far in quite some time... Any new lands, packs?" She found herself far too curious.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
I think this was before BTD disbanded?

As the ladies continued their conversation, Nina was reminded of how much she appreciated and cherished the conversations she had with the other woman. It was ironic that when they first met they had been at each other’s throats and now they were friends. Meanwhile, Koda and Nina had been very much in love and now…now they were no longer on friendly terms. It depressed her to know that he had broken his promise to her again. Once upon a time, the Reinier had been nothing but honor, not even daring to leave Elettra until he had been injured, almost beyond repair. She would not say she hated him because she did not but Nina did feel an intense sadness that came with the knowledge that she had lost him to someone that she thought she could trust. By now, the Hervok should have learned her lesson, remembering that her brother had been the one that had almost killed her in the first place. Luckily, Elettra had been gracious enough to care for her leg and while Nina had quite a large debt to repay to the dark woman, she still considered El her friend. The past years had been difficult for both of their families and luckily, both of them remained a constant variable in the hectic lives of their packs. For that, she supposed, they should both be thankful.

The mother listened to the regal leader as she told the tale of her own children. All three seemed to be quite as perfect as her last litter. Sometimes, Nina wished her children could remain as loyal as the Archers seemed to be, but all that mattered to the golden dame was their happiness. If they needed to leave the pack to maintain that happiness, then who was she to deny them? So she let them go. When El seemed to be finished speaking of her children, Nina’s jaws parted to answer, "They truly seem lovely…perhaps…sometime I can meet them?" However, before her question could be answered Elettra asked a question of her own. Nina truly did not know of any other packs except for Blood Thorn Downs…on the other side of the mountain was Oak Tree Bend, as Nina had discovered through Ruiko’s children. Clearing her throat, Nina answered, "As far as I know, the only pack near me is Black Thorn Downs…the one founded by Narimè’s traitors. However, on the other side of the mountain is Oak Tree Bend. Triell Tainn leads it. Do you know him?" It seemed, the Tainns were quite the popular bunch among the lore. Elettra also seemed to be well known, though if she were liked or not, Nina did not know. She would find it hard to believe if she had not at least heard the name before.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2015, 10:38 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health